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@DavidWallace I cannot, and that is precisely the point.
@Hiroto teehee
Anyway, all I did for Johan was find the place in the Bible that talks about which foods are forbidden. It didn't really require any understanding for me to do so.
@DavidWallace yeah but that's the thing. For all we know, when the thing was written, pig meant "giraffe". And eat meant "have sex with".
@RegDwighт the parts that are easy to understand requires a special kind of understanding I think. Use translate.
wait! what are you saying? It loves me, I tell you!
@RegDwighт what are you, a nerdfighter? :p
May 13 '11 at 16:01, by RegDwight
The Bible is a collection of random stories told and re-told by millions of people over the course of millenia, then written down and re-written, and re-written again by anyone who felt like re-writing it.
@Hiroto nyodohaita, hai.
Meri kurisumasu, while we're at it.
But my point is, I was brought up by parents telling me that Jesus is the son of God, and sent to a school where we learnt that Jesus is the son of God, and sent to a church where we learnt the same. If I'm going to turn round, and go against my upbringing and say, "hey, actually, Jesus (peace be upon him) is NOT the son of God", then I'd better have SOME kind of understanding as to why not.
@Hiroto NSFG.
it's a vlogbrothers video, lol
Vlogbrothers sounds like a really bad gay porn title.
(Not that I could tell good gay porn from bad.)
Another page I just found suggests that pig meat takes too long too cook and is far more dangerous to eat under-cooked, and that pigs require too much water to keep clean and healthy. Given that the Jews lived in the desert, it makes sense that preserving water and fuel would be useful benefits to not having pigs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 but you don't preserve water by not killing the pigs.
So much for logic.
@RegDwighт well, you got me. Religion must be completely irrational then.
@RegDwighт You preserve it by not farming the pigs.
@DavidWallace yes, that's what he said. To which I replied.
Why stop if you could go further. I mean, we're talking religion here.
The other reason that page lists is that neighbouring tribes DID eat pig, and this was one way to distance themselves from those tribes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah, everyone knows Yiddish is running low on shibboleths.
@RegDwighт Yiddish hadn't been invented yet.
@RegDwighт Let's see if I've got this straight. The Christian is telling the Muslim not to take the Bible too seriously?
I eat what I like, drink what I like, and try to not be as obnoxious as possible while still coming off as one of those crazy sysadmin-types
I thought they were the chosen people? And they didn't have a language? God must really hate them.
well, he certainly didn't like them that much. Look how well being the "chosen people" has worked out for them.
@DavidWallace well, the other way round has been tried, and found to be crap.
@RegDwighт Haha. OK.
@DavidWallace wait, are we talking methodist, catholic or anglican christians?
all of them, plus the rest
@Hiroto We didn't specify.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah I've heard of that theory too.
@Hiroto all of those are wimps and posers.
The conversation in here is always either incredibly serious or incredibly ridiculous when I stop by; there seems to be no in between. Maybe I just have interesting timing ;)
@RegDwighт Tea and biscuits.
Ain't no christianity like orthodox christianity. Hay! Ho!
hiya wendi~
Hi Hiroto! :D
@WendiKidd You are correct!
@WendiKidd We see you coming, and set things up accordingly.
@Cerberus Hehe. Cerb! <3
@DavidWallace Shhh!
@Hiroto yeah srsly. Are we being flagged? :p
@MattЭллен thank you. You're going to Heaven. I'll arrange for that.
No comment
> English Language & Usage - Celebrating (庚寅年) incomprehensibility since ЭмЭмИкс
@Hiroto Can't get any bluer than the TL, which is the only other place I know to run to in chat ;)
Oh I see, today is the International Quoting Random GUI Parts Day.
the blue room is the fun room.
Dec 28 '12 at 19:36, by RegDwighт
You're blue. Dabadee dabadeye.
(to those thinking we use it for moderation, jokes on them; we only use it for cat pictures all day every day)
@RegDwighт Not quite random. Merely incomprehensible.
I'll allow it.
@Hiroto so, a more popular version of Aww
@MattЭллен it's a secret club; you need a diamond to enter.
Hiroto is being misleading. Believe you me, I've been to that place, and not a single cat picture was shown.
Icon! Window! Dropdown list, radio button!
And that's why i'm not going to run for mod
@RegDwighт you've clearly not searched my messages
Oh. Quoting, not naming. Ummm.
> Run...
@aediaλ Haha, you win!
@Hiroto you've clearly not searched mine.
brb being the NSA on @RegDwighт
Good luck with that.
These guys haven't even figured out my nationality yet.
That's order, not nationality.
1 min ago, by aedia λ
Icon! Window! Dropdown list, radio button!
You call it order. We call it the sea.
THAT's how you quote
@Cerberus you call everything the sea. You're in Dutch"land".
No, that's how you quote.
I think! That wasn't a fact! Don't judge me!
