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@Jez In Dutch, for all verbs, the simple present is used for both timeless facts and things that are happening right now, as opposed to English. English always makes the distinction explicitly, with present continuous v. simple present. In Dutch, it is only made explicit when needed, and for this we use not the present simple but a different construction akin to I am a-doing to mark a continuous aspect.
@Cerberus when would it be needed explicitly?
@Jez Rarely.
I'd have to think about that...
anyway i disagree that our distinction between the two is unnecessary... it's useful
several times in French i've wondered whether the writer means right now, or in general
It is also to some extent arbitrary: when I want you to shut up, I would say, "shh I am a-telephoning", even though "shh I telephone" would probably not be ambiguous.
@Jez Want is stative. But that doesn’t have anything to do with whether you want chocolate only occasionally or all the time. It has to do with the fact that wanting chocolate describes you as being in a state of wanting, rather than performing an act of wanting. Compare it with crave, which is not stative. If you say, “I crave chocolate”, the most immediate and generic meaning is habitual; if you say, “I want chocolate”, it is not.
@Jez Well, in such cases there are other means to make the distinction in French and Dutch.
@JanusBahsJacquet surely any verb can be used statively or currently
--> (it can mean something habitual, but that is not the basic sense). If you say, “I am craving chocolate”, then it is ‘right now’, and that is grammatical to everyone. If you say, “I am wanting chocolate” that is traditionally not grammatical, and still isn’t to some speakers.
i walk / i'm walking
@JanusBahsJacquet Huh..."I crave chocolate" is habitual?
I find your answer wanting.
@KitFox That's not a continuous.
@Cerberus what was that tool you used for automatically clicking on things etc.?
@RegDwigнt Autohotkey, of course. I use it for everything.
Excellent, BRB.
@Jez “I walk” describes you as carrying out an action. Its basic sense is habitual. “I walk to school” implies not that you are currently walking to school (or are in a state of walking to school), but that you in general walk to school.
> Click (by itself) Clicks the left mouse button once at the mouse cursor's current position.
Click 44, 55
Clicks the left mouse button once at coordinates 44, 55 (based on CoordMode).
Click right 44, 55 Same as above but clicks the right mouse button.
Click 2 Clicks the left mouse button twice at the cursor's current position (i.e. double-click).
Click down Presses the left mouse button down and holds it.
Click up right Releases the right mouse button.
Click %x% %y% Since click does not support expressions, variables should be enclosed in percent signs.
@RegDwigнt Examples ^.
“I want chocolate” does not usually imply that. It implies that you are currently in a state of wanting chocolate.
yeah, but weren't we talking about how there wasn't any particular reason for that?
No … or at least I wasn’t.
the change, if there is one, to using the present continuous, is bringing want into line with other verbs
There is a particular reason for that
(I would use I crave chocolate in the exact same way as I want chocolate btw., but that doesn't matter for the point you were making.)
@Cerberus yeah actually I don't need clicking, I need to like have it press left-up-right ten dozen times.
Yes, exactly. The distinction between stative and non-stative verbs is becoming blurred.
@Cerberus as in, you're craving it. i wouldn't interpret it that way.
Loop 120
Send {left}{up}{right}
@Cerb Me neither. “Why are you fidgeting like that?” — “Because I crave chocolate!” doesn’t sound natural to me. I would expect “Because I’m craving chocolate” for that.
@Cerberus i green-squiggly-underline your grammar. Consider using the present continuous more.
But I would find “Because I want chocolate!” perfectly natural.
@JanusBahsJacquet Yes, I guess not in that context.
But...somehow I think the reason is not stativity in that case, but something else. Like idiom. Crave is a special word.
And actually (though I find the “I’m wanting to build a shed, but I don’t have enough material” example fairly natural and idiomatic), I would find “Because I’m wanting chocolate!” ungrammatical too, here.
Looping 120ing
Sending {lefting}{upping}{righting}
@JanusBahsJacquet I agree.
I don’t think crave is that special. “Because I’m hankering for chocolate!” is just as fine.
@JanusBahsJacquet actually, that sounds OK to me. it's somewhat commonly used over here, "because i'm wanting to go on that rollercoaster! because i'm wanting to kick that guy's ass!" etc.
