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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Robusto I don’t think so.
@tchrist A friend of mine in college was an organist, a good one. I got an education just turning pages for him.
@Robusto All the accents in the 3rd and 4th measures are on the off-beat not the down beat.
@Mitch I wasn't talking about that particular piece. Look at the one above, with the picture of the organ on it.
But the point is, Western music is no stranger to using the offbeats to drive a melody.
What? You expect me to -hear- music? I can't win an argument without the sheet music, already marked up.
Even this piece doesn't work without offbeat emphasis.
@Robusto I know! Lucy in the Sky with diamonds... wait, no. Within you without you... dang...no. OK Gregorian chant... Hah!
Listen to the heavy emphasis on beat 4 in the first movement of the above Strauss piece.
What’s “D major under just intonation with septimal C”? There in no C in a D major scale. Am confused. Have they lowered the 7th a few cents?
@tchrist Maybe they're talking about modulating to G? You'd need a natural C to form the dominant 7.
Although I'm not aware that that piece does modulate to the subdominant.
Plus there are no 7th chords in the piece: only major and minor alone.
Let alone dominant 7ths.
The harmonic seventh interval , also known as the septimal minor seventh, or subminor seventh, is one with an exact 7:4 ratio (about 969 cents). This is somewhat narrower than and is "sweeter in quality" than an "ordinary" minor seventh, which has a just-intonation ratio of 9:5 (1017.596 cents), or an equal-temperament ratio of 1000 cents (25/6:1). The harmonic seventh may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval between the seventh harmonic and the fourth harmonic (octave of the fundamental). This note is often corrected to 16:9 on the natural horn in just intonation or Py...
In music, septimal meantone temperament, also called standard septimal meantone or simply septimal meantone, refers to the tempering of 7-limit musical intervals by a meantone temperament tuning in the range from fifths flattened by the amount of fifths for 12 equal temperament to those as flat as 19 equal temperament, with 31 equal temperament being a more or less optimal tuning for both the 5- and 7-limits. Meantone temperament represents a frequency ratio of approximately 5 by means of four fifths, so that the major third, for instance C-E, is obtained from two tones in succession. Sept...
This may make your head hurt:
Below is a list of musical intervals. Some terminology used in the list: *In music, the prime limit (henceforth referred to simply as the limit) is a number measuring the harmony of an interval. The lower the number, the more consonant the interval is considered to be. It is defined as the largest prime number occurring in the factorizations of the numerator and denominator of the frequency ratio. The limit of the just perfect fourth is 3, but the just minor tone has a limit of 5, because 9 can be factorized into 3·3, and 10 into 2·5. There exists another type of limit, the odd limit, w...
@tchrist My head already hurts from trying to understand the septimal C stuff.
I will say that in the Pachelbel, the just intonation sounds better overall, but I like the parallel thirds better in the meantone tuning. The piece obviously wasn't meant for equal temperament.
Yes, it does not sound very nice in equal temperament.
One of the comments claims the last version isn't equal temperament. At this point, I find it difficult to tell.
It’s kinda fun to play the various kinds of thirds in the last WP article.
Or even the different kinds of minor thirds. Who knew?
Just and meantone are all about making the thirds sweeter.
It sadly occurs to me that the orchestral lock-in to the choral part of the 9th makes it less in tune than it would be a cappella.
@tchrist Beethoven was used to that, I'm sure.
@Robusto Well, it’s also kinda nice to have a true 3:2 on the fifth.
I see our DDoS is still nipping at our toes.
Is that what happened today?
I was wondering.
You can scroll back in the log a bit for some real-time updates. They may post something in their blogue eventually.
Q: What just happened to Stack Overflow?

tylerStack Overflow was down for a long time here, probably about an hour. What was the cause?

It’s the “partial mitigation” that bothers me.
I mean, what can you do? You switch over to a failover with a bunch of different IP addresses and fan out new DNS records.