@RegDwighт I could cheat, but now I want to find out without just checking :p
@RegDwighт I suppose the Rheinland was flooded pretty badly this summer, yes. So you're basically at sea.
@aediaλ Hahahaha.
@Hiroto cheat at what now? Telling Cerberus from a cheese? Or telling my nationality?
paw hovering over button...
Mmm, cheese.
You can't cheat at the latter cuz there's nothing to cheat at. It simply ain't on the Internet.
Arg, why doesn't work?
DEADHS FAATSA FAMS gas ICE. It's Danish for ‘fat dead families on ice.' Denmark's rough.
finger hovering over the "suspend" button
Thank you.
(I kid)
Haha, you just blew your cover. No way you have any fingers left with that screen name.
diacritics ain't allowed neither :(
Ugh, apparently I can't make a tag called "BAn!1!!".
@MattЭллен No! Such a tragedy.
It's really sad when somebody thinks that "not on the internet" means the same as "unable to be found out". It's like knowledge didn't exist before 1969.
@Cerberus Aw that's sad.
@DavidWallace Yeah...but who says that?
@TRiG The next one is the best!
David, apparently.
3 mins ago, by RegDwighт
You can't cheat at the latter cuz there's nothing to cheat at. It simply ain't on the Internet.
Yeah. So?
Une citation n'est pas une pipette.
You can only cheat on the Internet.
Une pipette n'est pas une citation.
snorts Lies.
Deuxieme encore est le mot de toilet
Walking straight up to Obama and asking him for my nationality ain't cheating. In fact I'd pay to see you do that.
You want to pay me to ask Obama your nationality? There must be other ways for you to find it out.
I hope Snowden will end his revelations by publishing private data about Obama and other important officials that could have been used for blackmail by those so inclined.
@RegDwighт you're dutch or danish, I think.
Anyway. I guess the sound you're hearing right now is Hiroto walking up to Mossad.
@Hiroto I will not comment on that. But I think others will. And they will be right.
@RegDwighт Mossad know your nationality?
@DavidWallace I dunno, I never asked them. I will let Hiroto handle that.
Haha. Reg the Palestinian.
@RegDwighт I could also use "that" tool
I mean, I do speak fluent Dutch.
Aug 4 '11 at 19:18, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Ananas ananas Ananas ananas ananas ananas Ananas ananas.
and I eat danishes.
I know how to pronounce a "g" in dutch. does that count?
I don't need to know how to pronounce it. I just pronounce it already.
But yeah, that does count. You're Dutch. Or Danish.
WTF is with the Danish anyway? Just because the shark is made of LEGO?
That's some great detective work, Sherlock.
Alas, I'm just yanking your chain. Just give up and let's talk about Kleist.
Sherlock NSA
@Hiroto Great! Let's hear it.
@MattЭллен By the Beautiful Blue Danutishch.
Ain't no passing craze
A passing craze, how sweet the sound.
I must be off to watch Community. BBL
Q: What are the distinctions between property, quality, attribute, characteristic, feature, aspect and trait?

MossThere may not be a right answer but hopefully there can be a best answer. Obviously we use these terms quite interchangeably (which I find annoying), and dictionaries have a lot of overlap in their definitions of these words because dictionaries often don't attempt to contrast words with each oth...

I think this is a good question and have voted to reopen it.
@Cerberus Does it seek opinion or fact?
As if there were a clear line between those.
I think it's an annoying question, so I've left it alone. Admittedly, I've not read it, so it could be "question of the week", but the number of words and the formatting make me think it's noise.
maybe I should answer his meta question!
It seeks a detailed comparison of those words: how they are different, and when to use them.
"Change the number of words and the formatting"
I think the question is fine.
@MattЭллен Your question could be made into a better question if all the words in it were different?
it even has the word annoying in it. clearly a bad first step
@DavidWallace rofl
@Cerberus I could give you 21 opinions, each comparing a pair of the words. So could 1000 other users. But how could any of us demonstrate ourselves as "right", without referring to a dictionary; which OP has already done.
@DavidWallace You could say the same thing about most questions on the site.
Yes. Let's just close the whole site.
Move it all to either ELL or Writers.
The quality of the answer is determined in more complex ways than simply comparing silly factoids.
Are you calling me fact?
No, oid. David is fact.
this is just early winter information
Early winter?
It was 32 degrees today!
Now at last cool air has arrived to deliver us.
As always, happy to swap.
it was a reasonable temp today. I walked to the supermarket and back with out breaking a sweat
@DavidWallace Same.
@MattЭллен It says it's 31 degrees in Oxford right now!
How is that possible?
hmmm. I let me give it the outside my flat test...
Oh, God. Stupid American site, thinks Oxford is somewhere in the New World. That's really stupid: when you type in simply "Oxford", it should go to the real Oxford.
Nope. it's about 19
according to my body
but actually I think it's probably closer to 21
because my computer is making me really warm so the differential is greater
Ah, yes, it says "19" now that I have told it to go to "Oxford, England".
