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I'd rather the rule be "you can add anything to anything"/ I can remember that
So why do some tiles move, while others don't? I had 22 and they didn't combine.
@Mitch well, but can you add 2361134612346213486102936890216 to 2361234760123452139085980239801508912389059082135? can you? can you?
@Cerberus when you press a key, everything moves in that direction. The entire field. When a row (or a column) already has 4 tiles in it, it obviously cannot move in the specified direction, so that is when it tries to add things up. Starting on the outside.
So a 3 3 3 3, moved <- will become a 6 3 3 _.
And a 3 3 3 3 moved ->, will become a _ 3 3 6.
Move it again, and it becomes a _ _ 6 6. Again, a _ _ _ 12.
But I had like 3221, and it wouldn't move.
Or maybe 3226.
But if it's a 3 6 12 6, you cannot move it in either direction. It's blocked.
The 2s did nothing.
@Cerberus yes, because the twos only add up to oneses.
3 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
In other words, anything above 3 (white) only adds to itself, while anything below 3 only adds to something else below three (red to blue and vice versa).
4 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
1. You can only add a one to a two. 2. You can only add any other number to the same number.
You cannot add a two to a two, or a one to a one.
That's the hard part.
Indeed, that's what you need to work around to get really far.
> 1128
@Mitch are you still adding? It was a joke, do not.
@RegDwigнt Oh wait, I misread.
@Cerberus excellent!
2234 here. I screwed up. But in general, the strategy is working.
Keep the white numbers in a corner. Any corner will do, but I picked top left.
So the result of a merger has to be 3*2^x ?
Only let the 1s and the 2s come from three sides. Ideally, only two.
I see.
@Cerberus yeah.
4293. Couldn't get the 384 for the life of me...
Sounds like a very high score.
can i play too?
No, I got over 7000 just a few minutes ago, and that one was with a 384.
@skullpatrol sure.
thanks :D
@skullpatrol Have you bought a ticket?
Oh, dear.
Have you brought us tea?
not yet
I would like to have tea!
BRB making tea.
Could make us a pot of Earl Grey, pretty please?
(But it will be @skullpatrol who will have to bring it.)
Haha yay.
We're not sexist.
I'll bake a cake.
!!wiki tea
@Cerberus meh. Not too big a fan. Ceylon all the way, babeah.
Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. It has a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour that many people enjoy. Tea originated in China as a medicinal drink. It was first introduced to Portuguese priests and merchants in China during the 16th century. Drinking tea became popular in Britain during the 17th century. The British introduced it to India, in order to compete with the Chinese monopoly on the product. Te...
But she has to do something to gain access to the game.
@RegDwigнt Huh.
Ceylon is basically Earl Grey without bergamot...
But, very well, I like simple Ceylon as well.
@Cerberus QED
@RegDwigнt you forgot a '1' in the middle there.
@RegDwigнt I was doing it on my fingers. If I use my toes, it'll go faster.
(Or I'll smuggle in some Earl Grey in my hip flask...)
Ouch, that burns!
What, you forgot the flask part?
After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world.
Hm. This is a catastrophe.
Wife cleaned up the kitchen, hid the Ceylon.
I will have to make do with Earl Green unless she returns by the time the water's ready.
drink hot water
@skullpatrol tee hee. Hold on, I'll fetch a quote for you.
Oct 27 '12 at 17:48, by RegDwighт
@Cerberus that reminds me of a children's book in which they made tea, but they had no milk, and no sugar, and no tea, so ended up drinking boiled water.
«Незнайка на Луне» — роман-сказка Николая Носова из серии о приключениях Незнайки с элементами научной фантастики. Это заключительная часть трилогии романов Носова, состоящей из произведений: «Приключения Незнайки и его друзей» (1953—1954), «Незнайка в Солнечном городе» (1958), «Незнайка на Луне» (1964—1965). Впервые роман «Незнайка на Луне» был опубликован в журнале «Семья и школа» в 1964—65 годах. Отдельным изданием книга вышла в издательстве «Детская литература» в 1965 году. В 1969 году Н. Н. Носову за трилогию произведений о Незнайке была присвоена Государственная премия РСФСР имен...
This book.
@Mitch Well, the flask was hot. It was meant for whiskey.
@RegDwigнt Umm what is that?
An impossible bastard tea?
I really do not know.
@RegDwigнt Something on the moon?
It is actual proper tea, though. Not some Teebeutel nonsense.
Of the moon?
@Cerberus yes, Know-It-Nothing on the Moon.
Of course. Theezakjes are low quality tea and/or exposed to air.
That's the name of the character in the blue hat.
Is "ne-" the negation?
@RegDwigнt Yeah I figured.
So the -n- part of the old root for "know" is also preserved in the Russian.
Yup. -Zn-.
Know, kennen, gnosis, recognosco...
So the -z- is probably a reflex of the -g-?