I'm thinking we need to worry more about bullets than packets from NRA members. — Robusto 9 secs ago
My impression is that they're not the sharpest knives in the CS drawer.
I finally figured out that I am not merely the best Perl and Unix programmer at $job, I am also far and above the best C programmer they have. This actually depressed me.
I also finally figured that they are doing randomly wrong things with encodings, sticking various 8-bit encodings and UTF-8 into the database as raw bytes, and not unifying them.
Skill is a two-edged sword sometimes.
We’ll never get that fixed. Sigh.
I don't think your $job is the only place that has an encoding problem.
Is your job variable?
Thing is, I don’t believe for a minute that it’s just because I’m old. I knew all this stuff at half my age.
@Robusto People are utterly oblivious to it.
That's what I mean.
In fact, I don't think I've ever worked at a place that didn't have encoding issues. Or if they didn't, the input they got from third parties did.
It’s upstream. They’re feeding us stuff in random encodings and calling it ASCII. It isn’t.
I finally got one upstream feed who said they were feeding us UTF-8, and they were correct. But integrating them into the rest of the garbage is impossible.
That's the thing. It's like finding the one poisoned watermelon in the patch.
Once the possibility exists that one is poisoned, the rest are suspect.
Thing is, they were the only ones who were telling the truth.
The rest are lying and do not know it.
I’m just a traffic cop.
The rest don't even pass the Joel Spolsky sniff test.
And I can’t convince everybody to drive on the same side of the street.
Or even to admit that they aren’t doing so.
> When I discovered that the popular web development tool PHP has almost complete ignorance of character encoding issues, blithely using 8 bits for characters, making it darn near impossible to develop good international web applications, I thought, enough is enough.
Right is the right side.
You cannot use PHP for actual work. Don’t be a fyuel.
And that is just one of its insanities.
Facebook has taken from Microsoft the burden of declaring darkness the standard.
> In this article I'll fill you in on exactly what every working programmer should know. All that stuff about "plain text = ascii = characters are 8 bits" is not only wrong, it's hopelessly wrong, and if you're still programming that way, you're not much better than a medical doctor who doesn't believe in germs. Please do not write another line of code until you finish reading this article.
This time one of my streams came in as binary. And nobody but me on the team knew about the network byteorder functions from libc. Sigh. htons, ntohl, etc etc
ASCII is 7 bits.
Touching the 8th bit in a byte is like touching the middle rail.
You just electrocuted yourself.
@Robusto Wah.
What's distressing is that he wrote that article over ten years ago. And programmers still don't know this shit.
It isn’t even 100.00% up-to-date. I could pick at it.
$(job - 1) had the same damned problem.
They just don’t understand.
Hm, or maybe that should be *(cp - 1) if we really want to do pointer arithmetic.
We’re all so mojibaked it isn’t funny.
And they we have the ones who don’t know the difference between URI-escaping and XML-escaping. %C3%A9 vs é kind of thing for an é. Sigh.
So I see é for é. Hopeless.
And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men / Couldn’t put your mojibaked abominations together again.
I think the encoding ship has sailed. There is no going back. It can never be perfect because too many people with too much data have already fucked with it.
Not sure on that.
At least in isolated cases.
For example, I have signed formal agreements about the data interchange both upstream and downstream of me.
When I find something coming to me from upstream in violation of that signed formal agreement, I can use that contract to be self-enforcing.
If they signed something that says it’s ASCII and it’s not, they have to fix it or renegotiate. I’ve done it before.
People can’t read RFCs.
Sometimes it's not their fault. How can they be sure what they're getting from other vendors?
> RFC 3261: SIP is a text-based protocol and uses the UTF-8 charset (RFC 2279).
It looks a lot like HTTP.
But it isn’t, and the use of UTF-8 as the default not ISO-8859-1 is one of those differences.
> The TEXT-UTF8 rule is only used for descriptive field contents and
values that are not intended to be interpreted by the message parser.
