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Be careful or I’ll spot you a t.
Some reference to vulgarity again, dear?
@Cerberus That's dêgûting.
By the way, did I tell you I may be dating a 24yo?
@Robusto You put a hat on it!
@Robusto Yikes.
@Cerberus Cradle robber!
@Robusto Haha I know!
@tchrist Safety first!
hides the children
There's also this 20yo who really wants to see me...
I normally date my own age.
A wrong hat is a faux pas...
Especially if you stand on your head.
@Cerberus Carpe puerum?
Yes. Cerberus is feeling acting puerile.
That would be a transitive feeling.
So it takes an accusative.
Why have we no puellile?
@tchrist Hauddum novi.
Cerberus is about to get in Dutch.
The thing is, 24yo is crazy, but we get along really really well.
@Robusto Get in?
@Robusto Puellae, Carpe puellas.
@Cerberus To "get in Dutch" in English means "get in trouble," usu. "with" someone.
Well, I expect none such.
"He got in Dutch with the teacher for setting off firecrackers on the playground."
Si puer cum puellula
And I speak from experience.
@tchrist That's just Orfful.
It warshes orff.
See above in re albumin stains.
Now you're behaving like a housecarl.
@tchrist Yes, there is such a word.
English is blessed with a dearth of silly diminutives.
moraretur in cellula
Unlike Dutch, German, Latin...
felix coniunctio
@tchrist He would wait in a small room?
A fruitful conjunction?
No, if he sneaks off to the keller with her, blessèd is their union.
Si puer cum puellula
moraretur in cellula,
felix coniunctio.
He keeps spouting Orff.
Amore succrescente,
pariter e medio
propulso procul taedio,
fit ludus ineffabilis
membris, lacertis, labiis.
watches to see the doggy blush
It is pretty, youngsters in love.
If a boy were to spend time with a girl in a storage-room, there would be a blessed union, yes.
@Cerberus Enough of your traduction!
I think that is Catullus?
When a young man, passion-laden,
in a chamber meets a maiden,
then felicitous communion,
by Love's strain between the twain,
grows from forth their union;
for the game, it hath no name,
of lips, arms, and hidden charms.
Oh, I think it’s completely effable.
I mean, did he base that on Catullus?
@Cerberus No. See Catulli Carmina for Catullus.
It is from a medieval ms from an abbey.
@Robusto No fair, you're added words!
@Cerberus I am not!
There is no "passion-laden" in the Latin!
@tchrist Yes but no doubt inspired by Catullus?
Nor "hidden".
@Cerberus More likely inspired by cat-scratch fever.
members and lips
> Catulli Carmina is part of Trionfi, the musical triptych that also includes the Carmina Burana and Trionfo di Afrodite.
@Cerberus Yes, we know. But that doesn't mean Carmina Burana was inspired by Catullus.
You still don't know who you're talking to here, do you?
If you say so.
Tom and I have forgotten more about music than you will ever know.
Tempore brumali
vir patiens,
animo vernali
They sound pretty Catullan's all I'm saying.
Veni, veni, venias,
ne me mori facias,
hyrca, hyrce, nazara;

Pulchra tibi facies,
oculorum acies,
capillorum series;
o quam clara species!