Dunno. Could look up. But busy making tea and playing Three.
The Proto-Indo-European root was probably something like *gn(o)-.
Yeah never mind.
> Происходит от праслав. , от кот. в числе прочего произошли: др.-русск. и ст.-слав. знати, знаѭ, русск. знать, укр. знати, белор. знаць, болг. зная, сербохорв. зна̏ти, зна̑м, словенск. znati, znȃm, др.-чешск. znáti, znaju, чешск. znáti, словацк. znаť, польск. znać, в.-луж. znać, н.-луж. znaś.
> Родственно лит. žinóti, žinaũ «знать», латышск. zināt zinu, др.-прусск. ersinnat «узнать», др.-инд. jānā́ti «знает», страд. jñāyátē, др.-перс. adānā «он узнал», д.-в.-н. irknâan «узнавать» (из *knējan), греч. γιγνώσκω «узнаю» (аор. ἔγνω: ст.-слав. аор. позна), лат. nōscō, алб. njoh «знаю, узнаю», готск. kann «знаю», тохарск. knan «знать». Вероятно, восходит к индоевроп. *ǵen- «знать», тождественно *ǵen- «рождать(ся)» и происходит из этого последнего.
So γιγνώσκω and even Sinn.
Though that's Fasmer, so take that with a grain of salt.
He found a German ancestor for every single Russian word.
Huh, Sinn?
That's odd!
Sentio, "to feel, understand".
I guess that makes some sense!
Yeah I'm not buying the Sinn.
Pun intended!
Let me look up the etymology of zin.
> Pgm. *sinn- < ouder *senn- is verwant met: Grieks (h)anúnai, (h)anú(t)ein ‘volbrengen’; Sanskrit sanóti ‘verkrijgt’; Oudiers seinnid ‘bereiken’; Hittitisch sanahzi ‘zoekt’; bij de wortel pie. *senh2- ‘verkrijgen, bereiken’ (Eichman 1973, LIV 532, Bjorvand/Lindeman).
Een andere, vaak genoemde reconstructie is pgm. *sinþna- (o.a. FvW, Seebold 1970, Pfeifer), met vereenvoudiging van -nþn- tot -nn-, waarbij men aanknoping zoekt bij Latijn sentīre ‘waarnemen, ervaren’ (zie sentiment) en/of bij zenden en gezin. Onder andere vanwege de aannames over betekenisontwikkeling die hierbij gemaakt moet
Sanskrit sanóti sounds a heck of a lot like Russian znati.
"Proto-Indo-European *senh2- 'acquire, achieve'."
"Proto-Germanic *sinþna- is unlikely."
@RegDwigнt Hmm...
The EWN has no comparative info for Slavic in this entry.
> 3471
This was about the 8th game I played.
I think I got a 192.
I still can't get a 384.
In fact I keep getting just 400 points.
Got some 4200 right now, but that was an outlier.
is an out lier someone who lies outside?
Yes, he only tells the truth inside.
I bet log2(384/3) = 7.
@RegDwigнt So the answer is 7.
is that log base 2?
You like it?
Thought so.
@Cerberus the answer to what?
To 384.
You need 7 combinations, not 6.
Yes, but who was phone?
Over 9000.
So now you know how to get your 384: just combine a tile 7 times. OK?
@skullpatrol That's cheating!
@Cerberus that log is not base 2
Sure it is.
Click the Google link, I checked.
i did
it uses base 10
Why would you think that?
It's really simple.
@RegDwigнt Look, I'm following your advice.
What the hell kind of broody O-face is @skull sporting today?
> 3471
@RegDwigнt The problem with your technique is that eventually you run out of space.
@Cerberus no, that is the problem with any technique.
That is how the game works.
So the goal is to find a technique in which you run out of space slower.
In my technique, you try to build a chain, with the highest number firmly put in one corner.
So as soon as you get a 3, you immediately combine it to a 6 which you then combine to a 12 combine to a 24 to a 48. You go straight through the chain with no stops. In five moves, you clear five tiles.
That is the only way to keep up with new files constantly coming in.
3089 points.
Der Erfolg gibt mir recht!
But how do you avoid getting something like in my screenshot?
It's hard to get a 12 there.
Without messing up the order of low → high in the direction of your chosen corner.
Or do you just do one direction?
The other direction can have 6,3,24,12,96?
@KitFox what is an "O-face"?
!!define o-face
@KitFox o-face (sexuality, slang) the facial expression made during sexual climax (orgasm)
@KitFox I wonder if it applies to both sexes, hmm.
@RegDwigнt I got a 384! Score 7520.
@RegDwigнt Looking at what kind of piece will be next is key, I find.
Especially to stay alive in the late game.
sort of like chess...
@JasperLoy Are you wondering if both sexes have o-faces?
Hey Mr Cock!
I mean, Hen.
I'm British, you see.
@Cerberus Hello. :)
What is this Threes?
posted on February 19, 2014 by sgdi

A small yet unsightly young man Tried not to eat too much flan He found that the taste Was much like toothpaste And the texture was much like his nan

@Cerberus huh what. I got that score without getting a 384. Interesting.
So... for threes... is there any way to predict which column you'll get the new tile after pressing Left or Right?
@RegDwigнt 8278. With 384.
@MrHen It will come from the opposite direction in which you're moving the tiles.
@Cerberus Which one of the opposites? There are four.
@MrHen Oh, OK, no, it can be any of 1 to 4 squares.
@Cerberus mmk
But only one column/row.
Haha, just got a score of 177.
Oh my.
And now 169.
A new record.
@Cerberus I got 9. Is that good?

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