Words of *TEXT-UTF8 contain characters from the UTF-8 charset (RFC
2279 [7]). The TEXT-UTF8-TRIM rule is used for descriptive field
contents that are n t quoted strings, where leading and trailing LWS
is not meaningful. In this regard, SIP differs from HTTP, which uses
the ISO 8859-1 character set.
Somehow, somebody forgot to read that last sentence.
You are either compliant or you are not.
> ... I think, the point [is] that Postel's Law about being "conservative in what you emit and liberal in what you accept" is quite frankly not a good engineering principle.
>! Does the spoiler alert markdown work in chat? No!
Would be cool if it did.
Yay, I'm going back to Maui!
@Robusto That’s pretty hard to beat, this side of Kauai.
From here:
A: Subdomains of StackExchange.com still down

BraiamThis is funny (in Ask Ubuntu only 10kers):

sips s'mores martini
8 hours later…
Q: Mobile crushers and screens

user66112cone mobile crushing plant is the product that independently produced full hydraulic pressure drive tracked vehicle chassis walking mobile crusher and screen equipment in order to meet the demand of the market. jaw crusher manufacturers in india mobile crusher plant adopt global joint guarantee...

el spammo
@Matt do you know TFS?
I don't
Is that Team Foundation Server?
I'm soon to be the only developer on my team, so not much need for it ;)
@MattЭллен Came in to highlight the same. There seem to be a few questions like this.
oh dear. Thanks, Lunatik
@MattЭллен Yes
Q: concrete floor grinders

user66112Speaking of dredging equipment maintenance, we all know that their work environment is dirty, so the usual daily maintenance and repair is especially important.Below small make up to introduce so can't form the lubrication film, concrete floor grinders for sale don't wake the lubrication effect, ...

@Lunatik hopefully a mod will come in and nix the account
@JohanLarsson I think some groups in our company use it, but I've not had to, so I don't
@Cerberus left is the correct side
1 hour later…
@Cerberus wo?
@Robusto I was the one. I still am. I will always be.
You am who am?
Yes, and also.
I Am that I Am (, ʾehyeh ʾašer ʾehyeh ) is a common English translation (JPS among others) of the response God used in the Hebrew Bible when Moses asked for his name (Exodus 3:14). It is one of the most famous verses in the Torah. Hayah means "existed" or "was" in Hebrew; "ehyeh" is the first person singular imperfect form and is usually translated in English Bibles as "I will be" (or "I shall be"), for example, at Exodus 3:14. Ehyeh asher ehyeh literally translates as "I Will Be What I Will Be", with attendant theological and mystical implications in Jewish tradition. However, in most E...
Funny, you don't look like a Hebrew deity.
Funny, you are clearly not wearing spectacles.
Funny, but I clearly am.
Funny, but it's not actually funny at all.
Unfunny, but it's actually kinda funny.
No strong feelings one way or the other, but yeah.
The Wikipedia page for Guy Standing has a picture of a guy sitting down. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Standing_%28Economist%29
Wow, the first tweet I liked.
Stop the presses!
pulls on lever, hears terrible screeching noise
There are no presses at Wikipedia.
Stop someone else at Wikipedia, then.
I wonder whose presses I stopped then
Stop the wales at Wikipedia.
You have to have pull now that there's no longer any press.
You have to pull under.
Ein Pullunder (veraltet Westover) ist ein ärmelloses Kleidungsstück, das eine Mischform zwischen einer Weste, von der es die ärmellose Form und die Trageweise hat, und dem Pullover ist, von dem es die geschlossene, knopflose Form hat. Im Gegensatz zum Pullover wird er traditionell jedoch fast ausschließlich unter einem Jackett getragen. Auf diese Trageweise weist auch die aus dem Englischen entnommene Bezeichnung „Pullunder“ hin; tatsächlich handelt es sich jedoch nur um einen Scheinanglizismus. Einer der bekanntesten Pullunderträger ist Hans-Dietrich Genscher, dessen gelber Pullunder zu...
