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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

Happy seeking the other side of the fence.
@MετάEd Is that a parallel-processing opinion?
@MετάEd hey old man, I bet you still 'call' someone on your phone and hen 'hang up' when you're done! Hey old man, I bet you refer to a replicator as a 'kitchen'. ha ha such an old old man.
Hey. Could I get some feedback, please. I've got a question that I can't find if it's already been asked or too easy (or boring) of a question. It's regarding the etymology and use of the word pad with the meaning of dwelling place.
@SpareOom pad
@Rob I found that. I used this term with a college student and he was not familiar with the term. I was going to say: After explaining the slang idiom, I realized that it really could be quite outdated. My guess was that it was from the '50s, From etymonline, pad referred to "bundle of straw to lie on," as far back as the 1550s.
(Just off by a few centuries.) This could have migrated to mean the place you sleep and then the dwelling itself. If it is reasonable, I'd like to see that traced out.
Or is that all I'd get anyway?
But also, since this use may be in decline, I'm curious as to when it peaked.
It's kind of an old expression now. The term "crib" has pretty much supplanted it.
I don't feel "crib" and "pad" to be synonymous.
They are in America.
@MετάEd no wonder you look so confident.
Is it equal to flat in the UK?
More people would say flat in the UK than would say pad or crib in the US, I think.
Flat is not a colloquialism, at least not of the same stripe.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Stop imagining the rest of the picture.
@DavidWallace :D
What Rob said.
"Crib" and "pad" are the same kind of colloquialism as calling your car your "ride" or your "wheels" etc.
Crib is to flat as bird is to woman.
@Robusto That's what we figured.
@Robusto Agreed.
Sorry about the double @ing.>.<
So is is worth asking about when pad peaked or went out of popular use?
To elaborate just a bit more, pad has a distinctively '50s to '60s feel to it. Crib began replacing it in the late '60s, borrowed from black slang, and has survived to this day. If you say pad in that context today it has a retro feel.
Pad is of the same vintage as short (slang term for one's car). More beatnik than hippie, really.
We're still talking specifically about USA usage, right?
I never heard crib until the mid 80s. I didn't realise pad had mostly dropped from use. I never heard short.
@DavidWallace What else?
There are other countries. But I suppose, there is no usage without usa.
Tru dat.
Was short used in UK too?
No idea.
Interestingly, short is older than the beatnik generation. Possibly they resurrected it.
> Slang meaning "car" is attested from 1897; originally "street car," so called based on street cars (or the rides taken in them) being "shorter" than railroad cars.
I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say that I get all my UK slang about two decades late on PBS.
@Robusto Interesting.
@Robusto Did you ever watch Peter Gunn?
@SpareOom That's a little before my time. I'm familiar with the theme music, though.
Well, the DVDs are available now. I have the first series and have watched some recently. I wonder if it's affecting my speech. The show definitely has a jazz atmosphere.
That's the beat generation influence.
Peter Gunn's girlfriend is a singer at a jazz club called Mother's. The soundtracks are full of jazz songs. Really a nice change from current shows.
I guess it's before my time too, but maybe only slightly. I like that the people aren't always talking loudly at each other. It's not a sit-com anyway, but not like today's detective shows either.
@Rob Thanks. Sorry. Coupla crushing 16-hour workdays here. Bit dazed.
FH took off, of course.
I love it when that happens.
Pretty much. I do think today is the Golden Age of Television, however. There's nothing in the previous history of TV to match The Wire and Breaking Bad or even The Sopranos, IMO.
@tchrist I've been there.
@tchrist That's too much, but I hear medical interns have it worse.
@tchrist FH?
I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression.
@Robusto. I couldn't say. I've not seen any of those.
@tchrist Maybe it's the scotch, but I'm being obtuse just at the moment.
I’m not into playing Capture The Flag tonight, so you only get the abbreviation.
Ends with head.
Ah, ok.
Which is weird, because usually things start off that way.
Tonight's load.
OBAN is my bane, but I cannot tell you or the NSA would shoot us both.
Work project with that code phrase.
What were the odds?
A guy in the group passed along that sort of pick on the mailing list about it.
I bet the code you're writing uses singletons too.
But object-oriented singletons not Unicode ones.
My son gave me the Oban as a token gift when I gave him my previous car.
I just wrote a massive object system, making use of um well, C3 method resolution order. The guys who have to use it only understand depth-first-search.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You turned me on to that one. Don't you remember?
So when you call your superclass, you don't, you call the next overridden method, which goes left to right first before going up. It works much better for mixins.
But it's completely new to these C++ and Java people.
Who can’t do that. :)
@Robusto of course.
Aren't the bottles a lovely color?
@tchrist I despise C++ and Java pretty much equally, but for different reasons.
