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@JasperLoy Forgot to respond to this. Nay, didn't end up heading up there because parking in Amsterdam is expensive and we didn't have the money to go by train for it cuz our budget took a hit with my stuff getting stolen and all.
Night all!
You're getting in early.
Life is wonderful except of lack of money hehe
That seems a balanced perspective.
I spent a lot of money in the silliest manner Now don't know what to do
I know of your troubles. There isn't a real solution, probably; but perhaps you can survive until fortune changes. Buy only local products, etc.
I bought a bras for $60, abs neesdless Now I have no money to buy a pack of cigarettes nosql.ru/album/Yulya/slides/Yulya_001.jpg
Keep in mind: I never touched her
@trg787 I used to have one like that.
@KitΘδς How is life in Greece?
@trg787 I imagine it is very fine on my island.
How are you faring on this day?
Come again? What is the faring?
@trg787 "How do you fare?" means "Are you feeling well?"
Sort of.
I have in store rice, macaroni and 40000 bel. roubles for a week. It's ridiculous sum
A lot or a little?
Very small sum. I can buy for it only bread, 10 eggs, 0.5 milk
Then you will have many egg sandwiches this week, I think.
Pal, I'm an eggeater :)
i admire raw eggs (not only of hen's)
That is a good thing, my friend.
Pal, on what isld do you live? In general, I live in total f***
Chios, just south of Lesbos.
You are Russian?
You live in Chios? I see.
@KitΘδς Not exactly Russian. I was born and live in Gomel, Belarus. I'm a Bielorussian, that means "white Russian".
How nice. I happen to love white russians.
And Russians love Greek culture to the
Acxtually now there are wars between 3 slavic nations: Russians, Ukrains, Bielorussians
Russia undermined our economy
What could we do? 5 towns, total population = 10,000,000
In Viet Nam 80,000,000 population. \Cmp to Belarus - Belarus is a flea
5 hours later…
Is this right sentence
I came to remember mechanics subject in Double Maths when i was College . I will try to carry notes if i visit to Pakistan.
No -- what are you trying to say?
disappointed by the last questions, of ESL type
Just got a "read my doc!" question
Also, StackUnderblow needs to get better questions
i meant people asking what means :striking, leaning, each one or making dough
@Reg: Could you please talk to the user StackUnderblow? His questions are consistently downvoted, and his answers are often deleted or are valid "not an answer" flags. He doesn't accept answers either, and he doesn't seem able to help people understand what he's trying to say. For example, one time he posted a sentence and was flabergasted that nobody could understand.
simchona, dont you sleep? i can't
FL&U is at 171 :-D
@simchona That guy is a menace!
Until now I don't know exactly why it's called "white" (Rus)
@trg787 who is the pretty lady? :D
@trg787 herself, no?
No, it was my neibour. She's of 1980/12/08. Me 1964/06/01.
I had a very strange relations with her.
i'd settle for 'strange' relations ;-)
Very strange..... :) When she was 11-15 y.o. At this spring she bought a netbook and got lost
@trg787 One theory I heard was that it comes from the cardinal colour for West, which is white. So white Rus = west Rus.
Ruthenia Alba ......... I checked Wiki.ru They don't explain the name
the mysterious country somewhere between Caspian Sea and the Northern Ocean, inhabited, as the medieval scholars believed, by atrocious people with extremely white skin and golden eyes who had better sight at nights and whose enormous dogs were able to kill elephants and lions.
Yes, that sounds like a fairly accurate description of Belarus. Particularly the bit about elephants.
She truanced her school in my house
Elephants in Belarus :) Smth new haha
Are you atrocious people with golden eyes? I'm gonna have to spend a weekend in Minsk sometime so that I can verify these claims.
Where I come from it might get a guy in trouble if people knew you had a teenage girl playing truant over at your place.
heh Most Bielorussians are deep-blue-eyed
Also I made for her her homeworks
I was working with diamonds. Then she brought me a bottle of "Glen Clyde" (0.7). At 02:00 AM I called to my director and quarrelled with him to the end. Next day I was fired.
And wonderful thing, guys, I helped her so much. But she never asked me: can I help you?........... Never..... I paid $60 for the bras, feeded her baby
woohoo! rep for talking about toilets
@trg787 In the most affectionate way I can only say: you are an idiot.
Me an idiot? :) I like this definition
@MattEllenД Disappointed nobody mentioned U/non-U lavatory/toilet
Also, why don't we say /'twɑːlɪt/
cos we aint french
In French last "t" not pronounced
@MattEllen You forgot the mainly Canadian "washroom."
