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@MattЭллен Kind of an easy target.
@Robusto Wait, are those powers?
@Cerberus Yes.
Then Go would have many, many more positions than there exist atoms in the universe or something?
Don't you rather mean 10¹⁷¹ for Go?
The game of Go is one of the most popular games in the world. As a result of its elegant and simple rules, the game of Go has long been an inspiration for mathematical research. Chinese scholars of the 11th century already published work on permutations based on the go board. In more recent years, research of the game by John H. Conway led to the invention of the surreal numbers and contributed to development of combinatorial game theory (with Go Infinitesimals being a specific example of its use in Go). Legal positions Since each location on the board can be either empty, black, or whit...
It should be 2^(21*21), I'd say?
You mean 2**21**2
That’s not so much.
chthon(tchrist)% perl -Mbigint -le 'print 2**21**2'
My calculator says that's 5.7*10¹³².
Your calculator has limited precision.
Still a lot more than chess.
Like this:
chthon(tchrist)% perl -le 'print 2**21**2'
My calculator is Bill Gates's calculator.
Look, no loss of precision. Nyah nyah.
I’m teasing.
Are those only 133 digits?
I shan't count them.
Oh, but wait! I was wrong. It should be 3^(21²).
chthon(tchrist)% perl -le 'print length("5678427533559428832416592249125035424637823130369672345949142181098744438385921275985867583701277855943457200048954515105739075223552")'
= 2.6 * 10²¹⁰.
Why is my zero too high?
Font sucks.
I actually copied those superscript digits from Wikipedia by hand.
I trust you.
It’s still a font bug.
There they are.
Try it fixed.
Where can I get ten good superscript digits?
Many fonts have them.
Most modern ones, in fact.
This is probably unsolvable.
Okay, it seems 123 are of the same ilk, and the rest are of another.
Independent of the font.
Where can I find a string of ten that are the same?
In order to incorporate them into my Autohotkey script.
Most modern fonts, I keep telling you,
Try Minion Pro.
The top row are the superscripts.
Monaco does it wrong.
But the issue is not the font.
Yes, it is.
It's the characters.
The bug is in the font.
Here’s Alfios.
No, no.
Yes, it is, and I will show you:
Paste those in this chat.
I cannot paste a font.
The bug is in the chat font.
Paste the characters.
To show you that Verdana is fucked up?
We know that already.
Just do it, to prove whether you're right or wrong.
If you're right, then 9/10 fonts are bad.
Yes, they are, that’s right.
And that would mean that no normal website or Word document can properly display superscript.
Which I find hard to believe, but prove me wrong.
That’s a different matter entirely.
You do not understand.
Just paste them already!
Would you like to?
I don't want anything until you paste those ten characters here.
The second one is also off.
Yes, it is the font.
Or, rather, all normal fonts.
Unless you copy-pasted my characters. You didn't do that, did you?
Even when I paste these characters, it goes horribly wrong, so it must be the fonts: lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/codetables/4.html
A: Why the display of Unicode characters for superscripted digits are not at the same height?

ЈοеуLike jrturton mentions, ¹, ² and ³ were from a legacy character set (Latin 1) and therefore included in a different place. This also means that lots of fonts don't have support for more superscript numbers, as many only strive for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic with a few punctuation symbols thrown in...

