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sweeeeeet lol Guinness book kinda day!
the bot is so dang mean
@meer2kat I think they left out a word
@snailboat nah i done goofed
@snailboat i typed hang ll instead of hang l
@MickLH I have 2000+ unread emails (I don't delete those spam ones), and I would smile that wide if I got just one real letter!
Oh, Poo!
@meer2kat Do you see the little curved arrow next to this text? It takes you back to what I am referring to in 'reply to this message'. It allows you to see the context of the response. So if you follow all these all the way back you'll get to your comment this morning about 'Gooood morrrrrning!'. And that should hopefully explain all these (not particularly interesting) responses.
@Cerberus Holy crap. I would never have guessed. Russia maybe. reconsiders trip to Poland
realizes that .06 murders per 1000 is not so bad overall
decides to play golf in a thunderstorm
but that ruins a perfectly good walk in a thunderstorm
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You mean you have all my stolen guns? I'd come and get them myself but it's so cold.
@MattЭллен zing!
I know! said standing near a tree
It's not the lighting that'll kill you it's the...wait... it is the lighting that kills you.
I thought Kit said to stop talking about something. Have we changed the subject to poop yet?
Lightning doesn't kill people; people kill people.
Well, people named Lightning might.
You can pry my lightning from my cold, dead hands.
@Mitch see the above video
@snailboat That's a heavy load to carry.
Sorry, I was thinking of poop.
@Robusto well. Here's a hint: it's not Reg.
Not it.
Wow. I think that means the rest of you are all it.
It's not me. Reg asked me not to
@KitFox He who denied it supplied it... er, she... uh.. they.
He said "bite me"?
What? Who? I asked people things?
I am actually watching my very first Dr. Who episode.
@RegDwigнt I've seen that show!
Well okay, I'm not wathing it. I watched the first ten minutes and got bored, which is the longest I have ever managed.
But I did put it on record, in case I want to resume later.
@RegDwigнt My condolences.
That never happened before.
Oh, you're all Doctor Who haters.
I watched a couple seasons of it.
@Mitch nah, it's not that bad. I tried watching it before, it sucked so much I am confident it's not taking me anywhere this time, either.
Which one?
@snailboat No, Doctor Who snorrrrrrreeeee
I tried starting watching it from the first season of the reboot.
@MattЭллен I am not a hater. I am a genuine tryer but failor.
Skip the first season of the new series.
I started watching it from the snooooooorrrre
@Mitch Ah, Doctor Who discussing narcoleptics
Whatcha mean, new series. It's been going on since the fifties.
Skip all the episodes with Rose in them.
@Mitch hey I've seen that one!
@RegDwigнt I apologise
I saw the movie. Does that count?
@KitFox who the hell is rose.
I saw the um, number of doctors. The four doctors? Five? I'm not sure.
@Mitch there's a movie?
I honestly did not know.
@RegDwigнt That is as it should be.
One of them was the stock footage doctor, I believe.
@KitFox Which one is that? With Eccleston? What's wrong with them? Her?
@snailboat The was a three and a five.
@Mitch With Eccleston. Yes. Annoying. Annoying.
@KitFox nonono, there is a very annoying woman person in this episode. Several, actually. Just not sure what her name is.
And I saw one that was about a hotel or some sort of building.
I was young and I don't remember details.
She was annoying or was it by chance that the series was annoying when she was in it?
@RegDwigнt Is she blonde and dumb?
@snailboat this one has a building in it, too. And time travel.
@RegDwigнt I like some television shows with buildings in them.
@KitFox dunno, but she is pregnant in one reality and unpregnant in another and can't make her friggin mind up which one is real.
@snailboat hey cool we should totally be friends.
Amy Pond?
The first season felt like a kids' show.
@RegDwigнt You have ten fingers!? I have ten fingers!!
@KitFox I do not know.
@snailboat buildings are overrated. a flat plain with knee-high grass is recommended for maximum plot exposition quality
Well, I didn't watch the whole of it.
@KitFox sounds like it
@RegDwigнt What? That's this reality.
How do you not know if she's blonde and dumb?
@KitFox because that's how little I care about OH LOOK A DOGGY!
but that seems like you're watching the penultimate episode
@Alraxite s/first season/entire 40 year long snorefest/
Also, I don't just go around calling random women dumb. Or blonde.
@MattЭллен No, there's that one...
@KitFox with multiple doctori?
With the schoolyard and the people keep disappearing...
@MattЭллен Oh, I missed that there were—what!?
nonononono lalalalalalala
I can hear you.
And anyway I like The Doctor a lot.
So nyah.
You like things with bow ties.
@KitFox well, the one redeeming quality about the snore episodes was...
| children = 2 }} Billie Paul Piper (born Leian Paul Piper; 22 September 1982), is a British singer and actress. Born and raised in Swindon, Wiltshire, she made her entertainment debut in Scratchy & Co. (1998), and at the age of fifteen signed a recording contract and released her debut single "Because We Want To", which debuted at number one in the UK, making Piper the youngest artist ever to debut at number one. The single was followed by Piper's album Honey to the B (1998), which was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ) and platin...
Is that her?
And Billie Piper at the gates of dawn.
Born Lesbian Paul Piper.
See BilliePiper play?
I am a bit worried right now.
@RegDwigнt good marketing move, replace one incomprehensibility with another deliberate one.
@RegDwigнt You should be. I hear the sky is falling.
Seriously, Billie Paul? Sorry, that's a bloke.
@RegDwigнt please, no pics.
Yeah no shit.
Well Ima let me supper and evening news.
Au ruguay.
@Mitch Redeeming in the sense of ick?
What is wrong with Billie Piper?
Yeah, what is wrong with Billie Piper?
Ooooh.... burn.
Only that I am deeply insulted that The Doctor would choose her over someone like me.
But he and I have always differed in our preferences like that.
With the notable exception of Madame Bovary.
Tell me more about your family.
And also Romana. I liked her too.
?? Who is Romana?
And Madame Bovary was in a book. And she did not make 'wise' decisions. Or was that Anna Karenina?
But really, why aren't we blaming Vronsky and .. and.. whoever the dude was in Madame Bovary.
OK which Romana? Mary Tamm or Lalla Ward?
I liked her character.