Also WC.
it seems there is more to be done to my answer....
Well, lavatory = washroom after all.
And I think "loo" is probably considered cute and quaint, like saying "I need to use the potty."
:D we never say potty unless talking about toddlers, in the UK
If here are Canadians.... is it true that Canadians pronounce "often" as "ofTen" not "ofn"?
@trg787 Yes.
@MattEllenД Exactly.
@KitΘδς I think it actually sounds quaint to say 'restroom'. It's like you're afraid to even hint at the possibility of any bodily functions.
@MattEllenД Don't forget that the OP specifically wants to compare "loo" and "lavatory."
I'd prefer to say "I'm going for a piss." Cos that's what I am actually doing.
Actually, I should edit that title.
@z7sgѪ Or dropping a deuce, if you're doing that.
@KitΘδς Nice. Yeah I don't usually let on that I'm "going for a crap". That's too much information.
Hanging a leak is one of my favorites.
@KitΘδς It seems to me she wants to compare loo/lavatory with toilet. That's the classic U/non-U thing but I'm not going to add an answer cos there are too many already.
Going for a waz. I bet that's peculiar to us Brits.
@z7sgѪ Never heard it before. Here we'd say "taking a whiz" I think.
I never understood why we say "take" instead of "leave" though.
Q: A phrase or word to describe "restraint myself"

StackUnderblowFor example, (only a example because I can't think up one that is more polite) While he is having sex with her, and at the time he reaches the climax, he can not stop, is there an English phrase or word to say that "Stop there!I have to stop myself". I mean we are attracted to do something and we...

In the UK that means doing some speed.
@z7sgѪ Really? That's funny.
"Come knock me up at 7 and we'll take a whiz."
@KitΘδς Oh yes. I had answered the question only looking at the title!
How many kind of the room exist? In Russian you can't call a WC in Garden "toilet" It's called "ubornaya" Download a film when Tolstoy was going to ubornaya and there closed an operator , on purporse -> to shot Tolstoy Tolstoy did not want to be shot
Thwe opwerator was in ambushewds in toilwet for swevweral hours!
Tolstoy xcamwe to thwerwe, pullweds thew sdoor ansd gonew baxck
got a problem with your 'w' key @trg?
@MattEllenД Cut him some slack, now that he has been fired, he has no choice but to work as a parse error.
@trg787 Потому что там просто дыра в земле?
@z7sgѪ Drop the hyphen.
Thank you.
@z7sgѪ hee hee. просто means "simple" in Russian, but prost means "stupid" in Romanian
Why I put a hyphen there I don't know
@JSBᾶngs and cheers in German.
@RegDwightѬſ道 stupid is funnier than cheers
ooooh, fancy new tag-editing interface
@JSBᾶngs — And “simple” means “stupid” in English.
@Vitaly good to see you again
you've been hanging out in the WMT room too much
@JSBᾶngs you're funnier than cheers.
Q: A phrase or word to describe "restrain myself"

StackUnderblowFor example, (only a example because I can't think up one that is more polite) While he is having sex with her, and at the time he reaches the climax, he can not stop, is there an English phrase or word to say that "Stop there!I have to stop myself". I mean we are attracted to do something and we...

Are we really going to leave this open?
@RegDwightѬſ道 well, that's true
Nothing is funnier than Cheers!
@KitΘδς it's pretty hard to figure out what the OP is asking for
@KitΘδς Norm!
Well, maybe M.A.S.H.
@KitΘδς Certainly not Becker.
@JSBᾶngs He's asking for rep, I'm pretty sure. Or some sexy talk.
Oh, and what about Frasier?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Certainly not Becker.
@KitΘδς i could never enjoy mash. frasier was alright
@KitΘδς That's some funny shite right there.
Reminds me of vgv8...
I couldn't stand it, I had to edit it.
Even though I voted to close.
I should have made it just raunchy filthy.
@JSBᾶngs I think he's looking for "restrain yourself". It's a word(s) request. That or "hold yourself back" or "not give in to temptation", etc. But it's another where the answer is in the question.
Hello people
Anything interesting here? Or just the usual flurry of low-quality questions on the main site?
@rumtscho hola
@rumtscho there's a fantastic question about toilets
wow, StackUnderblow is just a font of crappy questions. it's like vgv8 all over again
17 Questions, 7 Answers and a rep of 107. That's dire, probably the worst I've seen.
why cant the Americans bring themselves to refer toa bodily function?
