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@tchrist Editing the spam out of posts is counterproductive. If a particular spammer is persistent and sends the same message multiple times, moderators can ask for something about it to be blacklisted, like the destination domain name or part of the body of spam. To do so, though, the team usually asks for a bunch of links to existing spam. Moderators can search through deleted questions, but editing the spam gets in the way.
@badp I have a thousand links. This is a well known problem. I only do it when it is attracting answers, which is its goal, not deletions.
Does this guy have a history?
They’re well aware of the situation, as are the team.
It also gets in the way of people who want to pile on with your spam flags, as they need to know how to get to the revision list, then go there, then look at it, then go back, then flag as spam.
Yes, more than a year of posting more than one under-ban posting a day.
He has posted several a day for well over a year.
It’s daily maintenance work.
He likes to hit us now when our mods are sleeping, and we often don’t have enough high rep users to get rid of him.
He keeps reposting the same question again and again no matter how many times deleted, till he tricks people into engaging him.
Go ask about the ELU troll in the TL.
Very well-known problem.
Ah, they just got him.
The cavalry have ariven.
Dumb stemmer reduces optative to opt.
well, it's weird then that he hasn't found out about the rollback button yet
He has.
It’s but a temporary respite.
I just hate to see new users wasting time answering him.
It’s appeasement for one thing, and for another, they’re sure to have their efforts deleted.
I only do it when the cavalry haven’t left the Fort yet.
I know it can be confusing for new users, and I hate giving the troll any attention at all.
But I have come up with nothing better for now.
That’s why we have no FAQ entry about him: feeds his ego.
I was off having a tasty cannoli.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You should try the North End in Boston for the cannoli.
@Robusto I will keep that in mind.
Check out the bakeries on Hanover Street and environs.
I can personally vouch for the area, as for seven years my workplace was at the end of Prince Street and I used to play basketball over lunch at the courts just down the block.
Actually, I somehow sneaked Salem Street in there instead of Hanover. Oh, well. Just a block over.
I have not seen the Boston.
Some day when you get tired of the Great Plains and all that flat open space and the straight roads, give Boston a try.
Now for a nightcap. I'm trying to kill the rest of the Glenfiddich because I'm tired of it taking up room that better scotches could be using.
We just don't have mountains. We do have hills.
And some tall buildings.
I went among the tall buildings today, to get the cannoli.
@Robusto nice.
@Robusto No trouble with flat open space and straight roads here.
Just a trouble with roads period.
Is there anything one shouldn’t do before one turns 25?
Other than serve in Congress?
Try to rent a car?
Have a baby?
Oh, babies happen.
Decide if a tattoo is necessary?
They don't have to.
Haven’t you had that recurring dream where a strapping your collegiate knocks on your door and says, Hi you don’t know me but I’m your kid?
Seemed to hit quite a bit as I rounded 40.
And then some.
Unfortunately, I would know if I had a kid. It's the leading downside of womanhood.
Oh, right.
How mannish of me.
Although, I have thought of selling eggs.
Like in Oliver?
Or was that roses?
Who will buy. . . ?
It looks between my homeowners insurance and FEMA, I’m to get around three grand of compensation for repairs etc.
That will help.
I was going to say, is that enough?
But it will help.
I suppose all the repairers are quite busy.
Ok, now is there anything one shouldn’t do after one turns 50?
They are.
But mine will be by on Monday.
@tchrist Dare I speak to that?
I will anyway.
Try to do a cartwheel.
Say “dude” unless you’re Willie Nelson.
Start saving for retirement.
But almost everything I come up with seems just self-defeatism.
Diversify one's portfolio towards risky investments.
Just can’t see surviving till then anyway.
I might go again with have a baby.
Until 50?
Or retirement?
Don’t think I can take another 17 years like this. I know I can't.
Not enough light in the world.
Nor strength in me.
Sorry, I’m in a state of severe grief. I’m not functioning correctly. And no, I please please please don’t want to talk about it.
I can't take much more at my current place, but I'm working on that.
Yes, the $job thing.
I’m surrounded people who shouldn’t have gotten college degrees.
It’s the outsourced people abroad.
At first I thought it was the age, but the "kids" (20somethings) in the nearby cubies have everything on the ball and are well clued.
But having to daily educate and cope with the 3rd world is grinding me down, when they should have gone to fricking school.
Can you do other things instead?
Where now the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?
Yes, although this is what I am best at.
Can't you do it for someone else?
But the grind is too intense. Big-company, share-holder value, blah blah.
I should.
It is hard to get a job at 50.
I'm getting ground, myself.
I've heard that.
I think it's fucking stupid.
