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@EthanK still don't think they count
incorrect, nobody knows how many fingers shog is holding up
@David yea it's whether they count comments made vs comments there
if it just tracks how many times you've commented on the post it may
@EthanK its like for all the post triggers the post can not be deleted.
Good point.
Fair enough.
You are probably right about that.
Except... "No longer needed" flags happen a fair amount, and in that case, waffles should account for that. Because nobody would be able to get it just by commenting if that was not in effect. (I think)
ermahgerd i have a star
i'd like to thank everybody who made this possible for me
including whoever starred that
Your welcome.
clears stars
another thing about the cake hat. Monica had the 200 on the three sites she got the hat on by Dec 13th. so why on show up now?
art if you do that i will be mildly saddened
okay, just got the new hat
@alecxe interesting.
@David I don't know.
and 2 sites only
@alecxe no three
meta SO and CR
so the three sites is definitely part of it.
Anyone has idea of getting Eliza Doolots secret hat?
yeah, we are discussing it at the moment
@alecxe Wow, new discovered secret hat :-)
@U9-Forward Exciting Stuff, isn't it?
@EthanK Lol, of course man :D
So on 3 sites, do what?
yeah, if it's just about 200+ rep on a few sites, we probably would have seen that hat already, David is right, it's something else
@alecxe yours seems easy enough to pin on 200 rep on 3 sites. its is Monica and Glorfindel that puzzle me.
Maybe it was another WB bug.
But I don't think so.
and StackOverflow also counts btw
saw that
Any guesses for the trigger?
So we can test
See i changed back my hat to Clean-Up Duty :-)
@EthanK serial upvote me on 3 of my accounts to see, let's try that /s
Let's not.
(If that turns out to be the trigger, that will be funny)
@Riker and there is blue in his name...
Any other ideas other than @Riker's interesting idea?
y'all know what /s means right
What does it mean, @Riker?
means /serious /s
Irony punctuation is any proposed form of notation used to denote irony or sarcasm in text. Written English lacks a standard way to mark irony, and several forms of punctuation have been proposed. Among the oldest and most frequently attested is the percontation point proposed by English printer Henry Denham in the 1580s, and the irony mark, used by Marcellin Jobard and French poet Alcanter de Brahm during the 19th century. Both marks take the form of a reversed question mark, "⸮". Irony punctuation is primarily used to indicate that a sentence should be understood at a second level. A bracketed...
@WELZ lmao
I was getting at it.
I assumed that, that's why I put interesting in italics. I was joking as well because I was sure you weren't serious.
I didn't exactly know what /s meant, though. I just thought it was a typo.
ah ok
yeah /s means sarcasm generally, also denoted as a closing html </sarc[asm]>
Wouldn't that be XML, not HTML?
I did not even notice the name "Eliza Doolots" yah 200 rep on 3 sites is fitting.
@alecxe do you have a fourth site near 200?
Can anyone test it?
probably lots of people, just not me.
@EthanK close enough
start with anyone that has the Brunhilde hat
If we can find anybody with the Eliza Doolots but not the Brunhilde (and no SO account making it different), then it is proved wrong.
If we can't prove it wrong then it is probably right.
not necessarily but likely yeah
personally i'm dubious about the 200 rep thing as that seems too close to brunhilde
Maybe 250 or 300?
more likely to be something like 'receive votes from x differnt people' or something really hard to get, and happens to end up with a large rep gain
nah I think it's a different kind of trigger
I'm flashing back to the onion hat a couple years back (get anonymous feedback-only votes)
@Riker but we know its trigger X across three sites.
@Riker Possibly, but I don't think so because of the 3 site thing.
@David yeah
Have we found anybody with only 200?
but I don't think it's as simple as 'receive rep'
still odd that it only showed up today. There might be something to that.
my guess would be that it still relates to voting though, because it seems to correlate with that
probably, Ankit on Travel is an interesting case: travel.stackexchange.com/users/26973/…
just one question
with 24k views for a few days, not bad
so that rules out do X number of on 3 sites
They have got over 200 rep on that one question though
asking the obvious here: repcap?
Maybe it's hit repcap on x site in 6 days?
rep cap on 3 sites? kind of the same as 200 on 3 sites.
no, I did not hit repcap on CR
hm ok
maybe it relates to gaining a certain amount of rep on a single post then?
does it have to be rep? could it be a badge?
ah, no, probably not
Might be great question
ankit doesn't have that on travel either
did you earn any badges recently there alecxe?
Is great question the same as nice question?
@CalvT oh, right
@CalvT nah great is for 100 votes
ankit does have famous question though
Get a question related gold badge on x sites?
Or even get a gold badge on x sites
so, I got nice question on CR, Meta and SO
that's another common thing
Wait I thought nice was gold sorry
May have accidentally hit it - doubt it though
it's not that probably, here I've got it as well, but no hat: linguistics.stackexchange.com/help/badges/20/…
we can rule this out probably unless it's just timing of the award
Yeah that's my mistake I think
Ok rule out my theory on question related badges - Glor only has answers on ELL
Are we sure the rep number (if it is rep) could be 200? Or something like 250?
@EthanK definitely not 250, I've barely got above 200 on CR
Ankit also has 226 on meta.se
Well, 200 rep could be the same as 40 upvotes on questions or 20 upvotes on answers. Did you get the high rep on questions or answers, or both?
