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Yeah, the title works, but the first sentence is really funny. What is the word for commentary?
@KitFox oh! I purposely don't vote to close questions I want migrated to EL&U. well, now I know.
If they should go to ELL, then they must be off-topic here for some other reason.
In other words, they need to be closed on their own lack of merit.
@KitFox Mostly because we wouldn't bother migrating a question that is also suitable for ELU.
The ones I flag are actually questions I'd probably just downvote
I don't really bother to close vote old questions stuck in the Unanswered queue anymore
And I also get tired of the "this should be on ELL" instead of "this is why this shouldn't be on EL&U"
I wonder what my downvote rate is by now.
@RegDwigнt You can look that up.
@KitFox Sure. I saw migration as an alternative to closing, so I didn't bother with it.
> 3,937 up
4,519 down
@MrHen of course.
Damn, we've been found out. — KitFox ♦ 3 mins ago
I had a query that showed us the ratios of all ELU users
Let me see if I can find it again...
I understand. I'm feeling grouchy.
> how does one expect a novice to successfully use the site?
Well. We do not.
This is a site for experts.
Seriously though, we do expect people to search first.
maybe he means a novice of the site, not of English
I know. It is my joke. Do not ruin it.
puts hammer down
Top 5: Mahnax, Kris, Andrew Leach, username901345, MετάEd
RegDwight is #6
Hold on, will be there in a minute.
Also, the query apparently does not filter out suspended accounts...
So I should add that feature.
username901345 is dead.
@RegDwigнt Are we experts??
Who knew?
Honey Boo Boo
Yoichi certainly is an expert question asker.
@MickLH Yo-Yo Ma.
@MrHen username901345 and his sock puppets have been very active on ELL
@Cerberus you're no expert in getting jokes, that's fo sho.
Back to fourth grade for you.
I took it to be a joke regardless of intention.
Hi @snail.
@snailboat Hm, lucky you
ohhhh no :( the bot is off. i can't play hangman in the hangman room :(
I forgot once again which sites snailboat is or isn't a modesse on.
Was it ELL or Japanese?
Only Japanese!
So. What's your beer with ELL, then.
You do make it all confusing on purpose, don't you?
I answer questions there on occasion!
How dare you.
And sometimes I notice stuff.
@RegDwigнt You're inexcusable
That's why I don't even try.
@meer2kat you're inexcused
No execumcisions in this chat.
awww. but I wanna
@meer2kat You just need to summon her there.
@MattЭллен ohhhh :( but please
too late.
@KitFox i dunno how to do that. most of the commands won't work (maybe i'm just dumb)
it's been done
@MattЭллен </3
c'est la vie
@meer2kat nonono, you mean communists.
@MattЭллен carpe diem
@RegDwigнt that's fair
carpe jugulum!
@MattЭллен carpe-t ride?
There we go, no suspended users
Commands work fine. Must be you not functioning. frowns
!!summon 8795
@meer2kat no. But this is fair:
@KitFox most likely
Everyone must see this designer video. You ain't seen nothing about LEGO if you ain't seen this.
@RegDwigнt that's beautiful. oh. so i need an infinite number of legos.
@RegDwigнt oh wait, minecraft.
Oh Jamie.
I remember him.
@KitFox You came and you built me a turkey
Oh my god that looks like fun.
It's magic.
I literally don't know how he does it.
Holy crap it glows in the dark
The parts are meh, I probably have enough myself, but I sure as hell need the building instructions.
!!urban carpet ride
@MattЭллен No definition found for carpet ride
Carpet diem.
Here's another semi-interesting query: Total votes cast / reputation (filtered to only users with 5000+ rep).
@MrHen I. Uh. Wut?
Aedia can't have that many downvotes, so these must be ones she cast.
@RegDwigнt Correct.
In which case I'm not sure what the query is supposed to show.
Other than quite literally, apples divided by oranges.
Nah, it's just a look at who gives out votes compared to how often people vote for them.
I was curious about who was contributing votes but only really cared about the high-rep users.
Well. That you can have in our very own Voters tab, no?
The query isn't intended to be statistically meaningful.
@RegDwigнt It's certainly similar.
(This was just a case of, hey, I have this one query over here. Let me copy it and see what other funny numbers I can make out of it.)
Well, it sort of makes sense as "who spends the most of their reputation on downvoting".
@RegDwigнt Heh :)
I just like looking at data. :)
But now that downvotes no longer cost reps on questions, it's like half the fun.
@RegDwigнt Whoa, I missed that memo.
@RegDwigнt I thought that was going to be boring and stupid, but I have to admit it is kind of cool.
That explains why I wasn't seeing the rep hits. I was curious about that.
They did that liek b4 u even registered. It's been literally light years.
@RegDwigнt Really? Huh, then I must have totally spaced out.
I remember this before, actually
@Cerberus yeah it ain't got the looks. Photos don't make this thing justice. It's all in the functionality. Not a display piece at all.
@RegDwigнt yeah, that was my thought too. It's a fun kit, but more technically impressive than collectible. Though it makes me think that there needs to be more rides in the carnival... and then my brain goes down a road that leaves my existing WIPs unfinished.
@MattЭллен yeah I think we mentioned him previously.
So, it was implemented a large unit of distance before.
@RegDwigнt Just like my previous date.
OK OK maybe not.
@Cerberus so your last date was a display piece?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 see, that's why I stopped having WIPs a while ago. My only WIP left is sorting.
@MattЭллен Haha more like regular.
@MattЭллен his dates are literally bitches. Just sayin.
@meer2kat Quoi?
@RegDwigнt Yeah. I feel like it's pointless to own a lego collection if I never build my own ideas. But it turns out my own ideas are terrible. I'm better at the engineering part than the design part.
@meer2kat polo
I sort of lost that spark I had as a kid. Where I'd just get down to building any time of any day. Just do it. [R]
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 winner!
taim to gow
Now I have to plan and sort and [all that] shit.
It's serious business.
How sick is that.
Creepy stalker!
@Cerberus did you introduce yourself as polo?
Should have!
Marcus was the name of my made-up Canadian boyfriend who conveniently dumped me right before an eighth grade dance.
@KitFox that's beautiful
Q: How do you pronounce the surname Derges

