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> “A girl’s best friend is her mutter.”
> “Don’t keep all your eggs in one bastard.”
> “Scratch a lover, and find a foe.”
> “If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.”
> “Always store beer in a dark place.”
> “Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.”
> “Beauty is not diminished by being shared.”
> “Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent.”
> “Cheops' Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.”
> “Does history record any case in which the majority was right?”
> “Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.”
> “Goodness without wisdom always accomplished evil.”
> “If it can’t be expressed in figures, it is not science; it is opinion.”
> “I never learned from a man who agreed with me.”
> “It is better to copulate than never.”
> “Little girls, like butterflies, need no excuse.”
> “A monarch’s neck should always have a noose around it. It keeps him upright.”
> “Natural laws have no pity.”
> “Never insult anyone by accident.”
> “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.”
> “The plural of spouse is spice.”
> “A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.”
> “Sex should be friendly. Otherwise stick to mechanical toys; it's more sanitary.”
> “Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed.”
> “There is only one way to console a widow. But remember the risk.”
> “Down that path lies madness. On the other hand, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.“
> “Never create a file named -rf”
> “There ain't nothin' in this world that's worth being a snot over.”
> “I'd put my money where my mouth is, but my mouth keeps moving.”
> “The computer should be doing the hard work. That's what it's paid to do, after all.”
> “The random quantum fluctuations of my brain are historical accidents that happen to have decided that the concepts of dynamic scoping and lexical scoping are orthogonal and should remain that way.”
> “I don't think it's worth washing hogs over.”
c x
c x
How would you call someone 'upwind' (place in front of you, towars wind direction)
John is upwind to me
if you can smell something it is downwind of you. If it can smell you, then it is upwind of you
or is that the other way around?
@tchrist I wonder what percentage of chat messages your core dumps comprise.
> “The core is not frozen, but slushy.”
> Never start a landwar in Asia
@MattЭллен A landwar? Is that anything like a landau?
 *  'You have talked long in your sleep, Frodo,' said Gandalf gently, 'and
 *   it has not been hard for me to read your mind and memory.'
 *   [p.220 of _The Lord of the Rings_, II/i: "Many Meetings"]
@Robusto Landwar:
Landa ^
> “Perilous to us all are the devices of an art deeper than we possess ourselves.”
c x
c x
I try to avoid upwind cig smokers
for getting some decent air
Länder ^
c x
c x
"Not subscribed to any strategy"
it's not smelling good
"Not subscribed to anything"
I mean the double negation
Subscribed to nothing :)
@MετάEd needs youtube link. so I can claim I'm doing linguistic research when really I'm watching TV.
@MattЭллен the other way. downwind is where the wind is going to. they can smell you downwind. You're upwind, they're downwind, the wind is going from you to them. they can smell your fear, your anxiety of not knowing which way the wind goes. But then they have to travel into the wind to get you. Kinda complicated.
@Robusto körpereigen is just an adjective. It has nothing to do with the sich, which is part of the reflexive verb sich unterscheiden [von], "distinguish itself; be different [from]", or more precisely in this case the construction sich unterscheiden lassen, "be able to be distinguished; be distinguishable".
So the scientists found out that X can be distinguished from Y. X being the hormone introduced from the outside, and Y being the same hormone produced by the body itself.
@RegDwighт OK, so the adjective körpereigen does refer to "the body itself"?
Well, um. It means that, yes, if that's what you're saying.
"Additionally the researchers found out that the applied-from-outside hormone could be distinguished from the body-own one."
So in that usage it's more like "that of the body itself" with an implied noun or pronoun modified by körpereigen?
Ah, you just answered that.
As I was saying, it's just an adjective. It modifies Hormon, in this case.
My brain hurts. I shouldn't try to parse technical German in the morning.
At least now I understand what your problem was.
The whole sentence is really, "Außerdem fanden die Forscher heraus, dass das von außen zugeführte Hormon sich vom körpereigenen Hormon unterscheiden lässt,"
Yes. Faulty brain is my problem.
Try faulty towers instead.
@RegDwighт Ah, that illuminates it for me. Thanks.
Fawlty brain can be funny sometimes, though.