Rosa rubicundior,
Lilio candidior,
omnibus formosior;
semper in te glorior!
@Robusto What kind of a random remark is that?
Mea mecum ludit
mea me detrudit
@Cerberus What kind do you like?
I don't have unbelievable randomness. Sorry.
Oh - oh, totus floreo,
iam amore virginali
totus ardeo,
novus, novus amor est,
quo pereo.
@tchrist That's one of my favorites.
You know what they say about "novus amor est, quod pereo" ... "qui gladio ferit, gladio perit."
It is for new love that I die.
@tchrist Quite true.
I played this in a chamber concert at Orchestra Hall in Chicago back in the day.
@Cerberus: Aww, now, you didn't go away mad, did you?
@Robusto olim
@tchrist: I like Brust's little Marxist blog post.
Yes, his politics are genuinely left.
@tchrist . . . upon a time?
@Robusto Yes, or “of old”. French antan.
Quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus
Yesteryear type stuff.
Wolfe is contrast is conservative, but that doesn’t stop his characters from sleeping around, or even doing bad things of course.
And he is good friends with plenty of liberal to leftees, so he is not a nutjob.
Which Wolfe? Tom, Thomas, or Nero?
Or a player to be named later?
The TV Trope “First-person smartass” was coined for Jhereg et al, but Brust got it from Zelazny’s Amberite Princes.
Gene Wolfe.
Oh wait, I know something you will absolutely die for!
Now I'm nervous.
@tchrist Ah, cool!
It’s actually a Wolfe–Gaiman collaboration.
Small, but utterly charming and bizarre.
He lived in Barrington. I grew up a short drive from there.
Did he move? I know his wife passed away right before last Christmas.
> Having previously lived in Barrington, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with his wife Rosemary, he moved to Peoria, Illinois in 2013.
I had a girlfriend in Lake Zurich, which is about five minutes from Barrington.
That would be it.
It’s only a 64-page book, so people complain about paying ten bucks for it.
But it is a unique contribution.
@tchrist Sometimes I'd pay ten bucks for a single laugh.
Gaiman lives in Wisconsin, and has for a long time now.
> with its gardens, statuary, ornamental lake and the infamous Petting Zoo (a favorite with children, but it's best not to bring your own)
Me old girlfriend's house is still standing.
And it figures there'd be a Republican sign in the yard.
Her dad had a chest of recorders on the wall in the living room, though. It was there I first cottoned to that instrument.
It looks nice.
I like a big lawn with trees.
But not the R sign.
The Scarlet R.
I know, right?
Well, her dad was a 'publican too.
My folks are very frustrated by how deluded people have become around there.
I'll bet.
Wisconsin has gone totally batshit.
Walker is a menace.
Like Emperor Palatine–level menace.
Yeah. And he's getting away with it.
Can’t understand that.
Nor can I.
Imagine what Brust must say, being in the Twin Cities and a lefty.
Well, only half the twins are Republican.
Things Garrison Keillor probably thinks, but dares not utter on the air. What he does say is already ripping enough.
I should go herd cats. Night falls.
Have a good one.
I turned on the front and back sprinklers, which limits their range. :)
Have you started the novel yet?
Not really.
But I have it open.
I have to bring it to bed with me.
I do most of my reading that way, at bedtime.
Hasta. Poor Cerb.
See you.
@Robusto No, it was too arbitrary a breach of etiquette to be more than puzzled.
@tchrist Am I poor?
5 hours later…
@tchrist I'm awake!
@medica I have a minute now
Only a minute?
Yes. Make your time.
@Cerberus Good, good.
@Cerberus Good, good.
@MattЭллен Good morning! I may delete my account soon, lol.
@JasperLoy why would you do that?
@MattЭллен I guess I am confused. Each time I don't wanna return, the temptation takes the better of me.
EL&U isn't a bad place, is it?
No, all very good places.
I am just confused. I guess my neurons are not wired properly.
but you feel out of control here?
Hmm, I will think about it again when I am less confused.
@Robusto see, and that is technically not correct. A mod can star their own posts without putting a mod signature on it. I said star, not pin.
@Robusto I do not, but we actually previously discussed that. And by discussed I mean I had to tell and you had to believe.
@MattЭллен But my deletion is not to attract attention. On the one hand, I just feel I should have the discipline to stay off the site and do better things. On the other hand, it has a certain charm that causes me to create a new account again.
@tchrist that is actually exceptionally hard. I used not to be able to speak with a Russian accent at all. I had to practice it. Basically I have to imagine all the words in my head spelled using Cyrillic, then read that aloud. It's an overhead, both in terms of processing power and time.
@JasperLoy I sort of understand. I mean, while my desktop at home is out of action, I can't play games, so I spend more time doing more constructive things
I also can't watch netflix
@JasperLoy instead of deleting your account you could create a script to time bound your access to stackexchange
Or, you know, switch off your computer.
And walk away.
sure, but that's a voluntary action, unless that's scripted too. The plan is for a one time setup, prevent Jasper from spending more time than he thinks he wants to here.
I didn't say it was easy. I said it was possible. Deleting your SE account is not easy, either.
In fact, switching off the PC is much easier. And faster.
Ultimately we all are here voluntarily
Likewise, switching the PC back on is faster than creating a new account and getting to 20k again.
@skullpatrol no, not you. You must be here.
@RegDwigнt exactly, and Jasper seems to be saying that the effort of creating a new account is almost sufficient to keep him from coming back, but switching on the PC is not even nearly enough of an obstacle. It seems to me, he feels compelled to come here which is distressing for him, because he wants to do other things he finds more constructive. So if he sets up the computer to stop him from visiting then that might be enough to feel like he's got control.
Wait, you expect me to read things here?
btw I apologize for the confusing explanation of 0^0 :-( I am working on something much clearer and more elementary for Math.SE @Reg