'go to the bathroom' to literally mean 'take a shit', like in the woods or something, is risible
@Jez it's ungodly!
bathroom, eh? there's a bath in the woods? :-)
@Jez — Piss off! We can too!
@MattEllenД Even God poops.
@Jez meh. don't get caught up in literalism
@RegDwightѬſ道 What? where?!
Remember that we are modeled after Him.
@RegDwightѬſ道 nah, men just look like him.
women are dirt and ribs
Steve Ballmer is made in the image of God
@Robusto "Heh you Brits are so anal and up-tight lol! Oh, excuse me while I visit the restroom." err okay
restroom is less dumbthan bathroom imho
@Jez There are at least... a huge number of things wrong with that sentence.
americans these days ALWAYS say 'go to the bathroom' even when they're about to shit in a hole
no bath, no room
just shit
sounds silly to me
@Jez euphemisms are usually literally false. not a big deal
Feb 8 at 15:59, by Robusto
And remember: all generalizations are false.
there was a line in The Simpsons where their toilet was broken; marge said "I can't go to the bathroom in the backyard!"
@Robusto never a truer word spoken
well of course not you silly broad, there's no bathroom there
OK, I found the question. I've always found it amazing that there are people who are disgusted by mere words.
@z7sgѪ 15 answers, actually. It's just that eight of them got deleted.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh tell me you deleted his bathroom one.
i just can't bring myself to care about non-literal euphemisms. the majority of language is non-literal to some extent
@rumtscho that's the thing. everyone knows what 'go to the bathroom' means, right?
what is it about our culture that's said, "that way of saying the same thing is OK, but "take a shit" isn't"?
@Reg can you create tag synonyms by fiat, without having to go through the voting process?
@Jez the pre-existing stigma on the word shit. "to take a dump" is more literal, and less offensive
that would be considered rude by many jsbangs
or boorish
@Jez less offensive, nonetheless
i suppose it's avoiding anything close to describing the actual act
describing where it is usuall done is OK, but we're trying to avoid making people think about the act itself
that's quite reasonable i guess
poop is stinky. no one wants to think about it if they don't have to
some amount of taboo regarding words for poop is nigh-universal across cultures and languages
still, we standardized on 'toilet'. you guys found even that too offensive. :-)
The OP is talking about "polite society" anyway.
i dunno why.
@rumtscho That just shows how powerful language is. It creates images in your mind. That's why it's absolutely possible to write really disgusting, abhorrent stuff. It's not just a collection of shapes on paper/screen. It's an image in your head that cannot be unseen.
@Kit true. "bleed the lizard" comes from america.
Actually, I've met some people who insisted that they are unable to read or hear or utter a word (presumably a noun) without conjuring a visible, noisy, stinking image of it in their head. So I can understand why they may prefer a phrase which doesn't contain the noun "shit".
@Jez you don't know why words for poop are taboo?
@JSBngs yeah, i just said. people want to avoid drawing people's minds to the actual act
fair enough. but it still sounds funny 'going to the bathroom' in a wilderness with no bath, let alone a bathroom
@rumtscho — Mention syzygy to those people and see what they visualize.
@MattEllenД — Funny, those are also things men eat. Coincidence? I think not.
another issue with the bathroom phrase is it doesn't describe which type of defecation is needed, which is sometimes a necessary piece of info.
@Jez i for one have never heard "bleed the lizard". i find it rather more upsetting to think of my wang as a bleeding lizard than just, you know, taking a pee
@Jez I miss your old avatar. You are very red these days; it's not soothing.
I think "number one/two" are the best compromise; quite abstract yet they give you that info
@Jez well, if it's defecation then it's obviously #2
@Robusto god has a plan!
@Jez — I almost never need to know that about anyone else. Seriously.
@Kit maybe yours could be of a some gentle Caribbean water on a sunny day
@Jez There's only one type of defecation.
@JSBᾶngs Sure I can. Whaddayawant?
@JSBngs in the wilderness you do.
@Robusto i, on the other hand, am potty training two boys right now, so i need to know about someone else's poop/pee habits all the time
@JSBngs you cant really just shit up a tree. it's always awkward to divulge that info
English needs a protocol which is less awkward for that
@RegDwightѬſ道 i'd like , and merged. i'd take as the root tag
i think I would use "number two" if i needed to indicate it
@JSBᾶngs — Hence the almost never. I went through that with my kids, and thankfully that phase passed. With it went my need to know.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't create the actual image in my head. I just know what it is, on an abstract level of knowledge. Words are surely powerful for me, in the sense that reading about dead babies lets me know that something is very, very wrong. But disgust is one of the most visceral feelings, I've never had it triggered by words.