Notoriety may help, but nobody really knows who I work till they get me.
I put in 90 hours last week.
And did the equivalent of 3 months of work in that time by any 4 indians.
But tchrist, we simply must make more this quarter than last.
With less.
It's perfectly reasonable.
No coffee at work anymore.
No 1st aid kits.
No gym.
No first aid? That's fucked.
In other places, no pens&paper, staples etc.
We got some paddles a few years ago.
I never spell it right. Defibrillator. Hey, I did it!
We’re privileged, so get office supplies. Under lock and key, which you must get from your manager and sits right in front of the Directors’ offices.
It’s mind numbing.
It’s a sister or cousin company of the one that Scott Adams based Dilbert on. Exactly like that.
I am not speaking metaphorically.
It’s the stupidity that is killing me.
The offshore assents write all this dodgy code, but they have no access to prod systems, so don’t have to debug it when it breaks.
And it always break.
Every day if find stuff like if(open(...)) { ..... } but with no else and no error message or anything.
And when you find an error message, it just says no input without saying what input was missing, or what the system error was.
And it probably going out stdout not stderr and makes the program exit 0 not non-0.
They do this every fucking day.
I cannot make them stuff.
And I have to support their unmaintainable crap.
So angry.
They were told to stop making core dumps.
So what did they do?
They ignored all the core dump signals. So now you never know what when wrong or why or where or anything.
Sheer idiocy.
Every day they write code that any American developer would be immediately terminated for, with cause and with prejudice.
But we have no say over that from this side.
It has brought me to tears.
There is no hope.
I've been there. About once a week.
You have offshore entanglements?
You'd think that wouldn't go on very long, the doubled efforts.
@tchrist not yet.
Endeavour to remain blissfully ignorant.
I have Washingtonesque bureaucracy.
No, the company that bought us four years ago is based in DC and applies Washingtonesque bureaucracy to everything.
Oh, we're going to disconnect a circuit? Let's open a new record for something that already has a record.
Oh, that never works west of the Mississippi.
Maybe not even west of the Ohio.
And never, ever, ever west of the Pecos.
Donde esta los Pecos?
I cannot recall.
El río Pecos queda en el oeste de Tejas, formando una frontera que divide el Llano Estacado de las montañas.
The trans-Pecos is very nice, actually.
Austere. Unsettledish.
Damn the immigration crap though.
Alpine and Marfa and Big Bend and Presidio.
2 hours later…
@tchrist Probably not in Norway, chances are you will even get good pay.
How are you doing @JohanLarsson
Are you and Dutch speak the same language? I mean are they close enough.
Like would you understand Cerb if you met him on a train?
Not if he started speaking
So two different lanaugages? Totally?
For some reason I can ~understand~ Dutch when reading, parts at least. I tried having Dutch guys read Swedish but they did not understand much. Cerb probably would though.
No he was just an example
I know he is smart.
@Noah I would say that. They probably come from the same origin way back though.
Umm. Okay.
Dutch might be closer to Swedish than English is but I don't know how to measure it.
But the two countries are close?
Denmark and Germany are between us
it's always like that
I see.
Do you live in Stockholm?
I live 200 km north of sthlm in a small town
that;s acouple hours drive.
less than two if traffic is good.
Do you live in NZ?
No, In CA, USA.
Dave lives there.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 it would be interesting to compare that to its Scandinavian counterpart. I'm not going to do it though
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@Cerberus Make this a proposal on Meta.
1 hour later…
[x] Sounds conservative
> "If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards," he told Sabq. "That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees," he said.
Epidemiology has been used to ~prove~ many wrongs. It will continue to be used for that.
Hm. Disprove?
> As a very rough generalisation, hardcover books are much more popular in the USA than they are in the UK. This may be due to the fact that US hardcovers are superb in quality (whilst UK ones will usually disintegrate after a few reads) and US paperbacks are not very good, so Americans prefer the superior format. In the UK people are much more willing to hang on and wait for the paperback
I’ve always wondered why that is, that the UK hardcovers are done in such poor quality.
@tchrist Wow. Those nutty clerics have opinions about everything.
Cost, I guess, but I don’t know why people put up with it.
Here, too.
I start to prefer .pdf for books with more than 300 pages, tablet/laptop handles better in bed.
I prefer PDF for things under 10 pages.
That said, I have a special place in my heart for little paperbacks "only" 275 pages long.
I often print the short ones
@tchrist For med it is < 200 pages. Possible to read in one go without eating etc.
@JohanLarsson What's all this lugubrious melancholy you Swedes seem to love to indulge in? Bergman, Larsson, and Mankell? We just finished a few episodes of Wallender, and if there is a gloomier detective series in all of fiction, I hope I never see it.