Ah, this explains it.
@tchrist Do there exist superscript digits in a higher Unicode plane?
I was hoping I could find ten superscript digits in the same ehh set, in order to force my computer to use a font that has them all, instead of this mixtures of sets.
I guess what that answer says is only half of the problem.
Even many fonts that have them all use different heights for 3- and 4+.
I'm on hour 13.5 of an installation-from-hell.
Got pulled away.
No there are no useful upper-place versions.
The way web browsers do this is they emulate superscripts when you use <sup>...</sup>.
The way typesetters do it is that they have different "superior" glyphs in their font set, which may well be in a private area.
@Cerberus Ah. I learned something.
25 mins ago, by Cerberus
I guess what that answer says is only half of the problem.
@tchrist Right, that would work.
But we can't use the fonts we like everywhere.
@Cerberus That ... that is absurd. Probably a result of carelessness.
@TRiG It is because 123 were in some earlier set, and 4567890 were added in a later set, and many fonts haven't aligned the characters from the two sets.
They just drew/shaped the new characters to be consistent with each other, but not with the ones from the earlier set.
@Cerberus Yes, that’s right. The new fonts that started from scratch have it right already. Or a full pro font, with special superiors.
Fucking font.
Don’t drink from that one.
I didn't read it all.
Shame on me.
BRB, sewing an ice cream sandwich.
@tchrist Right. So that's annoying!
@Cerberus They are. There are really only about a dozen basic fonts that have stood the test of time. All the rest are derivative of those, or just garbage.
But the fonts in this chat room?
They are bad in that sense.
Verdana, Arial, sans-serif
Those fonts are used because most people use PCs and those are the fonts most widely available.
Arial is a bastardized version of Helvetica.
I'm sure you recognize that Helvetica is the "Swiss" font.
And the monotype font rule they use is Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif.
@Robusto I read about that.
And why was Helvetica named that, by the way?
Swiss guy made it?
Swiss school of design, I believe.
> Helvetica was developed in 1957 by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann at the Haas'sche Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) of Münchenstein, Switzerland. Haas set out to design a new sans-serif typeface that could compete with the successful Akzidenz-Grotesk in the Swiss market. ... The aim of the new design was to create a neutral typeface that had great clarity, no intrinsic meaning in its form, and could be used on a wide variety of signage.
"Grotesque" refers to sans-serif fonts.
I see.
Because they were considered grotesque?
As in ugly.
By the way, does Helvetica have a different l/I?
What do we think of the Ubuntu font? I rather like it.
What's it like?
The various versions of it are at font.ubuntu.com.
They have regular, narrow, and monospace versions.
They look fairly neutral?
@Cerberus Yeah. It's the standard system font, and is intended to be readable and not stand out too much. It's a good font to use if you have a mixture of running text and code samples, because the monospace version gels well with the regular.
That's good.
Fuck this fucking ice cream sandwich.
I still like good, old TNR a lot.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Are you OK? Why are you trying to install an older version of Android?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Does it taste good?
@Cerberus ha!
@TRiG it's felt.
@Cerberus I'm starting on learning TeX, I suspect I'll soon start forming more opinions about fonts.
Oh, dear.
Better sharpen your rapiers, then.
Because we already have a Person Who Has Opinions About Fonts in this room...
@Cerberus This is true. He also has opinions about Unicode, where he is far more informed than I.
I'm sure you'll fight your way up the ranks in a jiffy.
@Cerberus Heh. I doubt it, to be honest.
Never despair!
Okay, this is going much better by hand.
You're compiling the OS by hand?
I no longer have the urge to go to the grocery store to buy an ice cream sandwich just to make one feel pain.
On a blackboard?
posted on November 17, 2013 by sgdi

It’s already late in the day A bit too late someone might say Too late, I concede For my limerick speed Has slackened and led to delay

I see pastry and ice-cream!
Those are the ice cream sidewalls.
That brown there is the top crust with a pink smile.
I'll take a different angle.
I know, I saw it!
That's why I described them as such.
You threw me with pastry.
Unless the crust is not considered "pastry"?
I've never seen an ice-cream sandwich in my life.
Oh, we've talked about this!
I think.
Apr 24 at 21:20, by cornbread ninja 麵包忍者
I like sewing in three dimensions. It forces me to think differently.
I can imagine!
Also, I have to math.
Oh, dear.
Do you feel like this now?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 O_O
Mr Shiny's floor seems to have a slightly different shade of green.
Damn cat game.
daylight come, and me wan go home
2 hours later…
The cat game bears a striking resemblance to Go.
As do I, now that I think about it.
6 hours later…
I was wondering where I can ask questions
regarding English study plan.
this is probably a good place but think it is going to be quiet here for a while
and I don't know the language
but ask, with some luck a lurker wakes up
I just don't want to ask it in the wrong section
I will check once again where my question can be posted.
Study plan sounds like ELL
I will ask there. Thanks.
Strange is a world in which Holland now speaks for all of France.
@RegDwigнt We seem to be accidentally in an edit-duel, and thank you for the fixes. I’ve tried to restore the edit of yours I accidentally effaced, but please feel to fix it if I messed up.
A: When writing large numbers, should a comma be inserted?

tchristIn the English-speaking world, it is common to use commas every three decimal places in numbers of four or more digits, counting right to left. When you do use a comma for a thousands-separator, do please make sure to write the digits flush against the comma — that is, without a space to either...

