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Fuck it. KitSox is about as helpful as KitFox in this matter.
I knew this little known fact. Though Danish is the only language other than English I'm trying to learn, so it is relevant to my interests.
For uncertain values of "trying to learn".
@JonHanna did you make sure to acquire a hot potato to put in your mouth yet?
WTF is that video, that's not the one I meant.
Someone's trolling me.
@RegDwigнt So why are you obliged to go to the Lego store tomorrow morning?
Do we have a Lego store here btw?
I am not obliged. Them's giving me gifts.
@RegDwigнt I'm trying to become lazier and just give up on all consonants half-way through.
I think you have one in Amsterdam, yes.
@RegDwigнt That's the German translation of the Grateful Dead's 'Casey Jones'?
@JonHanna that's a good start, but you need to learn to give up on consonants straight away.
@RegDwigнt So how does one get involved in this lego translation thing?
@RegDwigнt Good gifts? Ones that you would get otherwise?
@JonHanna Syncope is dangerous. You could fall over.
@RegDwigнt I'm glad to see that you have memorised the locations of all the Lego stores in the world.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you send an email to someone. But it's a specific project for translating into German. You'll need some qualification.
@RegDwigнt Their R is more strongly pronounced than many English dialects sometimes.
@RegDwigнt ah. I googled for it and didn't find squat.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah I got an invitation via 1000steine.de. Then had to pass a test by translating one file. Then one week of nothing, and now I'm topping the charts.
19 people are registered, but only 8 of them are really participating, and by the looks of it I've grabbed 50% of the files so far.
I like lines that are a single, long word and start with a Q.
@RegDwigнt sweet
Right on.
But @RegDwigнt ran out of red words and clear words, so he has had to improvise some in his translations.
Just use dark-red and trans-black
@Cerberus oh there are some lines that are just "5". You press Tab and they are automatically translated. Into "85; 0.15; a4.......]". Then you have to clean it up.
It's not a thankful task.
@Cerberus How do you feel about queues?
@Robusto If you can make that into a relevant line, I'll give you a point. But it's...shortish.
And this thing never learns. I have cleaned up that exact string a zillion times, but the Machine Translation is still 85; 0.15; a4.......].
What do they base that on?
Statistics. Magic. Root beer.
Looks like base 10.
I once translated an Android application through some online software, and it was really convenient.
@Robusto Only to people who know what a base is. And LEGO people think a base is something else.
@Robusto You're a natural.
(This is about logarithms, isn't it?)
@Cerberus Today is a day for math jokes. Not restricted to natural numbers.
You're a math joke.
You're also not very restricted. Not to natural numbers, anyway.
@Robusto Okay you did your number.
@RegDwigнt NOU
I try not to be restricted to natural anything.
I am very proud of my German translations being no longer than the English original, and sometimes indeed shorter.
In fact sometimes you are given stuff that's already been translated by other people, and guess what. It's always double the size. And then I throw a half out like it's nothing.
Because it is nothing.
Get to the point or get out.
Yeah that happens.
I came across a very long German word yesterday, btw.
Was it Bier?
Okay, I know that sounds pleonastic to some. But this was in a blog, and it was used in a very natural way.
Otherwise I am at a complete loss.
It was not Bier.
bees at complete loss
AFK for drinks
It started with Studentenzimmeressen-, I think.
And then a whole lot more.
That's a fine word to have. The English have the same word, they just throw in a dozen spaces because they have no attention span.
Anyway. If you look at LEGO games in particular, what they teach the poor kids is neither German nor English. It defies description, classification, or approximation, and a whole bunch of other things while it's at it.
So I'd very much like to get involved in translating the next one.
Alas, a man can dream.
@RegDwigнt True.
@RegDwigнt That's sad. Yet ubiquitous.
@RegDwigнt That's my feeling about binary executables. Just throw out all the zeroes.
@Cerberus They don't usually get high-priced writers to do that kind of copy in the first place.