But then why is crave different?
@Jez are you from the North?
@terdon nope, received pronunciation
The...thing it describes is the same as hankering or wanting.
maybe it's made its way down here :-)
I'm a hankerin' for a snack.
@Jez Very colloquial...
Nah, I probably associate it with the North 'cause that's the only part of the UK I've spent any time in. It's probably a Brit thing in general.
i wouldn't use the present continuous like that all the time, but i'd feel toss-a-coin free to use it or not
"I'm needing those documents now", another one that springs to mind as OK
possibly rarer than "I'm wanting"
@Cerberus okay so I tried assigning that to the Windows key + Space, as in the examples. But it does nothing. Do I need more brackets or something?
#space::Loop 120
Send {left}{up}{right}
@Jez Yep, those sound okay to me, too. Wanting to X works much better than wanting X, for some reason. Apparently the modal senses of want have come farther towards non-stativity than the non-modal sense.
@RegDwigнt Ah, when a hotkey has multiple lines, it needs to start on a new line (and preferably end with a return):
Loop 120
Send {left}{up}{right}
Thanks, lemme try.
@JanusBahsJacquet perhaps, though in a café you might get "how are you?" "I'm wanting chocolate"
Could anyone confirm that I'm wanting X is a British thing? Or is it common on both sides of the pond and I just don't use it?
Yeah baby yeah, this is working alright.
Thank you @Cer.
I'm so proud of you for using Autohotkey!
@Jez Now that would not sound natural to me, except in a jocular manner (where “I’m being quite well, thank you” would work all right, too).
@JanusBahsJacquet "I'm wanting chocolate" would sound more OK to me than "I'm being". i guess it's just commonality of usage
dear god i can't type today
also, "I'm wanting chocolate" sounds a lot less rude and abrupt than "I want chocolate" - maybe that's why it's gained in popularity
@terdon When I search Google Ngrams for I'm wanting in American English, I'm getting (oh, no!) British books...
@Cerberus That's reassuring.
I speak such a weird, idiopathic dialect, I never know.
@Cerberus when you're searching for it? :-)
Stop that! :P
@Jez Heh, see, that is where my subconscious successfully resists the continuous trend.
@Jez Well, I’d definitely never say, “I want chocolate” in a café. I’d say, “I’d like a hot chocolate, please—no thanks, no whipped cream” or, “I think I’ll have a hot chocolate without whipped cream, please”.
I only use it when I feel I have no other choice.
@JanusBahsJacquet Ugh so polite...
Your politeness is hampering our grammatical research.
(The bit about the whipped cream is not technically a grammatical necessity; but it is a palatal necessity.)
I am agreeing.
@Cerb Would you prefer “Oi, you! Chocolate, now!”? ;-)
@JanusBahsJacquet but if a woman were talking to her friend, the "i'm wanting" thing might come into play
@JanusBahsJacquet Ohh elliptical aspects! Could lead to some very interesting research...
@Jez *were
Yay! I knew you liked the past subjunctive.
i like most subjunctives
I know.
@Jez True … but I’d still be more likely to use the simple present there. “What do you fancy?” — “Ooh, I want chocolate” or “I think I want some chocolate”. Both sound much more natural to me (which just puts me somewhere in between you and @terdon).
god, they had a lawyer on the radio as i was driving home today
totally predictable. "it's important that people ARE represented by good quality lawyers..."
Poor Jez...
damn lawyers can't even speak proper English now
@Jez Well, he might have meant exactly that, and not the subjunctive version. They mean different things …
@JanusBahsJacquet no, in the context, he almost certainly wanted the subjunctive
He is a lawyer, so unlikely...
Yeah, both could be right there.
@JanusBahsJacquet they were talking about how people were getting worse lawyers because of legal aid cuts
Yesterday, I managed to accidentally, but quite without thinking about it, use “if it be the case …”. Even my Welsh teacher called me out on that one.
I like if + subj.
@Cerberus Yeah. My Dad swears by it. I hold that it should be used almost always.
@JanusBahsJacquet it's more like, "it's important that people are being represented by bad lawyers, it's not a trivial problem"
@terdon Oh, really? Like when (not)?
