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@Mithrandir or another movies HNQ ;)
Eh, that might take a bit until I come up with something...
Where did I got 1200 by that login then O.o
@AnkitSharma looks like you got over 1200 in Movies
wow didn't realaised
I just created a Meta stack exchange account, giving an answer with +1 :-), now have 111 rep
109 i mean, :D
@U9-Forward yeah +1/-1
@AnkitSharma Lol, good idea for that site :-)
A: A Moose, Some Silly Putty ... And A Desperate Plea For Help

rogerdeuceCleaning up the mess Constructed from toilet paper and ribbons. Earned by making 20 edits on one day.

Possible theory for cleanup duty
Has anyone checked or should I make them 20 edits?
@AvnishKabaj Yes, I've done it and not got it
My theory is retag a question that then gets a positive scoring answer that's accepted
But still got it
@CalvT too complicated
yesterday, by Avnish Kabaj
Never fear Detective Kabaj is on the case
@AnkitSharma It matches all the cases though :)
Guys, know about Eliza Doolots :-)
Including mine on SO
Ok, so Doolots is not for getting a chat star, because you'd have figured that out.
@CalvT so throw lot of retag and wish for the best?
@CalvT just retagging wouldn't get that much votes to turn a negative into a positive score
Most likely related to editing
But what are the parameters
And if it's time-based, then we probably have about 36 more hours to figure it out and get it
Also, I should really figure out how to get a transparent avatar image working properly. People claim that there is a trick how SE can do it, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.
Let me search
You have to use Gravatar
@Mithrandir But should I upload PNG or GIF?
I hope it works with a PNG.
@CalvT retag old or new or any?
@AnkitSharma Brand new
I doubt now :D
I monitored the new questions for a certain tag, and retagged any new questions
@Mithrandir for what O.o
Oh, I just got the hat for voting 150 times. Cool.
@CalvT remove tag also works?
@AnkitSharma I removed and added
@b_jonas Doolots was already discussed here. You have to Do-lots of work on at least 3 sites in order to get it. The current theory is 1200 rep on your favorite site, and 200 each on 2 more sites
@CalvT power missuse :D
@Eran Ah. So the editing or retagging is for the toilet paper one?
@b_jonas yes
Currently testing the Doolots one... need another 300 or so rep on MSE, I think. (Please don't serial vote.)
@Eran I got in 4 sites
@Mithrandir what about serial downvote :p
@AnkitSharma 3 is the minimum. I guess You can get it on any additional site if you earn 200+ rep.
Serial downvoting falls under serial voting
@Mithrandir did you notice ":P" :P
Of course...
<insert Professor McGonagall>
@Mithrandir if you answer this question - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/320012/… (not mine) - you might win a 100 rep bounty. And it (the question) definitely deserves more (positive) votes.
bounties may not count though, I’m not sure
It seems to be sufficiently answered already...
because if bounties count, then Monica should get it a day earlier
@Mithrandir not sufficiently up-voted though :(. Or to be exact, too much down-voted.
I already upvoted it, though ;)
I was going to mention bricks.se but it's already there
@Mithrandir good for you
that knitting post could work
to get more rep
Alright, @Ankit, I might have another M&TV question
I am bored and can use some new post fro research
@AnkitSharma that's how I learned about the bricks.se competition. I probably have no chance of winning it (looks like you have good chances), but the 3 prizes randomly awarded give everyone a good chance, since there are currently so few participants
@Eran but I am not getting missing hats. Only one more I will get rest are nearly impossible
Hi, @Lloyd!
@AnkitSharma you don't have to get all hats for the Bricks prices.
@CalvT Test case 1 now have to pray to god?
@Eran I am trying the no 1 not random 3
@AnkitSharma as I said, you have good chances for that #1. It will probably be either you or Alexander O'Mara
@AnkitSharma what test case were you referring to in that link?
@Eran somebody claimed cleanup is for retag and post getting accepted answer later
23 mins ago, by CalvT
My theory is retag a question that then gets a positive scoring answer that's accepted
@Mithrandir ^^
....well then.
@AnkitSharma so are you going to retag that question?
@CalvT already did, suggested edit take time
@AnkitSharma Ah fair enough sorry
@Mithrandir I work in a data provider company so can't forget competitor's logo
Heh. I didn't recognize it. The question remains, though, why did it suddenly switch?
@Mithrandir My hands on it, give me some time
(thumbs up)
Or wish someone make 600+ words answer before me :P
@AnkitSharma I'm pretty sure the 600+ answer doesn't have to be posted prior to your shorter answer. It just has to be posted before your answer is accepted.
When I got this hat, I posted an answer at 13:49, the longer answer was posted at 13:53 and my answer was accepted at 14:03.
For the waffle hat and "15 comments theory", maybe some of the commet need to be upvoted?
Hello! What I need to do that get Clean-Up Duty hat? I can't understand :( Can do you help me?
@DenisBubnov We aren't actually sure yet what you have to do
Still trying to work it out
@CalvT Ok :) I'll wait solution
@Noon nope, I got mine without any UV. But maybe an upvote can count as an extra comment (If you have 12 comments and 3 upvotes that may work)
But it doesn't help me
Re-tag around 30 questions - it doesn't work
I just earned Eliza Doolots.
On SFF, M&TV, and MSE.
@Mithrandir how much WB rep did you have on each of them?
@Mithrandir and congrats!
@Eran meta 920, SFF 492, MTV 518
@Noon nope
@CalvT interesting.
@Mithrandir Congrats!
That trigger's quite odd
@CalvT so it probably is also a time thing (7 days)
So it might not have to do with rep(?)
For Brunhilde, you need to have earned 150 rep total (rep losses do deduct).
I have over 150 on puzzling, but after downvotes it's 148
Yea, I know that hat
Maybe you have to visit your three favorite site each day for 7 days?
@Noon yea probably in addition to the rep criteria
Q: Which Winter Bash hats were reused in past years?