@JSBᾶngs "Mommy, I need my butt wiped!"
now things are getting weird
@Robusto again, you're hiking in the wilderness. you do kind of need to know.
oh wait. there are speach marks
BTW, don't be surprised if I seem to miss parts of our conversation. I'm trying to while away 7 hours of a train voyage, but there isn't Internet coverage all the way.
@Jez — About me, maybe. But not about you.
@KitΘδς i'm very tempted to star this
i mean if someone says "can we stop, i need to..."
i had this once with my dad. he said "just do it in a bush" and ... it wasn't piss
(people always assume piss for men!)
@JSBᾶngs Go for it.
So now that we've talked poop, should I post my boobs again?
@KitΘδς That phrase has now destroyed my perception of you as an attractive woman
@Jez Funny, it's had the same effect on me.
@Jez you are obviously not married. a woman who wipes the baby's butt so i don't have to: HOTT
@JSBngs actually i was imagining her saying it.
Can we talk about poop more? I haven't had this much fun since 3rd grade.
it's "poo" over here
@Robusto Go for it. It's all you, man.
though i think that sounds too childish, so i generally use "shit"
@Robusto Are you homeschooled? Our class couldn't get our collective mind out of the gutter for the entire duration of highschool. I suspect that some of the boys haven't changed since.
@Robusto poop poop poop poop poop
@Reg really needs to change the room tag to "all about poop"
@JSBᾶngs Plutocratic Order Of Planets?
Ah, that takes me back.
@JSBᾶngs You misspelled "really does not".
@RegDwightѬſ道 — You misspelled "really doesn't need" ... pineapple.
My MP3 player doesn't like playlists created with Banshee. Do you know a site where I could ask about it?
@rumtscho — I suggest StackOverflow.
@Robusto Sure? I don't intend to write my own program for playlist creation, just to ask which program creates compatible playlists. And Super User is a bad choice, because it is about a MP3 player, not about a computer.
@rumtscho i'd actually talk to SU. definitely not SO
A joke is a phrase or a paragraph with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl). Purpose Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this d...
Sarcasm is “a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter jibe or taunt.” Though irony and understatement is usually the immediate context, most authorities sharply distinguish sarcasm from irony; however, others argue that sarcasm may or often does involve irony or employs ambivalence. Sarcasm has been suggested as a possible bullying action in some circumstances. Origin of the term It is first recorded in English in 1579, in an annotation to The Shepheardes Calender: October: The word comes from the late Greek σαρκασμός (sarkasmόs) taken from the word σαρκάζειν meaning ...
@Robusto i am never sarcastic. i don't know what you're talking about
@Robusto You misspelled my bank account number. I'm still waiting for that money.
@Robusto Sarcasm on the Internet is like winking on the phone.
@rumtscho — Some of us are gifted in catching the sarcastic bon mot even on the internet, others not so much.
Even in face-to-face conversations, the art of sarcasm is to conceal it as such.
@Robusto I don't get it.
you don't have tone of voice or body language in text. that's rather crucial
"Putin's a great leader who believes in freedom."
@Jez You need body language for that?
i could be being sincere...
i'd probably roll my eyes
@Jez And I could be a 13 year old boy from Australia.
You misspelled "am".
erm, we were talking about sarcasm
13? Australia? Ham & Bacon...
@Jez What if I don't look into your eyes?
good... that's too intimate anyway
You can roll anything you want, as long as I'm not looking at you, that's no better than writing.
@KitΘδς Why did no one say yes? YES!
@MattEllenД Aren't you bored of that already?
@KitΘδς I think I caught a glimpse once. Not enough to bore me. But I really should be more careful about what comes onto my screen at work. :)
Feb 8 at 15:59, by Kosmonaut
Seven-layer dip is one of those things that makes me proud to be an American.
I rest my case.
@Robusto Now if only you could fix my code as neatly.
@Robusto Then please treat me like a not-so-gifted person.
I solved my mp3 problem while in a funkloch. Turns out the player only uses backslash as a directory separator.
I solved my mp3 problem while in a funkloch. Turns out the player only uses backslash as a directory separator.
@rumtscho — What kind of MSBS player do you have?
@Robusto SanDisk sansa clip
@MattEllenД No, the chat thought I was in a new funkloch and goaded me into resending the message.
@Robusto Um, I'm sorry, what was your case before you rested it?