Yeah as we saw the other night the original is lacking.
I hope I'll get a copy of the set to see how much of my stuff is in there.
Probably you'll be lucky to get a discount.
I think it's a discount and some t-shirts.
But again, I'm just happy to make the world a better place one word at a time.
So. Водка.
@Robusto Which is sad, because how expensive is it really, compared to their turnover in the entire Germanophone world?
It's a multibillion dollar company. They are about to kick Mattel's ass. They already kicked Hasbro's.
Or was it the other way round.
And yet they can't spend a couple of thousand euros on a good translation?
OddsВодкинз, man
Well. Look at the facts and you'll have no rhetorical questions left.
@Robusto ja ja, Dein Vodka.
@Cerberus I can't believe a Dutchman doesn't get price gouging.
Actually I think Rob was too young to witness the advent of the "ja ja. Deine Mutter" meme.
I was always young enough to have a mother.
And that's the first and last time that I use "Rob" and "young" in the same sentence. Ich schwöre es.
@Robusto That reputation is only a trick to be used in negotiations.
Negotiations is such a racist word.
Because of the nego.
@RegDwigнt Du bist verschwören.
Only a nego can call a nego nego.
@RegDwigнt I thought that referred to LEGO for black people.
@Robusto das ist das schönste Nichtwort, das ich heute sah.
@Robusto That's Legro.
For Italian blacks, Allegro.
Ma non troppo.
@RegDwigнt Weh!
@RegDwigнt Would it be possible to use "gesehen habe" there?
Das ist viel besser. Nicht.
Macht nichts.
@Cerberus of course but it would be longer. Also stronger and uncut.
For the record, nobody ever uses simple past in German. Ever.
In Dutch, I would say gezien heb. Zag sounds slightly provincial or like a Germanism or I don't know.
Except in print.
I'm just saving space.
So the present perfect would sound more natural?
@Robusto yeah guess how I trim down those translations by other people. Simple Past plays a major rôle.
@Cerberus by a mile.
Then it is the same as in Dutch.
And they don't even have miles in Europe. That's how much.
@RegDwigнt So your Übersetzung is really an Untersetzung?
Napoleon eated them all.
@Robusto stop calling me fat.
@Cerberus And people eat Napoleons in turn. It's the cycle of life.
@Cerberus Untersetzt is a euphemism for dick.
@RegDwigнt I didn't call you fat. I called you a dick. Oh, wait . . .
@Robusto And are they turning him into something Imperial?
He would love that.
@RegDwigнt Ah! In Dutch, gezet.
@RegDwigнt Every word, sooner or later, becomes a euphemism for dick.
Oct 30 '12 at 16:26, by RegDwighт
@DForck42 you do realize that it's entirely possible, even though not very probable, that the burger you had last week had some atoms in it that used to be part of Napoleon's liver or Genghis Khan's eyebrow?
The mille-feuille (, "thousand leaves"), vanilla slice, custard slice, also known as the Napoleon, is a pastry of French origin. Traditionally, a mille-feuille is made up of three layers of puff pastry (pâte feuilletée), alternating with two layers of pastry cream (crème pâtissière), but sometimes whipped cream or jam are substituted. The top pastry layer is dusted with confectioner's sugar, and sometimes cocoa, pastry crumbs, or pulverized seeds (e.g. roasted almonds). Alternatively the top is glazed with icing or fondant in alternating white (icing) and brown (chocolate) stripes, and ...
And we've come full circle.
It's the full circle of Elton John.
Jesus Kreis.
Das ist neu.
Ich bin ein neuer Mann.
Besser als eine neue Frau.
@Robusto I knew it was some other kind of food in English.
