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Sure, but you shall have a break, Have a Kit Kat.
@JasperLoy Technically, you could reach a point in doing so, but often times what matters is what is used and where, to save ambiguity.
You did that one yesterday
That would be nice
Russians mainly are barking at us (Belorussians) and Ukraine. But we are normal ppl, very educated. I graduated from my middle school with Golden Medal.
@GraceNote Yes, and I noticed you did the oop again!
If I started spelling out programme in context of computer programs in papers for work, or anywhere within my field that I know of, it would be considered strange at best, perhaps confusing at worst.
Well, I would understand you
@JasperLoy For the same reason as last time, as it were
I'm not troubled by heathen sensibilities
Oop should go into the dictionary. Definition: exclamation before vanishing.
@MattEllen Yes, you probably would, but although there are boundaries in language and dialects, computer programming is definitely one area where we're trying to universalise word usage. And that just so happens to favour US English.
On Russian IT web-site 34 pages (each 25 messages) on Norway tragedy
@JasperLoy That's not quite its meaning.
I'm not necessarily saying that is the only reason, however, it helps.
@MrDisappointment I won't have my usage corrected, especially since it is completely understandable in context
I cannot think of a context where it would be confusing
@MrDisappointment There is also the issue of compact disc but hard disk.
Hullo hullo.
@MattEllen Good. I look forward to Matt Ellen Dictionary.
@Mana Maaaaaaaan!
@trg: I'm not sure this is the best place to say Russians are barking at you
@JasperLoy It will be a difficult one to write. I misspell so many thigns
So long as they're understandable in context, though, right?
maaaaaaaan. I can't believe there are already people saying that here.
I mean, I could say 'pass me that banana!', but, so long as I'm actually pointing at the object which is a pineapple, you'll know what I mean. That's insane.
Who is pointing at me?
I am not insane!
@MrDisappointment misspelling and BrE spelling are not the same
As good as, in cases.
Yesterday Robusto and JSBangs insisted I was a pineapple, but I really doubt it.
@MrDisappointment no, that is not what in context means. Pointing at a pineapple and calling it a banana is not the same as using a different, but known, spelling of a word
@RegDwight I've heard of ears burning when being talked of, but what burns when you're being pointed at?
@simchona , but they really undermined us
@MattEllen Define 'known'.
In a dictionary
avilable online
Which is why I asked the question about native speakers here. english.stackexchange.com/questions/14582/…
@trg: Yes, I understand you are going through hard times. But I'm not sure that this forum can help you. Many of us have already heard you vent, and there's not much more we can do
or should I say, as a better argument. when you say programme, it sounds the same as program. Banana and Pineapple do not.
@MattEllen But I'm on a desert island, pointing at a pineapple calling it a banana, because my mom never corrected me; where's my precious internet and dictionary now?
@MrDisappointment where is your computer programme?
My computer what, sorry?
@simchona , I don't seek for help.... Just thouthgt maybe it can be interesting to ppl across the Pool
@MrDisappointment I think I explained earlier:
13 mins ago, by Matt Ellen
@Wanda A programme (BrE) is a sequence of instructions. A computer programme is a sequence of instructions for a computer.
@trg787 This is not an American site. That's a common and sad misconception.
@trg: If other people find it interesting, so be it. But you're bringing up things that aren't related to the current thread of conversation.
@trg787 I wish you well. Hang in there!
@MattEllen Oh, damn, right, I need to remember your reference, not the industry standard. I forgot.
YES! Good, I'm glad you're on my wave length
anyway, I have to sleep. It's been fun.
You don't have to.
@RegDwi lol
It's just a habit.
@RegDwight Invalid Lisp, cannot compile programme.
@Wanda Press the up arrow key. Then edit. Step 3: Profit!
Even the owl has to sleep, @reg.
6 hours ago, by RegDwight
A chatter with a lisp.
I'm used to IRC.
My mom ate only/sometimes clover , at WWII. I think I ' ll over live hard times.
@Wanda So am I. I feel you.
@RegDwight Could be worse...
in Teachers' Lounge, 2 days ago, by Mr. Disappointment
I think it's called a stutter.
You pluralized tutter on the wrong end...