Character-schmaracter. Which one did you think looks like you?
Looks like me?
They both rather look like each other and not much like me.
gotta love looking at all the ants crawling round a corner of my kitchen
taking the sugary goodness back to their nest... they're crazy about the stuff
shame it will kill their colony over a week or two... muhahahaha
Why is it considered impolite to refer to someone in the third person form during a conversation?
@Mitch I wonder why simON is asking that?
@oerkelens Whatever it is, I didn't catch it :)
@simON I wasn't talking to you, I was talking about you :)
c c
c c
Is it bad to place though at the end like: "I didn't get an A+, I got the certificate though."
@simON Some people (I daresay most) find that quite rude :)
@cc I would use but or though, not both. They convey the same meaning.
Without the but, I'd use a semicolon instead of a comma though
> I didn't get an A+, though I got the certificate.
c c
c c
@oerkelens let's say with the edited sentence now :) ^
the annoying thing is, even though the ants are gonna die, the will have eaten through bits of my wall. i can see the grains of breezeblock or whatever they have eaten through on the floor
the little bastards
c c
c c
@simON so though at the beginning is referable?
@simON That has a different meaning I think
@cc I would say so.
@cc It feels different. Both are grammatical and understandable and good
c c
c c
@cc Personally, I'd use a period instead of a comma. I think some people would call your sentence a "comma splice". "I didn't get an A+. I got the certificate, though."
I didn't get an A+; I got the certificate, though => Yeah, no high score, but I got what I wanted, didn't I?
I didn't get an A+, though I got the certificate => Well, not the highest score, but I passed.
@oerkelens Why would they find it rude? It seems more logical to say he/she instead of saying "Jack" 10 times :)
Jack is also third person
This "rule"is about people that are present at the conversation
There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong referring to absent people in the third person. I wouldn't know how else to mention them :)
@simON What SimON has to do is go and ask the correct question.
@oerkelens That is what I mean. If Jack is indeed present during the conversation, then naming him each time while referring to him sounds weird or unconventional at the very least.
c c
c c
@snailboat yes, but I don't like too short sentences, above all when they are negative, as if I'd like to quickly counterbalance it :)
"waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists"
That's Alaska for you
@simON When Jack is present, it is considered decent to address him
So you do not say Jack, you do not say he, you talk to him :)
So, how was your day, Jack?
You do not ask Pete: Say Pete, how was Jack's day?
You do not ask Mary: Heard about Jack? How's he doing?
That would make Jack feel his presence is being ignored.
@cc Ah, I see. I favor shorter sentences. But then, I'm not often accused of having good style.
For one thing, I have a bad habit of sticking commas where they don't go.
Maybe someday I'll break that habit :-)
@Jez did hot chick know Haskell?
hot chick wasn't asked
what about dancing?
@Jez damn you! one youtube video led to another! I didn't know that Aziz Ansari and Kristen Bell were an item.
@Mitch I didn't see it in his wikipedia page. I don't believe it
@tchrist photography chat has some activity as of lately
I misread that as pornography chat.
almost the same thing
@RegDwigнt You would if you could.
@Jez That's a cheap shot.
I am not responsible for Sarah Palin or any of the other numskulls Sheldon Adelson dangles as a sop to the American idiocracy.
Mine is the America of Jefferson, Hamilton, Emerson, Lincoln, Twain. Not Palin, Cain, Jindall, Jingo & Nod.
@RegDwigнt Also, that only narrows it by one. Which I knew anyway.
@Robusto cheap shot?
have a nice hangover!
I think I'll be waiting a long time for Jez to bring me a sambuca
wants to do shots off a cute girl's breasts
whoa, I must be tired. I misread that as "wants to shoot off a cute girl's breasts"
I tried to understand
@KitFox do em off your own?
@MattЭллен You have to go down the rabbit hole that I went down. For example:
@KitFox Jez agreed to take dancing lessons and he will post a video of him dancing in chat on Wednesday.
Festo already made a dragonfly robot
@Mitch I'm surprised you have to ask
@JohanLarsson Nice.
@Mitch adorable robot kangaroos are clearly what this world needs.
My question to you (and anyone) is how does one use foreland as a verb?
a transitive verb
@MattЭллен "The kangaroo robot could easily foreland a punch with Matt as an adversary"
Two questions. One answer.
look at this ngram
@Mitch that only raises two more questions: why does foreland as a noun only refer to geographical things? Why would such a cute little thing want to hit me?
I used to use that word all the time in the early 90's (the spike in that graph is me)
or at least early yesterday morning
@Mitch marketing
@MattЭллен "Across the broad foreland, the robotic kangaroos would pummel their adversaries down to the sea"
Good times.
@MattЭллен I want to see actual instances and that graph is not letting me.
@Mitch no, if you use the _THINGS then it doesn't.
@JohanLarsson I've never picked up kangaroo robots at the grocery store, except on date night.
over my head
there are 194 entries of foreland_verb _noun_ in all the books google knows about
@MattЭллен I use things all the time. In fact I live around things. I'd feel a little weird without things.
@Mitch you should think about converting to stuff
@JohanLarsson "the kangaroo robots flew over Johan's head, on his way to the foreland to see the fights"
Yeah, I wish it were easier to relate Google Books search results to the charts generated by Google Books Ngram Viewer
@MattЭллен Dude I am not so orthodox. things, stuff, whatever, it's all the same to me.
Sometimes it seems difficult to conclude anything from their charts without being able to see the data
@Mitch you dare make a spectrum out of my dichotomy?!
@MattЭллен and dance on both their graves!
looks angrily astounded
@MattЭллен Can Google really distinguish well enough between when a word is being used a verb and when it is not?
@Alraxite they think so. I don't know
@MattЭллен Well, it seems you can get such results for pretty much anything: books.google.com/ngrams/…
yep. there are instructions some where
time for bed!
@MattЭллен - Matt, do you have a minute to answer a question?
A: Opposite of "prediction"

