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could you tranfer via drop box to your home?
Wait...what? OK, something's huge in here. I'll just find that and remove it.
Music, that can go.
Oh. Oh. My Steam folder. Of course.
Due to this longstanding unresolved issue, countless man-hours of SOC analysts are being wasted in trying to work around the problem, writing regexes, custom rules and filters which avoid the encoding problem. Even day to day analysis of security events coming from Qflow has now become a very unpleasant experience. Due to how very badly these encoded characters appear on the screen they subconsciously and at times consciously affect the analysts' confidence and their creative ability to do important security events analysis.
"encoded characters appear"
I tidied up the second and third paragraphs to go with Matt's first.
@KitFox er, oops
Aslamu Alikum
And also with you.
So anything new? Lately? I wasn't here for the last couple of days.
Not much.
nope. nothing of importance has happened. at all. especially nothing to do with Kit
I see a new user called KitSox. Not sure if its real though.
KitSox is the chat-bot.
@KitFox Yo.
You talk to her by using !!.
@KitSox Hi
She won't hear you that way.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 :) thanks a lot
Hey, @Matt, we should see about tapping Google Translate.
oh! yeah, that would be good
@Saladin no problem.
@KitFox So what do I need to do to make her hear me?
And it's Google, so there's probably an API.
2 mins ago, by KitFox
You talk to her by using !!.
@Noah Use !! at the beginning of the line.
!!what are your laws?
@KitFox 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Oh, I was going to play with that.
@KitSox ! ! how are you?
Not with the @.
!!tell Noah listcommands
@Noah help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, lego, legopart, listcommands, parentuser, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, summon, unsummon, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube (page 0/0)
!!help parse
@MattЭллен parse: Returns result of "parsing" message according to the my mini-macro capabilities (see online docs)
!!KitSox how are you?
@Noah Nuh-uh
!!KitSox are you married?
@Noah Not a chance
Leave off the KitSox part.
!!KitFox Good morning.
@MετάEd That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!KitSox What's your gender?
@Noah That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!weather oxford
@MattЭллен Oxford: 14C (287.15K), light intensity drizzle, light rain
!!KitSox can I use profanity?
@Noah Impossible
@KitFox she is not smart.
@KitSox Dammit, I'm not talking to you.
I thought she would be better than Siri, but she sucks.
!!KitFox Good morning.
@MετάEd That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!KitFox did Kit get a new job?
@Noah Certainly
!!Noah how are you?
@Noah Yes, absolutely
@Noah: don't put the name after the !!
Okay. I thought KitSox was crazy and could be activated with any name.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Druskininkai: 7.006C (280.156K), overcast clouds
!!weather kansas city
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Kansas City: 38.1307F (3.406C, 276.556K), broken clouds
!!Weather 9999999999999999
@Noah Sorry, I couldn't get the data: Error: Not found city
!!weather 50210
@MattЭллен Cerisy-la-Salle: 15.57C (288.72K), overcast clouds
!!weather momy
@Noah Momy: 20C (293.15K), broken clouds
Is that even a place.
I just made it up.
Oh, map service. Excellent idea.
!!google Momy
!!wiki Momy
Momy is a commune in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department in south-western France. See also *Communes of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department References *[http://www.insee.fr/en/home/home_page.asp INSEE]
@Noah I don't think her intelligence is the issue.
!!wiki KitFox
{| |} The Denney Kitfox is a series of small personal kit aircraft with folding wings that was originally designed and manufactured by Dan Denney and his company Denney Aerocraft of Boise, Idaho. The Kitfox is unique in that it was one of the first designs to make popular a quickly folding wing that greatly eased transportation and storage. The aircraft is amateur-built and not type certified and was originally designed to accommodate a Rotax engine. The large appeal of the aircraft was in large part due to the fact it could be built by any handyman in a two car garage and the...
