Anyway, all I did for Johan was find the place in the Bible that talks about which foods are forbidden. It didn't really require any understanding for me to do so.
The Bible is a collection of random stories told and re-told by millions of people over the course of millenia, then written down and re-written, and re-written again by anyone who felt like re-writing it.
But my point is, I was brought up by parents telling me that Jesus is the son of God, and sent to a school where we learnt that Jesus is the son of God, and sent to a church where we learnt the same. If I'm going to turn round, and go against my upbringing and say, "hey, actually, Jesus (peace be upon him) is NOT the son of God", then I'd better have SOME kind of understanding as to why not.
Another page I just found suggests that pig meat takes too long too cook and is far more dangerous to eat under-cooked, and that pigs require too much water to keep clean and healthy. Given that the Jews lived in the desert, it makes sense that preserving water and fuel would be useful benefits to not having pigs.
The conversation in here is always either incredibly serious or incredibly ridiculous when I stop by; there seems to be no in between. Maybe I just have interesting timing ;)
It's really sad when somebody thinks that "not on the internet" means the same as "unable to be found out". It's like knowledge didn't exist before 1969.
I hope Snowden will end his revelations by publishing private data about Obama and other important officials that could have been used for blackmail by those so inclined.
There may not be a right answer but hopefully there can be a best answer. Obviously we use these terms quite interchangeably (which I find annoying), and dictionaries have a lot of overlap in their definitions of these words because dictionaries often don't attempt to contrast words with each oth...
I think it's an annoying question, so I've left it alone. Admittedly, I've not read it, so it could be "question of the week", but the number of words and the formatting make me think it's noise.
@Cerberus I could give you 21 opinions, each comparing a pair of the words. So could 1000 other users. But how could any of us demonstrate ourselves as "right", without referring to a dictionary; which OP has already done.
Oh, God. Stupid American site, thinks Oxford is somewhere in the New World. That's really stupid: when you type in simply "Oxford", it should go to the real Oxford.
OMG. When I type "York", it takes me to the tiniest village in America. It's so tiny the name doesn't even show up on the map at the default zoom level.
@Robusto Errr maybe that nobody has ever heard of it?
I was sat in a pub once, with people I barely knew, and one told me that he was off to Coventry uni in September. I asked him if he was sent there. Nobody got my joke. Young people are rubbish.
So far, the only people I've heard making plans for what they were going to do during the gay pride were straights. It is like all week or something, but mainly this weekend.
@MattЭллен Ohh I see. Based on some historical event?
@Cerberus I'll tell you what I'm going to be doing during gay pride events. Doing whatever the hell I always do, which is not realizing they're taking place.