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@RegDwighт I only know about wuss, not wussy. A wussy must be a small wuss then.
As much as I'd love to stay and discuss the relative merits of Viagra ads, I must to work. Bye.
Oh right. W-rk.
This is the only room in the world where f*** is not bowdlerised and work is.
Well, why would we bowdlerize foot?
@JasperLoy I should flag that: w*rk is a four-letter word!
And you know what? Yesterday someone flagged my bowdlerized f***!
I am sorry on his behalf. He certainly meant to flag it today, but was in a hurry.
@Robusto Does aureolae have a natural dual inflection?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I haven't either
@tchrist Makes me think about areolas.
@JasperLoy I do know that, because I had to mark the flag as invalid
@MattЭллен There was a whole series of flags then, including one on Victoria Secrets.
If that guy came to this room, he would need to flag 9000 lines.
I saw 3 I think. I didn't see the VS one
He even flagged my message saying that I would ignore the flagger.
Does anybody have a trepan, or a drill, or something to let the evil spirits out of my head?
great. what an oddball
@KitFox I have some Russian Standard vodka, but it's back at my place.
@JasperLoy SHHHH Damn it.
Evil spirits, be thou cast out in KITFOX's name!
@MattЭллен I don't think that would help.
@JasperLoy Tsk! You mean Vic???? Sec????.
@tchrist I prefer Triumph. Their ads are everywhere.
As in Vicarial Seconds.
@KitFox hands Kit a cordless drill with a concrete bit
Oh thank you.
careful, it has a bit of a kick... I rarely use it so it still has like-new horsepower.
Hole Hawg?
I bought a whole bag of power tools, brand-new, because it was only 2x as much as buying a single cordless drill. Ironically, the only tool I've actually used is the one that I didn't think I'd use at all, the "power driver".
Fuck I just spilled hot tea in my lap.
@tchrist nah, just a dewalt
How is a power driver different than a drill?
@KitFox it's smaller and meant for putting in and removing screws.
Is a concrete bit one made from concrete or made for concrete?
@MattЭллен for.
ah! thanks :)
It typically doesn't require disambiguation because the alternative doesn't make sense :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Like a...drill. I am so confused.
well, I don't know. power tools are something I don't operate, because where I work they're just too big and at home I don't have any
Must be like a 12v drill driver.
@MattЭллен Come on. You've never popped a goldfish in the NMR?
@KitFox yeah. It's like a small drill. But optimized for screwing in screws. Not optimized for power tasks.
I was erring towards for
@KitFox me? no, we only have benchtop machines. a goldfish would have to be blended to fit in :D
Concrete is not generally known for its usefulness under high-torque situations
I see, that makes sense. I was trying to concoct a scenario where it made sense, but it was quicker to ask!
I want.
Well, I want french fries.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what are "connections" in Lego?
Are you guys ready to party?
@KitFox I'm quite excited
@KitFox I did my partying last night.
why are we partying, again?
You talking about Nano?
@JSBձոգչ NaNoWriMo party in Writer's Chat today.
@MattЭллен what do you mean?
@KitFox wooo party!
@MattЭллен oh that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah :)
I guess a "connection" is any way of attaching two pieces together. So a connectionless build is just a pile of legos.
like a house of cards
don't bump the table
the walls of the tower look connected, but I guess not
They are 2x2 slope pieces just sitting on their sides
Crazy shit, man.
Oh right! on the side :O
i find a connectionless build much less interesting than a connected build
@JSBձոգչ I dunno. it depends. sometimes you get into a mindset that everything has to be connected, it's refreshing to realize that it doesn't
well... ok. i suppose if you're really worried about your lego mindset, then that could be a relief
okay I find this one hilarious:
The point is, everything that's connected in real life should be connected in the model. It's okay for a fallen tree to lie around, or for a car not to be attached to the road. But a roof not attached to the house, not even by a single stud? No way.
those "berries" are the hairpiece of the disco guy
@RegDwighт See, you're in the "connected" mindset. You need to break free!
Well, that's LEGO for you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 99% of my pieces are not connected at any given time. So building is all about connecting them, by defintion, because I cannot possibly unconnect them more.
And it's a challenge to make things connected, because your possibilities are limited.
At the high end of the spectrum you have people who only use the traditional ten-odd rectangular bricks. No slopes, no wedges, no round parts.
