« first day (366 days earlier)   

@Vickel I am here
Hi me too @U10-Forward
can't wait to see winter bash 2019 room
ready for the bash? I'm not so sure if I go to enjoy it as much as last year, because of all the mess
Probably i am :P
I think I design a <3 M hat, which will be the only one I wear during the bash
Whats a <3 M hat?
what do you think, do you want to keep this room alive anyway?
<3 is a heartshape = love
<3 was invented by stack
Probably, since we should remember the fun old times
yeah, I'm up to, too
Anyway i still want get the most hats as possible
back to <3 :: you see the slogan "We <3 people who code" if you open stackoverflow.com without being logged in
Oh yeah true
stackoverflow.com/tags/python/topusers i used to be in the top of that table, but now not even in there, since got other projects
so I'll take the rubber duck hat off and put the <3M on
that's it, and then i go hunt some hats, but won't wear them, I think
so I can have fun and show respect at the same time
haha yeah
I'm top user btw...
but... haha slow tag
having fun helping once in a while, while doing my stuff
hope you enjoy your new projects, having fun doing it is the most important thing
I am not answering anymore, my project is almost done, so maybe can do winterbash all the way
you'll find a way, I'm sure, you love hats
and the rankings...
1h30 am have to go to sleep... talk tomorrow
@U10-Forward bye
4 hours later…
ok you two congrats on keeping you correspondence going for a year! But alas this WB ended near a year ago, and the new WB room is up. Freezing this room for posterity.
Till next year.*
Long live the Winter Bash.
David has frozen this room.

« first day (366 days earlier)