I have one author I follow who religiously makes each book he writes exactly 17 chapters.
@Robusto It’s the weather, and the darkness.
And these are not giant chapters, either. The books are well written and tight, not like those 5x the size so often aren’t.
But Wallander (the one with Kenneth Branagh) seems to take place always in glorious summer. Yet he's still gloomier than mist in a graveyard.
@Robusto Larsson & Mankell is utter crap imo, the books at least. The Swedish TV-versions are meh.
I read that as meth.
Speaking of meth, final episode of Breaking Bad tonight.
Did it not finish long ago?
Maybe I missed a season
Would I not know when it finished?
can't parse that
Wouldn't I know when it finished?
Do you doubt that I know when it finished?
I'm sure you would, just don't know what delay your broadcast has
It's a U.S. series. The delay it has is zero.
I wrote a small app if you need to time stuff, a wrapper for mediaplayer. Gonna be useful.
OK, not entirely true. Full disclosure: I time-shift it to the DVR and don't start watching until 16 minutes after the episode starts, so I can flip through the commercials.
It takes a partridge ~60 ms to flap its wings once
How about a hummingbird?
I have missed a season then
@Robusto gonna have to google it, they sound like ~100 Hz though
It takes my laptop about one partridge wing-flap to create about 43k records of fake data, sort it, map it and filter it to feed to a graphing framework.
Had a nice spot in a Hammock in Brazil once, a hummingbird came and ate from flowers one meter above it every now and then.
For some reason 200 Hz sticks in my mind for hummingbird flaps. Maybe that's counting up and down separately?
I pulled 100 out of my ass. You are probably right.
Nope, we're both wrong.
Hummingbirds are birds that comprise the family Trochilidae. They are among the smallest of birds, most species measuring in the range. Indeed, the smallest extant bird species is a hummingbird, the 5-cm Bee Hummingbird. They hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12–80 times per second (depending on the species). They are known as hummingbirds because of the humming sound created by their beating wings, which sometimes sounds like bees or other insects. To conserve energy while they sleep or when food is scarce, they have the ability to go into a hibernation-like state (torp...
12-80 Hz.
So a partridge flap is faster than the slowest hummingbird flap.
80 is pretty 100 imo
For larger values of 80?
Nah, I did the math wrong. The slowest hummingbird wing-flap is 12.5 ms and the fastest is 8 ms.
I divided the wrong way initially. A common failing for me.
Hey 100 is pretty centered
Nah, I fucked up again. I was reading 12-80 as 80-120 for some reason. Not enough coffee, probably.
Use MathCAD for all simple things. I always have it open while at work.
So the hummingbird range is 12.5 to 83.3 milliseconds per flap.
So my initial instinct was accurate: the partridge is faster than the slowest hummingbird flap.
Put that in your pear tree.
When they go into eagle-mode
Hummingbirds are like helicopters. They don't glide.
You can't hear 12 Hz. You can only feel it.
UI is such a pain, every time I think this is going to be a fun hour. Two days later there is callback hell and ugly.
UI is my bread and butter. And I enjoy it, for the most part, except when people try to overburden me with frameworks.
Middle-tier developers like frameworks because they don't want to learn how to do things in Javascript with respect to the DOM and CSS. But their abstractions leak, so they reach for yet another framework to patch the leaks, and pretty soon it's way more complicated than anyone can handle.
They go from spaghetti code to what I call lasagna code: all the defects are baked in in and you can't even pull on one thread to try to get somewhere in maintenance and debugging.
The only thing abstraction can't cure is too many layers of abstraction.
Are into DDD?
star for that one
DDD = Data Display Debugger?
Domain Driven Design
Sounds very buzzwordy but the concepts are sound imo
c c
c c
@TRiG Oh thanks alright.
Well, sure, it sounds good in principle. But that stuff ought to happen well before I'm building models for the front end to consume (turn into views).
One thing I took with me from a speech on the topic is that the size of the code is a problem. Having many layers and code for sending data between them for example.
@JohanLarsson Yeah. But this is where technical debt comes in. The size of the code base is always accretive because there's never any time for optimization and refactoring in a release-driven product cycle. I've seen bugs in desktop programs that have been around for eight releases.
c c
c c
@Mitch ok also, for predict
see top comment
> Any decent Oracle would have foreseen this.
it's a joke with the boat sponsor (Oracle)
@JohanLarsson and yep also see is good also
@cc but never trust me, I have no business ~helping~ here :D
c c
c c
or feel
I trust any suggestion, no worry, and make a weighted combination of them :>
Speaking of Hz, I think the lowest organ pipe in the world produces about 8 Hz. You just hope the room you're in doesn't resonate with that frequency.