@RegDwighт Nah. Lots of models are made so that two things fit together but don't strictly connect. eg a playset with a removable roof might not use any studs, just gravity, to keep the roof on.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 false dichotomy. All of Modular Buildings and Creator sets have removable roofs, and all of them do connect.
Gravity. snorts I don't believe in that garbage.
@KitFox it's nice in theory
@RegDwighт No, I'm not talking about just official sets.
@tchrist They are not bilaterally symmetric, obviously.
@RegDwighт My point is that just because, eg, a house is modular, and the roof isn't strictly "connected", doesn't mean that the model is somehow flawed.
It costs nothing to add a stud on this side and another one over there.
And anyway, we were actually talking about that crazy tower.
@RegDwighт it might not cost nothing. What if the roof uses a SNOT technique that makes it impractical to connect?
For my retirement, I hope to be put out to stud.
It's not just for horses anymore.
I could live with a house whose roof is detachable by Godzilla's hand, but I couldn't live in a house where the bricks are laying loose on top of one another and could be moved by a gust of air.
because of health and safety regulations. It's bureaucracy gone mad.
@RegDwighт yeah. I agree. Mostly, things should be connected.
Again, gravity is okay insofar as it is okay in real life.
See fallen tree, car.
the universe is holistic. everything is connected
@MattЭллен Holistic just means it has holes in it.
@RegDwighт when I build, I like to connect things like fallen trees even if they would not be connected in real life. Ideally you can turn my models upside down and nothing falls off.
@MattЭллен yes Jasper
@Robusto You're thinking of holy
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Does the same hold true for your supermodels?
@Robusto To some extent, yes. If bits fall off, we may have a problem.
isn't it the septum that's likely to fall out if they're upright?
Oh this poor woman. I'm listening to one of the faculty members get talked down to by my project lead.
She's been stupidly loyal to him, and I can hear the hurt in her voice.
Hmm you are all still here?
Geezis, he's got a lot of nerve. She's been faculty many years longer than he has.
@Cerberus Hi.
I'm only partly still here.
Hey, you weren't flooded.
@KitFox maybe you should cough loudly
I don't like her very much.
I'm still here, and no flooding. Just wind.
@KitFox oh, well, carry on!
I daresay it's been windier than kit's project lead!
She's friendly enough, but numb-er than a hake and classist to boot.
Hmm. Not sure how to write that so it reads correctly. More numb than a hake.
Which we say as "nummerna hake."
I guess only 7 million people are affected by the outages.
Well, you get the idea.
numa numa
Hi, a question regarding proper punctuation — e.g. You can access data over 3G/Wi-Fi. Can there be a space before and after the / (as it would be more readable), or is that wrong?
A: Should I write "comma/period" or "comma / period"?

RegDwighтYou should remove the spaces. Unless, of course, you are quoting a poem, in which case the slash indicates a line break: We review a module theme per user. Wikipedia has more info: There are usually no spaces either before or after a slash. Exceptions are in representing the start of ...

You can add spaces, but that is normally not done.
I think it's fine to have spaces
@RegDwighт Ah, good one. But readability sucks!
I would only use spaces when either member of the pair has internal spaces.
@its_me I don't see a problem.
@Cerberus makes sense
@Cerberus maybe it's just me... I feel like text is more readable when I add a space before and after the /
I don't feel that it would be a grave error to add spaces, but it is normally not done.
to space / not to space
That is the question
You should read more.
@MattЭллен Yeah, there I would use spaces.
@Cerberus aye, that's what Reg's answer says
@KitFox nummerunahake
How's that for country?
@KitFox ok, what's a hake? sounds like some kind of slack-jawed fish.
@Mitch Yep. Actually a deep water fish.
It's cold down there.
@KitFox so, pretty numb? or just cold and clammy?
Ooh trouble at Apple!
So the hake get numb. Numb-er than a pounded thumb.
@KitFox lol :D Yes, much less refined than last time ;)
@Mitch Sounds like a haiku.
They fired their IOS chief and somebody else.
I just realized that some people smile or laugh sincerely but may not have a sense of humor.
@MattЭллен Hmm. That sounds like sarcasm.
@Mitch Smiling is a fear response. It has nothing to do with humor.
@Mitch But do they smile with their mouth only, or also with their eyes?
@KitFox um, last time you sounded refined. this time you sound less refined. /nosarcasm
tries to imagine sounding refined
@KitFox Very deep.
@KitFox I think it is a fear response among chimpanzees. Chimps are socially pretty effing weird, not at all like humans.
