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all I'm going to say is that whenever I try and game hats I get disapproving looks from people, but when others try to game hats they get community support
so I gave up on them
I emailed support and they said "you can have it if you tell me why you can have it".
I'm so hungry and it's not even lunch time yet
@Ste lol
You look good in that top hat, orc.
Really good.
So you were the reason I had a huge flag queue, eh?
Thanky. I quite like your scarf
Does the monocle go over your eye? Looks like you need to bump it a little.
@KitFox I inflated your queue with my vigourous flagging action
@KitFox it goes over my nose :D
@KitFox works on some avatars
Oh I see.
It goes over my eye on my other gravatar
Good morning, @kalina. What brings you to our room today?
I came here to cause trouble
and chew bubblegum
Oh I see.
I'm actually here to see how EL&U people are so high up on chat activity
that's what bought me here
@kalina and reveal the Eureka hat secret :)
I didn't reveal anything
not yet...
gee, just give me away why don't you
let me tell you some more secrets so you can tell the entire planet
oh! can you tell us how Sherlock avoided death at the end of season 2?
@MattЭллен writers strike
I will put this whole room on lock down. I am not kidding.
@KitFox oh... um... hypothetically, I mean
oh right, I see, you actually want to know
well, he killed that little girl remember
@Ste How did you get the gold hat? (well done!)
and then blew up that building
I've seen S3E1, but it doesn't explain it at all
and then everybody who could have killed him died
It was the mortician. He asked her for a favor, remember?
also, he's really a timelord
just happened to regenerate into an identical form
Oh! a timelord! Like in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
He's not a timelord. He's Gallifreyan.
Good lord, people.
no, not good lord, time lord
@Hugo When I gamed for that populist, remember?
did everybody in here game hats?
I mean when I errr, legitimately was awarded populist.
@kalina Have you not seen some of our questions....
@kalina We're a community. We help each other...
I got somebody to bounty a question I answered to give the bounty to somebody else and got frowned at for soliciting reputation
and the bounty was reversed by a mod!
two sets of rules...
but did you still have the hat?
@Hugo I saw your "Oh The Horror" post
@Hugo nope
I actually pretty much got bored of hats at that point
@Ste you can move the check mark on the horror question now if there's a better answer there
Hugo and I are tied for 4th.
if there's any good new answers here they could do with an upvote: meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/4356/…
@Hugo Which do you think is the best answer? That question has me confused now!
@KitFox I reckon I'm fully hatted, little chance for a gold or Eureka
I've upvoted everything on that question above 30.
@Hugo But you could still get the Eureka hat.
I think @KitFox should give me the Eureka, seeing as I solved all of Shog's riddles....
if I post on your "Oh the horror" question, what's the chance of getting 40 upvotes before the end of the day?
@kalina Low to middling, but go for it anyway
@Ste I can't. I'm not an ubermod.
@KitFox I tried but failed
I don't want to be the only person with less than 40
link it so I don't have to find it again
@Hugo Who did you talk to?
@KitFox - What timezone is Shog in?
might as well create an account and give it a go
@KitFox shog
@Ste CM/devs only
@Hugo ta
@Ste Eastern, I think. Same as me.
I might be wrong though.
@Hugo Oh, then you got it wrong?
Because Shog certainly could have given it to you.
A: "Oh The Horror" Hat Club

kalinaWell... here goes nothing! :) <3

what is EL&U's policy on rejecting edits that just make minor cleanups to otherwise perfect posts?
@KitFox yep
I have a habit of submitting large numbers of edits when I'm bored
It depends on whether there is a hat dash going on.
I generally start by editing every post that has "thanks" in it that is still open
and then move on to questions that don't have a "?" in the title
!!Youtube Let's go team let's all pull together!
A: "Oh The Horror" Hat Club

MitchThat's a lot of work. Will enough people really go to the trouble?

but a lot of sites take offence to a seemingly new user appearing and submitting loads of errors
@Kalina Which hats do you need?
@kalina I've splatted a bunch of "thanks" before, no-one objected
@Ste eh, I'm not really after hats in this particular instance
@kalina Mostly because it is a cheap way to earn rep, but it requires other users to do work.
the only hats I really need are oh the horror and the bounty assassin
@KitFox they're on-policy edits though
Policy doesn't stop people from getting annoyed.
I'm asking before submitting any so that I don't annoy anybody
if you guys don't like somebody cleaning up your posts by removing blah from them then I won't do it
@kalina try answering these for the bounty assassin one: english.stackexchange.com/?tab=featured , the bounties may be awarded before hatdash is over
I'm just saying if you do a lot of minor edits that require other people approving, that it could be annoying. But then again, maybe not.
@Hugo I am terrible at articulating stuff like that
I do minor edits all the time, but I don't need approvals, so it doesn't matter.
TBH unless your answer is amazeballs, I will award the bounty to Cerberus
I want to have amazeballs.
@kalina doesn't need to be good. The IG-88 is given when you don't win the bounty
Did we star two of her chat messages?
@Hugo oh I have issues with posting crap content
Q: "The same X" and intransitive verbs