@rumtscho Cool Player -> and all of a sudden I could listen to music without waiting.
it does have a bug, where it resets the volume to max if you drag n drop a tack
or restart a playlist
@rumtscho Funkloch = skip zone ?
@RegDwightѬſ道 — Kosmonaut's delicate use of straight-faced, unhighlighted, un-underscored sarcasm.
Funkloch ist eine Ortslage in der bergischen Großstadt Wuppertal.
That's a damn cool name for a place.
@z7sgѪ — No, Funkloch is a radio lake in Scotland that you can only swim in once every 100 years. Or is that Brigadoon? I don't remember.
@MattEllenД I am talking about a hardware player. My laptop battery is going to go out in another hour, plus the DAC of the onboard sound is just horrible.
@Robusto I applaud your memory.
@z7sgѪ I like Haßloch better. They even have an amusement park there.
@z7sgѪ The dictionary calls it "dead spot (telecom.)", but it sounds somehow funny to me. And then, everybody here is talking in their personal lingua franca, so I thought I'd do it now too.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Well that's because you are a twisted misanthrope. :)
You misspelled häßlich.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You misspelled "Haßlehoff."
@rumtscho That is the only way to achieve true incomprehensibility.
@z7sgѪ I dunno. Hatredhole sure is a great name, whether or not you're a twisted misanthrope.
@z7sgѪ Ай тинк Ай ноу а беттер уан.
@rumtscho too easy. try again.
@rumtscho You misspelled "юань".
@RegDwightѬſ道 — And let's not forget, you can have a pretty hate machine. They don't all have to be ugly.
@Robusto Especially if it involves an entire amusement park.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It's the amusement park that gets me.
Der Holiday Park ist ein Freizeitpark in Haßloch (Rheinland-Pfalz). Allgemeines Der Park stach in der Vergangenheit durch Fahrgeschäfte hervor, welche oftmals Deutschland- oder gar Europapremieren waren. Dazu zählten der erste Freifallturm („Free Fall Tower“) und der erste Rapid River Ride Deutschlands. Bekannteste Attraktion des Parks dürfte, vor allem durch das überregionale Medien-Echo, die Achterbahn Expedition GeForce sein, welche seit 2001 das Aushängeschild des Parks ist. Die jährlich wechselnde Wasserski-Show auf dem Holiday-Park-See ist die größte ihrer Art in Europa; sie find...
@JSBᾶngs I thought that the point of it was being easy. Sure I could create a chiffre none of you has a chance of breaking, but we won't be calling it a conversation any more.
@RegDwightѬſ道 there is a city in Montana called Hell's Gate. people actually live there. though it lacks the poetical quality of Hatredhole
Wow, reading on they actually have much more on offer.
> In Haßloch steht eines der größten und modernsten Getränkedosenwerke der Welt, der Ball Packaging Europe. Unter anderem wurde in Haßloch die erste 0,5-l-Dose (Bierdose) hergestellt.
The English Wikipedia translates:
> In Haßloch stands one of the world’s biggest and most modern drink can factories, Ball Packaging Europe. Among other things, the first half-litre can (a beer can) was made in Haßloch.
A very literal translation.
> Haßloch has at its disposal good transport links towards the region’s centre (Mannheim/Ludwigshafen/Heidelberg), be it by Autobahn A 65 or the RheinNeckar S-Bahn. S-Bahn lines S1, S2 – and mornings and evenings S3 and S4 – run every 15 minutes during peak times from Haßloch station.
"mornings and evenings" LOL
@RegDwightѬſ道 Must have been made by the person who translates Terry Pratchett into German.
Who CBA at all to translate such articles for nothing? Probably also have blazing rows about it with other people just like them. Wikipedia amazes me.
As long as there are people who is wrong on the Internet, there will be other people who will corrects them.
Perhaps it was a proud Haßlocher who wants to inform people about their wonderful home town.
These are my taco salad days. Hooray!
At least Haßlochians have something to be proud of.
There is a town which is officially called "The armpit of America".
"officially" = by a reporter.
Just thinking back to the toilet euphemism discussion... in that sense I find use of a word such as excrement more offensive than shit because shit is so overused in a variety of context it no longer strongly associates with the brown stuff.
@z7sgѪ Maybe the people who object don't come in contact with this overuse. My grandma certainly doesn't, and she is one of those people who lower their voice when saying "shameful" words like "brassiere" or "puberty".
