Scenario. We ordered 5-6 dishes in a resturant (Italian, for the matter, and of course they speak English.) and after a while a dish we have ordered haven't been coming.
How do I ask the waiter/waitress, politely, to check if everything has been delivered (or if an order has not been placed cor...
@Jez I see that as on-topic (sorta), but "not constructive": it's too open-ended, with no way to select one best answer from the long list of possible answers.
@SpareOom See, I don't think the problem with this one (or the one @OghmaOsiris linked to earlier) has anything to do with it being a politeness question, and everything to do with it being an open-ended question.
@trg787 You know you can edit your posts here? Within a fairly short time limit, but still: if it's the last thing you posted, just press the up arrow. Otherwise, click the down arrow on the left side of the post and choose "edit" from the menu.
Adel is abs right. My mom ask me : where the girl? I ask: what the girl? She: that slept with me. ......... OMG........... Then she asked: where is Masha? (her grand-daughter)
well anyway, i was hoping to just get @Kit's attention
you there @Kit?
ah, @psmears just showed up
that's two people, which is enough of an audience for my announcement of brief sabbatical
the stress of this place has been spilling over into my Real Life, the one where I don't just answer questions on the internet for fun. plus i have family visiting, and i really ought to be hanging out with them rather than wrestling with EL&U and the supermods
so i'll probably be out for the next week or two. i hope to come back after that
and i hope that by that time we have a constructive direction
You know, guys and girls..... She's very old = 85 y.o. And I 'm scaring to the guts when she 'll inevitebly die. Don't know what to do then. I'm a very late baby in our family (the 3rd). She over lived WWII , they ate clover because nouthing was to eat. Then she vomited this clover
@trg787 You mean expenses. What is expected of you?
My folks had already bought a plot in a cemetery. People here plan ahead sometimes so that the relatives left won't have to deal with everything when the time comes. Of course, that wouldn't happen if someone died very young.
How much older is your sister than you? She sounds like she's a good example. Some countries don't tolerate litter.…
Once occurred a occassion: I called her neiboring dog as "he". In Belorussian a dog is "he", in Russian its "she". She (my sister) attacted me: fool, why did you say like that? Don't know till now why it's so irritated her.
The Beat Generation is a group of American post-WWII writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena that they both documented and inspired. Central elements of "Beat" culture included experimentation with drugs and alternative forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and the idealizing of exuberant, unexpurgated means of expression and being.
Allen Ginsberg's Howl (1956), William S. Burroughs's Naked Lunch (1959) and Jack Kerouac's On the Road (1957) are among the best known examples of Beat literature. Both Howl an...
What with all of the hubbub lately, I want to focus on asking one specific question that I think is at the core of the problem/drama: Is EL&U succeeding?
This is fairly open-ended and I think that is fine. The intent is to try and start locating things for us to work on or, at the very least...
I think that if this site is voted as being for professionals only, then I think a less professional site should be created. Like Mathoverflow is to
@OghmaOsiris Has anyone seriously talked about the site being for professionals only? Because I know I keep hearing that as a rumor, and nobody is actually thinking about it.
@OghmaOsiris: There is a big difference between a beginner asking a question and someone who is most certainly not a beginner asking a beginner question just to get rep
One of my favorite movies is Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler.
One of the lines in the movie is "Listen to them not!" Said by one of the townsfolk in the beginning when they were being hanged.
Is this an example of an anastrophe?
The terms aren't inverted from "Do not listen to them" in fact, 'do...
When I think of “linguistics”, I typically think of the study of spoken languages, particularly phonetics. Compared to “language”, which of course is used of writing systems, it carries to me a stronger association to the original literal meaning of “lingua” be...
First, I want to be clear that I have what I hope is a shared common goal with everyone on the community:
I want to be great.
Unfortunately, the current reality is kind of...far from that. Almost every time I peek my head into the site, it's filled with puerile stuff like:...
@Jez Actually in fairness I see why that one was closed. It's a lot of fun, sure, but the answers don't really help programmers do their jobs (apart from the fact that it might cheer them up a bit and thus make the drudgery more bearable!)