Matt ЭлленAs I have had explained to me at great length, wonder is intransitive. That's fine, but it can seem to take an object: Jim: Yesterday I wondered what that mark on the wall was made by Dave: I wondered the same thing this morning There you see wonder taking the object the same thing. This...

I think pretty much every single thing I've ever posted is positively voted except on MSO
@MattЭллен Thanks.
I don't see any hats on her profile yet. What gives?
@Hugo wait, you want me to post something on there now so you can give out the bounty?
can I delete it once I get the hat?
Oh. You haven't posted a question or an answer yet? Better do that.
does it need to be upvoted to count towards the hat?
So you get the Hello World hat.
I have that hat from anime & manga
@kalina @Matt will award the bounty. I think you can delete afterwards, yes
@kalina maybe one vote is needed, but that's no problem
I won't award the bounty, that's a genuine bounty
@kalina It will count toward our site total this way.
@MattЭллен ah, so you're not awarding it before the hats are put away?
@Hugo sorry, no
damn you guys are better at English than I am
I don't even understand what that question is asking
You can award it before the bounty period ends if you feel you have gotten the answer you wanted.
I'm a mean old scrooge
That is an expected behavior, is all.
And I know just how mean you are.
@KitFox true. does Cerb have that hat?
I don't know. Did we convince him to do hats this year?
he earns them either way :D
he's got 10, but not boba fett
He doesn't earn them if he hates them, right?
probably not?
@kalina feel free to post the answer and you can get the IG-88 hat
Well, point is, he has hats. So. I think I need moar coffee.
@MattЭллен well, not if you award the bonus after the 4th
@Hugo yeah, but Kit's convinced me
Just had an email from my (soon-to-be-ex) boss. Very happy with my work, etc. etc. They might get busy at the end of January, would I be willing to come back? What's the point in letting me go now then?!
@MattЭллен I don't have a high quality answer to post on that question
@Ste Employers, man, they're crazy
@Ste ??
so weird
@Ste So he can say he's efficiently culled X number of people.
that and they don't have to pay you for January
Might go to Spain for a fortnight.
Well, contracting work, they wouldn't have to pay him anyway, right?
Yeah, but if I find another job then they've lost someone who knows the business, projects, etc. Surely the value lost there is greater than the cost of upsklilling a newbie?
Maybe they are gambling on you not finding anything, hence the stringing along message.
Or maybe it's not up to him. It's the highers up making stupid financial decisions without sufficient foresight.
To please the share holders.
Yeah, it's definitely a case of the CEO saying, get rid of the contractors..
And then in a week's time, when all our clients have new budget, they'll be super-busy again... and the projects will suffer because they won't have enough staff.
Well, I think most bosses are stupid.
Or find cheaper employees.
Probably not. It's been my experience that most don't understand how to properly staff jobs. 1:1 is how they think.
@skullpatrol Hi
I posted an answer, downvote away
A: Difference between "game" and "sport"

kalinaDEFINITION OF SPORT Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. A particular form of this activity. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitive...

@kalina You should not talk so negatively. =)
I am not negative, I am playful :P
@kalina has two upvotes, no downs
oh, I misread :)
now I need to go and learn what intransitive means, so I can understand the other question -.-
I have 4 downvotes so far on my "cubicle" answer, lol.
@kalina It means it doesn't take an object.
Example please
Sometimes I look up something before posting an answer, pretending I can do so without looking it up.
@kalina used with verbs. For example, transitive verbs can have an "it" -- "do it". Intransitive verbs have no "it".
She smiled.
I am definitely not the right person to answer that question :P
A verb can also be transitive and intransitive, such as "reduce".
You can't 'smile' something. You do it or you don't.
I used to use 'X' until I came to ELU, then it became "X", lol.
@kalina you could always read the other answers and then make a short answer
@Hugo I must be confused how you guys work, that doesn't sound like the right thing to do
@kalina just a suggestion for hat time, you can delete it later.
the whole point of stack exchange is to provide high quality content that is useful to others
The whole point of SE is to earn hats.
Q: Is there any oxymoron word for the word “oxymoron”?