"If it were possible, I'd have done it". But "If he was there, I did not see him."
@Jez Yeah and that would seem less relevant.
@Cerberus huh?
@terdon Yes, of course, because then it actually refers to a situation in the past, and one that is not counterfactual.
I've been trying to ram that down my Dad-the-professional-editor's throat for years :)
@Jez Oh, oops, I missed your bad. Yes.
@terdon Oh, he would write were there?
My guess is he probably wouldn't but would never admit to it.
But yes, for him if == were. Always.
Ah haha.
That's what parents are like.
"if he were there" isn't past tense
quite simply
however it is present tense subjunctive
if he were there, he'd be seeing it
No, that it is not. That would be what I used yesterday: “if he be there”.
It can be semantically connected to a conditional statement in the present; but in itself, it is not present.
Now, why is the subjunctive so bleedin' hard in all languages? It's often the very last hurdle one must overcome to attain perfection in a foreign tongue.
@JanusBahsJacquet Yeah I think that's what he kind of meant, it describes what is not the case in the present.
@terdon probably because it's kind of hard to describe what the subjunctive actually does
@terdon What is it like in New Greek?
@terdon you can't say it's a "doing" word or a "being" word or something
Ancient Greek also has the optative, of course...
@terdon Try doing some Vedic or Avestan. The subjunctive isn’t too bad there (it’s almost like a future), but the optative, desiderative, and injunctive are all nightmares.
Yay! The moodier, the better.
@Cerberus Simpler in some ways. We basically use να
Use it for...what?
@Cerberus The Modern Greek ‘subjunctive’ isn’t really anything of the sort. Not really much subjunctive left in it.
And is that from A. Gr. an?
For anything
@JanusBahsJacquet Well, since I don't know what any of those are, I'm not too worried :)
@JanusBahsJacquet How so?
@JanusBahsJacquet That's a lot.
@Cerberus No, the same way θα is used to make the future, να is used to make the subjunctive.
Ah, I see.
It is a lot. Since Modern Greek has lost the infinitive (a common Balkan trait), it uses ‘subjunctive’ relative clauses headed off by να instead.
So no special endings?
Relatively simple actually. Better than French or Spanish or even English. Huh.
@Cerberus No, not that I can think of.
No, the endings are the same (I think—most of them are, anyway), just the stem formation that differs.
@JanusBahsJacquet Ohh...that must look funny.
@terdon OK noted.
@JanusBahsJacquet tell me you don't speak Modern Greek as well. Please.
@JanusBahsJacquet Huh, a different stem for the subjunctive?
@terdon We are lost.
@JanusBahsJacquet lost the infinitive? damn, that makes the deterioration of English seem small by comparison. hopefully all the different dialects of English will make it harder for its various parts to die out
For example, πηγαίνω στην Αθήνα ‘I go to Athens’, but θέλω να πάω στην Αθήνα (‘subjunctive’) ‘I want to go to Athens’ (with excuses for bungled Modern Greek grammar botchups).
I think it's illegal to speak more than 12 languages in Texas.
We can only defeat him on certain details, and only when we catch him off guard...
Damn. He does.
@JanusBahsJacquet Hmm possibly derived from aorist stems?
Haha! Don’t worry, @terdon, I don’t really—I just know bits and bobs here and there. :-)
Related to the special use of an + aorist forms for the irrealis in A.Gr.?
@Cerberus In some cases, yes. In others, I believe the imperfect stem is used (so for many regular verbs, the indicative and ‘subjunctive’ coincide).
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That's Glenn Tillbrook from Squeeze. EC was all about collaboration. Hell, he even collaborated with Barry Manilow. Talk about eclectic. But he did say Squeeze's album East Side Story was one of the 500 albums you must own.
I like hanging out with you guys. I live in France so people are just shocked cause I speak 5 languages. 3 of them well. This room puts that in a more reasonable perspective.
@JanusBahsJacquet The imperfect stem, as in, the present stem?
@JohanLarsson I don't understand. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
The imperfect could also be used to express the irrealis with an in A.Gr.
That’s one of the confusing things about comparatively studying ancient Indo-European languages: what the conventional names for the various stems are for each language. Bloody hopeless!
in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 15 mins ago, by Caprica Six
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@JanusBahsJacquet Well, if you say imperfect stem, that implies it is different from the present stem, or at least that it is most typically used in the imperfect...