Yeah as you said, ellipsis.
So you illuminated it for me.
I think the general issue here is that German just doesn't have the pronoun one in these cases. It just drops everything completely.
@RegDwighт And in English we would say "distinguishes it from the body's own" without explicit reference to the noun.
Got it. Thanks.
Yeah or that.
What the heck are you reading anyway?
"The USPS takes pictures of every piece of mail processed in the United States." Are we really surprised?
@RegDwighт Just trying to help my son the biologist with a passage from a scientific journal.
@tchrist Not after the US Postal Service admitted to just that.
Don’t worry. It’s just metadata.
The real problem is cheap memory.
The NSA never metadata it didn't like.
Those Taiwan factories should get flooded some more, frankly.
If you have to pay $1000 for a GB again, the USPS will start thinking twice.
@RegDwighт What makes you think the government isn't still paying $1,000 per GB?
Fair point.
Well. Flood them more still.
That's your answer to everything.
Or just shut them all down already.
I mean, everyone who really needed any memory has got it by now.
Everyone else is Cerberus and doesn't need memory, or wouldn't tell memory from a hole in the ground if you beat him over the head with it.
@RegDwighт Drei Köpfe, nur ein Gedank?
If that.
New desk!
Head, meet new desk.
Found another site scraping EL&U and other SE sites: rqna.net/index-kmoh.html
This is a favorite. This is also kind of how I feel about my NEW DESK!
I think we should produce more "what is had had grammer" questions, until even the scrapers are appalled and can take no further dent in their reputation.
@Hugo Darn it.
@tchrist Looks like an exact copy of zqna.net from a while back: meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/3749/…
So they've made it up to r now.
This isn’t just imitation-qua-flattery.
here's a meta for this new scraper: meta.english.stackexchange.com/questions/4070/… which is pretty much a copy and paste from my previous met about zqna.
> We attach great importance to your advises
I will attach something else to your something else.
@KitFox That didn't rhyme.
Went from the grotesque
To my cool NEW DESK!
There. FTFY.
And now commute.
Stupid phone. Stupid Flickr.
Well. New desk. Whee! gets her tingle on
Pineapple-mania. This plays like a Monty Python routine. I can totally see John Cleese in the moderator role.
But it's real.
I don't get the "Dickenshit"part? Because she's Indian? What does that even mean?
It seems like it is some kind of obnoxious racist statement, but I don't get it.
@KitFox The name is Dikshit and it's supposed to be pronounced Dixit. The moderator even tells him.
Bah, when did you get a sense-of-humorectomy?
No, I understand, but at one point he says something like, "Well, she's Indian, so that makes sense. I mean around here, she'd be Dickenshit, right?"or something.
@Robusto I went to sleep at 4am, shortly after I woke up this morning.
It's from NZ, right? Maybe @DavidWallace can explain
Guys, if you need it explained you're thinking about it way too hard.
Never mind. Forget I brought it up.
mutters to self
I hate my muffin top
Get looser pants or lose some weight then.
but I'm big boned so I can make some excuses
@Robusto Brought what up?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO What, that your big bones are spilling out over your pants?
@KitFox The video. Remember, the one you had trouble with?
2 mins ago, by Robusto
Never mind. Forget I brought it up.
Wow. Did your sense of humor go looking for mine or something?
We are down to ASCII-level communication now.
If you didn't find that video funny without assistance there is nothing I can do to help you out of your predicament.
I will find that video funny without assistance later.
No sound right now.
I did! It was funny! I just didn't get that part.
@RegDwighт Sound is essential to the experience.
Well, also I didn't think it was funny in the usual sense.
@Robusto in that case it better be called soundio.
@KitFox I agree. It was unusually funny.
Whoa there. That's quite a buildup.
Now there's like no way I will find it any funny at all.
Suit yourself.
No skin off my ass whether you find it funny or not.
Sue yourself.
Curly Sue, preferrably.
I'll just sit here and enjoy it all by myself.
sits here enjoying video all by self
No Celine Dion quotes in this chat.
Anyone not getting the humor of videos I post in this chat in a way that is abusive to me should be suspended from chat for a period no shorter than 24 hours.
Or until they recover their sense of humor.