tintinmjI have also asked this in ELL, but I'm taking a risk (may be closed very soon) to ask it here again since I'm not getting enough response. I just have a bizarre thought, though I can't say where will be I using this! So basically oxymoron is use of combining of two contradictory terms that would...

what do we think of that question, given that it's already present at ELL?
Hi, just popping in since people seem to be sleeping in the room I'm usually in (Root Access)... anyone know if this kind of chat is appropriate for the SE chat network? I visited this room out of curiosity to see what's up with the new English Language Learner site and was greeted with... this
hi @allquixotic. good question
I'm extremely hesitant to onebox anything from that chat :o
Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
What people do is their business
@allquixotic What is "this"? I can't click on it because it is right at the end of the line, lol.
Is there a problem with what they are talking about?
I must be really slow today or something
I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong
@JasperLoy oh, sorry. just the last message in the chat buffer of that room at the present time. not sure what's up with the link lol
@allquixotic Well, lots of people make rooms.
@Mitch it might not be appropriate.
oh right, they're bordering on sexting or something
@MattЭллен I don't get the point of the question. Why would anyone think a question like that has an answer? "Is there a word for pink bears?"
I mean you have to read the scrollback a little bit to see, and it's the "official" chat for ELL, it's not like I went perving on a random room made for two people...
One revealed something about the other that he hadn't told the first one directly, and wonders if the other had been researching him. He wanted to chat a bit more privately to clear it up. I don't see anything wrong with that.
@kalina If so, that's idiotic because all chat rooms are both public (anyone can visit) -and- internetted (searchable by google)!
I'm just making assumptions, their private room doesn't go any further than what's in ELL's chat
if you think that's bad, you should see the stuff that gets said in the bridge
I don't think SE cares about people making individual rooms and talking about pretty much whatever in those individual rooms, although people should still not speak with the expectation of privacy or that it won't be indexed... just a little odd /shrug
guess it would matter more if more people were partaking in ELL chat :P
Well, I say it is alright unless it gets worse than this...
it's a small beta site atm
Go to omegel
For example, I am on the record for saying "I'm Gunga Din". And for claiming that as truth.
Wait I second...I see what you did there.
if people were active in ELL and they did something wrong, it would have been flagged
it may still be flagged once people become active in there
@allquixotic In this case, it matters, so thank you.
I'm not convinced there was any actual rule breaking going on but @KitFox is reading now and has the power to actually act on any rule breaking
@kalina goes to lurk in the bridge
But I understand why it seems not alright, given that I know a bit about the people involved, lol.
@kalina I'm not convinced there was any rule breaking either, which is why I asked.
if I was sure I would have, you know, flagged
@Mitch intermittent brain damage incoming
@kalina there are rules? (beyond general conversational intelligence)
they're just talking to each other in a civil way, nothing to worry about
@Mitch I think the only actual "rule" is "Be Nice"
@kalina Ha ha, no problems there.
but each site has their own interpretation of what "rules" means
yeah, very true... lol
I wonder what Kitfox is gonna do now, lol.
@kalina hm...that rule seems to be broken more often that not in the real world, sometimes intentionally.
@Mitch yeah, it's a bit confusing, especially since the OPs own offering is "prominent oxymoron".
we allow cusswords but not so much offensive images in RA... The Bridge is like @_@
@Mitch well, on here too
@MattЭллен Did I say already that that's just idiotic?
and also, lots of times, it looks like somebody is breaking said rule but the context shows it's two people who know each other pretty well just being playful
They are consenting adults
a mod has told them it's not appropriate usage of the SE chat system
@KitFox I can. But that's how awesome I am.
@Hugo if previous warnings exist then it's a completely different matter altogether
cry me a river, smile me an apple
swing that ban hanner
@Hugo How do you know?
Trying to write an answer for "“The same X” and intransitive verbs" has given me brain damage
so I am going to go and eat
@skullpatrol How do you know?
@kalina enjoy
@JasperLoy chat transcript
@Hugo Oh, you mean a long time ago?
She is young and he is lonely
@JasperLoy no, a few minutes ago
@Hugo In the ELL room?
What is the harm?
@skullpatrol Geezis.
@JasperLoy no, in their own room
I have seen a lot worse
In this site / network
Om nom nom
What are you eating!
My favourite device of 2013 is my...
My favourite device I can use in public of 2013 is my tablet
I am eating cheese sandwiches
With 4 different types of cheese
And they taste delish
I bought a nexus 7 in November and I've been unable to put it down since
These gadgets are too addictive
I don't quite sleep with it
I do sleep with my phone
But that's because it monitors my movement to wake me up when I'm not in deep sleep
Is kalina your real name @kalina?
Lol no
@matt bye
What kind of phone app does that?
Sleep cycle for iOS
Which is what I used to use
Or sleep as android for android
Which is what I use now
In both instances you give it a time you have to be awake by
And it will wake you up before that
Based on you dropping out of deep sleep
What will they think of next?
@kalina is it the new Nexus 7?
Which it tracks using the accelerometer in whatever device you are using
Yeah the new one
@skullpatrol Next, they will solve all mental problems instantly.
I have the original... device envy :/ lol
@kalina how do you find it compared to a normal, fixed alarm?
I wake up not grumpy
I swapped from apple devices to android
Sold my iPad 1 for 150
Bought a nexus 7 for 200
Meant I had to buy all my apps again but oh well
yeah, that has to be the hardest part
Still not in the se android beta
wait, there's an SE Android Beta? ... crap
Might actually still be an alpha
back at my desk \o/
Wow, I got 5 stars.
@JasperLoy 7
@kalina I have never seen you before, which room are you usually in?
The Bridge (Arqade), the DMZ (Information Security), I'm also in the Comms room (SeverFault), the Screening Room (Movies & TV) and Lollipop Heaven (Anime & Manga)
Ah, I go to none of those regularly.
oh and Tavern on the Meta
I'm branching out slowly looking for a site whose subject matter I am comfortable enough with to get my second SE site as a trusted user on
Your site is full of big long words written in my native language that I didn't know existed
I feel quite stupid reading some of your questions -.-
drop by the math room some time
@kalina I actually had 20k on Eng and Math, but I deleted my accounts, and these are my new accounts now at very low rep, lol.
It's like I'm on Stack Overflow
@JasperLoy I deleted my account too, that's why I'm a 30k rep user on Arqade with a 5 month old account
@kalina Haha, why did you delete your accounts? I deleted mine because I am crazy, in some sense.
I'm not going to discuss that, it's too much like dragging up semi-resolved stuff
I know, you must be crazy too. =)
I am crazy
completely bonkers
OK, I am crazy in more than one sense of the word, maybe you are too, lol.
I am now on Ubuntu 13.10, not too bad.
I have a PC running Ubuntu
it's not as good as Windows 8.1
Did you try any other distros?
I have used Gentoo in the past
when they supported stage 1 installs I spent an entire weekend installing it
Wow, I don't dare to touch gentoo, slackware, arch
A: "All The Best" vs "Best of Luck"