@cc You are not using any threads for that?
c c
c c
yes, a single-threaded, learning machine algorithm
Hearing range usually describes the range of frequencies that can be heard by humans or other animals, though it can also refer to the range of levels. In humans the audible range of frequencies is usually 20 to 20,000 Hz, although there is considerable variation between individuals, especially at high frequencies, where a gradual decline with age is considered normal. Sensitivity also varies with frequency, as shown by equal-loudness contours. Routine investigation for hearing loss usually involves an audiogram which shows threshold levels relative to a standardised norm. Hearing thr...
what is the frequency that is harmful/makes one sick?
I don't know. I've heard there are frequencies that act as a sonic laxative, though.
c c
c c
some musics if you hear them too long can damage you for sure
@Noah Dave's not here, man.
@Robusto ah yes, the brown noise.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 what happened to him?
@JohanLarsson dunno. But he's not here, man.
I think I saw him not long ago
Like the title of the song without understanding it
2 hours later…
@JohanLarsson The last time I saw David he was upset about a discussion that was happening and decided to take some time away from chat
but that was a while ago
public void UintTest()
    uint a = 0;
    uint b = 1;
    uint u = a - b;
that is pretty gross
why would someone test that? unless they're writing their own language compiler, I suppose
I tested it just to see
ah! cool :D
the test is not very interesting, the types are enough. uint - uint = uint is a bit strange
you expect it to be int?
It would make sense if it was int imo
but it is probably according to some spec and with reasons
maybe for some cases, but I don't like it when byte + byte -> int
I like my types to remain the same
@MattЭллен no I don't love that either
but for subtraction and unsigned it is not as clear cut
In c# you can tell the compiler to throw an error if a unit wraps
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 hours ago, by Johan Larsson
Is it possible for a native speaker to tell if someone says hotmale or hotmail?
I mean, I guess I'm old school. I like unit to wrap :D
@JohanLarsson no. the words are homophonic
I don't use uint much
nor do I.
@MattЭллен as long as they are not homophobic
in fact it's usually easier not to
pun, puke, puke
@JohanLarsson quite :D
maybe not pun but some kind of word-joke
since c# uses var now anyway, I practically never type int either
if you need to measure how long time things take some time
I might
we'll need to test another chart soon
pretty hacky and code is mostly ugly. Userhostile and no help!
the current one will get ripped out at some point
@MattЭллен that one is not for benchmarking, it is for timing stuff in real life. record it with camera and play it. Mousewheel increments/decrements frames, doubleclick adds bookmarks
oh, ok. cool
ctrl, shift and combo changes increment speed
I'm going to use it to analyze a robot sequence tomorrow
a robot sequence?
what is that?
I probably invented that word
:D is it a robot that enacts a sequence of commands?
can't tell much specific due to secret
but see how long time things take in a machine
OK, gotcha
logging would be much work and intrusive
fun fact: a go-pro camera records 100 frames/s 10 ms resolution right there for €200
I think I saw those for sale in one of the bicycle shops in town. They must be popular for recording mountain biking and such
I bought one for gf to use while riding, she have never tried it :D
the quality is not very good but it has one thing going for it. Panning is smooth and on the spot when wearing it on ones head.
Panning usually kills video recorded with handheld imo.
posted on September 29, 2013 by sgdi

Coming back home after work A particularly arduous jerk Had filled up his quota By swapping out soda With drugs that would make you berserk

@JohanLarsson good for slow mo?
100 fps is beneficial
Have you seen this?
@JohanLarsson amazing!
Have you used the wpf MediaElement?
what are you trying to do?
Tweak performance for this MeasurePlayer thing
guess I should profile it first
sorry, I've no idea
yeah, probably :D
@Robusto Every time I hear Foreigner, I feel like taking a shit.
3 hours later…
@Mahnax Oh. My. God.
I am shocked beyond...beyond...it's so far beyond anything that I can't even tell what it's beyond.
So the deed is done, you have bought an Iphone, trade one religion for the next, why don't you!
@Cerberus What, has he taken Holy Orders?
Sort of. He has sold his soul for the mark of the beast.
Which is a certain evil fruit from the walled garden of Evil.
I.e. an Iphone.
No tonsure?
A tonsure of his wallet.
I have a tonsure in my DNA
How unfortunate.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Johann is not a Dutch name.
It's German. Dutch words never ever have a double consonant at the end of a word, because that would be silly.
@Cerberus converts to Zoroastrianism

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