@RegDwight I should have guessed that tab-complete would work as well. This chat platform is impressive.
@wanda I see you have curly brown hair, like me when I was a toddler. But when I gre older, my hair became black and straighter.
It's weird, I'm not human,
@JasperLoy please don't prompt more pictures of people when they were little...
@Wanda Shall I pass the compliments along?
@simchona Sorry!
@z7sg: I found that too
@GraceNote Compliments?
@z7sg The two pseudo-real bears has become one fake bear.
I wonder if he's going to get enough rep to vote up his own questions/answers?
@simchona I feel like a nose is being thumbed here.
@Wanda On the chat platform.
@JasperLoy It's ok--its just that there was a weird bit of old kindergarten photos...that don't make sense...
@GraceNote Ah, yes please do.
@z7sg Can a mod keep an eye on those accounts? I worry that if they are both him, he'll just split his weird votes between the two
Just ping balpha already.
@simchona This must be a rhetorical question.
@JasperLoy I guess my question is Not a Real Question.
@simchona The mods are well aware of stuff.
Mar 7 at 18:16, by RegDwight
Big Russki is watching you.
@Kit I just fixed a typo'd "Wikitionary" which made me think of you, and lo and behold, you are in there: >Get your kit off and come to bed.
@RegDwight But I am the meta-mod here.
@aedia Limp biz @Kit?
@RegDwight Hardly.
@aedia Similarly Ham and Bacon always writes pronounciation, and thanks for the msg earlier on!
I fixed many of HB's pronounciations but he still writes them as pronounciations.
But largely thanks to his pronounciations, I have gotten the Strunk and White.
@JasperLoy Aw, you're welcome.
Isn't it spelled pronunciation? Or is that an AE/BE distinction I am unaware of?
That's the whole point.
There's one user who always says "ungramatically".
Or, "ungramatical"
@Wanda Shh! How are we supposed to get badges for editing if people learn that!
More to the point, how are we supposed to detect clones.
@simchona /shudder
In some cases, I think the clones would show suspicious votes
What is the /? Is it a programming thing?
@Wanda: I know! Ironically, she was telling me that I had quoted a dictionary that was "horrible" English
@JasperLoy Certain chat clients let you input specific actions prefaced by a slash to perform an action.
@GraceNote I see. Like /vanish.
@JasperLoy You got it
Exactly like that.
I wonder...
/me shuddered
Nope. Never mind.
@Wanda There's a userscript for that
Skype lets you do it
Converts /me action into an italicized action. It's still technically a message, but oft used nonetheless.
*  Wanda shuddered  *
Apr 8 at 16:14, by RegDwight
/kick Robusto
Ha. I love unicode.
Apr 22 at 19:17, by RegDwight
/kick him stronger
It works every time. Thanks to balpha.
To be unambiguous, it should be /kick_XXX instead of \kick XXX.
Hm, curious...
/dropkick RegDwight
/immediate 20k rep
/roundhouse kick all
I'm not sure if that 'worked'. I mean, maybe on your end, but I didn't get any satisfaction at all, so it must be broken.
/satisfy MrD
Something about how white my shirts could be, and smoking cigarettes on TV comes to mind.
German chancellors still smoke on TV.
Smoking is bad for health.
@JasperLoy If you don't smoke, you will die.
@RegDwight They're planning on banning smoking in cars here in the UK.
@RegDwight True implicational statement, since the conclusion always holds for all humans.
@JasperLoy Speak for yourself.
@JasperLoy So is yours. Everything is bad for health. No matter what you do, it won't end well.
You're dying from the day you're born, so to speak.
Because of oxygen, no less.
Look up telomerase.
Well this place certainly took a turn for the depressing
It was inevitable, according to the theory of decay.
Oops, they vanished together.
It's a great karmic joke. You can't live without oxygen, but it's also directly responsible for your death.
That is spooky.
He disappeared!
There is no death without life. And thus the endless cycle of birth and rebirth spins in the wheel of Samsara.
@simchona At the same time as you!
@JasperLoy Spooky. Is he a bot stuck in my computer, aiming to haunt me and all females everywhere?