It is true. stomps little foot
@KitFox You must be talking about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems there.
as with all over generalizations, -within- primates. considered outside of primates, yes we're al alike.
Why do you have a little foot?
Do you also have a bigfoot?
bigfoot is a myth
@Cerberus For when I have little tantrums.
Ah, so that's the secret behind your little foot / bigboot.
@KitFox arches eyebrow
purses lips
narrows eyes
brandishes large random book
debates whether to bite or kick @Mitch
The Kama Sutra, really?
notices that book is fiction
That's very "random".
See? And in this situation, I smile, which disarms you because I am demonstrating fear.
@Cerberus I have browsed through that, very erotic. I hope to experiment with someone someday.
No it's disarming because it is nice.
It's submission.
I'll larn you how to smile!
For chimps maybe.
being nice is submissive
It's disarming.
Observe the occasions when people smile. You'll see I'm right.
it's not showing your throat.
I'm not smiling now.
hold on, maybe that supports your argument.
face it, Mitch, you're sub.
OK now I'm smiling.
I see that there are more and more chat users these days who come in to take a look at our exciting discussions.
except not sincerely, only for the cheek exercise.
@MattЭллен What is sub?
opp of dom
@JasperLoy One who submits.
in thr let spk
@JasperLoy submissive, as opposed to dominant (dom)
@JasperLoy Good luck!
@KitFox Oh, like in XXX.
But back to unfounded arguments, I totally disagree.
@Cerberus I will experiment with you!
Put that on your internet dating profile.
humans have a totally different -created- culture, than chimps.
Eh no thanks.
Shall I engage ad hominem, or is it too early? I feel like I'm winning so it is probably not necessary.
rolls eyes
all six
I don't see what it matters that macaques do it.
People do it too.
@KitFox winning? Ha! I let you have a minor point, to crush you when you slip out of arrogrance.
picks eyes up and runs away
I will not correct that.
Hee hee.
I am so hungry right now.
OK what is it when a superior smiles?
Hey I got sixes!
They're going to crush you.
That's mean.
I should eat a nice leafy green salad, but I think I will have pulled pork.
superior human.
F*ck my cholesterol.
pulled pork made from lettuce?
When you're young and healthy, does it matter if you eat some bad cholesterol?
@Cerberus you rolled my way, but I'm a trixy hobbit.
I'm neither young nor particularly healthy.
@MattЭллен Haha.
@Cerberus so you can get a head start on lining your arteries?
@KitFox You are young!
Not really.
@Cerberus Just not too much.
at heart?
not with all that cholesterol.
I would not expect you to be at an age where you run much risk of a cardiac disease?
I should eat oatmeal for breakfast instead of pipsqueaks like you.
You eat us?
Yep. For breakfast.
lots of cholesterol in human meat.
Brains especially.
@KitFox you sounded refined in that video you made for grad school.
but catching them affords lots of exercise.
so kind of a wash.
I thought we were more suitable for lunch, but OK.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I sounded like a flight attendant!
@KitFox all variety meats.
@KitFox a refined flight attendant!
@Mitch (Well, not that brains are meat, but you know.)
@Mitch Did I tell you about this Dutch tv programme where the presenters ate a tiny part of each other's flesh/meat?
They said the muscle tissue was all right, much like steak.
@Cerberus you told everyone in this room.
The fatty tissue was disgusting.
I would be much happier to eat the meat of something that I knew was still alive and OK.
@RegDwighт Apparently not!
I would prefer to never ever eat humans
Those presenters didn't exactly look happy—more like extremely nervous.
@Cerberus either not, or I have as good a memory as you
You were probably absent.
I knew I should have taken down all names.
@KitFox they fry up like... moment to stifle nausea ... pate.
@Cerberus where did they get it? surgically removed? or what
@MattЭллен meh. humans are made of meat!
I say eating humans should be fair game.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, surgically removed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 humans are human. This is a line for me.
@Cerberus No. that is nasty. I hesitate to ask... what part did they each give up? a little finger? the inside of the thigh?
@MattЭллен your mind is shackled by arbitrary societal norms!
They were looking at each other as they were eating each other's flesh.
@Cerberus Cooked?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you should be shackled by chains instead. Oh the wonderful chains!
@Mitch It was really, really tiny bits, like a few mm. One guy's buttock, the other guy's stomach.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, by a chef.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, really. The kinds of diseases you could get. Ick.
@Cerberus OK. Only in dutchland. Maybe Sweden. They'll eat anything.
