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@Cerberus Wouldn’t swearing in French be more appropriate?
@tchrist I suppose it would be.
My grandmother might have.
She started speaking French to the staff of the nursing home when she was going gaga.
How, odd.
I have news.
This morning during the corpse-grey light that precedes daybreak, Lorin could not be comforted this side of the glass doors. He just had to go outside: there were a herd of large mule deer browsing on his grass. So finally I let him out.
Not ten minutes later, he returned through the cat-flap with his eventual kill.
A wee mousey whom he’d captured alive.
He was too quick for me to take his toy from him.
So I opened the door and told him he had to go outside with that.
Which he did.
He played with it for quite some time before it expired. At which point, Lorin let out a mewling cry of plaint, of a game ended before he was ready for it to end.
@tchrist Oh, his first kill! They grow up so fast!
I have to go fetch new pre-caught food for him now, and as the gloaming is again upon me, he of course wants out. But I shan’t let him.
I believe they’re cheaper by the dozen at the pet-store.
He’s been patrolling the back 40 all day, chasing up squirrels and anything that crosses his path.
He thinks himself a tiger.
one of the most terrible things in the world to watch is a cat playing with his soon to be dinner. Like Hannibal Lecter, or that guy from Reservoir dogs.
Also, today for the first time, Randy, the elder of the two by some four short weeks, has begun to shed.
@Mitch Except that it's the "circle of life", the most natural thing in the world for the cat (and the mouse). The problem is that we identify with the mouse and don't want to identify with the cat.
In short: the problem is us.
@MετάEd Oh I don’t know. There are some sheeple at $job I’m beginning to feel quite feline with regard to.
@tchrist He is a tiger just in a too small package. For animals scaled down relatively hes is just as savage.
He is so fast, faster than a man, faster than a horse.
@tchrist Yeah.
Able to leap tall hedges in a single bound.
@MετάEd It's the apparent cruelty of it that hurts. I mean a cheetah or leopard just offs you right away with a bite to the neck.
@Mitch The apparent cruelty, yes.
...if National Geographic movies are to be believed.
Small children do things that are apparently cruel, until their brains develop to the point where they know what's cruel, and suddenly they change.
@Mitch That’s so you cannot harm him. With a mouse, there is no such peril, and so there is play first.
Play, the word exactly. For the cat it's play, not cruelty.
“Wednesday, play with your food!”
@MετάEd ...and plan out ruthlessly the pain in others
@Mitch See that's what they don't know. They don't identify with the mouse. They don't know it's painful. That's how it's not cruel.
That's how it becomes cruel.
Why don't we eat prey animals?
Professional courtesy.
Speak for yourself.
Cruelty is when you deliberately inflict pain. Without awareness and intention, it's a tragedy, but not cruel.
Might as well say the asteroid is cruel when it wipes out life on the planet.
Cats are practically sentient. I bet they feel bad for their mom.
Define sentient.
A big cat is often smarter than you are at tracking you in silence, predicting where you’ll be, and taking your life.
Even when you are aware that that is his mission.
Being able to compute the twelfth root of two will not save you.
I think they have a modicum of self-awareness.
I don't think people are that particularly self-aware.
@Mitch The question of cruelty is whether they have the capacity to empathize. That's not a uniquely human trait, but almost.
@tchrist if you manage to divide him by zero you are safe though
To be so successful at that tracking behavior needs selfawareness, not making too much sound, knowing where one will be, where the prey might go.
World religions have to spend quite a bit of time explaining why humans are different in this way.
@JohanLarsson but who will clean up that mess.
Jon Skeet
@JohanLarsson Right!
@MετάEd Or taking the contrary position.
@tchrist Sure. I'm culturally Christian and so of course the narrative in my religious background is that only humans have souls and can sin; other animals are "dumb" and don't have hateful intentions behind what they do.
I don't buy that particular narrative but of course it's necessary to have one.
@MετάEd For the most part, I agree. Your animal friends will never betray you the way your human ones will. But mad dogs and Englishmen may take especial sport at cruelty.
most mammals have a sense of agency (that even inanimate objects can express intention)
There are grumpy critters.
But they have nothing on humans.
@tchrist Sport, but not cruelty. Dogs play with their prey just like cats do: in fun with no sense that their prey is suffering.
. . . wolvering wolverines . . .
If you want to know which animals can be cruel, find out which animals pass the mirror test.
few animals can pass the mirror test (show an elephant or chimpanzee a mirror and after a little while they'll (act like) they realize it's themselves instead of another animal (this isn't always true, only a few elephants and chimps do it))
@MετάEd I’ve thought about that.
I believe that captive elephants have been known to strike out in murderous rage.
They know what they are doing.
And they know why they are doing it.
They are trying to hurt those who have hurt them.
