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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@RadishoftheOpera No, I don't imagine you can. It detects mesh irregularities AFAIK
@NoviceInDisguise ikr, what happened to my resolution to be more @David like (aka well behaved)
@GiantCowFilms you do know I read all the pinged messages.
(including your "pro tips")
"ranqum test" - that is like drinking rubbing alcohol and smoking 10 cigarettes at the same time. You know your going to be dead in both the long and short term. The question is whether you'll die from the burns or poisoning first...
@GiantCowFilms your file system sounds logical. it was a "random test."
(ask to see @X-27's)
((it is WAY worse))
I have a huge folder titled TEMPORARY on my desktop that has been there for months, probably 7-8 so far
@David have you seen it
@David I know you do....
@NoviceInDisguise My desktop as two folders on it, and nothing else. One for my BlenderSE files and one called desktop. I do not dare go into the latter.
My desktop is tiled in icons, and I clean it periodically
literally tiled, the only bare space is on my second monitor
@David Yes, but it was filled with junk I also have at least 30 top level directories, all with useless names. Sometimes I have slightly different spelled multiples.
@X-27 is your file system terrible
Um... I don't think you want to find out...
@X-27 I want the full directory tree
hold on...
(making gif)
Ahh! still to big!
(Nothing to see here)
1.82 MB
wait a minute!
there it is, for all the world to laugh at.
@GiantCowFilms You have been pinged!
I have a folder named "afweraw".... I would say I was drunk if I was old enough to drink. But I'm not, so I will have to blame @RadishoftheOpera for it just 'cause
@X-27 Such descriptive names.
well, at least I name my gifs sequentially
I do that too for my BSE files
they are called BSE1.png etc
@AnyLinuxUser Imagine what that would look like when outputted with a ls command.
I'm talking about my entire file structure here it is a mess
@TARDISMaker Oh my goodness!
@X-27 And you never delete them?
Want to know why I switched to X-XXXXXX?
the last one with the Q system was named
(reached the character limit for file names)
@TARDISMaker um... No, I usually save them just in case I need them
Even sense their safely on the internet?
I used to think I was disorganized, you guys make me feel special :P
I don't usually delete them, but mostly because I'm too lazy to.
It would probably be easier to just make a new image instead of digging through that.
@NoviceInDisguise I'm becoming organized; everything on my latest hard drive is highly organized.
and neat
@GiantCowFilms even the outliner?
Its my old hard drives before I knew what file systems were supposed to do
You mean in blender?
depends how many objects I have whether or not I name them
I don't name things, I just arrange them by layer quite often, too much typing
@NoviceInDisguise I wish there was a shortcut to bring up the name box
To me its the clicking that kills me, typing is no issue at all
I'm not too bad with the images I re-use
@GiantCowFilms That would be so useful!
On my tardis interior, everything is parented to empties to make it easier to find things
Not a bad idea
I really like animating with empties
Oh yes...
@NoviceInDisguise The TC intro is animated with empties and nulls entirely (or close to entirely)
You can animate instanced curves very easily with them
@GiantCowFilms TC intro . . .
Sounds like a sitcom
in Blender 2015 Moderator Election Chat, 5 hours ago, by X-27
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them online, maybe you can ping the M.O.D.㆒Team.
Which would actually be a good one. We should make it
Oh I have ideas, lightning shooting ban hammers, Glowing magic diamonds.
Wizards, Iklsr Suspending your green squiggle truck/tank
(making it fly)
@X-27, Is your dad Michael Bay?
my mech with its awesome energy attacks
We should make a game where you collect diamonds and imeout opponents with ban hammers . . .
@NoviceInDisguise XD
@GiantCowFilms who?
@X-27 you don't know who he is?!?
@GiantCowFilms nope
I can wave :D
@X-27 director, here is a super cut of actual shots from his movies
Sums him up . . .
@GiantCowFilms Wow. just wow
that is amazing
unfortunately, forget bbl, make it bbt
@X-27 okay, cya
That would make a great demo reel :)
Whoa! The text object cursor is transparent in 2.74!