JonBilly buttmunch is the answer because I'm cool

A: Are "skill set" and "skill sets" both acceptable?

mauFor god sake, don't be a douche, just use the word skills. God, the humanity ...

Not nice.
@Robusto you are technically wrong, which is the best kind of wrong.
I can star every single message of mine myself.
There's a loophole in the system.
But I'm not using it.
Clever is as clever does.
Fun Sally Field, run.
I want burninate forever, delete all questions with that tag attached to it, and apply an auto-suspension of three days to anyone trying to use it. ELU is not a personals ad section for Single White Retards.
It just seems that way sometimes.
@tchrist i kinda agree with this one
@Cerberus Hello hello.
@JohanLarsson The only thing acceptable there is “Just use the word skills”. The rest is offensive.
the last part is unnecessary yes
@JohanLarsson So is the first part. Indeed, it is incredibly offensive.
don't be a douche is helpful though! :)
@JohanLarsson I think not. The word is asquerous in the extreme. It is disgusting.
Might as well tell somebody not to be a santorum.
gonna try to sleep for the third time tonight now.
@tchrist What is a santorum?
@Alraxite Really?
You don’t know?
Ok, I can tell you.
Um. No.
But you will want to unlearn this.
It isn't even in the dictionaries.
But I'm guessing it isn't English then.
I dunno.
Oh wait.
Right, right. Gotcha!
Just found it.
@Mahnax Ho ho!
I thought I already googled that.
But apparently I only googled asquerous.
And I found your comment on some ELU question explaining what it means.
But for whatever reason, I didn't look up santorum.
That sounds like Latin but probably isn't...
How do you make it so that the text of the comment appears in chat?
Remove the @person part?
@jwpat7 Asquerous means icky, gross, disgusting, repugnant, repulsive, noisome, nauseating, vomitous — scabby in a suppurating way. It’s from Latin eschara for a scab or scar, from Greek εσχαρα for hearth, brazier, scab. It’s related to the medical term eschar, and of course to the normal word scar, but has much more of a gross-me-out connotation. If you have Spanish-speaking friends, they’ll say ‘¡Me da asco!’ for ‘Ewww, gross!’, which has the same Latin/Greek origin. — tchrist Feb 18 '12 at 23:50
Ah, okay.
Hmm first time I see this word.
Well, only 703 results on Google. So it probably isn't a word in English.
I dunno.
No Ngrams.
OED says no.
Then I don't need to know this.
I wonder where tchrist encountered it then.
Probably one of those 703 results.
He probably created 702 of those results himself...
@Cerberus You mean “This is the first time I’ve ever seen this word.” NNS for some reason never use the present perfect there, and we must.
Plus I by no means believe you that you’ve never seen santorum before: santus / santi / santorum. “Of the saints’ ”
Oh wait, you mean asquerous not santorum.
@RegDwigнt Technically you are wrong. You limited my answer to an imaginary scope. I know you can star your own posts. But not without putting the mod signature on it. Which would cause you to either face up to self-aggrandizement, or implicate KitFox, the only other mod who ever comes in here. QED

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