So if A inherits from B, C, and D, and those three from O, if you call method M and it hits B, the next candiate is C and then D before O.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Ayup.
@tchrist Sounds interesting.
I have decided I despise Java more, but only a little.
Python new-style classes all use C3, and Perl does with a pragma. It really works much better for the kind of "roles" where you just add a class with more abilities.
You don’t have to be so anal about subclass superclass stuff.
They would make a handsome bottle tree. Barbara Eden cleavage shot if you scroll.
@tchrist How does it affect interfaces?
I'll show you.
So the baseclass is at the bottom in the yellow box.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I thought that's how they got pears into those bottles of pear brandy.
It has four base classes that it inherits directly from.
There is a decode_raw in the salmon ping Value_Mapper class, and also in the magenta class.
It hits the salmon Value_Mapper first, which then calls NEXT::decode_raw and follows the dotted red arrow.
It's a topsy-turvy world.
It doesn’t inherit from it. It can follow it because the original object has that next in its method resolution order.
It is not its superclass or anything, and only works when you combine classes in a particular order.
I'll have to try to wrap my head around that fully when I'm not so tipsy.
I have to teach this to people tomorrow.
It just really works out better.
That way Value_Mapper can be the prefix class for a whole bunch of different decoders.
Going for a refill.
In a traditional DFS system, you would have to make all these artificial derived classes. Very messy.
This is cleaner.
I’m actually using NEXT not mro, because I want to use the EVERY:: pseudoclass to get all my initializers and finalizers automatically invoked for me.
Starred because bookmarking for later perusal.
Good thing my wife is in the house, otherwise I'd be drinking alone. Heh.
I hope there aren’t any color-blind people in my team. :)
That’s not Dylan.
@tchrist 5% of men have some degree of color-blindness.
@tchrist True.
I know that well.
Not because I do, but I’ve had friends with it.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 How did I get along so long without hearing of the glass-type bottle trees!? They look tacky to me.
@tchrist Both my sons have deuteranopia. Obviously it's my wife's fault.
She could have given them two X chromosomes. That would have fixed the problem.
@SpareOom some of them are nice.
Well, she could only give them one. Only men have the Y option.
I like glass birds. Those might look nicer adorning a tree than bottles.
@Robusto No egg sucking classes.
She could give them two, and they’d be XXY, and still male. But, well, funny.
Not a pretty picture.
All kinds of weird mosaïcs out there.
I'm pretty pleased with the way it worked out.
Of which XXY is not too rare. Or not so rare as one wishes it were.
Different set of problems from XYY. But those ones would be your fault, not hers.
I was kidding my younger son not long ago when we were talking about his deuteranopia. I started off talking about how it wasn't really a handicap, especially since he'd never known anything else. Then I said, "But you know that extra color cone, seeing three primary colors and all? That's just ... well, it's better than sex."
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I love The Oatmeal.
@Robusto That’s what the damned tetrachromats say. And then hold out on us.
@Robusto :)
Had you seen that one yet?
@tchrist Ayup. I think only women can be tetrachromats, can't they?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No. Thanks for that.
Sometimes I forget to check The Oatmeal. Hiatus maxime deflendus.
@Robusto Yup, you need two different Xs.
One needs a mutation.
Our color vision isn’t very good you know.
I know. Neither are our other sense.
In that they are not evenly distributed by distance.
We forked one.
That isn’t true.
One of our senses is superpowered compared to almost all critters.
This has allowed us to survive where others have died.
Of poison.
We’re really good at perceiving poisonous alkaloids as bitter.
So we spit it out and don’t eat it.
I was surprised to learn that cockroaches have a sense of smell that is orders of magnitude better than a bloodhound's.
Now, take your average dog.
They’ll eat shit and die with a smile on their face.
So much for that nose.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I saw one that looked more like a stained glass tree that was kinda nice. But I guess i like the natural trees better.
But dogs don't die from eating disgusting crap. Somehow they don't.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Nice.
@Robusto Neither do we.
The average Western standards of hygiene are rather exaggerated.
Spoken like a true European.
I hadn't even started on Puritan hygiene!
No, European hygiene is already exaggerated from a medical perspective.
Europeans have logiene, not hygiene.
But harmless things that stink are still a nuisance and should be avoided, regardless of any medical reasons.
I hear they use the same toothbrush all life long.
For polishing their shoes with.
That's bad for the leather.
I think most people I know use a toothbrush for maybe one or two months?
The average person may replace it sooner, I wouldn't know.
I replace mine when the blue bristles are half white.
I don't think I have blue bands.
You can get sick from using toothbrushes. huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/24/…
Or maybe my toothbrush had them a few years ago, I don't remember.
You have blue shoes?
So how long do you use yours?
2 or 3 minutes.
Hey, you started this subject.
I brush my teeth too hard to brush them for that long.