Asper burgers for breakfast again.
At least he didn’t put a little ---- under it.
I don't see what the big deal is about sleeping with your phone.
How many people had a landline extension by the bed?
Okay, with you in the bed is uncalled for. But charging on the nightstand next to you seems normal.
no I sleep with my phone in my bed with me
otherwise it wouldn't track my movement
What if you land on it?
You need one-a them flexy bracelets.
"land on it", I'm only like 52kg
it's not like I hump it in my sleep
it just sits under my pillow

They said he could DANCE, and, of course, THEY were right! Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it: THE STUDEBAKER HOCH DANCING LESSON & COSMIC PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE featuring Aynsley Dunbar, hit it!
@kalina that seems fantastically uncomfortable.
Slightly above having a handgun there instead.
I don't even notice it's there
it's not like it's a large phone
!!youtube billy the mountain
Thank you, robot.
But it's incomplete.
Handguns go under the bed, not under your pillow.
if I put a handgun under my pillow, I'd shoot myself in the head if my phone rang
just because I'm used to a phone being there instead
oh what, my answer on that question turned out to be the highest voted answer
strange things do happen around here
@KitFox but... but then the monster would use it.
"the monster"
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You haven't tamed yours?
Light Snow
-8°F -22°C
Feels Like -31°F
It's cold here.
So I haven't been able to get to the post office.
@KitFox I guess I could just shoot him, eh?
Well, tamed monsters are good for keeping kids in line.
@KitFox nice and warm, then
It got to maybe 10°F here yesterday. We're headed for 36°F today.
That's how it's been. 10°F. 50°F. 2°F. 40°F.
Buona sera.
guten tag
Or, if you wish, buongiorno.
Il mio hovercraft è pieno di anguille.
voulez vous couch-- actually, no
Mi cuerpo es su cuerpo.
one hour until hometime!
Is that like dreamtime?
no it's like going home time
in 51 minutes

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