@Martha But all of those pings were of the most extremeliestest importance! Especially Kosmo's "Hey @Martha, do you see this @Martha mention? @Martha, @Martha, @Martha. Also, @Martha!"
@RegDwight There's neither crystal nor buffalo in that picture - simply a proletariat and the evidence of a lot of our country's money having been wasted.
@RegDwight I know that. I also knew already that Kosmonaut and nohat are younglings. But for some reason I had you pegged as... well, not 7 years younger. I mean, you're married and everything.
@Martha Yep, congratulations to the niece, on both counts. Send her some narwhals from us (feel free to substitute more appropriate gift choice).
@RegDwight: I'm going to head off now - it's way too late for anyone to be online, (and I know you're in the same timezone as me!)
I think I may keep a low profile on the site for a day or two - all the drama is a bit much - but I have posted as much constructive stuff as I can on meta, and am keeping fingers crossed that some Good Stuff happens to counterbalance the last few days...