!!nudge Momy
@MετάEd Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
!!wiki Salma Hayek
Salma Hayek Jiménez (born September 2, 1966) is a Lebanese and Mexican American film actress, director and producer. She began her career in Mexico starring in the telenovela Teresa and went on to star in the film El Callejón de los Milagros (Miracle Alley) for which she was nominated for an Ariel Award. In 1991 Hayek moved to Hollywood and came to prominence with roles in Hollywood movies such as Desperado (1995), Dogma (1999), and Wild Wild West (1999). Her breakthrough role was in the 2002 film Frida as Frida Kahlo which she received an Academy Award, BAFTA Award, Screen Actors Gui...
!!listen Momy
@MετάEd That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!wiki George W. Bush (the shoe man)
@Noah The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
!!fuckable Momy
@MετάEd This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!yahoo Matt
@Noah That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!Kitfox Fox
!!tell MετάEd fuckable your mom
@MattЭллен Command fuckbable does not exist. Did you mean: fuckable
@MετάEd Your mom is always open for business.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
(But totally yes)
!!define grammar
@Noah grammar A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!italicize Welcome
@Noah That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!define kitfox
@Noah It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words
!!fuckable typography
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!define matt
!!define NOAA
@Noah matt Alternative spelling of matte.
@MattЭллен NOAA Acronym of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
!!fuckable 37
@KitFox A person that age can shag down to 25.5, and is the lower limit of a person of 60 years.
!!define promiscuity
@Noah promiscuity The state or quality of being promiscuous.
!!define state
@MattЭллен state Any sovereign polity. A government.
!!define promiscuous
@Noah promiscuous Made up of various disparate elements mixed together; of disorderly composition.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 A person that age can shag down to 20, and is the lower limit of a person of 38 years.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 fuckable (slang, vulgar) Able to be or worthy of being fucked; sexually attractive.
!!urban fuckable
@MattЭллен fuckable when someone is not that attractive, but you are willing to submit yourself to having sex with them
how different
@KitFox you got your stuff onto a DVD?
It's still burning.
!!English fuckable
@Noah That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
All this ancient tech.
!!Irish fuckable
@Noah That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!fuckable irish
@Noah This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!fuckable new yorkers
@Noah This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
!!fuckable Sweds
!!fuckable 90
@Noah A person that age can shag down to 52, and is the lower limit of a person of 166 years.
!!fuckable kitsox
@Noah Keep dreaming
!!KitFox Good morning.
@MετάEd That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!Fuckable KitSOx
@Noah This is srs bsns, please treat it as such (see /help fuckable).
See you need to fix that @MattЭллен
nope. I really don't
@MετάEd What are you trying to do, silly?
Who is responsible for this?
I think you just need to use it as it is intended :Þ
!!mustache Moma
@MετάEd User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@KitFox Subvert the dominant paradigm.
@MετάEd I see.
!!mustache 548255
@MattЭллен User 1 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@MattЭллен User 2 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
@MattЭллен User 2034 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
!!mustache 25571
Crud. Mustachify is really not much fun without good face pics.
mustachify isn't good at just putting on a moustache if there isn't a face
Damn, now my disc is not responding.
Is it lunchtime yet?
@MattЭллен User 548255 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
!!help mustache
@JSBձոգչ mustache: Mustachifies a user. /mustache [link|usrid|username] [mustache=rand(0,5)]
Oi! What are you doing.
!!mustache JSB
@JSBձոգչ User -1 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
!!mustache 5282
!!mustache Johan Larsson
!!mustache 222194
@MattЭллен User 4163 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
that's not a mustache!
@JSBձոգչ It really only works for good face pics.
@MattЭллен User 222194 was not found (if the user is not in room 95, pass a user-id instead of a username).
it is a flipping userid
which we have non of here
stupid machine
Hey, be nice to the bot.
well! it's ignoring my numbers
sad panda
Now look what you did.
and now it thinks it's a panda!
Like it's her fault.
@KitFox yawns
!!how are you?
@KitFox Hi.
Hmm. Maybe I should make that a different set of responses.
Also, I want to break out the pieces of the laws of robotics, but I'm not sure what the best method is there.
So, I'd like to have her tell you the laws of robotics, but also tell you, for instance, the First Law if you asked her.