I understand he's going through hard times, but his behavior/conversation is a bit odd
At least, it is not what I am used to here
I just watched Captain America today, free tickets no less.
@simchona That is the key point.
@simchona It's not something you should have to be used to.
@Grace But I mean how he keeps posting photos, and complaining about Russians. (Misogyny aside)
Different country, different culture, different situation.
I am not offended. More like amused.
@simchona I think that part stems more from just not reading the atmosphere
I am amused by the old pictures, which are inserted at random times.
@simchona I know how he must feel, I can relate.
I am offended by some of his comments, which he kept defending
@simchona Don't forget that he's probably drunk. No offense meant.
And on the brink of suicide.
And he has tuberculosis.
@simchona And do flag any messages that you find offensive.
@Reg: Yes, but this is still a private sphere in which bashing others should not be tolerated
@MrD: The bad ones were removed before I even flagged
@simchona And it isn't.
It's just that you keep wondering, so I felt like explaining.
As I was going to say earlier, people may be entitled to their opinions, but they need not broadcast them if they are likely to offend others when there is a more appropriate time and place for debate. They know their opinions are likely to rustle some feathers, and if they do start something heated, they're most probably trying to provoke and feeling confrontational without any good reason.
@Reg: It just sounds like you were defending him. I said this before: I am completely saddened by his circumstances, and I wish that such things weren't happening around the world. I just can't tolerate being told "genetics are the reason women should stay in the kitchen"
Genetics? WTF?
Well, I have unintentionally offended several people in my life as well. Sometime we really don't know that something is offensive. In this case, just say sorry and close the case.
@MrDisappointment That is what was said, as it were
OK, yeah, never mind that, actually.
@wanda I have a feeling you are Peter Pan!
I understand he and I come from different worlds. But he kept explaining how women mathematicians are an exception, and genetics --> women in kitchen
You can't fix that, though.
@JasperLoy Ha, what makes you say that?
@GraceNote If only there was a greater way for me to express the shock I got there.
Wait, there is.
/express greatest shock
@Reg: I can't fix our two understandings, no. But what can be fixed is keeping those comments out of this arena.
@Wanda Peter Pan always look young. He never grows old!
@JasperLoy: lol, I will be a little perturbed if I still look this young in another ten years.
@Reg That's all I was trying to say at this point. He kept putting those comments out there.
@Wanda You don't have an aging portrait in the attic, do you?
@Wanda We have a 35 year old at our office who looks fresh out of college. He's married with kids. You could keep that youth for all you know.
@simchona Again, probably drunk.
@Reg: Again, comments that don't belong here
@simchona hahaha. I loved that book.
@GraceNote :O
@RegDwight And sick. So let's show him some love.
@Wanda: Maybe that's how you made your deal with the devil
@JasperLoy Love, understanding, yes. Tolerance of misogyny, no
@simchona Yes, noted.
Plus I know someone who could pass off as 20 when she was 50, without make-up or anything. So it's all about how you pull it off, really.
I wonder how those folks even find this site.
Not to mention the chat.
He posts on theoretical CS
Probably read English as "from England" since he mentioned wanting to tell people from "across the Pool"
I am fairly certain he meant the US there, hence my response.
England isn't really across the pool from Belarus
I'm sorry, which response do you mean?
It's a very common misconception that this site is run by Americans for Americans, and that answers only address AE.
49 mins ago, by RegDwight
@trg787 This is not an American site. That's a common and sad misconception.
@Reg: I didn't even see that
I figured as much.
well, I have to go for now
talk to y'all later
Have fun.
(@Reg: Sorry for the argument)
Enjoy, @simchona! ♪
@simchona Nah, no sorries round here.
Bye simchona.
@Wanda How about summarising in one sentence how wanda came about.
The fish?
@JasperLoy As previously established, whoever they are, they came about dying.
@MrDisappointment I took a while to understand that!
And I didn't know about the fish.
Well, I registered at a forum many years ago as Wander [naming myself after character from a video game called *Shadow of the Colossus*] and as I got to know the other members very well, my screen name morphed into the nickname "Wanda" on account of my then feminine appearance [my hair was much longer] and the nickname stuck on more than one community; I came to use it everywhere I went.