debbie edwardsHow do you pronounce the english surname of a famous artist-Derges

This is a good example of why we should make questions about names off-topic.
I dunno, as long as he's famous it's okay.
The answer is as good of an answer you could get and it is utterly useless for anything other than this very specific question.
@RegDwigнt Why? Then it could only ever apply to one person with that name.
Is the idea that if a person is relatively famous, then the question will be of use to future users who have the same exact question?
@KitFox though when i hear "canadian" and "boyfriend" together i can't help but think of that little brat of a singer
No. No. No. I closed it.
@MrHen I dunno, but that's the status quo. Take it up with nohat.
We had that whole thing.
It was discussed. No names.
@snailboat Bleh. That's not a good enough reason, in my opinion. ELU isn't a name pronunciation guide. Names don't necessarily follow the rules of English.
A: How can the pronunciation of famous people's names be "too localized"?

nohatRidiculous. Reopened. There was nothing localized about those famous names. I'm sure those who voted to close just were unfamiliar with the names and voted to close without checking first if the names were famous.

Anyway. I must mute commies.
That was three years ago.
@KitFox The World War Two was OVER 3 years ago, and still people keep using it as a guidance.
@KitFox Welcome to SE, where 30% of answering questions is deciding whether or not it's okay to ask the question ;)
Q: Is the history/etymology of names appropriate?

Patrick MI asked a question about the history of names. The question text is asking about the origin of a practice of family names or surnames. There is some contention as to whether this question is on topic for the site, with user Oldcat making the claim that the question is more about history and cultu...