It never occurred to me that a book font would have a proportional number set. That seems limiting.
I guess I just never thought about it.
That’s an interesting matter.
For I would have imagined the exact opposite of what you were thinking.
Just a sec while I check my terminology.
Ok got it.
> Tabular figures are figures that have identical set-width, so columns of typeset figures will align.
> A good text font will give you proportional figures instead.
> A digit font in the OpenType format may offer you four choices: proportional and tabular lining (titling) figures, and proportional and tabular old-style (text) figures.
> No matter how the figures are cut, when used in text, they are likely to need some kerning, to each other and to the en dash.
So in a full/rich OT font, you may have 4 kinds of figures to select amongst.
Proportional text figures are the default in Georgia, which is rare.
They’re proportional figures because the width of the 1 and the width of the 9 are different.
They’re text figures because they have ascenders and descenders.
If you were running figures down a column though, you would them to be tabular so the position (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, etc). Note however that they could still be text figures and would not have to be titling ones, even though they were now tabular.
See here for a clearer explanation.
And pickies.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Well done!
@JohanLarsson Cute! I love it.
> Most OpenType fonts include all available figure styles within a single font. So there’s no switching between fonts to get to the right figures.
Lining = all same height
Tabular = all same width
That gives you 4 possibilities, shown in the first 4 rows above.
not-lining = text = old-style
not-tabular = proportional
Which one you want depends on what you are doing.
@tchrist Georgia is also one of the odd fonts in that the 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 have descenders and the 6 and 8 have ascenders. The only ones that don't are 0, 1, and 2, which sizes them to the x-height of the character.
Without full typesetting software, or at least OT hints, you are stuck with just one of the 4 possiblities.
@tchrist it wasn't mine, I approved someone else's.
@Robusto Those are called text figures, or sometimes old-style ones. They are greatly preferred in running text.
@RegDwigнt Ah ok.
Georgia on my mind.
Georgia is uncommon insofar as it has chosen proportionate text figures as its default set. But every font should have four possibilities.
Well, if it is a proportional font.
Monospaced fonts have just two possibilities.
@Robusto Georgia. X-height. X-Ray. Ray Charles. Georgia. The math checks out.
Now I am forgetting the software that my publisher uses for this. They don’t use InDesign anymore.
I think HTML5 allows including OT font hints.
@tchrist Yeah, I guess I see that now. I just never thought about it. The old-style serif fonts seem to have those. Like Goudy Old Style and Cooper Black.
@Cerberus thank you! I have since given him larger irises.
Notice that The Economist uses text figures, too.
As well as small caps.
But interestingly, at least on Windows, a lot of the old-style serif fonts don't have number sets with ascenders and descenders.
All this should be done with font magic, not with tricksy Unicode code points.
@tchrist Yes. As does The New Yorker.
Octagonal stone? How do they even make the ct ligature? I don't see a Unicode for that.
That’s the same with inferiors and superiors: use font magic, don’t use different Unicode points.
@RegDwigнt Right. Needs font magic. There is no code point. The st lig was for compat with some legacy encoding.
Ah, it’s Antenna House.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Cool.
For XSL-FO, God help us.
This page says something about U+E707, &#59143;, but that can only be a lie.
> Diese Unicodes folgen dem offiziellen Vorschlag von William Overington, sind aber nicht formal Unicode-Standard.
Oh you mean I have to read the whole darn thing...
E707 is in the BMP’s “private use” area.
@tchrist You forgot to pronounce Overington with heavy German accent.
Ooh, sexy.
That means a font designer can let those mean anything they care to.
Suum cuique.
What quickie?
@Cerberus He did. It was almost a caricature. Over the top, really.
@RegDwigнt Each person's own quickie.
That's so quil.
@Robusto Well, I couldn't hear it. Perhaps he underestimated German heavy-handedness.
Famous last mistakes.
@Robusto that is so gay.
@RegDwigнt Stop kvelling about it already.
@RegDwigнt Anything but.
Huhuh you said butt. Confirmed. Gay.
I still haven't seen the movie, BTW. I think they decided to just never release it here.