Im Vesten nichts neues.
> See the Prussian offense fly, weren't we grand
To place the feel of cold sharp steel in their hands
WWI as fashion statement.
Though technically, it's a gay British Bernie.
Not sure how that's better or worse.
"Gay" and "British" and "Knight" are triply oxymoronic when taken together.
But how many oxymoronic are they when taken apart?
OVER 9000
My guesstimate was seven.
So I was right.
The question answers itself.
All questions answer themselves, unless you rush to post an answer, in which case it's the answer that answers, and not itself.
A win-lose-lose-win situation.
Who will answer for that?
Already been purged.
Swift justice.
Swiftian justice of Brobdingnagian proportions.
Taylor Swiftian justice of Raputian proportions.
Ra-ra-raputin, lover of the Ra-shan queen.
Why do Russian Olympiasts have "BOSCO" on their garments?
Feb 14 '11 at 13:39, by RegDwight
『天空の城ラピュタ』(てんくうのしろラピュタ)は、スタジオジブリ制作の日本の長編アニメーション作品。 概略 アニメーション映画として1986年8月2日から東映洋画系の103館で公開された。 監督は宮崎駿。宮崎にとって、原作となる作品が存在しない初のアニメオリジナルの監督作品である。製作は徳間書店。スタジオジブリ制作映画の1作品目となる。 「ラピュタ」という名称はスウィフトの『ガリヴァー旅行記』に出てくるエピソードからとったもの。劇中に空飛ぶ島の物語を空想した人物としてスウィフトの名前も出てくるが、名前の借用以外は『ガリヴァー旅行記』との関連はない。19世紀後半、産業革命期のヨーロッパを元にした架空世界での冒険を描く。 興行的には振るわなかったものの、数々の賞を受賞するなど高い評価を得た。 次第に高年齢向けになっていくアニメに対して、マンガ映画の復活を目標に小学生を対象に古典的な冒険活劇として企画され、それが結果的に大人の鑑賞に耐えうる作品になるというのが宮崎の方針であった。配給した東映の観客満足度調査は97.7%と高く、物語は幅広い年齢層に支持され、ビデオ販売の方は好調であった。 同時上映作品は、テレビアニメ『名探偵ホームズ』で宮崎駿が監督した「ミセス・ハドソン人質事件」と「ドーバー海峡の大空中戦!」。 『名探偵ホームズ』を放送していたテレビ朝日...
@Robusto because Ovaltine is Swiss and the Swiss are racists now?
The Swiss have always been racists.
I've not seen anyone wear BOSCO, though. Must check.
Look at the warmup jackets of the skaters.
@Robusto yeah, so racist in fact that every single one of them speaks their own language. Finest racism granularity.
And why wouldn't they spell it Боско?
And no copypasta allowed. Fuck that, in 2014.
> BOSCO has long been an established name in Russia.
> It was created by Russias [sic] premier design, fashion, and retail group, Bosco di Ciliegi.
Right, "Bosco di Ciliegi" is so clearly Russian.
Ah, so it was Putin.
@Robusto nonono, you are thinking Medvedev. Putin is no longer premier.
But it could have been established when Putin was premier.
> We offer something no-one else does: Olympic kits for athletes and for fans.
And the ugliest uniforms evah.
I think the only thing they offer no-one else does is the spelling of no-one.
@Robusto I dunno, I find pretty much all Olympic uniforms hideous.
R U Serious?
Actually, I liked the pants the Norwegian curlers were wearing.
@Robusto yes, and Russian and American ones are always among the worst. It's like a cold war of lack of taste.
You like Norwegians wearing curlers? Weird, but OK.
Guys, I have a serious quesiton regarding to my life
Try psychology.se.
I really want to ask her if I can go to bed with her on a date tomorrow night but I'm not sure how I can ask it to her
holds tongue
The Norwegian Curling Pants even have a Facebook group. facebook.com/NOCTP
What's next, Angelina Jolie's left leg?