@NoviceInDisguise It is?
It's showing up for me.
That is how it looks for me
Okay, mine might be like that then. I just opened a new scene and added a text object.
I think I also misread your post, I was thinking that you where saying that it wasn't there.
Okay, it's definitely like that for me.
It's odd really quite odd transparency, isn't it?
I almost reminds me of some sort of weird negative blending mode.
Yeah, nice to be able to see what is underneath though
40 mins ago, by X-27
may i ask who starred this?
@RadishoftheOpera that was me.
@TARDISMaker whY????
that was the most unhelpfullest post i think i've ever seen
I guess I'm more used to forums where you can star freely without it making a huge difference.
It's a funny post though.
9 hours ago, by Radish of the Opera
wow... that was the most unhelpfullest thing I've ever heard
@TARDISMaker there no problem starring things AFAIK, but Q's?
I tried undoing it for you, but it's too late.
Did you read the context?
@TARDISMaker yeah, it's fine, no need to try, i was just wondering why...
@TARDISMaker ah... so he wasn't just randomly spam-rampaging again?
@NoviceInDisguise we weren't fighting, just exchanging insults.
Exchanging insults is extremely different than fighting :)
@TARDISMaker fighting is usually a disagreement. @NoviceInDisguise do you agree?
how is calling each other names fighting?
retaliation is fighting . . . name calling is a form of retaliation
Technicalities :D
@NoviceInDisguise except when joking around.
fighting, (in my book) usually involves the guy on the black Harley saying his is faster than your orange Mitsubishi.
@TARDISMaker True
then, you prove him horribly wrong, and punch him.
Um, yeah. That is fighting
^^ is a fight
No debate there
see, now did GCF insult my bike?
and did i have to prove him wrong?
and did he get punched?
But cars shouldn't be orange, so the guy with the Harley has an excuse because he has a cooler ride :)
and does he own a harley?
You are trying to prove me wrong by getting me to agree to a non exclusive scenario
Doesn't work
@TARDISMaker motorcycles
I agree that that scenario includes fighting, but not that it defines the onl behavior that can be defined as fighting
@NoviceInDisguise and is he a scary guy with a beard?
@RadishoftheOpera I bet we all are, or are going to end up scary guys with beards
the only color for a real motorcycle is orange.
So . . . you going to get some reasonable points to argue?
or just fight/blow me off :P
@TARDISMaker i'll take the scary-but-clean-shaven path.
@NoviceInDisguise okay... one sec.. lemme do some research
I'm right, I don't need to research
i can' bring a good case without research.
BTW, I am fulfilling the chat room scope for the second time now :D
@RadishoftheOpera You can? THen do it . . .
@NoviceInDisguise ?
okay, according t the first site i found, there were over 1000 assaults or fights in Colorado Springs in 2012.
Still, conflict, hostility, etc are all synonyms. Conflict does not purely refer to physical attack, and hostility doesn't even require open aggression of any sort
@RadishoftheOpera So?
how many do you think were over name calling.?
You don't get it . . .
Fighting does not have to be purely physical
wow... i feel stupid... you're right.. i can't bring a good argument, not my skill
@NoviceInDisguise verbal then?
@RadishoftheOpera Don't feel stupid :P
would it please you to know that i haven't said a word to GCF in my entire life?
BTW, saying yes to verbal meant it is an option, not the only option, as of course physical violence is fighting. Thus written words could also be a type of conflict.
counter logic is one of my skills
Counter that logic :D
i didn't write them.
i poked them out with my fingers.
you know, counter logic doesn't work well on parents
@NoviceInDisguise gasp! you must be someone’s dad!
or mom....
not even close
@RadishoftheOpera Or typed words, or any mode of communication
you used to be at least, now your just a grand-dad
or grand-mom
Anyways, to change the topic, I have been working on a tactical watch recently (24hrs ago I started on it). All materials are procedural.
@NoviceInDisguise even that clicking language from gods Must be Crazy?
@NoviceInDisguise i saw a while back, very nice
A little more progress. I need ideas to fill the bottom bit
@NoviceInDisguise what about the jawwa language from StarWars where there only like, 3 words
Sure . . .
