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I'm a backcountry hiker and backpacker. I'm not stupid.
Or I wouldn't still be alive to type this.
@tchrist Seemingly.
Well, at least you won't have all the water up to the Continental Divide crashing down on you.
@tchrist true. And I'm pretty far from the river, and from Flush Creek.
We'll see if the Plaza floods again.
That doesn't matter with this storm.
Even if you are at the top of a hill, your basement can flood.
When the water table rises to the troposphere.
And if you are at the bottom of a hill, God defend you, because nothing else will.
I hope you only get inches not feet.
I can't believe it is fricking downpouring again, hard and heavy and long.
@tchrist thank you.
what does the forecast say now?
I hope your rain stops in the next minute.
So do I, but all signs point elsewhither.
Have you thought about living somewhere else when this is over?
Well, at least it doesn’t say “biblical” again, or that “things are not looking good”.
But well, I think they are not looking good.
They had not gone down yet.
3 mins ago, by cyberskull
Have you thought about living somewhere else when this is over?
Of course not.
6 secs ago, by Cerberus
Like in the Himalaya?
Or maybe here, below sea level.
This is an event that one is only likely to see 7% of the time during a normal lifetime.
I just saw it once, and I have maybe 20 years left. Very low chance.
@Cerberus Hey, 6 secs ago is too short!
@tchrist I did not find any forecast mentioning mm of rain. This is nice from SMHI.
We don’t get “mm” of rain.
@cyberskull What if I'm just short tempered? Or short haired?
@Cerberus Hmmm...good point.
@JohanLarsson What does börd mean? Must be "fall" or something?
I have seen estimates ranging from ⅓" per hour up to 1" per ¾ hour. I leave the remaining arithmetricks to you.
Too hard!
Then don’t trick.
The metric system has dumbed us down, we can only do mm.
@Cerberus Nederbörd is snow/rain, have to look up what börd means. Think it has something to do with where a person is born.
In Dutch, it's "neerslag", which really means something like "down-beating".
macbook# units '0.33 inch/hour' 'meters/second'
	* 2.3283333e-06
	/ 429491.77
macbook# units 'inch/ 0.75 hour' 'meters/second'
	* 9.4074074e-06
	/ 106299.21
@Cerberus Börd no point in me trying to translate it
As rain beats down on the land.
There it is in glorious SI. Enjoy.
Just hope you’re bloody happy now.
SI is simply useless.
@JohanLarsson Like birth/geboorte?
@tchrist What does SI stand for?
So we’re getting 2.3 – 9.4 meters per second of rain.
@cyberskull I don’t know. It’s f'ing French.
Hm, I seem to have a slight magnitude error.
System International
@Cerberus yep looks like it, it is an old word that is not used much, might be used in legal things but that is just a guess
So it's like "rain-birth" in the sense of "the coming-into-being of rain". But "the coming into being down"...
Multiply by 10⁻⁶.
1 min ago, by tchrist
Hm, I seem to have a slight magnitude error.
Americans like big things.
Like Benneton sizes.
@Cerberus Neder sounds like lowerish. No idea where nederbörd comes from, birth does not make much sense to me
Yeah it's odd.
but we can't just have rain, we have snow and rain and a mix of them at times
Same here with neerslag.
I think there are fun jobs in predicting weather
I miss uncertainty in the forecasts, sent an email about it a while ago, don't think I got an answer. Should send another one.
So we are appear to be getting anywhere between 2.3 – 9.4 × 10⁻⁶ meters per second of rain dans le Système international d’unités, et j’éspere que ça te suffise.
usually the accuracy is very good for one or two days
I failed, brainfart
We do not used derived units in SI.
Now, multiply that by time, and by area, and by the change in altitude causing the force to be multiplied as it rushes down the creeks.
All that shall be done strictly in SI units.
Enjoy. Hope this helps.
Tu dirais qq autre chose?
Depends on what you intended to say...
I thought about avec.
MathCAD handles units nicely, there is a free express version
We measure stuff here in acre-feet. :)
@tchrist Selon is what I would use.
@JohanLarsson Why "hr"?
I am sure that hr is not SI.
Nor, in fact, is mm.
@Cerberus it is what they called it, I could redefine it if you want
Although I will consider letting it slide.
@JohanLarsson Haha no.
> Albanian ndë- below, low' + (*bherō) fallen' = Swedish nederbörd snowfall' (nedan below' + börd `descent, fall (birth, descent, ancestry, lineage, parentage)' = German niederschlagsmenge (nieder-schlagsmenge).
From *bher-1, English meaning: to bear, carry
Rain bears down on the land?
why do you have to bring bears into this?
So that explains nederbörd. Next!
@Cerb Remember that big dam we talked about a few days ago, the one that I said was guarding Boulder?
I do now!
At the time, it had plenty of capacity. It no longer does. It’s full.
Water is at the top.
Overflowing water?
Spilling over.
Could it break?
Probably not.
OK good.
That would be the end of all of Boulder. I would survive, but a lot of people would not.
@Cerberus guess it is designed for that with a safety factor
A little bit of extra water might not be a huge problem?
@JohanLarsson Yes, so one would assume.