… and of course, another is how they use the bloody aspects and stems. No streamlined consensus there, either.
...and, if they use them differently, perhaps we should use different names as well...
In some languages, the imperfect stem is seen as the opposite of the aorist stem—the present is then one of the imperfect tenses, while the aorist is, well, aorist.
So then in those languages there is no specific past tense that is called the imperfect, I assume?
By aorist I take it you mean what us modern types call the aoristos? The simple past?
Something like it.
No, I mean, in some languages, an + imperfect might be irrealis while an + aorist is realis and an + injunctive, say, is counter-realis; and then in other languages, they have the same semantic distinctions, but shuffled around differently, so imperfect is realis, aorist counter-realis, and injunctive irrealis. Or something.
Oh no, they do have imperfect tenses (usually).
Sorry, I’m rambling—I mean imperfective stems, not imperfect ones.
@terdon In Ancient Greek, it is a kind of verb stem that expresses a non-continuous aspect, or whatever you call it. Non-durative. You can make any verb form of it, like infinitives and participles and past tenses, but not a present tense, so it is typically associated with the past.
It’s the aspect that is contrasted (imperfective vs. aorist vs. perfect), not the tense.
@JanusBahsJacquet Ahhh imperfective, that makes more sense. But an in other languages than Greek?
I believe in Modern Greek, you can actually make a present aorist as well. Or at least an aorist imperative.
@Cerberus Huh. Lost in modern Greek as far as I know.
Well, particles similar to an. Was just using an as a pseudo-symbolic particle.
Ah! No, you mean the e in ekana for example. Gotcha.
@terdon That’s the augment
@terdon I think maybe you only kept the past-tensed forms of the aorist and lost the non-durative aspect, so it has become a regular past tense?
@JanusBahsJacquet Ah OK noted.
It is the simple past, yes. Short duration and in the past.
Oh, OK, so still short duration.
In Modern Greek, you still have the aorist and the imperfect, both of which have augments: aorist έδωσα, imperfect έδινα.
Then all you did was drop some uses of the aorist but kept the most-used ones.
Like κάνω == do έκανα == did (also was doing, just to make things interesting)
@JanusBahsJacquet true.
So does na come from an?
That is an odd...metathesis.
@terdon "Also was doing"...and this is the aoristos?
Modern Greek has basically lost nearly all the participles, except the present active (in -οντ-) and something which I think is originally the aorist passive infinitive (in -θει), but which now functions more or less like the perfect participle in English.
In κάνω, I think the imperfect and aorist coincide
@JanusBahsJacquet The aorist passive participle, more likely?
Yup, they do merge—that’s why έκανα is both ‘did’ and ‘was doing’.
Normally on -theis, -thent-.
@Cerberus No. This particular verb just happens to have the same form in both tenses. You could say ενώ έκανα for while I was doing and έκανα for did.
OK noted.
Others, like έδωσα/έδινα that Janus mentioned, change.
@Cerberus No, I don’t think so. Modern Greek hasn’t lost final -s, so I think it’s a different one.
@JanusBahsJacquet Well, the stem is -thent-... the infinitive would be -thenai.
… True.
Not sure where they botched up -θει from.
I don't know, but why did you think infinitive?
Botched he says!
Poor Greek pride.
It has a simple aorist marker sometimes, too: δώσει, for example, from δίνω (= δίδομαι).
@Cerberus To hell with that, we lost that when Socrates drank the conium.
Haha, sorry, @terdon, but some of the reductions of Greek grammar through the ages is a bit botchy. ;-)
I'm sure it is.
@Cerberus Nope. At least not according to Wiktionary, which agrees with my initial guess that it’s from ἵνα.
Don't worry, I am very much not a nationalist.
Hallo, Mahnax!
@Mahnax Hi, finally, someone who speaks less Greek than I do! :)
@terdon I wish I spoke Greek just so I could surprise you. But I don't. :-)
@Mahnax Just talk to him in some Salishan language or something. ;-þ
@JanusBahsJacquet I'm not quite from the right part of Canada for that, I'm afraid.