@Cerberus Let me guess. Is it written in Perl?
It was 25 today for you.
@DavidWallace Hahahaha.
Most likely!
yes. 25 on my ride home
@Cerberus What do you have against Oxford, Mississippi?
@Cerberus is [allegedly] an Anglophile snob and a hemispherist of the worst stripe!
OMG. When I type "York", it takes me to the tiniest village in America. It's so tiny the name doesn't even show up on the map at the default zoom level.
@Robusto Errr maybe that nobody has ever heard of it?
Note that I added allegedly so as not to be promoting my opinion as fact. (Even though my opinions are tantamount to fact anyway. So there.)
@Cerberus Do we have to do this again?
@Cerberus Don't try planning a trip to Georgia, whatever you do.
@Robusto Anglophiles are the best philes
@DavidWallace Oh, haha, yes, that once happened to me too.
Wikipedia isn't so Yankophile.
Bob Dylan's heard of it.
Yeah, but he writes songs.
@MattЭллен Anglophiles are fillies.
You can't be that dense.
At least the Wiki doesn't go to some barbarian country by default. breathes
@Robusto Okay, that was a joke.
@Cerberus Which makes my statement true: you can't be that dense.
Fine fine fine. I tell you what. I'ma have one more vodka and coke, and then I'ma try programming in PHP
This is hilarious. Leeds, Birmingham, Oxford, and York are apparently all in Alabama!
@MattЭллен I'm drinking bourbon and some kind of chocolate stuff. I call it a Black American.
Seriously, only Sheffield is in England.
Chocolate rain!
And why Alabama, of all places, for all those places?
@Cerberus Sheffield is a street in Chicago.
Sheffield took me to England.
@Cerberus Moscow is in Idaho.
Sheffield — England through and through /SeanBean
London is in Ontario.
Cleveland is in Ohio.
*terra incognita
Coventry? Surely noöne wants Coventry
@Cerberus *terrier incognita, that's you.
Dracones esse dicuntur.
Reading is in Pennsylvania.
Life would be fair, if we typed in New York, and it defaulted to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York,_Lincolnshire
Gloucester is in Massachusetts.
@MattЭллен Haha! Coventry is also somewhere in that weird country.
No place is ever in Canada or Australia or New Zealand either...
@Cerberus So I see. not far from Providence
Coventry is in Connecticut or Rhode Island. Sometimes in England.
@DavidWallace Haha, perfect.
@Cerberus Well, they're NOT having Whakatane!
@DavidWallace You just wait!
Only in England it used to be Cofantreo until weakling Normans with their sissy language modifications changed it.
Phew, Amsterdam is still where it belongs.
And these days it's still a place of exile
@Cerberus In Hell, with you guarding it?
Coventry, that is
It is now a crawling nest of gays everywhere, by the way.
@Cerberus Hell?
@Cerberus Well, you should feel right at home.
@DavidWallace Apparently, there is a gay pride. Yes, more or less.
@Robusto Not quite. Loud stupid music.
@Cerberus Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Not sure what gay is, but I'll get back to you.
Actually, the gay pride is about 50 % straights.
I was sat in a pub once, with people I barely knew, and one told me that he was off to Coventry uni in September. I asked him if he was sent there. Nobody got my joke. Young people are rubbish.
@Robusto OK have fun experimenting.
@MattЭллен Haha, what's so bad about Coventry? I believe it was bombed to the ground during the war?
@Cerberus Wait, does this involve statistics? If gay involves statistics and careful note-taking, I'm out. That is, out in the not-gay sense.
@Cerberus It's a saying "sent to Coventry" means you're being ignored, or analogous things
So far, the only people I've heard making plans for what they were going to do during the gay pride were straights. It is like all week or something, but mainly this weekend.
@MattЭллен Ohh I see. Based on some historical event?
@MattЭллен Thank you. See? This is why we invite you to this chat. You're just chock-a-block with explanations of Anglo-syncracies.
At least they can make maps.
> The origins of this phrase aren't known, although it is quite probable that events in Coventry in the English Civil War in the 1640s play a part
@Cerberus I'll tell you what I'm going to be doing during gay pride events. Doing whatever the hell I always do, which is not realizing they're taking place.
@Cerberus Coventry was a prison for royalists. It seems that Matt didn't get his own joke.
I feel like I should take up Britophobia. Every gentleman has to have a hobby of some kind, right?
@DavidWallace why didn't i get my joke?
I got it fine
@MattЭллен Not the War of the Roses? The Hundred-Years War?
Oops, I take that back. I just read your subsequent explanation.
@DavidWallace Ohh!
@DavidWallace Oh, did you ever explain to Mrs. Hiny what Dickenshits might mean to a Kiwi?
@Robusto That's what I was doing so far, but then the "music" started.
@Robusto You mean besides drinking or expertly landing crumpled up sketches in the wastebasket?

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