@NoviceInDisguise what bottom bit
On the dial
Upper right is months, upper left is moon phase
@NoviceInDisguise i can see it now... "Utini!"... "Naw, untini!"... "naw, utini!"... "naw bakka utni!"
You could tick someone off easy with that racket . . .
Naw! Utini!
maybe a ... sun phase... i don't know
you could make it always full.. lol
I have the date, the moon, the time . . . the day of the week . . .
@RadishoftheOpera ?
Oh (Dho!)
@NoviceInDisguise the sun... always full...
a digital stopwatch? i always find those usefull.
@NoviceInDisguise cya
so many 'ometer's you could put there.
but a stopwatch is probably the best.
Do we support questions regarding programming Blender in C?
I feel like the only person who would be able to answer those questions would be @ideasman42
Here's why I'm asking:
Q: how to render debug data while coding modifier?

khanhhh89I am implementing a new skin modifier for blender (which is the same as ZSphere in ZBrush). The skeleton for mesh is the BMesh data with only edges and vertice I want to ask you three questions. Where can I put the skeleton rendering code (which render sphere and bone) I have some debug tempor...

I'm just not sure if I should be voting to close this as off topic, or if we actually support questions like this.
3 hours later…
@TARDISMaker We haven't until now, but I think we should; the current solution (IRC) is very efemeral and they probably get asked the sane question multiple times.
I'm not sure anyone on stackoverflow would be able to answer these, so if we could bring the devs over here, too look at these questions, we would have a longer lasting solution, which could then be referred back to when someone asked the same question
@GiantCowFilms @gandalf3 @David @iKlsR @NoviceInDisguise @RadishoftheOpera @X-27 @AnybodyElseWithAnOpinion ^^
This has been covered already, see
Q: Are questions about modifying the source code allowed here?

rraallvvI downloaded and built the source code to add a few tweaks that I couldn't add with scripting. Are questions about the source code allowed here?

@gandalf3 I know they have, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't change
Most of these questions are quite specific and would likely not be useful to a lot of other users. Getting devs to answer these would take up more of their valuable time to browse this site when they already actively read and answer questions in IRC and the mailing lists.
Bringing up ideas like this is great, nothing wrong with that.
Just IMO the cons outweigh the pros in this case
3 hours later…
I agree ^^
My steampunk competition entry's BA thread is quite popular! 165 replies and over 6k views!
1 hour later…
@TARDISMaker I cleared your star for you.
@someonewithpc gandalf3 said it quite well chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/22169927#22169927
@someonewithpc um... We already have at least one Dev here ( Ideasman42 )
@someonewithpc I think we should have source questions!
@GiantCowFilms Good, but you also think we should have video...
@someonewithpc I still do!
Video is awesome!
@GiantCowFilms Vídeo is slow and expensive on mobile data
@GiantCowFilms i didn't use the past tense..
@someonewithpc Yes, but one of the goals will be to not have any question or answer actually need the video
@someonewithpc I know, I was just reaffirming my position
@GiantCowFilms ... You do have good points, but I think the argument against is better
@NoviceInDisguise That is so totally insanely awesome!
@gandalf3 @iKlsR @NoviceInDisguise @someonewithpc @RadishoftheOpera @stacker @Chebhou @cegaton @X-27 Does anyone know of functionality to name an object by hitting a keyboard shortcut to bring up a box to type the name. Somehow I vaguely remember it from a tutorial, and if it isn't there I want to add it into the blender source as a "first project"
@GiantCowFilms No clue
@someonewithpc :/
@GiantCowFilms Searching for rename finds nothing related to the 3D view
@someonewithpc Okay
GiantCow, that's not likely to be more than a 10 line python script
where 8 of those are the boilerplate to register the addon / make the ui
the working code would be : bpy.context.active_object.name = "new name"
@zeffii I know, but I want to add some other stuff into the blender source/know how to do it, and I'm choosing it because its nice and easy.