But I don't want to write a billion different regexes.
"what is your First Law"
So I would have to parse the statement, I guess? But that seems like a bad plan too.
"what is your Second Law"
Yeah, like that.
"what is your Third Law"
Nice shadow, btw.
"Who was that lady I saw you with last night"
"He invented a calculating machine in 1642"
@KitFox Thank you. It wasn't right without it.
What did Charles Babbage do?
!!wiki babbage
Charles Babbage, FRS (26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English polymath. He was a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, who is best remembered now for originating the concept of a programmable computer. Considered a "father of the computer", Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs. His varied work in other fields has led him to be described as "pre-eminent" among the many polymaths of his century. Parts of Babbage's uncompleted mechanisms are on display in the London Science Mu...
oh, so it wasn't him
!!wiki Pascal
The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the SI derived unit of pressure, internal pressure, stress, Young's modulus and tensile strength, named after the French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and philosopher Blaise Pascal. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square meter. Common multiple units of the pascal are the hectopascal (1 hPa ≡ 100 Pa), kilopascal (1 kPa ≡ 1000 Pa), megapascal (1 MPa ≡ 1,000,000 Pa), and gigapascal (1 GPa ≡ 1,000,000,000 Pa). On Earth, standard atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa. Meteo...
No, the other one.
!!wiki delphi
Delphi ( or ; , ) is both an archaeological site and a modern town in Greece on the south-western spur of Mount Parnassus in the valley of Phocis. The site of Delphi was believed to be determined by Zeus when he sought to find the centre of Grandmother Earth (or Gaia). He sent two eagles flying from the eastern and western extremities, and the path of the eagles crossed over Delphi where the omphalos, or navel of Gaia was found. Delphi was the site of the Delphic oracle, the most important oracle in the classical Greek world, and became a major site for the worship of the god Apollo a...
Please state your answer in the form of a question.
What did Pascal do?
Double Jeopardy!!!
Yay, lunchtime!
@JSBձոգչ That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@KitFox Google translate's API is a paid service.
@MattЭллен Good to know.
And onto my third disc. This stack has a crap success rate.
oh really? That sucks. stupid ancient tech
Well, maybe third time is a charm.
What are you up to?
I forgot this sweater makes my neck itch.
I'm on my way out.
CU soon?
I'm also trying to figure out how to implement a thing that fundamentally breaks our UI
Oh. That bites.
it annoys me, because it ruins user expectations
Reminds me of the project lead wanting me to figure out how to make Flash work on the iPad.
I see the point, but I also wish I could think of a better way
Is it something I could help with?
Nah. I just have to do it and then wait for them to hate it and then I'll put it back
we have an experiment workflow, and each experiemnt has a description box. The setup experiments only have one step in their workflows, so it has been proposed that the description box be changed into the experiment for these experiments
Oh. That sounds like a Bad Plan™.
yeah. I can see that they want to reduce mouse clicks, but this seems like the wrong way to do it
oh well. Time for me to go
See you later!
punches disc recorder
posted on November 06, 2013 by sgdi

The way I see life is this thing Ninety nine per cent craply draining One percent that is scattered Is what’s meant to matter I can’t see what pleasure it brings

Aww, @Matt! gives hugs
@MattЭллен So is this just removing one field from the workflow and moving another field into its place, for certain use-cases of the workflow?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Would you consider this rape? I might. techdirt.com/articles/20131105/05401425129/…
hello guys
I'm stuck in initial starting up of sentence
During routine security analysis I found traffic log coming from our organization parameter firewall showing some outbound connections to never so seen before IP addresses.
Hi! I have to go, shower time.
Um, what?
is it correct 'never so seen before IP addresses'
@Cerberus I wouldn't call it "rape", no. But I'd certainly classify it as assault or torture.
@Saladin no.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 thought so
During a routine security analysis, the traffic log coming from our organization's firewall showed some outbound connections to previously unknown IP addresses.
Or something.
how can i put 'never seen' phrase
> They asked him to step out of the car and then searched his vehicle (without his consent).
They don't need his consent.