PandaA lot of the Winter Bash hats look really familiar to me! An example being "Glasses With A Number On Top": Are hats reused from previous Winter Bashes? If so, which hats and when were they reused?

@Noon that doesn't fit my case - I didn't visit ELL yesterday and still got the hat there. I still think it a rep thing.
@Eran Your yesterday, or GMT yesterday?
@Eran did you visit for a total of 7 days?
They may be similar but
today's the 8th day so if you missed a day, it's still 7
@Panda I thought you meant it should be 7 consecutive days. If it doesn't have to be consecutive, it could fit.
@Eran Now I think there's some rep criteria (??? rep on 1st site and 200 on 2nd & 3rd sites) and visit all 3 sites for 7 days (need not be consecutive)
I could test it tomorrow, I'm short of 1 day on ELL
I have 2 more sites with 7 non-consecutive visits, but I don't have any rep gains in them, so no Doolots hat.
Yep, so I guess the rep criteria for 1st site's lower, probably at 800 or 900
@Panda unless it's 200 for all 3 sites + the 7 days criteria
@Eran possibly, since 200 on 3 sites' considerably difficult
@AnkitSharma Could you check how many days did you visit on Travel since Dec 12, thanks!
I just got Eliza Doolots on 3 sites
@Panda congrats! what are your rep gains and daily visits on each of them?
@Eran Thanks, they're meta 932 (9 days), politics 584 (9 days) and 495 ell (6 days)
@Panda so 7 days criteria is out. Perhaps a total of 2000 from at least 3 sites (with a minimum of 200 per site)?
@Eran yep, but Mithrandir's add up to 1930 chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48138165#48138165
and alecxe got a total of 1849 earlier today
@Panda I saw that. So maybe the total should be lower than 2000. How much of this rep did you earn today?
@Eran 235 + 75 + 10 = 320
@Panda so maybe you crossed the threshold at 1800
@Eran yep possibly
So 1800 total rep across all sites that you've eared 200+ rep on during Winter Bash.
@Mithrandir that makes sense
*goes to try to earn another 200 rep on another site to see if it works*
wait, Ankit got 1746 earlier today when he already got the hat @Eran
so threshold's not at 1800 either
Well then the question is, why didn't I earn it earlier?
There's somehow some other trigger
it can't possible be so coincidental that the hat started to be awarded to 4 users only after 7 days
Got cleanup on bricks.se
And only did one retagging
@AnkitSharma congrats!
But didn't got accepted answer on that edited question positive score answe
So maybe it's just positively scored answer @Ankit ?
I just got awarded Waffles hat after commenting in my answer (but like several times) stackoverflow.com/questions/53851445/…. Is the mystery solved about when you are awarded the waffles hat?
@gsamaras We think it's 15 comments in the same tag within a time period
Something like 12 hours
@CalvT somebody can verify
1 hour later…
I just got Clean-Up Duty on MSE. I haven't really been editing lately.
I think it's for voting to close stuff.
Q: Site for Computing Forensics questions?