Use one of those power ones.
So how long?
I have no earthly idea.
I tried really hard to come up with a time frame.
Days? Years?
Between those somewhere.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You're not supposed to use a hard brush. Only use the extra soft ones for brushing teeth.
I use one of those sonic toothbrushes, do Listerine mouthwash after that, and a fluoride rinse after that.
@SpareOom This is true.
That’s the right way to do it.
So it is possible that you use your toothbrush for two weeks?
I used a hard one once and ruined my gums in one area.
Or 15 months?
But then why do they sell hard brushes?
All the better to hurt you with.
To use to clean grout?
@Cerberus To get mud off your shoes.
Okay, I see nothing serious can come from this crowd.
All of Cerbie’s shoe are blue because he wore all the blue from his toothbrush off on them.
@Cerberus You've only just begun to see that?
Hard toothbrushes are ok for dentures.
When they're out of your mouth.
@tchrist I don't feel like it's doing it right.
Hard toothbrushes belong in your mouth as much as a qtip belongs in your ear.
Or a toothpick.
@Cerberus solvuntur risu tabulæ
You put a toothpick in your ear?
Only to get the toothbrush out.
I've been sticking q-tip brand cotton swabs in there for 30-ish years.
Famous saying (in my family): Never put anything other than your elbow into your ear.
Only so far, mind you. But I dislike damp ears.
I wonder what the Dutchers have for cutie-tips.
Swabs? Isn’t that like Slavonic?
Where people get (where people get (where people get)) what they want!
@SpareOom the Dutch use pool cues?
Idk, they're cue tips.
I still think a pool cue is something you expect to find at a diving competition.
I have this sudden urge to brush my teeth and go to bed. Night all.
@Robusto 'Night.
'Night for me too, y'all.
Hi @Cerberus
Good morning.
5 hours later…
How's everyone?
Could anybody help me? I want to write, that I have completed Saratov State University with only excellent marks and was invited to continue education as a postgraduate student. How can I write it?
I have graduated from Saratov State University with excellence and continued education as a postgraduate student.
Is it correct?
Umm, wait
The tenses are wrong.
I graduated from Saratov State University with only excellent marks and was invited to continue education as a postgraduate student.
Ok, I see. Thank you.
"with only excellent marks" is better than "with excellence", in my opinion.
and that's why I preferred your first sentence.
But you shouldn't mix the perfect tense with the simple past, like you did.
So instead of "I have completed" or "I have graduated from", you could just say either "I completed" or "I graduated from".
That way, it matches the second half of the sentence.
@Warlock does that make sense?
Yes, it does.
Thank you!!!
No worries.
1 hour later…
hangman bot just gave me --e >.<
A: I lived vs I used to live

user47580I used to live in Prague 5 years ago. I lived in Prague 5 years ago. ------------------------------------. Use(d) to live : Live(d) It's in the dh sound the letter 'd' makes. Linguistics Bradley Alexander Cogswell [email protected] West Palm Beach, FL, United States

Can anyone explain what he's talking about? For someone who studied linguistics he sure is hard to understand...
2 hours later…
@tchrist 404s for me.
Want eggs for breakfast?
scrambles eggs
I had scrambled eggs for breakfast today.
I thought you were a vegetarian.
I can't believe I just cooked on to a no-stick pan.
I am a vegetarian, yes.
Oh. Eggs don't count?
I guess I knew that.
For most vegetarians, eggs, milk products, and honey don't count.
I'm just being a little dense this morning.
Others still are comfortable with caviar (= fish eggs), or just with fish outright.
want an English muffin?
But the point is, everyone should just eat whatever they want.
Pescatarian. And I'm not so classless that I don't know what caviar is.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 You really should start pulling them back out about now.
@RegDwighт tru dat
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone who overheard I was a vegetarian took that as an invitation to explain me in meticulous detail what I am and am not supposed to eat (while they themselves of course were no vegetarian by any stretch of any definition).
And of course at parties the first thing that's out is vegetarian food. Non-vegetarians will always eat my veggie pizza. Fuckers.
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone just assumed I was vegetarian from the way I look.
Cuz they know it's the good stuff
That never happened to me. I look, um, very healthy.
If it makes you feel better, I usually serve vegetarian entrees.
I used to be way skinnier, but that was due to insane amounts of cycling, not due to food.
You don't look very thick in your pictures.
These pictures are ten years old though.
Not veggie-skinny, but still.
Yeah a little two dimensional if you ask me
I made myself an omelet. Second day with the new range.
How does it cook?
It cooks great.
Nothing like a gas range for precise heat control.
I wish I could take ours with us.
Back then I'd stuff my face with pasta and fast food and what have you day in day out, every day. Now I eat much, much less, and always cook fresh, and in fact I couldn't eat much even if I wanted due to my gastric problems, but still I've put on quite some weight simply because I don't cycle 50 miles a day anymore.