Een Napoleon of Bonbon Napoleon, ook wel Napoleonkogel genoemd, is een hard, bolvormig zuurtje, in een doorzichtig cellofaan verpakt. Ze hebben allerlei kleuren en smaken, zoals citroen, sinaasappel, wijnbal, salmiak en appel. De buitenkant is hard en van suiker, met binnenin een erg zuur wit poeder, dat vrijkomt wanneer de suikerlaag (deels) gesmolten is, of wanneer het snoepje doormidden gebeten wordt. Het citroenzuurtje is uitgevonden in 1912 door de Antwerpse bakker Louis Janssen en vernoemd naar Napoleon Bonaparte, wiens afbeelding zich ook op het omhullende cellofaantje bevindt. Een...
This is what it is in Dutch, redundantly.
Now you're just making stuff up. Snoepje is the capital of Macedonia.
@RegDwigнt What accent is this?
It sounds too weak for Swiss?
Hold on, 31 seconds of Coca Cola commercial.
But it doesn't sound like what I heard in Wien either.
@RegDwigнt Seriously? Time for Adblock Edge.
Something South.
Allgäu. Whatever.
It's pretty much High German, though.
I can understand it perfectly.
Allgäu is een Zuid-Duitse streek, tussen Ulm en het Bregenzerwald en tussen het Bodenmeer en Garmisch-Partenkirchen. De belangrijkste steden zijn Kempten im Allgäu, Lindenberg im Allgäu, Immenstadt im Allgäu, Sonthofen en Oberstdorf. De Allgäu gaf zijn naam aan de Allgäuer Alpen, een deel van de Alpen in Zuid-Duitsland, Vorarlberg en Tirol.
So the accent could be anywhere near the Alps?
Time to mention again how funny "tussen" is.
It's German for "chicks".
Haha really?
@Cerberus not even Alps. Between Freiburg in Breisgau and Bavaria. Even Franconia.
That's a large area.
I could be paying more attention, but I won't.
@RegDwigнt They eat snow peas in Macedonia?
Nov 17 at 16:10, by RegDwigнt
Attention is the worst paid person in this room.
But it could also be Swiss or Austrian? Or not?
@Robusto they don't elsewhere? holds on while mind boggles
@Cerberus Austrian I dunno. Au stri aaaan is, laaaaik, slooooooooooooooooow.
So Swiss or southern Germany.
Nah, Swiss would be very distinct I guess. Very recognizable as soon as he started talking.
The /r/ is frontal, not glottal.
Even if they speak Hochdeutsch, for an international audience?
@Robusto Hence South.
And BTW Swiss is more glottal, not less. Even their vowels sound like a glottal R.
Is what we learn.
I was too lazy to link it again. Glad you remembered.
Mar 19 '11 at 14:56, by Robusto
My brother-in-law, who works for a Swiss company, says the Swiss are just like the Germans, only without the sense of humor.
Das Wort Chuchichäschtli [] (kleiner Küchenschrank, Hängeschrank) ist das traditionelle Schweizerdeutsche (eigentlich generell hochalemannische) Schibboleth. Dreimal kommt das ch in dichter Folge vor, das südlich der Kind/Chind-Grenze als stimmloser uvularer Frikativ gesprochen wird. Das Wort Chuchichäschtli ist bekannt dafür, dass es von Personen, die des Hochalemannischen nicht mächtig sind, nur schwer ausgesprochen werden kann. Es wird ihnen daher oft zur Belustigung zum Aussprechen empfohlen. Das Phonem „ch“ ist ein stimmloser uvularer Frikativ []. Im Unterschied zum Standarddeutschen ...
I guess there's another difference as well.
There's a sound file. Hilarious.
@Robusto ... Contradiction in implied terms?
Anyway. As I said. Listen to the first sentence and you'll immediately hear how it's not the same thing as in the video at all.
AFK drinking
@RegDwigнt I guess they don't say that word when they have a lot of post-nasal drip. Or at least you don't want to stand near them when they do.
@RegDwigнt In some ways, it sounds like Dutch.
The ch, for example, is how your Beatrix pronounces it in her "German".
@RegDwigнt It is indeed stronger and weirder.