Peter PerháčCould anyone please suggest a good site, like Stack Overflow, for people working with cyber crime and forensics? I have a few questions which probably don't belong here. I looked at Super User, but there are only two questions tagged forensics there, one of which is mine. The community there is ...

You edited that, then Glorfindel answered and got a positive score
And I haven't done any voting to close so it's not that
Also fits with what Ankit got
huh, i guess
@CalvT That didn't work out for other users I know
@NogShine Links?
Q: Why did Clark dream of the department store lady?

Kimberly ChangWhy did Clark dream of the department store lady in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? No reason is given in the movie as to why he dreams of her in the pool. It seems unrelated to the overall plot of the movie.

@NogShine Both Ankit and TheLethalCarrot have it
Should it be an old question?
No - I got it off a new one
@CalvT In this question, Mithrandir didn't add anything.
@NogShine Check the edit history
All three editors on your link have Clean Up
So that link is not proof my theory is incorrect
Would be glad of any other links you can find @NogShine (or anyone)
@CalvT I checked for tag edits by a user. Unfortunately, those answers are not yet answered. Will have to wait.
@CalvT Does this only work only for a retag or an edit as a whole?
@NogShine All the edits that seem to have worked are related to tags
If it was edit as a whole, I think at lot more people would have it
Hi all, not sure if this has been the running theory but I'm fairly certain of the requirements for clean-up duty now
Make an edit to someone else's Q/A that subsequently gets upvoted by another user
Just had an upvote soon after I made an edit, and sure enough just got the hat
Hi! The theory is getting an upvoted answer after you have retagged that question.
@NogShine I did not amend the tags on that question.I had only edited the body of the question
Later the title too but that was after the upvote
@MichaelDodd when did you get the hat?
About 15 minutes ago
No retags recently?
No, more like about 8-10
It was not long after I edited this question for the first time which subsequently got an upvote within 2 minutes of the edit
None of my other recent edits (i.e. today) have received upvotes from other users, or have involved tags either
In fact, I've made 0 tag edits today
You should have got it for this question then stackoverflow.com/questions/53831649/…
Your recent tag edit was about a day ago. That didn't get upvoted answer cc @CalvT
@CalvT that's not really a tag edit
@NogShine No, but based on @MichaelDodd's theory
@CalvT That's a title edit, not a tag edit
@MichaelDodd Yes I know - I'm just pointing out that based on your theory, that post also applies
@CalvT True, though I wasn't the most recent editor at the time the vote was cast
Have we proved the answer does not need to be accepted?
@CalvT That was also a title-only edit, not a body edit
No, Mith doesn't fit then
@CalvT Maybe, but I can't remember the score prior to the edit
Plus over 30 hours would be a long time to wait for the hat
@MichaelDodd My initial theory was a retag that then gets a positive accepted answer - which that post fits with
I then dropped the accepted bit
Would that take self-interest into account though? I am both the editor and answerer
That said, the answer was only accepted within the past hour, so that's also a possibility
17:25 UTC
right, driving home, will be back in about an hour
Problem is that doesn't fit with Mith's activity on MSE
(That fact it needs accepting)
So back to the drawing board
@CalvT is there a way to easily get the timeline of any post?
Maybe a userscript that places another button - near the Edit, flag buttons etc. called [Timeline] and it opens the timeline of said post...
@WELZ Yep - click edited, then change revision to timeline
There is also a userscript, don't have a link rn
@CalvT that's not easy for my lazy self...
@CalvT this?
@WELZ No - one that did exactly what you suggested
Extra button down by edit flag etc
@CalvT somebody posted an answer which does it, I just installed.
It works great
A: View Post Timeline