@Wanda A good game, no less.
Shadow of the Colossus!
Glad you agree.
@Wanda And indeed in one sentence as requested.
And another German word in a Japanese game.
Gotta jet. Later all ♪
Bye @GraceNote
@RegDwight You say that as if holding them in contempt for using up all the German words.
Oop @grace.
Bye @GraceNote
@MrDisappointment Nah, we had a discussion with Grace earlier.
And with Robusto a few months back.
@JasperLoy You should learn its proper utility ♪
A sad game, actually.
That's asking a little much.
The last game I really enjoyed was Fallout 3.
Not anywhere as sad, FAIK.
@RegDwight: Yes, it was rather tragic, but I liked the story very much.
@MrDisappointment: That was the last game I played. Odd to think that it was a number of years ago now.
Ok, what does "Oop" mean here? Y'all are obviously not using it with the definition I'm accustomed to ("out of period").
It's a Jasperism?
Speaking of wander...
@Martha Oh, I actually noticed Grace said oop once or twice when she left, so I thought that was her way of signing off!
And what is 'out of period'?
Ghibli :D
Tonari no totoro totoro!
@Cerberus I did find how to force Firefox to spellcheck single-line fields, which it doesn't do by default... if you didn't know that already. (I edited one of our CHAOS-er's edits! shh.) Didn't find any hotkey spellcheck wordfixer thingamajig though like you hope for.
@JasperLoy Historical recreational term. For example, SCA period is pre-17th century, so Caribbean pirates are OOP - out of period.
@Cerberus I mean, I'm not making sense, but, I edited one of our CHAOS-er's edits on our site, that had a probably spellcheckable typo in the title. So maybe we should tell her about the single line spellcheck option ;) Then after that I edited the SuperUser question about the single line spellcheck option. Then edited my last comment 'cause I can't think either. I need more than spellcheck. I need to go home.
Fly on the wings of doppelkorn!
No more telling me to bold and center things and make them pop with big red buttons, ok, world?
@RegDwight I shall!
World: @aedia, I am afraid that is not okay.
゚ ー゚
Yay! The first look of disapproval that is not prefixed with RegDwight!
Or actually, no.
Mana and Kosmo have been there, too.
Right, I should get some work done. Good night everyone.
Good night!
I invented a very interesting question abt English and...... completely forgot it. Trying to recall it
"How is Engglish formed?"
Not this of course.... @Reg , let me think for a while
Ёлыпалы не могу вспомнить
Без мата, плиз.
@Reg , OK, :)
А насчет Крыма. Просто моя сестра заболела нефритом маленькой девочкой и мы туда ездили каждое лето. А особенных денег в нашей семье никогда не было. Мать - уборщица, отец - кочегар
What is this: Ёлыпалы fir fire?
Отец как вернулся с Балтики - он только по кочегаркам тягагался. Сначала сделал жуткую растрату на продуктовом складе, его судили, но не посадили, а присудили огромную выплату -. Он много лет платил, ездивши с бригадой плотников по округам. Мать тоже судили - за "спекуляцию" платками. Она возила их Воронежа в Гомель. Подонки всё отобрали, но я был младенец и ее спас от тюрьмы.
@z7sg , brother, I don't myself know what is mean.. Actually your guess is quite right
Ó, bocsánat, azt hiszem talán eltévedtem. Az angol csevegőszobát kerestem volna. Nem tudjátok véletlenül hogy hova lett?
@RegDwight с матом лучше! ;o)
мат - это как перец для еды:)
@Martha , plz translate your message
@trg787 I think that was my point. :D
@Martha , how could I understand that it's Hungarian? Google showed is Hungarian. Before clicking your link I thought : it's Hungarian
But Hungarian is a very hard lang
@trg787 It's easy for me. And at least it uses a proper alphabet, not that cyrillic nonsense you've been spouting. ];)
@z7sg This is a fire we can't use further oil in.
So keep it safe, children.
Reg is going to bed.
Night all, спокойной ночи, jó éjszakát kívátever.
@RegDwight Jó éjszakát!
@RegDwight Хорошо, я играю в нефте и спичкам где-то в другом месте... спокойной ночи

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