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Does this link work? https://blufiles.storage.live.com/y1ptdxEU-9WvJv2cBhs7KZp-KosJLeZQ0J5xkJSlsruc83DpX_a2cOMvBiYHGC3LglYHzlIhdzZYg4/Image2.png?psid=1
ㄗㄘㄙ <- Tzi Tsi Si
ㄐㄑㄒ <- Ji Qi Xi
I only use pinyin. :(
I'll have to get my book, and I have to get the boys to bed, so hold that thought, I'll be back in a little while if you're still here. Maybe an hour, if I'm lucky.
I starred it so I can find it again.
I've never heard of zhuyin. Another way of transliterating Chinese then? :o
I can't believe my memory of zhuyin is still relegated to "How many of these characters can I use as weapons?"
@FallenAngelEyes These are basically the components from which any character is comprised. There are 3 parts - beginning, middle, and end.
@FallenAngelEyes From Wikipedia, looks like it.
@FallenAngelEyes For example, ㄓ is a claw or spear, ㄨ is a shuriken...
@brachomonacho It works!! How odd! Then the author wasn't wrong.
@brachomonacho By the way, if you want a convenient screenshotting program, let me know.
@JasperLoy Yeah, I was just wiki-ing as well
Wiki-ing? Wikiing?
I use Zizors. I press a hotkey, shift-drag around an area on the screen, and in a few second a link to the screenshot on Imageshack is put in my clipboard.
A character can begin with either a beginning sound or a middle sound, and it can end either on a middle sound or an end sound. The three middle sounds are "Yi", "Wu", and... "Yu".
@Cerberus I usually just use the Snipping Tool that came with Win7
I think pinyin is the easiest if you learn both Eng and Chi.
That sounds very handy though
That last one is a weird vowel sound that I don't think has an English counterpart, but think if you compressed the word 'Yuril" into a single vowel syllable, that'd be what it is.
Snipping is nice for gaming
@FallenAngelEyes Oh, how does that work?
@Cerberus What do you use? (I paste the PrintScreen dump into Corel Paint Shop Pro, and crop it in there... It's a bit of a pain.)
@brachomonacho Zizorz. See my link above. Extremely convenient.
@brachomonacho If you use the Snipping Tool, you can eliminate the copy/paste step
At any rate, for example, Jing (aka Gold) is "ㄐㄧㄣ", a Ji start, Yi mid, N end
This is how fast it is.
It automatically takes whatever you snip and puts it into a program where you can save it
I use my mind to paste the character here.
Impressive, no?
You can do a freeform snip, rectangular, screenshot, or frame
@FallenAngelEyes Ah, ok. That can be convenient too. But Zizorz is so extremely fast for posting screenshots in chat...
What @Cerberus has with the imageshack thing is neato though. With Snipping, you still have to upload it somewhere, but it's nice as a standard tool to use if you don't have of any other options.
Notice that I posted the screenshot of Grace's line before anyone could type another line.
@Cerberus I noticed.
@aedia Only reg can beat you!
@Cerberus I opened the page in Firefox, and get a Y where the psi should be.. Though Internet Exploder manages to render the character properly, which is odd.
@aedia I am glad that you notice me.
@brachomonacho Ahh! That is weird.
Now I want to try too.
I was busy trying to look at this IPA comparison chart for the Zhuyin (scroll down)... but too much. Mind tired. It is time to go home, I think.
@Cerberus Gtg, I'll have to try that Zizorz thing later...
@fallen Have you made the report?
@brachomonacho Adios!
@JasperLoy Made preliminary report today, going in to give sworn statement on Friday
@FallenAngelEyes Sounds like a complex procedure!
Yeah, that's the soonest they could get me in :(
Did you tell them you know Bieber? Maybe that will speed things up...
@brachomonacho Ok adios!
Very weird. So Firefox uses a different font for that psi, which is why it is displayed wrong. IE, Chrome, and Word get it right; but if I change the font in Word to most other fonts, it becomes a Y.
It is rendered in the font Symbol in Word.
Somehow FF doesn't recognize that it should be in Symbol.
@Cerberus It's called font substitution. Maybe you can install sth to fix it, but I dunno.
Arrgh, one more thing in the mailbox to do before I go. Ought to cut off delivery at a more civilized time, I say. Instead of never.
@JasperLoy Oh? How does that work?
@aedia You can always pretend it's not there.
Normally FF displays everything correctly for me.
@Cerberus Not too sure. Just some kind of substitution, you should know better than me!
@JasperLoy I know nothing about these things!
For example, liberation sans can replace arial, liberation serif can replace times new roman and liberation mono can replace courier new. In these three cases they are metric compatible, meaning though the fonts are different, the horizontal and vertical spacing is the same.
Linux has the liberation fonts installable in most distributions to replace these windows fonts.
But in Ubuntu it is easy to additionally install the windows fonts as well. As for greek fonts I have no idea.
All right, out for real now. See y'all!
night @aedia
@JasperLoy Hmm OK... but I'm not sure I could do anything with that.
Night Aed!
3 hours ago, by Cerberus
@simchona Hmm... I know ananas (the only word in Dutch), but I never got it, not after hearing it several times.
Wow, the Dutch language consists of just one word, and even that one word native speakers of Dutch don't understand.
Fascinating stuff.
Night all.

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