> During a routine security analysis of our firewall's traffic log I found outbound connections to never-before-seen IP addresses.
@KitFox They need his consent or probable cause.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 sounds tidy now
@Saladin though I would say "unknown" IP addresses. There are 4 billion of them. You certainly don't remember every IP address you've ever seen.
The entire article is ridiculously inflammatory.
@KitFox yes but the behaviour of the police is pretty egregious.
multiple x-rays? multiple enemas? sedation and colonscopy? please. There's no way that was warranted.
Maybe and maybe not. It is possible that the actions were as horrific as reported, but the slant in the article makes me think that significant facts are being omitted.
Or maybe it was written by someone who was simply tired of reporting about police abuse of power. It happens too often. Not all the time, mind you. But still, way too often.
Considering that I can't imagine that a bunch of cops and doctors and a judge didn't think that they would get in mighty serious trouble for such behavior.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 thanks the context is important I will make this change
It is so obviously over-the-top that I don't believe the "poor victim" was as much of a victim as reported.
Which is not to say I think he deserved a colonoscopy.
@KitFox That doesn't matter though. If the victim was being uncooperative, or being abusive, or whatever, there are laws in place for dealing with that and those laws do not involve police brutality.
> the Gila Regional Medical Center is billing Eckert for the invasive, non-consensual medical procedures and has threatened to take him to collections for non-payment.
only in America
and possibly China
That's ironic.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right, that's true. He also could have presented a danger to himself or the community in a way that warranted the extensive effort.
We don't know, we weren't there.
@KitFox I find the probability of there being a specific danger that required violating the man's anus so many times to be so remote as to be completely discountable.
Like I said, there are other ways to deal with problematic arrestees. After the first x-ray, and the first enema, I'd say if he's still being problematic you could hold him for 24 hours.
Could be. Maybe he said "I don't have any drugs in my ass, but I've got a bomb you can suck on."
Which would still be egregiously bad if they didn't have sufficient probable cause.
In which case, he presents an immediate threat to safety.
@KitFox even if he said that, an x-ray would clearly prove that wasn't the case.
man, this compiler
it attempts to be as fast as possible
which means that it eats ALL OF THE MEMORY
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And then he says "You won't ever find it, fuckers."
I'm not saying I agree with it. I'm saying I doubt this guy is as angelic as he's made out to be.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 thanks!
srsly, my other computer is useless right now
I was having massive issues with mine earlier.
Maybe it's the atmospheric conditions.
i know exactly what's wrong with mine: xppc.exe
in fact, i'm going to take desperate measures
> An officer falsely told Detective Chavez that the Plantiff was known to insert drugs into his anal cavity.
@KitFox hell of a thing to be known for
The dog had falsely alerted on the same vehicle before.
That's an interesting nugget.
@KitFox even if he was known for that. there are limits to what they can do. "He did something in the past" is not probable cause for "he might be doing it now".
There were "at least five" other officers at the traffic stop, two from another jurisdiction.
You know what that tells me?
This guy is a known dealer.
And yeah, the stop was pre-textual.
Still, they should have executed it better. Obviously.
even known dealers have rights though. And the police even had a warrant for some of those searches but their warrant was partly invalid and also it expired while they were using it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 kind of it is
@JSBձոգչ No it isn't. If you did something in the past, then get pulled over for running a stop sign, it doesn't give the cops the rights to search your car, your house, your body, whatever they want. They need probable cause of a new crime.
They were probably tipped off by an informant, maybe the NSA even.
what's the legal standard up there in Canadistan?
They probably believed that he was transporting drugs because of that source, and invented the rest of it to justify their actions.
They do that.
@JSBձոգչ It's similar to the US. considering the state-by-state variations you guys have, conversations about the rights of prisoners are basically comparable.
most of our criminal code is federal.
Here is a website that some canadian criminal lawyers have put up describing some basic rights. ymmv. criminaltriallawyers.ca/?q=know-your-rights
I can't believe anyone would defend such a thing.
But that wasn't why I posted it.
Well, lawyers are required to defend their clients. It is a fundamental right.

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