And once they set their minds upon it, they are really quite good at it, as you might imagine.
An angry elephant is a force of nature.
So is an angry person, for the same reason. The human simply brings a different weapon to bear.
Witness everything from world wars to church shootings.
And on that lovely, optimistic note I must head home.
And I to fetch kitten-appeasement tokens.
At least none of us need face an enraged Moby Dick.
5x our brain size, many times our mass.
Not somebody to be on the wrong side of.
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.
Hello, hello.
And with super powers: he can sonic blast you to death if he catches you in the water.
Goodbye goodbye.
@tchrist elephants aren't usually Sure, but that's only after being mistreated after a long time.
2 hours later…
is she speaking in English?
@EnglishMaster Yup. A variety of African-American dialect.
To me, lyric is like "ajaofasfojasof N-Word asofajsofjaos N-Word wopweroiwqpir N-Word alzpzpzpzpzpzpz N-Word"
Well, it's even hard for me to understand, and I don't usually have a problem.
You don't have a problem?
Not with that particular dialect, no.
I see.
I just have an ear for it. I've been hearing it all my life.
Where? In your neighbourhood?
Or did you mean "regularly" rather than "all around me"?
What does it mean to be a "secular counselor", and how is this different from a "Christian counselor"?
Can I be Christian and a secular counselor at the same time?
Is it "did you ever heard of" or is it "did you ever hear of?"
Or "Did he ever heard of" or "Did he ever hear of?"
@Anonymous I'm not sure about "counsellor" in this context, but, in general, "secular" means "not related to religion, separate from religion".
So it would in this context probably exclude "Christian counsellor".
@SȱɳɨȼƮħeǶḝÐɠḝħȱɠ Hear.
@Cerberus Thanks! Always can count on you guys for grammar
You can only have one finite verb in a clause; did is finite, so you can't have a simple past heard. The participle heard is also impossible, because did is followed by an infinitive, not a past participle.
Hi all.
Is Robusto still here?
Or Cerberus?
@Susan Hi!
Mind if I askyou a q?
I mean, <lowers voice> Cerberus may or may not be here.
Though I may not have the answer hehe.
um, you'll have a better one than I
Don't overestimate me! I know little about administrative business here.
But shoot.
with flags (I have 10+K now, so I'm tryig to be a good member)
I try to really examoine the OP's questionto see if the answer is "not an answer"
or just a low quality one
Ah OK.
and I find I'm almost always disputed
so I'm reluctant to opine
but feel that I'm just squelching on the work of moderating to some small degree
what do you suggest (if anything)?
It's hard to say anything about this without context, but "the answer gives relevant information" is often enough to make it valid, even if it does not literally or technically answer the question as asked by the OP. This is partly because many OPs don't know how to properly formulate good questions, or because they simply don't know what it is they want to know yet (but the answerer does know).
so, would you make it a mod-attention flag
I would personally just leave it alone, but I'm probably not the right person to ask.
instead of a simple "low quality" or "not an answer?
that's what I have been doing since so many are disputed
So we've had a bit of drama here in the past few days. It's been interesting.
Not quite as much as Sochi, but interesting.
I have to say I only confirm flags when I'm sure I don't want the answer to be there. When in doubt, I will probably dispute it.
Hmm what kind of drama?
Good policy
Oh, you mean the DDoSing?
oh, rants in meta
what is DDoSing?
Missed them.
You must be a vry calm guy.
Distributed Denial of Service: some angry people were spamming Stack Exchange with connections/requests, so the site went down.
wow, missed that!
I did see one angry Meta post about "red Dwight".
No, I'm seeing rollback wars, etc.
I probably haven't been looking.
Red, lol
You're more active on the site than I am.
Yeah it was hilarious.
I'm sure he got a kick out of it
I pang him, not sure he ever read it.
:) funny.
I like his lego animals
He used to be a real owl before the Lego animals.
I really like your icon.
what's an owl?
oh, thanks
Mediaeval music.
I used to do calligraphy and illumination
An owl? It is a predatory, nocturnal bird...
I do palaeography.
chants, medieval music
His icon used to be an owl.
Before the changing Lego animals.
(dummy me)
I can see how you misread that hehe.
But, hey, it's bed time for me.
hmm, I cn't see that.
I can.
Reg is a big green crocodile or somesuch to me
So what was "that"?
funny, people's hobbies.
Reg -> owl.
Ah OK.
Yes, the last time he was an owl was perhaps six months ago?
But anyway, I wish you a good...[time of day/night].
vry good, same to you.
Thanks, good advice.
Good luck with your flags!
2 hours later…
«there are more than one factor» or «there is more than one factor»?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez is.
Not sure why.
But more than one of the factors are at work here.
But more than one factor is at work.
I wrote the sentence and corrected it 5 times before asking :-)
Careful, you’ll come down with corrigitis from too many corrigenda.
> Siempre he dicho que más de uno es incapaz de pasar un día sin una o varias cervezas, es un hecho.
Same issue in Spanish.
Notice it’s not son incapaces.
Q: "There is/are more than one". What's the difference?