More recent. Supercedes.
@KitFox That question/answer doesn't actually cover this question
history/etymology != pronunciation
Close enough.
The same reasoning applies.
Names are not "English".
@MrHen Yeah, it's true. They don't necessarily follow any rules, and they don't necessarily correspond to spelling in a predictable fashion. Though if they violate English phonotactics they're usually mercilessly regularized
@snailboat I think asking how to appropriately spell a foreign name makes sense but asking how someone pronounces their name isn't a question about English.
@KitFox I don't see how. This isn't a question about English. It's a question about how someone pronounces their name. There is nothing in "English" that answers this question aside from, "How would this combination of letters be pronounced if it were an English word?"
Not to mention, I don't see how these kinds of questions provide any value.
Especially if our target audience is supposed to be shifting back toward "experts"
@KitFox That's kind of BS you know.
wants to cry
But okay... if the community wants them, fine. I wish they'd see fit to upvote the answers, then.
@Cerberus Are you saying names are English?
@MrHen If you want to pronounce a name in English, it's (also) about English.
@Alenanno must? no. Should probably? yes. It boggles the mind that anyone would think questions about pronunciation could be off-topic. — nohat ♦ Oct 8 '11 at 18:35
@Jeff obviously questions about how to pronounce proper names from foreign languages are only on-topic if they are names which are so commonly used that they are part of the language. It's not like there is some dividing line that excludes proper names of foreign origin from being part of language. — nohat ♦ Oct 8 '11 at 18:36
@Cerberus That isn't what the linked question is asking.
Each language has its conventions about what to do with foreign words and names.
@Cerberus No it doesn't. Each culture has conventions. The English language does not.
Ugh, it's too long to read. Never mind, I shall retract myself from the debate.
@MrHen Uhh there is no separation between those two.
@Cerberus You see no distinction between English speaking cultures and the English language?
Essentially, famous names are words in the language, and pronunciation advice for words is on-topic if it's not GR.
Language is among the central elements of culture.
That's nohat's argument.
@MrHen Right...I feel like you are arguing with me, but we're in agreement.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Agreed.
i don't like when i don't know the word
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I guess that would be a better way to say my point. This kind of question is either off-topic or inherently General Reference as the only way to answer it is to look it up.
@Cerberus So is art.
Yes, so is art.
@MrHen well, the problem is that there isn't a GR that lists all the famous names.
@MrHen Although I think language is more central than art as such (which also overlaps with a language 50 %).
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hm, fair point.
@KitFox Heh, oops
It's actually pronounced "Throat Warbler Mangrove".
@Cerberus X being among the central elements of culture do not make questions about the culture on-topic for a site discussing X.
@meer2kat electroencephalography
But pronunciation is about language q.q.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah :) @alraxite told me :)
@Cerberus That doesn't make it inherently on-topic, either.
But likely to be on topic. At any rate, the fact that something is about "culture" is meaningless in this context, since everything about language is about culture.
@Cerberus The English language is a topic that covers more than one culture.
Asking a question about English as if the answer would apply to all cultures that speak English is problematic.
There isn't a good, useful way to answer some of those questions
By the way, there is no clear separation between one culture and the next.
My point is that this is one of those cases
@Cerberus That furthers my point.
@MrHen If that is the problem, then the answer could specify several usages among different (sub-)cultures.
But I hate debating policy.
The only way this question will be useful is in answer that very specific question. So now ELU has make judgment calls on how famous a name is before we can decide if it is useful? Ugh.
It kills my fun.
@Cerberus Fair enough.
@MrHen Yes, that would make sense.
@Cerberus Sorry. I get a little annoyed when people argue for inclusive policies that don't really help anything. It's a quality over quantity issue, in my mind.
I don't think your position is wrong so much as I merely disagree with it. :)
That's a relief!
"His name is Susan and he wants you to respect his life choices."
When God created man, she was only joking.
@Cerberus hahaha love it
I hereby declare a competition of coining words. Anyone who wishes to participate can post in the following format:

Hail AwalGarg! My coined term is _coined term_

Then, the person to recieve the most number of stars, shall win.

Prize is my autograph...
thinks realizes her term has already been coined
@meer2kat This was scratched on a wall somewhere in my high school.

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