Honestly it's not that different from eating any other animal. It only feels odd because it's not on the List of Acceptable Animals for Eating.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 these same norms that stop me from stabbing everyone and stealing all their stuffs
Of course we can't be 100 % sure that it was real, but it was a fairly long time ago, and I could find no rumours at all about its being fake.
@MattЭллен stupid stupid norms.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Of course.
@Mitch So be careful.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's very different from eating other animals because no other animals are human. over generalisation is bad.
@MattЭллен Nah, that's different. That's the "do not harm people" rule. I still abide by that one. But eating meat is a separate norm. If nobody was "harmed"....
Why are we recreating the conversation from the Frying Pan?
Duplication of effort.
because the frying pan is over there
@RegDwighт RIght, it's like eating your own.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think what the surgeons did was illegal, because that could be taken as "harming", but the eating itself was not. Perhaps some kind of complicity.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the human being as a concept is harmed.
@RegDwighт Because it's funny?
When people keep telling you "it's gross" you keep hearing "it's funny"?
I need to go.
@MattЭллен What if a person who was dying of an injury said to you "Go ahead and eat my perfectly healthy muscle tissue, I won't need it after I'm dead"? That is intrinsically wrong? or just icky?
@RegDwighт Synonyms!
Matt is so principled.
Next thing he's going to forbid fraud!
Bye all!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it is wrong to eat another human. People are not food.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 dumb. an injury is not good for the meat in the rest of the animal (releases chemicals which will alter the taste in the intact flesh).
@Cerberus CU!
@MattЭллен Sure they are food. They're made of meat and water and fat and other edible things.
That's the principle of hall/kosher slaughtering, so the animal is not nervous when you kill it. so it'll taste better.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 no, they're not. arsenic is made out of protons, neutrons and electrons, just like protein. it's all the same!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 We don't eat lions and tigers and bears.
(do we?)
@Mitch Let's say the injury was that a giant piece of hurricane-borne debris ripped off a man's legs, instantly. In the last few seconds before he loses consciousness he implores you to eat his legs. or at least, offers.
@Mitch Because they taste bad and are hard to kill.
@MattЭллен exactly, and there's way too much arsenic in our livers nowadays. everything but the liver is fair game.
Is the N word very offensive?
@JasperLoy Nitrogen?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 hunting should be a level playing field. bow and arrow or maybe just a knife.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I watched a video clip where this person with tics kept saying the N word. I hope people know she has some disorder.
@Mitch That's not the point though. The point is that meat-eating is meat-eating. drawing distinctions about which kinds of meat are allowed and which aren't is arbitrary.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you can live as a pig, if you like. I shall live as a human.
Some people would never, ever, (knowingly) eat bugs. But bugs are made of meat. well, the insides of bugs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 good point. when I get meat at the grocery store, I have -no- cluse what animal it came from, it's just taste good.
but thinking about that, I don't feel so good now.
Speaking of meat, I'm off to get some for lunch. Someday soon though, I am going vegetarian.
@MattЭллен You can make arbitrary distinctions about which kinds of critters are food and which aren't. I'm not suggesting we all go out and start killing humans for food. But the taboo of cannibalism is interesting to me because aside from the murder aspect, it's rather random.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's not totally arbitrary. It would be weirder if it were someone you knew, as opposed to a human farm.... or if they were ugly.
@Mitch Have you read "Stranger in a Strange Land"?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's not random. People are not "just like all the other animals". this is not random, unless you remove the humanity from humans.
@Mitch Anyway, it's true that it's maybe "weirder" (whatever that means) if it's someone you know. But then people feel the same way about eating animals they've bonded with, even if those animals are specifically raised for food.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I've read all sorts of things that I can't remember. I'm sure I first read the word 'grok' there (for which I'm sure there's the nugget of an ELU question to discover an already existing sufficient word for), but no I don't get your reference.
did the jesus character eat people?
people ate him...
@MattЭллен What, precisely, is specifically "human" about a man's leg, ripped off in a cruel accident?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 where it came from
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you're being too distanced. you wouldn't eat -anything- cruelly and violently ripped off like that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 and seriously, it's pretty supportable to not want to eat 'one of us'.
@MattЭллен But so what? See: I draw the line at hunting people. But I don't draw the line at eating them. Unless they were hunted for food. The point is that I raise humans above other animals in the category of intentional harm: I feel it's okay to kill other animals for use as food.

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