I didn't sign up for that.
@skullpatrol there was an explanation in this chat? No explanations in this chat!
I expected too much!
It's not the explanationible room. FYI.
stops explanationing
I totally forgot to resume watching Dr Who the other day.
I do have to wonder if that chick is unpregnant after all.
They're all pregnant. Pregnant with anticipation!
I think time lords are like seahorses
But maybe the rain is really to blame? They should remove the cause. Just not the symptom.
I do remember doing the time warp...
singing and dancing in the warp and weft of the timey wimey wibbly wobbley stuff
Michael Rennie was ill the day the Earth stood still.
Motion sickness?
Ask Flash Gordon. He was there.
Ahaa! Saviour of the universe
@RegDwigнt who?
!!wiki the day the earth stood still
@MattЭллен The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 20th Century Fox black-and-white science fiction film directed by Robert Wise. It was written by Edmund H. North, based on the 1940 short story "Farewell to the Master" by Harry Bates. The film stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal and Hugh Marlowe. A humanoid alien visitor comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful robot, to deliver an important message to humanity. Plot A flying saucer approaches the Earth, eventually landing on the President's Park Ellipse in Washington, D.C. The military quickly encircles the spaceship. A humanoid (Michael Renn...
@RegDwigнt Well, little by little, more and more of the arcana is revealed.
My question:
Do I need this subscription do continue developing and distributing the xamdatachart we use?
the Response:
The subscription covers all updates, upgrades as well as support so if those components are still required then it’s always best to keep the subscription on going as I’ve had client’s that had to come back to me a few months after expiry and ended up having to purchase a brand new license. You can pay for this using a credit or debit card.
so that's a "no", right?
especially since the subscription suposedly lapsed two weeks ago, and things are still working.
weird....... i used to have a friend called Michael Rennie
he was a Moonie
got married in a mass marriage ceremony in South Korea
that is pretty weird
yep, i have a pic of him with the bride
@Robusto I will have none of your arcanal remarks.
The Panama Arcanal, on the other hand...
@MattЭллен Rennie also cleans up the stomach.
Zuckerfree! No facebook for Rennie
what do we call a person who commits a mistake and then instead of apologizing, shows attitude.(doesn't blame others either, just doesn't admit his mistake). I could use an idiom as well(something like pot calling the kettle black, but in my case pot doesn't blame anyone, it has a 'cant be wrong' attitude)
depends on the situation
@MattЭллен these words are too general
@MattЭллен and offensive too
Well, if someone unrepentently makes a mistake that causes me a problem, I will insult them
!!wiki cocky
Cocky may mean: Rimmy. * boldly or brashly self-confident * Australian slang for cockatoo * Australian and New Zealand slang for farmer * Cocky (mascot), the mascot for the University of South Carolina athletics teams, a stylised gamecock * Cocky (album), by Kid Rock
Unrepentant is what I thought of, too
@skullpatrol too abstarct :(
@MattЭллен word should imply his reluctance to admit his fault.
@snailboat awesome :)
@snailboat could you think of an idiom as well?
@SandeepDhamija I'm not really good at this word- or phrase-request sort of stuff.
@MattЭллен unrepentant is perfect :)
If people ask me, all I usually do is say what comes to mind. I'm not very good with restrictions like "it must be a single word" or "it must be an idiom"
a possible phrase people say is "He/She has no shame"
@snailboat Okay :) Thanks for your help
although that's more about social faux pas than mistakes in general
@MattЭллен This again, is abstract. He can have no shame for so many reasons.
@SandeepDhamija well, no, that's what I'm saying, it's restricted to faux pas
so it's too specific
@MattЭллен right. It's very specific. I didn't know what faux pas was :P looked it up just now
@MattЭллен actually faux pas is specific but how come "he has no shame" is related to faux pas?? It can be said in so many situations
@SandeepDhamija maybe faux pas isn't exactly the right phrase. Whenever someone is deliberately breaking social norms. I would call that a mistake.
@MattЭллен Then you are not unrepentant :p you are a repentant fellow :D
personally, yes :Þ
I'm a sorry individual
@MattЭллен I hope you were being sarcastic when u said you were a sorry individual :D Thanks for your help. Take care \m/
You're welcome. I can't think of any idioms off the top of my head, but there probably are some
Q: About wrongfully discarded words

user128932I read there used to be a word 'sciolism' if the spelling is right. I think the idea was someone who is an expert at trivial information or unnecessary abilities , I'm not sure about the definition either. But it 'said' in this dictionary the word was discarded from low usage. The thing is if thi...

This is not a question.
OK @matt I am going to submit my request for deletion. I will also delete my current email address. Will contact you again with new email, lol.
I don't think you should do it
There's no reason to delete.
OK, goodbye!
See you soon
@Mitch took me awhile
@pleasedeleteme See you, please delete! It was fun chatting.
Q: More Drunk or Drunker?

Jim ThioI am in a party. The wine is depleted. Then some Son of God manufacture even more win. Yay. Now I am (more drunk/drunker)?

I think we have a new tagline.
@RegDwigнt :D
You must be fun in parties.
Especially the communist one.
i really want to troll the answer
I can put you on my paytroll.
and I can patroll you
The truth is out there, Skully.
what do you mean?
people in my office are talking about thor's hammer. I think I might work for S.H.I.E.L.D.
He knows. He sees it all the time while he's out patrolling skulls.
@MattЭллен i believe that
It would explain all the magnets
@RegDwigнt It's a common question that needs answering.
@Mitch It is not a common wording that does not need rewording, though.

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