FumbleFingersWhile adding to an Answer to this question, I needed to use the above phrase, and I suddenly realised I was unsure whether to write "is" or "are". There is more than one way to skin a cat. If there are more than one species of cat, we will flay each species differently. I don't think that sec...

> More than one man has lost his chance for a pleasant evening by being overly hirsute.
That’s has lost his chance not have lost their chances.
Ok, now find a language where it doesn’t work that way.
> Plus qu’un homme a le droit d’aimer une femme.
Still singular.
A: What's wrong with these sentences?

user66327Wesak commemorates the main events in the life of the buddha. it is celebrated in may the date varies during wesak buddhists reflect on the post year they make resolutions for the following year. some meditate

Spam, or not-an-answer?
Holy crap!
A: Can you explain the meaning of this sentence?

user66328A. COMMON PROVISIONS Section 1. The Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent, are the Civil Service Commission, the Commission on Elections, and the Commission on Audit. Section 2. No member of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or employme...

6 hours later…
@Cerberus wo?
Oh and BTW, is Arnoud a male name exclusively?
@RegDwigнt Yes, Arnold.
Yeah I know, but perhaps you name your girls Arnold.
Also Arnout, Arnoudt, Aernoud/t (probably older).
Oddly we don't give our girls men's names.
I don't believe your lies.
No, not Aeronaut.
We're not England.
No Beverlies or Evelyns.
Right. Nöone wants to be England.
Silly nannies.
Where did you encounter this name?
Is this correct? "Nothing is a subject of so much ridicule and scorn as a tramp self-aggrandizing. "
Maybe I'd say the subject of.
i see...what do native speakers think of this coz "a sbject of" hits many results.
on google
For some reason, I think the sounds better in this context, but I wouldn't say a was wrong.
I think it may be because it is followed by so...as.
I would say the. But Cerberus already said that.
So I won't say anything lest I am mistaken for echo.
I would say more context please :)
Always! But, in this case, I'm not sure that is even necessary...
Hey, have you gone through a sex change?
Yeah, man!
it's only a picture
it doesn't have to say 1000 words :D
@Cerberus someone wrote me an email.
@RegDwigнt Ah OK, so you were wondering how to address him.
@MattЭллен Yo.
Odd name.
@Cerberus There's at least one example of a Deaf man with coprolalia swearing in ASL.
Incomprehensibility: 9.1/10. Nice.
what is "ASL"?
You'll have to explain to me what that would prove exactly, and how.
Asstended Shelf Life.
But I have to go now.
Armenian Sloth Lingerie
Anglesaxon as Sloth Language.
double jinx
Quarter pounder with cheese.
super meta double jinx
Half pounder with two cheeses.
is that a cricket ball in his hand?
no, it's not red
!!google why are cricket balls red?
How was your birthday, @matt?
Hi @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It was quiet :) just what I wanted.
How was your holiday?
@MattЭллен The ship has arrived here. I should get my books soon.
@JasperLoy good! you'll be able to read them
@MattЭллен Has Cerberus just turned 31?
I don't know. I think so
or he could be 28
Hmm, I think 31. That means the 3 of us are old...
@skullpatrol Because of the blood of its victims.
@JasperLoy wow...tracking is nice. It tells you where in the world it is?
All math books or some reading books?
@MattЭллен Woo hoo! Happy Birthday! Whee! lots of ruckus Yippee explosions even
So did that ruin it?
@Mitch it's not my birthday today, so no
@MattЭллен I think their should be a whole set of MtG cards that are about Tarot cards. Not Tarot cards themselves, but about Tarot cards. So then you could simulate telling someone's fortune in a MtG game. Dangit..then in the Tarot card game you'd simulate a Turing machine, then Minecraft, then a 3D printer....I see where this is all going again.
@MattЭллен dammit dammit dammit. OK. What if all that happened when your birthday was?