@Robusto splat
@Cerberus Think about it again, this time imagining that my brother-in-law has a mordant sense of humor.
!!define mordant
@KitFox mordant biting; caustic; sarcastic; keen; severe.
Seriously. You knew that word not?
Makes me think of teeth and death.
@Robusto Yeah I got the joke. It was my—apparently failed—way of acknowledging it.
@Robusto I could guess it. I've heard it before.
A failed way...that's not right.
makes note to get @KitFox one of those word-a-day vocab calendars for Christmas
Mord- means bite in Latin.
And I think we also use mordant in Dutch.
@Robusto Please don't My mother got my brothers Far Side calendars for Chirstmas and I got word-a-day calendars. You know what? They are funny and I am not.
I remember adding mordant to my list of difficult English words, though, when I was 18 or so.
I should probably update that list and add new words to it.
underscores the note
Well, I certainly won't forget it now.
@Robusto I bite my thumb at you.
@Cerberus Don't forget the gnarly F-words, like frangible, fractious, factitious, etc.
@KitFox Who are you really? Mercutio?
What ho.
@RegDwigнt FWIW, tiny Asian 4-door hatchbacks used ubiquitously in Colombia as taxis are popularly known as zapaticos, "little shoes". google.com/…nohat 4 mins ago
Marry, 'tis enough.
Those linguists will always rain on one's parade in the most expert manner.
@RegDwigнt That's what they called Caligula, too, and look what happened to Rome.
I have those wild dreams sometimes, of us all meeting up somewhere. Not just two, a whole bunch. @Cer, @Kit, @Rob, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, myself. On a neutral territory, of course. Like, Madeira. Or Iceland. It would be so surreal.
@RegDwigнt I would go to Iceland for that.
Like, @Kit would go blahblahblah and @Rob would go blahblahblah, and I would just go WTF did they just say use a proper language.
It's probably the only reason I would go there.
@RegDwigнt I suggested Iceland once a few months back when Kit and I were discussing meeting in Montreal and Cerb complained it was too far away
Montreal would be easier for me. Five hours by car.
There used to be some deal where you could fly there really cheaply from here
Yeah not flooded enough for dog's tastes.
I would probably never get to Iceland by car.
Only for the lack of trying.
Your life in a nutshell.
@Robusto Fractious and factitious are on the list. Frangible probably not, because I don't remember it...does it mean "breakable"?
I'm such a slacker.
@Cerberus That's a bingo. And proves that you're lying. You didn't really forget it.
Das ist eine Bing-oh.
Oder doch Google-oh?
@RegDwigнt That would be...I'm struggling for the right word...funny? Scary? Absurd?
@RegDwigнt Aber nicht ein Yahoo-oh.
@Cerberus Absurd is the right word except Elton John already used it for Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word.
It's trademarked and branded.
And monica'd.
@Robusto No, it's just because, as with so many Latinate words, its meaning can be regularly derived from its parts.
Well, the same can be said for fractious and factitious.
I've always wanted to visit Reykjavik and the Iceland ponies.
Frango = break. -bilis = -able.
That is a Black Metal band: Reykjavik and the Iceland Ponies.
Or should be.
I think it would be fun for us all to meet in real life.
And sit in a room and chat.
@Reg made me do it.
We'd get really confused with the pings.
I always make people do things. And other people.
@KitFox I'd only ever ping you under the table, sweetie.
@Robusto I guess...but I remember I didn't know the secondary meaning of fractiosus or whatever it is—the meaning that the English word was based on. I only knew "prone to breaking".
Perhaps the worst song ever. It took two of them to make it that bad. Neither could be that bad alone. As I recall, McCartney brought out the worst in Stevie Wonder as well.
@Robusto heads up for the heads up. I'm not firing up the deblocker, then.
@RegDwigнt You think I can't keep up with your pings, what just because you got some Russian blood in you?
@Cer, too.
@KitFox not Russian blood. Russian leg. Very different things.