Whichever comes first.
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. And you're dangerously close to promoting it as fact.
Meh. All these tiny petty laws, one step forward, two steps back, for years on end. Just outlaw religion wholesale, FFS, and let the courts work on something really interesting.
@Robusto What if we found most of the video funny, except there was one line that was obviously supposed to be some kind of joke, but we didn't get that joke?
@RegDwighт That would be the sensible response. So, naturally, it will not even be considered.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What are you, OCD? I find a lot of things funny even when portions are unintelligible to me.
gawöllkghls gfgb-ö 9p6 walks into a bar. t61p9u62 ,.f,sadögsa. And nunstuck!
@Robusto I am, probably, minor OCD. but that was the point of Kit's and my messages: there's a line we didn't get and we were hoping someone could enlighten us.
Which line didn't you get?
The Dickenshit part
Rhymes with chickenshit.
> It's so appropriate. Cuz she's Indian. So it'd be Dickenshit, you know what I mean?
No, I don't know what you mean. What does being Indian have to do with it?
@Robusto ... because she's Indian? I don't understand.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Where's the beef?
So... because Indians don't eat beef, but eat chicken, Dikshit becomes dickenshit?
Search me.
I agreed with myself not to get bent out of shape by something I don't really understand, and instead to appreciate the absurdity of the rest of the video.
I mean, he said that for a reason. But I don't know what his reason is.
Yes, I agree. The video was absurd.
If you need it to be funny to six decimal places, then I can't help you.
that's not what I need! I'm just trying to understand it.
I suspect once I get it I won't find it funny.
Well, no good deed ...
I'm okay with that.
I guess my only solution is to stop sharing funny videos with y'all.
It's okay, Rob. we're happy you posted the video. If it bothers you, we won't ask you to explain jokes we didn't understand.
We didn't say we didn't like it or didn't find any of it funny or wish you'd never posted it.
Hey, I didn't make the video. I'm not responsible for the content. I just thought you would get a laugh out of it and call it a day.
And stop trying to bait me into promoting my opinion as fact in a way that is abusive to others. I won't have it, I tell you.
Gee, you're still chewing on this old gum?
Mrs. Hiny made me do it.
Yeah I mean you both. Or the room as a whole.
This room is a hole. You'd think someone would pick up around here once ina while.
> A poll out of New Hampshire demonstrates the status quo: People hate Congress, hate their most recent members of Congress, will probably re-elect the folks already there.
I thought you'd be discussing naked mole rats by now.
@KitFox Attribution?
The link you posted.
@KitFox welcome to Germany.
You know what? Just a sec.
Merkel's numbers are now the best in the last three years or so.
reboots today
Take that, assholes.
Let's see how you like being power cycled.
I get a thrill from power-cycling.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 640k OK
Press DEL to enter BIOS
New desk!
Oh, sorry. waits
MS DOS 3.3 (c) MicroSoft Corporation
brrt brrt baahhhn
(Sound of 486 booting up)
Error reading disk in drive A:
Oh shit. I left my porn floppy in.
[a]bort, [r]etry, [f]ail?
gets paper clip
Uh. Wait. Error resolved. No need for that.
A> today.exe -happy -drinks
@KitFox what's that amphibian crawling around on your furniture?
Oh, I can't remember if 3.3 did multicharacter switches.
@RegDwighт I don't know. I think I chipped my camera lens.
That's not where the chip goes, silly.
today.exe Invalid syntax or command name.
Hey, you were supposed to list the contents of the directory.
@KitFox you need to use /happy and /drinks anyway
Oh shit, right.
1 min ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
It's been ages.
  1 file(s) found
A> Load "congobongo.exe",8,1
A> C:
@KitFox lol. That's not 8,3.
I know. Was joking.
Please nobody type win. Emulating that will take a while.
hee hee
You've got the response time about right.
> pas mal mais on peut l ameliorer
I got this most helpful comment on my project yesterday.
Needless to say, he didn't support.
Not bad, could be better?
My French is rusty.
Not bad, but one could improve it.
So yeah.
Very helpful.
Mating display? If so, why isn't he smiling?
@Robusto not bad, but one could improve it.