The Pama–Nyungan languages are the most widespread family of Indigenous Australian languages, containing 160 of 228 identified languages. The name "Pama–Nyungan" is derived from the names of two widely separated groups, the Pama languages from the Northeast, and the Nyungan languages from the Southwest. The terms pama and nyunga are expressions meaning "man" in the languages from their respective regions. The other language families indigenous to the continent of Australia are occasionally referred to, by exclusion, as Non-Pama–Nyungan languages, though this is not a proper taxonomic te...
^ this is simply to get our minds out of the gutter and into something more interesting, namely historical linguistics
lol. you said linguistics
@MattEllenД Lol. you said "you". This word appears in Fanny Hill 303 times.
@rumtscho Lol. You said 303.
@KitΘδς But I doubt that the number itself appears in Fanny Hill, so I should be on the safe side.
@rumtscho Except that it appears at least once in "C-cks-cking Made Easy," you perv.
^That's "Clickslacking" by the way.
@KitΘδς Obviously, I'm not a real perv. I don't know what Clickslacking is.
An apical consonant is a phone (speech sound) produced by obstructing the air passage with the apex of the tongue (i.e. the tip of the tongue). This contrasts with laminal consonants, which are produced by creating an obstruction with the blade of the tongue (which is just behind the apex). This is not a very common distinction, and typically applied only to fricatives and affricates. Thus many varieties of the English language have either apical or laminal pairs of [t]/[d]. However, some varieties of Arabic, including Hadhrami Arabic, realizes [t] as laminal but [d] as apical. The ...
A laminal consonant is a phone produced by obstructing the air passage with the blade of the tongue, which is the flat top front surface just behind the tip of the tongue on the top. This contrasts with apical consonants, which are produced by creating an obstruction with the tongue apex (tongue tip) only. This distinction applies only to coronal consonants, which use the front of the tongue. Laminal vs. apical is not a very common contrast within a language. Where such a contrast occurs, it is typically phonemic with fricatives and affricates rather than stops, although some native lan...
@rumtscho What we all do at work when we're surfing the Internet instead of working.
Or something I just made up.
@KitΘδς Look, if you don't use the nice Latin word for it, nobody will believe you it is an illness as opposed to plain lazyness.
This taco salad is delicious, she said, changing the subject abruptly.
@KitΘδς So this is your lunch break and not your work time, you vile deceiver.
@rumtscho Well, not really. Lunch isn't for another 2 hours. But I was hungry and it's taco salad day...
Anybody familiar with ASP.Net Chart control?
@KitΘδς i believe we've already had the conversation about the wickedness of chart controls and languages named after snakes
Right. I just want it to show my stupid graph, even if there is no data.
G-deasley thing.
@KitΘδς I have used the winforms chart control. maybe they're simliar.
25 secs ago, by KitΘδς
Right. I just want it to show my stupid graph, even if there is no data.
@KitΘδς OK, I retract "deceiver". But due to the fact that my last meal was at 9:30, it is 17:41 now, and I won't eat before 22:20, I think I'm entitled to call you "vile" this one time, just for mentioning food.
@rumtscho No offence taken. You may call me "vile" as much as you like, as long as it makes you feel better.
@KitΘδς you could just add an empty series to it
I think that will work
@MattEllenД Well, I thought so, but if there are no datapoints, there's no chart.
Maybe if I use null values in the datapoints...
@KitΘδς I'd prefer a taco salad, but barring a really sudden breakthrough in teleportation technologies, I think I'll have to settle for name calling.
@KitΘδς so no axes or chart area?
@MattEllenД They're specified but not rendered.
Don't worry, it won't last long. My laptop has warned me three times that it has exactly 20 minutes of battery left in the last 15 minutes.
@rumtscho I wish I could send you one. It was delicious.
I wish I could send you some charge as well.
Well, sticking in null values seems to have helped. It's not perfect, but I think I can figure it out.
ok! glad I couldn't help ;)
@KitΘδς Across eight time zones? The electricity will surely fry some stuff on the way. I think poor Cerberus already had one fire in his house, that should be enough.
@rumtscho Meh. What's a little plasma between friends?
@KitΘδς The nice thing is that my mp3 player has lots of charge left, so there won't be need for telecharging my laptop. It's been long since I found time for actively listening to music without any distractions, I think now I have a good occasion for it.
My battery is so low it can't even estimate how much it has left, and the phone I use as modem is also blinking red. So I say goodbye for today and switch the poor electronics off.
@rumtscho Awesome article, thanks a lot.
see ya @rumtscho
Effin' charts.
Later @rumtscho!

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