Would it have ruined it then?
@Mitch yes
@Mitch leading to a simulation of vampire cricket bats
Excellent. Thanks. You made my day. Even if it meant ruinng yours ... a day later ... hypothetically.
(a week later)
... OK and erroneously too.
@MattЭллен !!xkcd 676
Quiet? It was quiet? I did my best to make it exciting.
I mean. You know. With the tools at hand.
Next year, I'll get your address and mail you a surprise.
@MattЭллен I don't understand. Maybe you meant: t
@MattЭллен Input not matching /(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)/. Help: User-taught command: <>http://www.wordreference.com/$1$2/$3
That kind of suggestion is not helping. "Maybe you should have stepped -on- the landmine first not next to it."
Bah. XKCD is so not god. XKCD is not even the opposite of god.
XKCD is a reflection of us all
> Sure, some of the time you can ignore it. But every time I see it I die a little inside. xkcd is not just a webcomic. It's a disease, and it's reached pandemic proportions.
Some of these are a bit, uh, well. Buying a bunch of people coffee is a bit different than saving 669 Jewish children from the Holocaust.
Asking little girls for autographs, eh?
> Kimberley survived thanks to the sacrifice of her instructor Robert, who lost his life in the process. Robert and Kimberley didn't know each other before that day...
...and also not after that day.
Or what is the ellipsis trying to tell me?
I hate conservative girls who want to save her "sex" for a very special guy. I strongly believe stupid religions inclined them to think "sex" is a devilish thing to do and might curse them with "pregnancy"
She's asks me questions like
"Why did you call me up at night?"
"Why are you interested in my ring?"
"If you ask me a sexual question I'm gonna scream"
Well. That'd be a thing stupid religions got right, for once. Sex indeed might cause pregnancy.
I mean, she's a nurse, she must know we can prevent the curse with right equipments
but she just doesn't want any sexual things, I think she wants to save it for some reason. Gosh, I'm tired of her now.
Just because someone works in a profession, doesn't mean they know something about anything.
This is all religions' fault. I'm glad I am atheist.
@RegDwigнt It's trying to make you forget that of course a young guy is going to throw himself on the hot chick.
@EnglishMaster Or maybe you're just a jerk and she's never going to have sex with you.
Well, I should keep investing on her with dinner, movie and gifts. Nobody knows when the opportunity will arise
Just take a cold shower. She wasn't born to service your needs. She doesn't owe you anything
@EnglishMaster Yeah, a big attitude adjustment would suit you better than spending a lot of money.
@MattЭллен Cold showers don't help, and indeed have the opposite effect.
The shower must be warm.
Who are you, a 17th-century nun?
Is there any religion encourages you to have sex?
Yes, the sex religion.
@RegDwigнt hides his habit
Nah, there are no such religion. They are not worth of trusting
I don't think sex is something that needs to be encouraged amongst horny young men.
There is a religion, and there is even a movie about it.
They bash their heads together enough as it is.
Something smells like licorice.
liquorice. liqorice.
How do you spell that word?
@RegDwigнt inorite? What is that?
It's weird.
Makes my nose feel funny.
I'm not a horny young man, I'm trying to test my attractiveness to girls.
@EnglishMaster Right. You probably even believe that.
@MattЭллен Thanks.
Is the Classification meta tag a usual html thing?
Doesn't look it. So that must be an internal thing?
We don't need no classification.
sound either new or internal
it's not part of html 5
No, these are xhtml 1.0, if I read it right.
oh, meta tag
This is all so very confusing.
I can't believe how much stuff it crammed into these headers.
apparently classification is normal
I don't know how accurate that list is
Oh, thanks.

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