@Robusto Argh...that was the hat I was going to wear to that party! Dammit, now I have to find another one. Damn you, fashion spies.
@Robusto he's not smiling because he's still in the display phase, not the mating phase.
@Mitch You snooze, you lose.
@RegDwighт OK, makes sense to me.
Jun 18 at 18:47, by RegDwighт
"He who comes late gets punished by life." M. Gorbachov.
That pic was from the Wagah flag ceremony.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So how did the pope get the red slippers?
Tsamina mina eh eh, Wagah Wagah eh eh.
@Robusto He used his hat to crush the Wicked Witch of the East and steal them.
Those people really have no idea how alliterations work. Should be Wicked Witch of the West.
Stupid propaganda.
@RegDwighт have you seen the movie? The Wicked Witch of the West was the WWE's sister.
I only know Bastinda.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And how did that get to be a WWF smackdown then?
Stone cold 3:16.
1 hour later…
posted on August 02, 2013 by sgdi

There was nothing wrong with that thought Despite all the things you’ve been taught Bondage is good It’s misunderstood Let me know if the rope is too taught

@Matt ^ love it.
what a day for a daydream.
Your last sentence does not make any sense. If ‘in’ and ‘at’ do not sound right, they are not idiomatic—that is basically the definition of idiomaticness. — Janus Bahs Jacquet 6 hours ago
idiomaticness? idiomaticity?
Okay, idiomaticness it is.
Doesn't stop me liking idiomaticity, though, despite the red wiggly lines.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Now that, I must say, surprises me. And makes me happy.
@TRiG Idiomaticity is better, although idiom is superior to all.
> If ‘in’ and ‘at’ do not sound right, they are not idiomatic—that is basically the definition of idiom.
@Cerberus Vous avez raison.
@TRiG What made you say this? I can't find "idiomaticness" anywhere, yet "idiomaticity" is everywhere.
@TRiG Merci bien.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Probably the downward line at the end...
@Cerberus No the graph refuted that statement. Read the conversation in chronological order for maximum comprehension :)
I feel like commenting to that comment: "Idiomaticness lacks idiomaticity."
Maybe I should post that in the math room
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have no explanation whatsoever. I am as shocked as you all are. Paul Henry DOES get paid to be obnoxious, but this is too much.
@StackExchange The last word should be taut.
You should ping @Matt. I can't believe I didn't notice that.
A: How to understand "after" in "A man after my own heart"

Fredd RodWhen God referred to David, let's not exclude the time frame . When Samuel looked for David he was in the fields, playing instrument unto God , spending long period of times alone with nature and its creator; I believe that the meaning to that scripture from a personal intimacy point of view is f...

It's so obvious!
@DavidWallace so you don't know why "Indian" -> "dickenshit" ?
I thought the answer for you was that 'after' means he's a cannibal. You know, for variety meats.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I take it this is a video I don't really want to see.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't. It sounds like a made-up word for nothing.
@MετάEd It's just a newscaster laughing at his imagined pronunciation of someone's name. And then saying something incomprehensible that is probably racist.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ha ha now that I listen to the original, it's just that guy being an idiot. And both other newscasters are appalled. Politely appalled like at a funeral where the drunk uncle shows up.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No. I think he actually said "dick in shit", but I don't see what that has to being Indian either.
@DavidWallace and yet that somehow seems much worse
@DavidWallace oh! thanks. I couldn't remember
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 This guy is not a typical New Zealander. He is kind of an embarrassment to all of us. The drunk uncle at the funeral is actually a good analogy.
This is not the first time he has made racist remarks about an Indian name.
It bugs me that he's trying to be racist, or funny, or both, and I still don't understand what he's trying to say.
It bugs me that the television station that he works for is government owned, and somehow he still works there.
@DavidWallace Blurb said he resigned after that, I thought.
@DavidWallace How long ago did he make this remark?
I've no idea. Today is the first time I saw it.
Oh, so maybe it IS the first time, and the other occasion that I know about was later.
@KitFox Ah, nice.
Oh dear, I just found this.
Ah! Paul Henry has resigned from TVNZ, after the Dikshit incident.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But that's so boring!

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