@Robusto his voice sounds so much nicer with Squeeze.
@Robusto he's been very into it lately.
Maybe EC gave him the shitty mic.
Collaboration, that is.
He's always been doing that.
On Whisper, EC's voice is pure sex and Tillbrook's voice is a 10-year-old who has yet to see the merit of girls (or boys).
I agree.
It's just the incongruity.
I like them together on the chorus, actually.
Well, I don't dislike them together on the chorus.
@Mahnax Athabaskan? Algonquian?
AFK for a walk.
@JanusBahsJacquet Athabaskan is more like it, but that is not a culture that I'm a part of. Just plain old English and French here.
Oh yeah, my IB exams are over. Yay!
@Robusto that sounds nice.
@Mahnax Damn. And I was so sure I’d finally come across my first ever native Nuxálk speaker!
But congrats anyway!
@JanusBahsJacquet Sorry! And thanks :-)
I feel like I should be studying…
posted on May 21, 2014 by sgdi

I’m pretty sure that Ancient Greek Is a language nobody speaks It seems that instead It is totally dead And is just understood by some geeks

@StackExchange How very apropos … and reaffirming-slash-insulting to the conversation we were just having five minutes ago.
@terdon Haha, no! That made the Greek spirit even more heroic!
@JanusBahsJacquet Ohh of course, that makes more sense. But it is possible that there was some conflation...
But why did you say "relative clause" btw.?
Well, it is a kind of relative clause: θέλω να πάω is more or less “I wish that I [should] go”, substituting a relative clause for the infinitive.
Ας and να are the two normal relative clause markers in Modern Greek in general, I think (ας mostly with optative or jussive meaning, if memory serves …).
No, sorry, I’m rambling again. Not relative of course.
Subordinate complement clauses.
@JanusBahsJacquet I'm sure it was just trying to wind up @Cerb :D
@JanusBahsJacquet Ahh I was thinking, maybe he means subordinate, OK, makes sense.
@MattЭллен !!!
@Cerberus ohai!
Is it you who was behind that evil, profane affront?
It might be... innocent look
I have this weird mental ‘block’ where, every time I mean to say ‘subordinate clause’ or ‘dependent clause’, I just blurt out (even in writing) ‘relative clause’. Not sure why.
I do the same with cucumbers and carrots.
@MattЭллен How dare you! I forgot what your weaknesses were, but, if I knew, I'd get back at you!
@JanusBahsJacquet Oh, we all have such things.
@Cerberus lol I'll consider myself got back at ;)
Very good.
@Matt did it run for you?
did what run for me? did you post something? sorry I've been absent
also, I'm not at work, and my windows PC is crashed
done for
the motherboard is probably fried
Windows XP? more like X windows P(c)
@MattЭллен Nooo!
What happened?
I don't know
but at first it looked like some of the RAM had died
then the videocard stopped working
4 hours ago, by Johan Larsson
@MattЭллен here is a simple sample
wrote some more stuff after
Wow, that does sound like a failing motherboard...unless it's software.
I assume the motherboard has overheated and fried something
@Cerberus it posts but doesn't boot
Does the hard drive work?
@JohanLarsson Oh cool! I will check it out tomorrow.
@Cerberus probably
You could try booting from USB or CD.
That shouldn't work.
It doesn't
Ah OK.
Then definitely mobo, right?
All this Greek talk. Can we talk about aspect in Chinese now?
also the motherboard has no video out, so I can't even check if it's the graphics card
A sad day.
yeah, well it happened a few weeks ago
You could probably buy a very cheap replacement mobo, if your computer isn't super new.
I've been using my nice Linux laptop ever since
@Cerberus true
There's a video of the mothership coming to take the stranded aliens away. Does that count?
I should do something about it
I should probably encourage Linux.
I miss playing games
Ah, yes.
I haven't completed diablo 3 yet
I miss watching games
Look at 2nd-hand on Ebay.
hardware problems are painful
I think it was Diablo 3 that did for it. That game generates a lot of heat
@JohanLarsson And hard.
and ware
I love the multiplayer games where you can set the computer to play all of them but with different strategies, aggressive, defensive, chaotic
And very ware.
@Cerberus /dirty talk imo

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