Brock AdamsGood idea. There's a few minor niggles, though: Don't use unsafeWindow, this will break in Chrome and will not even work in Firefox+Greasemonkey if the effective @grant changes. Avoid leading * wildcards in @includes, if you can help it. This is a big performance hit. @match limits the wildc...

2 hours later…
@WELZ Art has this old script that always adds timeline and revision links github.com/ArtOfCode-/Userscripts/raw/master/stackexchange/mod/…
The one I added works, I also just removed revisions part.
I got Brunhilde!
Any updates on Eliza Doolots?
@WELZ I have a similar script here that does more than that, Sticky Post Headers & Question Table of Contents. It works great on questions with lots of answers, especially those with pagination involved, like the knitting Q&A meta.stackexchange.com/questions/319846/…
1 hour later…
Chee...... i am going lower and lower rank on Winter Bash :-)
Be happy that you have a rank...
@EthanK Oh yeah, some point i was 4th rank :D
I probably was 5000 if I was lucky.
I just enjoy getting (and finding!) the secret hats
Speaking of which, any update on <s>that</s> hat?
Currently 7th, note that that's competition for SO: winterbash2018.stackexchange.com/leaderboard/…
I have 7...
@EthanK I have your number *2 +2
:D, lol, :-)
Wait... That makes me 123rd place!
I wasn't even trying!
I could get top 100!
@EthanK So you're not bad, well in 1M, lol
@EthanK Last year i had zero hats :-)
I didn't know I was that good...
Next year I think I will try.
Good job on 7th, BTW.
@EthanK Some point i was 4th...
@EthanK Lol, i didn't know i was that good in the million of the users... :-)
I didn't mean to type that.
Do you want to try to find secret hats?
I am interested in Waffles.
@EthanK Am... urrently sound like to get waffles: >Post a total of 15 comments on a question and/or its answers
We know that "Post a total of 15 comments on a question and/or its answers" is incorrect, but works.
A SO employee said so.
We need to get broader.
Did anybody try 15 comments on the same tag (within 12/24hr)?
@EthanK Okay, how?
@WELZ I am out of accounts to try it on (unless Meta SO is different than SO)
But no one did.
I will try if they are different.
Are they?
@EthanK It's not.
Another idea: "15" comments (on same post-s / tag) comments=1 and upvote on comment=1 so it could be 10 comments, but 5 have 1 upvote.
Mine had no upvotes
How many comments?
@WELZ If that's the case, i was a lucky-boy that day
Or even 1 comment with 15 upvotes
But I'm leaning more towards 15 comments on same tag within X time period.
15 comments, no upvotes on any.
@WELZ I agree.
Hard to test a time.
But first let's prove that it is the same tag thing.
Can anybody test that on any site?
@EthanK exactly
What if you need 15 "points" and;

Comment = 1 point
Upvote = 1 point

And they all need to be on the same tag/posts(s) within X time.
@WELZ, Oh wait. I get it. That would be very specific. We could test that with two people.
Before we test that, let's just try 15 comments on multiple posts.
Then test that theory and time.
Can anyone test multiple posts here?
(I can't)
nish nish
Oh well.
Waits until someone comes along
sounds like it has been an interesting day

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