Right now, any water is a problem.
Don’t know how much.
If the town is flooded anyway...
How high is the water now in the inner city?
We aren’t underwater like Longmont and such.
I don’t know. The creek mostly went back into its bed.
It all depends on the landscape I guess...
I don’t know what’s going on as it spreads out in eastern Boulder. It had been massively flooded, but that was not residential.
Farms were lost, though.
Still are.
Just. Tired.
Why don't you go take a nap. It's all in the hands of the gods now.
We’re supposed to call and register our damage with FEMA. I was going to do that, but then it started up again, so don’t know the full toll.
Part of my weariness is that I have been trying to catch up for time missed at work, and I am smack into that horrible situation again of dealing with code from people whose heads should have rolled for having written it. It is madness upon madness.
But I should like a nap.
That’s our current picture. And it isn’t pretty, at all. From here.
It’s actually worse than that with hard closures, I believe.
Get some sleep pal...you'll need it.
Yeah that looks ugly.
Is Boulder somewhere underneath the waves?
Denver was not much affected?
Sleeping is best when it rains.
@tchrist accept the things you can not change
@Cerberus I don’t think most of Boulder is flooded, not like to our north. Some eastern parts are, though.
@cyberskull I am so angry at the people who wrote this code I wish they could be terminated with prejudice but they are long gone. It’s like you commission a fine-art portrait and got a finger painting. Assholes.
Going over someone else's code...
Must be terrible.
Depends on whether they were children or professionals.
These were children.
Spoiled, stupid children.
Going over someone else's transcription or translation is already fraught with peril, but the interconnections are a bit less complicated.
There is no sense to it.
It is just a train wreck.
A tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.
@Cerberus under the bed I think
@tchrist how many lines? What language? Does it have tests?
@JohanLarsson No, these assholes have no automated tests. Many tens of thousands of lines of shell and perl and c and c++, all equally horribly written. It is an insult to children everywhere to call these fingerpaintings.
I am so full of hate right now, it scares me.
Hate is not very good, can lead to ass cancer and other PITA.
I know.
Got the red buzzing FLASH-FLOOD ALERT again on my cell about an hour ago.
Why do you have to go through someone else's code? Are you tasked with it?
Yes, I am.
I have to build something that checks their work.
So first I have to understand it.
And it is nearly impossible, because crap is spread out everywhere.
It has every code-smell you can imagine, in spades and hearts and clubs and diamonds.
The pain is felt in Sweden
Right now I have no heart, so am looking for a club to beat them over the head with and then a spade to put them six feet under with.
Not necessarily in that order.
what is the code supposed to do?
@JohanLarsson Someone rolled it over?
@Cerberus I used google maps to find it
Good thinking.
I'm a bit pissed.
And not the British way!
pissed as in angry or drunk?
The former!
but why?
I'm supposed to organise a bachelor's party.
And we had it all planned out.
But now my coörganiser wants to change everything.
Making it more expensive and stuff.
I had a short historical city tour planned.
and what is the new suggestion?
Visiting a kind of "haunted house" which is basically a silly tourist trap.
Very crude, and it costs more money.
And she also wants to play some sort of game where people have to pick a song for the bride-to-be to guess.
But I don't want to have a fight with her.
I did let my disappointment shimmer through.
Isn't that a bachelorette party?
Yeah it is.
But the categories get all mixed up.
When you have men and women, and you have to wade through British and American terms...
Oh, well.
I guess it's not terribly important.
I was afraid this would happen.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 What if she was the ~male~ half of a lesbian marriage?
Yeah, exactly!
Okay, okay!
Sheesh! :)
a "hen doo" in regular English
Doo, even?
oh, I never know how to spell that
I called it a "hen party" in my e-mail to the ladies and gentlemen.
do seems to short
I have no idea!
yeah, or hen party
I was on a stag doo last night
Oh! Was it fun?
What did you do?
yeah :D
And how much did you have to pay?
the Stag spent the night pretending that he used to be The Milkybar Kid
up front was £123
then there were drinks and entry fees
That's quite a bit of money...
holy shit
the rain's here
Wait, drinks and entry fees came on top of that?
there was a hotel and activities
Oh, my.
who are your friends? Manchester United?
I was trying to keep it under € 50.
I've never had to plan one of these and i think they're a sort of status symbol in the UK
I'm not sure I would come if I had to pay € 200.
But at least it was fun!
I'm pretty sure I would find an excuse even if it was free :D
the last stag doo I went on was more expensive than that
@JohanLarsson Maybe not for my best friend.
@MattЭллен So what happens if your bank account is empty?
@Cerberus that is me right?
Uhh sure!
Do you think I should have put my foot down?
@Cerberus I don't know :D I mean, the last stag doo was actually split in 2, an expensive one and a less expensive (but still not cheap) one
people take stag doos seriously here
The bride to be specifically said she wanted it to be cheap and simple, just basically dinner with her best friends.
too seriously, perhaps
@MattЭллен My ears are hurting!