If you have a Russian leg, you'd damn well better have Russian blood in it.
Well I dunno never stopped Katherine the Great.
So anyway you figure it all out and ping me under the table with the venue. I'm off to drink some more before the stuff evaporates.
Well, I'm up for Canada. I can probably get there, since Reg isn't allowed in the US.
I don't think I can arrange the time to get to Iceland.
As totally cool as that would be.
@KitFox why isn't reg allowed in the US? his raging communism?
Evil empire something something something dark side.
well alright then
Relationships to people in high places and other forms of connectedness.
we don't want any evil foreign agents here anyway
here = in america
We have to constantly disavow knowing each other in public.
here on english.se evil foreign agents are de rigueur
> Mit über zwei Milliarden Aufrufen ist kein anderes Musikvideo hierzulande so populär wie der GEMA-Hinweis, der auch in den Remix-Versionen "...Video, das Musik von UMG beinhaltet..." oder "...Video, das Musik von SME beinhaltet..." gerne aufgerufen wird.
@KitFox I'm always up for Canada too
Did you say Cuba?
I'm not up for Cuba
Hey, is it easy for your guys to get a visa for Cuba?
Pas de Cuba.
I'd have to go through Canada.
The USians can't go to Cuba.
Then you'd be on some NSA list for having gone to Cuba.
Somehow, Cuba has become a popular holiday destination here.
I'm also up for Aruba, if any of you will be there in Feb.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, we can.
I know several people who went there on vacation, this year or the last.
@KitFox well, not from the US
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Which is why I'd have to go through Canada.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm I'd not have to leave the country, that would be convenient...
@KitFox yeah and that's Russia. The US are stuggling to keep up, so them's pissed off.
But the heat. No, no.
@Cerberus it's not really all that hot.
@RegDwigнt Hey, is Cuba a popular holiday destination in Germany?
Among educated people.
Did you know that every second word in Russian is a euphemism for "drink all things now"? The rest being euphemisms for "your", "mother", or some combination thereof.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, 28 in the sun is really too hot for me.
Let's see. That could maybe work. "Honey, let's go to Aruba in February so I can meet a bunch of imaginary people in person."
@KitFox that sounds like good reasoning to me
@Cerberus I wouldn't know. The number one location for Germans is, drum roll, Germany. The second one being Malle, or the 17th State.
but only Cerb is imaginary.
Malle? Where is that?
The 51st State (also known as Formula 51) is a 2001 Canadian-British action comedy film. The film stars Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Carlyle, Emily Mortimer, Ricky Tomlinson, Sean Pertwee, Rhys Ifans and Meat Loaf. The film follows the story of an American master chemist (Jackson) who heads to England to sell his formula for a powerful new drug. All does not go as planned and Jackson soon becomes entangled in a web of deceit. Premiering in the United Kingdom on 7 December 2001, the film grossed £913,239 in its opening week and made worldwide profits of $14.4 million. It received mixed rev...
Of course our most popular destination is drumrolls France.
And it always will be.
Majorca (Catalaans, Spaans en meestgebruikte spelwijze: Mallorca) is het grootste eiland van de Gymnesiae en de Balearen, een eilandengroep in de Middellandse Zee behorende tot Spanje. De oppervlakte bedraagt 3640 km² en er wonen circa 846.000 mensen. De hoofdstad is Palma de Mallorca, dat tevens de hoofdstad van de Balearen is. De officiële talen zijn het Catalaans en het Spaans; de lokale Catalaanse spreektaal heet het Mallorquín. De naam Majorca komt van de Griekse kolonisten die op het eiland de gezegende tempel voor Heracles Maliorcas stichtten. Geschiedenis Het eiland werd in 123 ...
I think he would say "Will there be drinking involved?" And then I will say "Yes." and he will nod slowly and go check for airline tickets.
But Cuba has seen recent popularity, just like Peru.
The stupid Inca Trail.
Also known as the Inca Tourist Trap, I bet.