Sadly, no one seems to have captured either of the two sets of pants they sported in Sochi.
Lots of pants, but not up to date.
consequences of asking for sxx to her:
1) She's going to think I'm a horny stalker forever after
2) She will gladly accept it
3) she's going to freak out and slap my face or kick me
which one is most likely going to happen?
4) none of the above
5) all of the above. Including 4).
Unless she's a prostitute, she's going to think you crude.
I've dated her like 3 times now and one thing I figured out is that she doesn't have a lot of dating experience. And she is possibly virgin
When you came rolling up in here, did you see a sign saying "Obnoxious Lout Scoring Advice"?
That's my fault, I forgot to update the room description thusly.
You know why you didn't see that sign?
Because giving scoring advice to obnoxious louts ain't our fuckin' business.
Wait, are you jealous?
With sugar on top.
They look like dorks.
They're your [BOSCO] clothes, motherfucker.
I'm meeting her for a DINNER, which is probably the best timing for me to ask her
And in answer to your question, no, I am not jealous of someone who apparently has to ask for dating advice in The Incomprehensible Room.
Spoken like a true prodigy.
If I'm curt with you it's because time is of the essence.
I just want to tell you it is a real pleasure watchin' you type.
Respect for one's elders shows character.
Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character.
Say goodnight, Raquel.
Nonono, you're thinking morning. But it's goodnight.
I saw the LEGO movie yesterday.
No way.
With my kids and my nephew.
And it was totally teh awesum.
So how many Metal Beard's Sea Cows will you be buying?
!!lego 70810
The littlest one watched the whole thing without squirming. Incredible. I've never seen him so still, not even when he sleeps.
Plus, it was a very enjoyable movie.
And they used all the right part numbers.
Did you get free minifigs of Emmett in pyjamas?
No. And it's Emmit.
Only certain chains have them, and I don't know which or where.
Franklin, darling, I don't give a chain.
There was Benny, the-80's-space-guy-or-something. I nearly choked on my popcorn. We have thirty or so of those guys at home, so we pulled them out when we got back. It was really funny.
I mean, I thought the whole movie was really funny.
Hey now. No spoilers.
I already know too much.
Oh. Sorry. It's just a tiny one.
Like, there are some IPs that are actually owned by a rival studio, but they managed to include a cameo.
Hee hee hee
You will like it, I think.
Maybe not.
I'm not sure when it'll be hitting the cinemas here, and whether I want to pay for a two-hour commercial.
I'll probably wait till it's in free TV.
It helped that the kids really, really dug it. It was the littlest one's first movie.
It's only kind of commercial-like. And it's 100 minutes long.
We went to the cheap seats.
@KitFox Well, that right there would explain the not squirming part.
Yeah. But no.
@KitFox What is that in metric?
He ate gummy bears and popcorn and I think he probably thought it was the best day of his whole life, ever.
@Robusto 1 cmin.
How many hotrods to the hogwash is a cmin?
On the ride home, he told us that that movie, Mommy, it's like I keep going there (i.e., He couldn't stop thinking about it).
Also, they both got new Ninjago lego from their cousin before the movie.
So there was lots of playing all weekend.
So except for the huge, ginormous awful fight I had with my husband, it was a really good weekend.
And now I'm at work, wishing I were home playing instead.
We even finished playing Knack.
Kind of by accident.
I'm at home, this President's Day.
And I made all sorts of delicious food, like I had time to cook and knew what I was doing.
I am at work at last, so could finally get some sleep.
@Robusto It's a floater for me, and I need it for when Gramma is on vacation.
Sochi was tearing down and beating apart my immune system, and vice versa.
Oh noes!! Do you need soup?
@RegDwigнt Hey, someone's gotta watch those Norwegians in curling pants.
@Robusto yeah...
@KitFox no, I'm cool, what with work and sleep.
puts soup back
OK then.
I still have two bottles.