Ohh E. Commissioner Kroes says Verhofstadt has a good chance of becoming the new president of the Commission!
Everything above 0xF000 is private, isn't it?
She's a commissionary veterane.
That would be great!
I didn't know there were animals on the commission.
Which animals?
Again. That I do not know.
Verhofstadt is pretty good, a lot better than many others.
@Robusto I think it starts at E000.
Don't make me play the song again.
He's not a cuckoo.
You're a cuckoo.
He's a peekaboo.
Maybe he's a cuckold.
Found it.
Whose cock is old?
E000..F8FF; Private Use Area
F0000..FFFFF; Supplementary Private Use Area-A
100000..10FFFF; Supplementary Private Use Area-B
They should spell it Arena, not Area. So much more better.
Also, U+0091 and 92 in the C1 control set were traditionally called PRIVATE USE ONE and PRIVATE USE TWO.
Number one or number two?
@RegDwigнt Well, yes.
What that would also mean is: no more De Gught! He really is the worst commissioner ever.
Because there can only be one Belgian commissioner.
Oh those are Belgian?
The Conscript Unicode Registry uses U+0E000 as the base for most Tengwar fonts, because the actual base per the Unicode Consortium is U+16080, and a lot of rotware from MSFT cannot handle four-byte–encoded characters.
Verhofstadt has led several Belgian cabinets.
It's not like I have an idea why one would care about Dutch commissioners, but I have less an idea still why Belgians would matter to anyone at all.
So my Tengwar module has stuff like this:
Their nationality does not matter as such.
But Verhofstadt is pretty enlightened for a politician.
Exactly, Belgians' nationality doesn't matter.
Just like Kroes.
Where TENGWAR_BASE can be either 0x00_E000 or 0x01_6080.
@RegDwigнt They barely have one anyway.
Notice I divide up the Unicode plane from the other 4 digits with a spacing-for-legibility underscore.
It makes it easy to see the plane, basically. 00 vs 01.
Belgium was only ever created to kill off half of Africa, then disband.
@RegDwigнt They're trying.
Yeah the first half was a raging success.
The last half is presenting them with difficulties.
@RegDwigнt They mattered a great deal to Germany and France in the years leading up to WWI. Their neutrality became an affront to the two powers and, later, a front.
Tengwar is in the SMP not the BMP, but it is not yet part of the released Standard just reserved for their use at that position in its roadmap, and so most Unicode fonts with Tengwar have them starting at 00_E000.
It is rude of me to write “Tengwar is”. One Tengwa is, but the Twengwar are. Hm.
Boulder candyshopping?
No, Rot Front.
And now I'm hungry.
BTW, I watched A Serious Man yesterday. Still no idea what to think of it.
I think I'll have to go with quoting Roger Ebert quoting, ahem, Variety.
> "This is the kind of picture you get to make after you've won an Oscar," writes Todd McCarthy in Variety. I cannot improve on that.
@Robusto hm- Goes to show how much context matters. I got tired thirty seconds in.
Yeah, me too. I thought it was going to be something else.
That's what I get for clipping after the first 10 seconds.
Somehow I never think about Belgium. Still less about Luxembourg.
@Robusto Finally found the CSS font-variant extensions list that I was thinking of. Please never mention XSLT to me again, though. :)
Value:	normal | [ <font-variant-caps> || <font-variant-numeric> || <font-variant-alternates> || <font-variant-east-asian> ]

<font-variant-caps> 	 = 	small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | titling-caps | unicase
<font-variant-numeric> 	 = 	<numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || slashed-zero
<numeric-figure-values> 	 = 	lining-nums | oldstyle-nums
<numeric-spacing-values> 	 = 	proportional-nums | tabular-nums
<numeric-fraction-values> 	 = 	diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions
@tchrist XSLT is an experiment I'd sooner forget. Is it markup? Is it code? Who cares? It's awkward and ugly and deserves to die.
@Robusto Quite. I want to forget, too. I almost had until today.
I haven't used it in five or six years.
It still makes my head hurt.
@tchrist No matter. Microsoft will fuck things up, as usual.
Use InDesign.
posted on November 17, 2013 by sgdi

A man who was eaten alive Allowed young lion to thrive The lion then ate The first man’s best mate And then took his car for a drive.

I don’t, but at least it is not M$FT.
I had to learn Antenna House when O’Reilly switched to using that from InDesign and we couldn’t typeset anything properly.
As the old joke goes: "How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?" "None. They just declare darkness the standard."
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