Just Inca Se Tourist Trap.
@RegDwigнt Ah, OK. Ibiza is way more popular here, but Mallorca, too. But less so for educated people.
OVER 9000 Germans have their permanent residency there. That's an actual number.
But so you haven't noticed any recent Cuban popularity, OK.
Over 9000 have their permanent residence in the south of Spain. And the Rivièra.
@Cerberus not Vlieland? What the f is wrong with you guys, Vlieland is gorgeous.
We used to go to Vlieland!
I bet you did.
But it's too small for 16 million people.
I fell off a pony on Vlieland.
Not for one people at a time.
I was supposed to go to Friesland but I didn't want Fries with that.
@Cerberus I drove on a pedal-driven car towards something that said "Het Huis" on Vlieland. Twas a restaurant.
@Robusto How very droll, Humphrey.
@Robusto how about Freedom Fries?
@RegDwigнt They do that to confuse the tourists, no doubt.
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately Freedom Fries decree
Kakadu is a Ku-Klux-Klan? What? learns things from this chat
Q: What is the "oldest joke in the book?"

Affable GeekWhat is the earliest recorded joke in a published work in the English language?

Answer: dijne Moeder
That looks suspiciously like the Evan's gravatar.
Doesn't it though.
I do hope the Evan will be back for the hats.
@RegDwigнt You never cease to impress me with your wit.
Has anybody contacted TPTB about the hats?
I took care of it.
@KitFox I will cease in about three seconds by trading wit for alcohol.
@RegDwigнt That's...Mediaeval.
@KitFox you are lovely. No really, you are.
Q: Are we getting hats this year?

Andrew LeachA question on Meta.GD.SE asks whether they want to participate in a Hat-Fest like ELU did last year. I guess that because there isn't a similar question here, it might actually be a foregone conclusion that ELU will get them again. Or it might not be and it could be that we've been forgotten; o...

This page is about the series in general. For the first game in the series, see MediEvil (1998 video game). MediEvil is a series of action-adventure hack n' slash video games developed by SCE Cambridge Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The main protagonist of the series is a cowardly, skeletal undead knight, Sir Daniel Fortesque. The name of the series is a portmanteau of medieval and evil. Games MediEvil MediEvil is the first game in the series. It was released in Europe and North America in October 1998. Zarok, an evil sorcerer attempts to ensare the land of Gallowm...
First google hit for "hat for Kit"
Was sich reimt, ist gut.
And I just misspole it as AKF.
"In the bigynnyng God made of nouyt heuene and erthe." — John Wycliffe, writing in the 14th century. — Robusto 15 secs ago
@RegDwigнt Yay!
@KitFox and it says "Kit Hat" right there on the package
claps hands
@RegDwigнt Oh, I misremembered (...): it was Wohnzimmerprogrammierstudenten.
Which would be woonkamerprogrammeerstudenten in Dutch, but we would probably insert hyphens, as in woonkamer-programmeerstudenten.
Likely some combination of eower and mōdor. Seriously though, what English are we talking aboot? — RegDwigнt 34 secs ago
There, I posted it.
I am so original.
@Cerberus an occasionalism, that's the beauty of it. Not to be found in any dictionary, past present or future.
And what kind of sucking up to Latin is kamer, prey tell.
Now all you have to get rid of is woon and you're speaking Pig Latin.
@RegDwigнt I apologise. I mean, ik verontschuldig mij.
At least programmeer is Greek.
> graphô = "I write"
You know that.
@Reg, would you like a Santa hat on one of your lego avatars?
By the way, we do have your Zimmer in timmeren "to hammer; carpentry". Related to timber.
I mean, when it is time.
Is it sometimes not time?
The appointed time.
Coffee time!
What do you think of this building?
I don't like the lack of decorations and style up close, but the overall composition is really nice.
The side bits are like... a little lumpy or something.
Where are their windows?
Yeah it must be dark in those rooms.
Which is not good.

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