When a young man, passion-laden,
in a chamber meets a maiden,
then felicitous communion,
by Love's strain between the twain,
grows from forth their union;
for the game, it hath no name,
of lips, arms, and hidden charms.
Veni, veni, venias,
ne me mori facias,
hyrca, hyrce, nazara;
Pulchra tibi facies,
oculorum acies,
capillorum series;
o quam clara species!
Rosa rubicundior,
Lilio candidior,
omnibus formosior;
semper in te glorior!
@MattЭллен But my deletion is not to attract attention. On the one hand, I just feel I should have the discipline to stay off the site and do better things. On the other hand, it has a certain charm that causes me to create a new account again.
@tchrist that is actually exceptionally hard. I used not to be able to speak with a Russian accent at all. I had to practice it. Basically I have to imagine all the words in my head spelled using Cyrillic, then read that aloud. It's an overhead, both in terms of processing power and time.
@JasperLoy I sort of understand. I mean, while my desktop at home is out of action, I can't play games, so I spend more time doing more constructive things
I also can't watch netflix
@JasperLoy instead of deleting your account you could create a script to time bound your access to stackexchange
sure, but that's a voluntary action, unless that's scripted too. The plan is for a one time setup, prevent Jasper from spending more time than he thinks he wants to here.
@RegDwigнt exactly, and Jasper seems to be saying that the effort of creating a new account is almost sufficient to keep him from coming back, but switching on the PC is not even nearly enough of an obstacle. It seems to me, he feels compelled to come here which is distressing for him, because he wants to do other things he finds more constructive. So if he sets up the computer to stop him from visiting then that might be enough to feel like he's got control.
The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 20th Century Fox black-and-white science fiction film directed by Robert Wise. It was written by Edmund H. North, based on the 1940 short story "Farewell to the Master" by Harry Bates. The film stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal and Hugh Marlowe. A humanoid alien visitor comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful robot, to deliver an important message to humanity.
A flying saucer approaches the Earth, eventually landing on the President's Park Ellipse in Washington, D.C. The military quickly encircles the spaceship. A humanoid (Michael Renn...
Do I need this subscription do continue developing and distributing the xamdatachart we use?
the Response:
The subscription covers all updates, upgrades as well as support so if those components are still required then it’s always best to keep the subscription on going as I’ve had client’s that had to come back to me a few months after expiry and ended up having to purchase a brand new license. You can pay for this using a credit or debit card.
so that's a "no", right?
especially since the subscription suposedly lapsed two weeks ago, and things are still working.
what do we call a person who commits a mistake and then instead of apologizing, shows attitude.(doesn't blame others either, just doesn't admit his mistake). I could use an idiom as well(something like pot calling the kettle black, but in my case pot doesn't blame anyone, it has a 'cant be wrong' attitude)
Cocky may mean:
* boldly or brashly self-confident
* Australian slang for cockatoo
* Australian and New Zealand slang for farmer
* Cocky (mascot), the mascot for the University of South Carolina athletics teams, a stylised gamecock
* Cocky (album), by Kid Rock
If people ask me, all I usually do is say what comes to mind. I'm not very good with restrictions like "it must be a single word" or "it must be an idiom"
I read there used to be a word 'sciolism' if the spelling is right. I think the idea was someone who is an expert at trivial information or unnecessary abilities , I'm not sure about the definition either. But it 'said' in this dictionary the word was discarded from low usage. The thing is if thi...