And you can nip from each twice.
Oh well, perfect then.
2 hours later…
hums Chatkillah, chatkillah
What ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when she come for you chat?
what's new?
not much
I've taken the day off because I have a cold
What's up with you?
I'm w-rking. I wish I were at home instead.
My nephew is still visiting, but he'll be gone by the time I get home.
yeah. not working is often preferable
How's your head coming along?
OK. I might do a bit of work on it now, actually. it's still the wrong shape
Try hitting it with a hammer.
I'll consider it
how are you mouse search page going?
Is it a normal thing to put a div inside a table?
Because that looks like hell to me.
I don't know
I would think not, but I don't do a lot of table stuff
I am pretty sure it's not happy.
Because I am not happy about it.
sounds like something needs to change!
I'm not happy about much right now. I'm trying. Seems like my whole body hurts, inside and out.
You know, my good friend came by this weekend with her children. I adore this woman. She's wonderful and kind and cetera.
And I'm really, really deeply bothered that her nine-year-old son can't read yet.
Amongst other things, that has been on my mind.
sounds like you should have taken a day off too
@KitFox that does seem odd
is that deliberate?
Sort of.
She's home schooling, but a method called 'unschooling'.
Which sounds like 'don't teach your kids anything' to me.
But that's me being unfair because I don't know anything about it and I'm biased against homeschooling in general.
Although I try really hard to respect it.
The problem I see with schooling is that it teaches kids to pass tests above all else. That is the only reason we're taught things. So there has to be a better way
There are other, useful things that school teaches.
And I think schooling should be augmented by education at home.
There are other side effects that school has, some good, but they're not deliberately taught
And anyway, I think you'll agree that children should be taught to read and write and do math.
And those are deliberately taught.
Except at my friend's house.
Which I think is disadvantageous to her children in the long run.
And school is different now than it was even when we were kids. Also, probably our school systems are different from yours.
yeah. I only went to one secondary school, so that's all I know. Primary school was good (I went to a few). They're not focused on testing there (although they might be these days)
My eldest son has 'guidance' class, where the kids learn soft skills, like how to cope with emotions and interact nicely with others.
They also move around a lot. Not so much sitting still and receiving learning these days.
At least, not yet.
On the other hand, there was no NCLB when I was a kid, so we weren't tested every year.
But then again, my kids are really bright and will probably get the classes where they don't teach to the test.
(Pardon me for being obnoxious about my kids for a moment.)
It's OK, that's what mums do :D
> Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever must be learned.
This makes me shudder with the desire to set hippies on fire.
it does miss the point that children are better at learning than adults. also, we'll always need maths and reading/writing and science.
Yeah. And it assumes that somehow a love of learning is innate and nuturable without teaching.
And also learning is something that is not taught.
So. Magic.
well, anyone can learn something. even dogs
But you shouldn't teach the dog! Let the dog teach itself!
but there are better ways to learn things
It's kind of like saying a kid can build whatever he wants, but without giving him any tools or materials.
At least, that's how I feel about it.
But I also feel very strongly that literacy is foundational to education.
Literacy motivates further education.
Of course, I would think that, coming from library stock and all.
similar to beef stock, but for vegetarians
Wait. I'm not a vegetarian.
Not really.
no, you're for vegetarians
I think Montessori is a great method.
Just not this free-range stuff.
I keep holding my breath.
are you anxious about something?
I don't know. I guess.
or are you practising for some underwater event?
Could be that.
I need something, but I don't know what.
At least, I figure that must be it.
I love tulips. Too early for those though.
curtain rails?
crocuses are blooming here
We won't have crocuses for a few months.
@RegDwigнt Do!!!
You should know that by now.
We usually have croci around the end or februari, I think, depending on the weather?
They're early flowers.
Yes, also for us they are early flowers.
Around April.
It appears there are many different species.
I suppose. Also, it's warmer over there.
@KitFox Still snowing over with you, or has it finally stopped?
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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