@Cerberus in that case you've nothing to worry about
A bachelor party (United States), known as a stag party, stag night or stag do (especially in Great Britain, Ireland and Canada) a bull's party (South Africa), or a buck's party or buck's night (Australia), is a party held for a man shortly before he enters marriage, to celebrate his "last night of freedom" or merely to spend time with his male friends, who are often at his wedding party afterwards. A bachelor party is usually planned by the best man or other friends of the groom, occasionally, with the assistance of a bachelor party planning company. Variations The equivalent event...
Well, we're now going to this tourist trap, and people have to pay € 90 instead of what I had in mind.
@Cerberus you should have put your foot down then imo. Too late to do it now?
Yeah it's too late.
I didn't want to pick a fight with the bride's female best friend.
then all you can do is sabotage the new plan
Oh, well, it's not that bad.
I'm sure it will still be fun.
> In Germany, this event is called Junggesellenabschied
you couldn't keep it simple, could you Germany?
Svensexa, möhippa in Swedish
in the UK ("hag" being a combination of the words "hen" and "stag"), in which both the bride and groom attend.
@MattЭллен "Bachelor's Good-bye."
@cyberskull Ah, nice.
@MattЭллен No, Jung-gesellen-abschied.
@Cerberus that's not what I'm pointing out
Or, rather, Junggesellen-abschied.
@MattЭллен Oh, I apologise...
Keep on pointing!
It's like you don't even know my name sigh
Ohhh wait.
I didn't recognise you without your proper capital!
It's like...recognising Lord Grantham without his walking-stick!
Downton Abbey?
So you're going to spend more money than planned at this hen night? Pretty much par for the course.
Well, I'm going to force other people to spend more than I had told them it would be.
And against the wishes of the bride to be.
I guess it's still not more than other hen parties, they're often like € 120 here.
But that was specifically what the bride did not want.
And I don't get the chance to enlighten people with quick and simple ways to date Amsterdam architecture.
On the other hand, I don't have to do anything any more.
I guess it's not a big deal, but I just got off the phone and I was a bit annoyed.
My coörganiser said her friends recommended this and it was the normal way and such.
But now I have to go to a birthday party.
Thanks for listening to my whining.
@Cerberus why the umlaut?
@Cerberus have fun!
@JohanLarsson It's a trema, not an umlaut!
Also called diaeresis in English.
@JohanLarsson Oh, dear. That's horrible.
We want it to be civilised!
@MattЭллен Gracias!
Haha yes.
the stag last night went around giving away sweets to strangers. he was dressed as a cowboy.
But no.
In this root, it is tradition to write noöne specifically, but tremata on other words are also appreciated.
@MattЭллен Dressing people up...
I see the Brits doing that here, of course.
püt thëm ëvërÿẅhërë
@Cerberus yeah.
We dressed my brother up as a Teletubby
@MattЭллен övningskörning (driving practice)
@JohanLarsson övnïngskörnïng -> more metal
why is the Nederland starred? I'm missing something
It's a place in Colorado tchrist was talking about. But Cerberus jokingly reinterpreted it as "the Netherlands".
You are supposed to laugh. Now laugh already.
@JohanLarsson You mistyped "ha ha".
As Reg says Nederland is what we call our country.
The exact word and spelling.
@Cerberus is a liar, of course.
> We zijn er weer bij en dat is prima, viva Hollandia!
So there.
We houden van het leven de liefde en de lust. We feesten door tot 's avonds laat nog lang niet uitgeblust.
My mistake.
posted on September 15, 2013 by sgdi

There once was a man in a suit Who couldn’t get on his left boot He pushed and he squirmed He pulled and he turned In the end he went naked of foot

If anybody sees Noah, kick ’em around a bit for me.
kicks @Noah around a bit
Well, that was easy.
Pretty sure this is all his fault.
Two- and Four-mile Canyons Creeks are overflowing again, as is my own Wonderland Lake, which is actually a reservoir. But I think it’s spilling at the spillway not at the dike. I refuse to go out in this to verify.
@JohanLarsson Here was the prediction ~16 hours ago:
We’re under the “1018” label in the upper middle. Thing is, we’ve already exceeded our inch and aren’t half done yet.
The storm is again just sitting here.
Seems like Obama just declared us a disaster, again. I thought he had done this on Thursday. This must be something new.
@tchrist why? Sounds like it would be faster to ask you to write it in the first place. Was it outsourced?
@JohanLarsson Yes.
And my basement is flooding again.
yes as in it was outsourced?
management never wrote much code right?
actually, they did, at least the ones close to my level
but those are the people making these decisions
hmm, then they should know that understanding and fixing low quality code takes more time than writing
i wish.
I think they had had no idea how low the quality of the code they’d outsourced really was.
Since the only tests are for getting the right output when fed the right input.
And they discontinued code reviews as taking too much time.
They never had a quality standard.
ugly spot
And are rightly loath to dictate stupidities like brace placement or whatever.
But they are beginning to wonder if that had been a mistake.
Single-letter global variable names for thousands of lines. That kind of shit.
What happens if you say that the mess is beyond rescue?
No point in investigating it any further
Making a superman effort and fixing it will likely lead to the same thing happening again?
@tchrist floor drain operating in the wrong direction?

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