I don't mean to dissuade :)
i'll make that addon.
there's a nook in bpy I haven't used much yet, popup dialogs
time to learn :)
@GiantCowFilms why am I being mass-pinged before I've had coffee?
@RadishoftheOpera To make you panic!
theres my head again
ah... much better now
how bout we have a day where we actually get some blender done by using this room to collaborate?
@NoviceInDisguise did you put any type of "ometer" on the watch?
Not yet, been out this morning, and probably will be this afternoon
pedometer might be useful... I don't know if it would work on someone's wrist though. maybe it's a belt-watch!
@RadishoftheOpera I think the fit bit measures your steps from your writs (how I don't know)
Yes it does
(or tries to)
My gramp got over 10k steps in one day XD
Today's morning was very useful; I modeled/sculpted a whole bunch of leaves, but I forgot to unwrap them before starting and UV transfer is not working, so I have to restart
Oh . . . that is fun :P
skfb.ly/ENBB how do you suppose he textured that guy?
What texture?
on the creep.
At least I now know how to do it, maybe, sort of
Normals then just AO bake
Ambient Occlusion
There is a render pass for it
looks like he painted with Quickshade.
Looks awfully like a mix between a clay and AO bake
super duper ultra rename script: gist.github.com/zeffii/4fbb8f15030f00e59c82
@NoviceInDisguise Or like that tutorial Andrew made
@zeffii You said 10 lines :P
@NoviceInDisguise do I need lights for an ao bake or is it omnidirectional?
@zeffii how do I use it?
@someonewithpc he said more than ten.
and thanks for ruining my motivation :P
@GiantCowFilms look what the cow dragged in :D
someone, yeah, boilerplate balloons sometimes
29 mins ago, by zeffii
GiantCow, that's not likely to be more than a 10 line python script
@RadishoftheOpera Ambient light I think is all you need, not positive
@NoviceInDisguise ? so just the world?
Posting pic of my full render in progress (AO pass)
@zeffii How do I use it?
That is what AO looks like
@GiantCowFilms stick it in the Text Editor
hit run
then select an object, hit Space-> Rename the operator should appear
the only downside, is that you have to press OK on the new dialog for the rename to take effect..
But i suspect with _ MOAR LINES_ it can be made to update after the Enter key
yesterday, by Radish of the Opera
user image
wrong one
yesterday, by X-27
user image
there we go.
That finger print is pathetically done
haha "greasy" anyone else watch Trailer Park boys?
the way bubbles says " greaaaaasy"
@zeffii lol
@NoviceInDisguise I didn't do a fingerprint
progress is slow
@RadishoftheOpera THe original is pathetic
yeah.. I don't nownhow to bake AO
You just render with an AO pass
render passes, you know about them right?
@NoviceInDisguise I thought it was fine till you ruined it by pointing out the fingerprint
@NoviceInDisguise ...
wipes screen
I'm newer than you think.
@zeffii Ah! much better!
I like low contrast test renders
@NoviceInDisguise ooooohhh! those render passes!
You can view it with this in the image editor:
it looks... exactly the same
so I would simply unwrap and bake that to somebody?
THat is the render, you need to make a texture, unwrap the mesh, and then at the bottom of the render settings panel there is a section called Bake. Good tutorials on how to bake online already (same for ao, textures, materials, etc.)
@NoviceInDisguise yeah, I know how to do that... that's what I meant to say but I'm too lazy to type that all out. :D
lol, I makes Suzanne look like she applied too much eye shadow.
scary, but interesting
@NoviceInDisguise the samplings fine but how do I increase the resolution?
i don't want rough edges.
@RadishoftheOpera You need to increase the resolution of the image you baked to.
@TARDISMaker that's what i said.. but how
1 min ago, by Radish of the Opera
@NoviceInDisguise the samplings fine but how do I increase the resolution?
When you create it, it should have a resolution slider.
It defaults at 1024
I would change it to at least 2048
gotcha.. sorry, i was being ignorant again.
no wonder it went so quick :O
YAY!!! productive day! I learned what Ambient Occlusion was!
@RadishoftheOpera Amazing work! We're all extremely proud of you!
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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