And now your knee.
Yeah tell me about it.
This whole "summer" sucked, and now it's like two full weeks of sunshine and I can barely walk.
Gastric problems will do it every time. You just can't process effectively.
I'm well versed in knees.
@RegDwighт What's the diagnosis?
18 hours ago, by RegDwighт
Capsulitis refers to inflammation of a capsule. Types include: * Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder * Plica syndrome, which is an inflammation of the articular capsule of the knee joint See also * Articular capsule References
Jul 4 at 23:03, by RegDwighт
user image
I thought you were around yesterday.
I can't read an MRI.
18 hours ago, by RegDwighт
BTW I was at the doctor's today and he rammed a giant syringe full of milky white substance right into my knee and emptied it all inside me.
Nah. That syringe, plus 2 times 25g of ibuprofen daily, plus no movement at all.
My children are already fractious and it's a rainy day.
25g of ibuprofen? That's a megadose.
Wait, I mean ketoprofen. Stupid @Cerberus. Keeps confusing me.
Only 25g?
Jul 4 at 23:18, by RegDwighт
user image
Oh, mg of course.
Over-the-counter ibuprofen is 200mg tablets.
That would make 125 tablets.
I was translating into Imperial on the fly.
Grams are imperial?
*50mg of ketoprofen. There. Fixed.
@Robusto well, they are no longer milli, that's a start, no?
@RegDwighт Well, that certainly clears things up.
That's some good stuff. I like it better than ibuprofen.
I guess grammas are metric too then.
So are the Grammy awards.
Jul 4 at 23:16, by RegDwighт
user image
This is ibuprofen.
The stuff Kit doesn't quite like.
I like it, just not as much.
@Robusto well have you seen a Grammy award? "Metric" is the mildest way of expressing it.
I take 600mg almost every day.
Seriously now?
Well. Bon appétit.
> Ketoprofen is a common NSAID, antipyretic, and analgesic used in horses and other equines.
I can ship some ketoprofen over in exchange for your apple pie.
@Robusto yeah sorry I forgot to mention that I'm a stud.
I probably ought to take some this morning, what with the rain and dampness.
The profile picture is a tad confusing.
@RegDwighт You had it right the first time.
Yeah, but the LEGO terminology is stud. Sorry.
This has been a nice breakfast.
TIL that on the Internet, nobody knows you're a horse.
My boys are being adorable ...
and my children are being sweet.
So there was a car on fire right in front of my window, in plain sight above my monitor, but I only noticed it after the firefighters put it out. Talk about perception bias.
You were just waiting for it to be on YouTube.
There were like four fire trucks and a police car and smoke. I didn't notice. Now there's still one firetruck and a pick-up tow truck but nothing much to see.
Also a colleague mentioned that another car went up in flames in the parking lot to the left only yesterday.
I think not.
must be on account of the giant magnifying glass they installed on the roof two weeks ago.
They did catch that arsonist in Berlin.
And it's not like he's alone or something.
In Berlin, it's Volkssport to put expensive cars on fire.
Good thing you don't drive.
Good thing I don't park, you mean.
Set on fire.
Oh in Berlin they do it every which way, put, set, you name it.
Your wife must be disappointed that you don't park.
> In retrospect, Fenn says, "One of George Washington's most brilliant moves was to inoculate the army against smallpox during the Valley Forge winter of '78." Without inoculation smallpox could easily have given the United States back to the British.
Hey. I thought Pasteur invented the smallpox vaccine.
Yeah and he was French.
Um, yeah.
Do you want to have some French fries with your French lies, traitor?
No, Jenner.
Well after the war.
Bruce Jenner was a traitor after the war?
The American Revolution owed its success to France. Which precipitated the French revolution.
Oh so now you're interested in actual history, la-dee-da.
Traitors gonna trait.
Oh, but the practice of variolation had been around forever.
@KitFox Yeah, 1796 was the end of Washington's first term as president.
So I guess the idea of inoculation against smallpox was amazingly brilliant.
It all makes sense now!
The smallpox vaccine was the first successful vaccine to be developed. The process of vaccination was first publicised by Edward Jenner in 1796, who acted upon his observation that milkmaids who caught the cowpox virus did not catch smallpox. Before widespread vaccination, mortality rates in individuals with smallpox were high—up to 35% in some cases. History before vaccination Before the introduction of a vaccine, the mortality of the severe form of smallpox—variola major—was very high. Historical records show a method of inducing immunity was already known. A process called inocul...
Huh. Also helps protect against HIV.
So there was actual inoculation well before the Revolutionary War. I did not know that.
Well, much like parents having chickenpox parties.
Anyway, I must be off. Later!
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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