Well, to be fair I've never been there, so I can't say for sure, but it does say it's for "professional discussions on software development", and I can see why this fails on that criterion.
Proposed Q&A site for comedians, non-comedians sharing jokes, people interested in the history of comedy, people into cultural humor, anybody interested in anything about humorous things
Whereas ours, for the most part, aren't "Jokes that (English speakers|programmers|people who cook|people who garden|...) would enjoy", but "The use of English language (words, idioms, grammar) within the context of a (joke|book|newspaper|advert|...)"
I actually meant it in the most humble way humanly possible. Cause this is the first time that I get to speak to him directly. But if thanking him for just that comes off as arrogant, then I have no business posting comments at all.
@RegDwight I think that's all very well put - and well done on concentrating on the core issues, and steering away from so many other things he's said that you must have found infuriating
"Treat the disease, not the symptoms". That's ironic to me - as far as I see it, to a great extent the disease is "the supercollider has a propensity for drawing in the wrong sorts of user"
@psmears I had written some bits and pieces on the bus this morning. These are the ones I tried to keep polite and to the point, but there was also another one that was more stern. Remember that I still hadn't read Jeff's answer at that point. So I was preparing for everything.
@psmears But at this point, that should be picked up by the community. And don't take that as a not-so-subtle hint to go do it yourself, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that any further message of mine will just water things down.
@RegDwight Yep, I agree - wasn't suggesting you should do anything more/differently, just expressing my puzzlement to the world - and doing it here, rather than there, again to avoid diluting your message...
@RegDwight I'm not saying people haven't been, just that at least, after all this time, and insults of how wrong this site is, one of those people has actually said something about how they think it could be made, ... right.
@psmears The worrying thing is that you might be right; either way, it's those people that don't belong here, the individuals who find a single word or phrase amusing without context, or even regardless of relevant context (such as Peter Griffin, of Family Guy (for some reason I'm reminded of him here)), or even offensive. Not necessarily the people asking legitimate questions about such a word or phrase.
A big issue seems to be that, owing to the nature of the kinds of questions that get asked on EL&U, questions that may be interpreted as 'unprofessional' or 'embarrassing' may appear as 'hot questions' on the StackExchange multicollider (dropdown in the top-left corner of the screen), as well...
Those who haven't left demand an apology. I don't think I ever did. No amount of apologies will cut it for me. I need a guarantee that that won't happen again. Jeff is a smart guy. He knows he has screwed this up big time. But I am not here to tell him that, let alone demand that he admits it. I merely want stuff not to happen again. Ever.
I know what you mean, if only because I had to watch that very same sentiment go full throttle on Mathematics.
Admittedly, theirs was... less charged... but all the same of Jeff stepping in because of the burden being on too few shoulders. And so I do understand why you very much want to hope this will not happen again.
Well, no, you don't want to hope this will not happen again. You want this to never happen again, period. No hoping. Just... not happening.
The thing is, behind the scenes community coorinators tell me that yes, they know they have screwed this up. At the same time, on our meta, those same people are either remarkably silent or openly compare us to the Urban Dictionary.
I can't say I speak for any of them, seeing as I'm not a Community Coordinator. But to my understanding, the comparison to Urban Dictionary is meant as a sort of insult-fear-rally. It's a very non-standard tactic. They dropped the ball, but "backing out" isn't really in the playbook, so to speak.
@RegDwight As rational as I've always known you to be. That's what makes you excellent at this job.
I'm only here for the people. The people leave, I will leave. It's that simple. This site is not the questions. This site is the community. You kill the community, you kill the site.
Joel had a nice write-up about recruiting where he mentioned something similar.
Oh. Then I don't stand a ghost of a chance of finding it. I've read... 2 such articles. Maybe 3 if you count the one I skimmed at the behest of drachole.
I'm not exactly an expert finder. I can find things in Stack Exchange, or more accurately Meta Stack Overflow. I can't even find some of my dress attire in my own closet.