Ankit only has one question on travel, so that's 40 upvotes on questions
Over 40
on CR +6 answer was maximum I've got, on meta +7 question
could it be a 5+ post on 3+ sites?
That seems quite low
And why now all of a sudden
I'm sure there's a time factor as well
What is your total question and answer score count for each site?
@EthanK Just for Winterbash right?
I have a hunch...
yeah, you are right, 5+ is too low just by itself
@EthanK Well in @alecxe's case, it's 227 on CR, 1431 on SO and 222 on meta
For question votes or answer votes?
Both together
That's total rep
Could you get me the separate values? I think it might have to do with the score on only questions or answers, not both.
@EthanK On meta it's 10 answer upvotes, which then means there was probably 19 question upvotes
But remember Glorfindel has it on ELL with no questions ever asked.
So answers...?
So is not question based
What about answers?
So alecxe appears to have 13 answer upvotes on meta (or more? Can only see post score), 18 on CR and countless on SO
Just winter bash time?
So what about: "Get 10 upvotes on 3 different sites"
No - AJ would have it
They have enough upvotes on movies, IPS and meta
What about 15 upvotes?
By upvotes I mean answer upvotes.
Alecxe wouldn't have it then
Not score, votes.
Can we check the votes?
If it was that easy, then more of the top 20 would have it - only 3 do atm
Back to the drawing board.
@EthanK I'm pretty sure it's only 13 as there doesn't seem to be any rep lost on their timeline
What if it is timed?
Could be
There are only 4 users with the hat - Glorfindel, Monica, Alecxe, and Ankit
That I can spot anyway
I've got it: "Be named Glorfindel, Monica, Alecxe, or Ankit"
That has to be it!
Nope, because then they'd have it on all sites :P
Then, what about this: "Be named Glorfindel, Monica, Alecxe, or Ankit. Can only be awarded once."
Again no, Alecxe has it on 3 sites, Glor on 4
You win.
I'm really spoiling your theories tonight :P
Well tonight/today/tomorrow/yesterday
I'm leaning back towards to earn 200 rep on X sites, Glorfindel also got burnhilde on the same sites.
Yeah me too
Monica as well
Just with a 6 day limit on the rep instead of all of winterbash
Probably 3 sites, seeing as that is the lowest amount one of them have it on
And x has got to be 3
I agree
And since they got em all at once, there must be something up there as well.
Maybe they added the hat late?
It's basically 6/7 days exactly since the start of winterbash isn't it?
I think...
@CalvT 7
Ok swap every time I put 6 to a 7
> Ok swap every time I put 6 7 to a 7
There ya go
Earn 200 rep in 7 days on at least 3 separate sites
My guess
I wonder how many employees are looking and laughing at us
Wait, why did they only get it after 7 days then?
Was it that hard?
I don't know...
Or, the script only started running after 7 days
Y'all... I mentioned last night that the trigger you have for Waffles may work but it's not the only way to get it.... I'm worried that making it seem like the only option will impact things...
Incorrect notation... Correct notation is:
<sarcasm>Serial upvote me on 3 of my accounts to see, let's try that.</sarcasm>
Serial upvote me on 3 of my accounts to see, let's try that⸮
@Catija they messed up your hat!! Where's all the pretty flowers?
I'm getting silly: I need to go to sleep!
@CalvT 1, right now :P
@WELZ I don't want to talk about it... makes for a very bittersweet situation. :(
Yeah it was her dropping in that made me say it :P
@Catija Thanks for that, will keep trying on different sites then
Are you allowed to give any hints as to where I should try?
@CalvT about the script running. That could be it, and the SE employees want to trick us! Were on to them, though!
Monica definitely had 200 on all of the sites long before this.
Eliza Doolots? is this a newly discovered hat?
@b_jonas Yep.
I'm not sure what's "allowed"...
hmm, do I vote on things for it, or wait to get starred in chat?
@Catija Pops once did a series of hints post... ;)
Yep, Winterbash 2015
Pops is more clever than I am. :P
@Catija you guys should make a post on Graphic Design (meta) next time where users (anyone) can create their own SVG mockup of a hat and submit it, best one gets used.
I think our designers enjoy doing it, though...
Btw @Catija just looking at your messages from earlier - are you saying that it's not 15 comments on one question/answer, or not 15 comments total over a question and it's answers?
Because the second is the trigger we decided it was
But people are doing all 15 on one question/answer to make it easier
It's limited, but not to one post... figure out how.
No!!! I thought it was solved!
So you're saying broader than one question and it's answer
@CalvT maybe 15 comments on posts with 1 tag
Interesting! The mystery goes on
any specific tag
1 hour ago, by David
@alecxe yours seems easy enough to pin on 200 rep on 3 sites. its is Monica and Glorfindel that puzzle me.
It just happens to be that one post (Q+As) all include same tag(s)
I'll update the hats post then - hopefully reduce the comment spamming
Someone edit waffles.
^ no way, it can't be anything like that. I have 600 rep on 4 sites, 300 rep on 2 more sites, and 200 rep on 5 more sites
@Catija you might want to make a note for next year if you do waffles again - 15 comments, not all on one post :)
and that's counting SE meta but not site metas
@b_jonas acquired during winter bash?
@WELZ ah! no
rep acquied during winter bash, I don't have much of that
@CalvT Ha. yeah.
when exactly did winter bash start?
@b_jonas 12th I think?
December 12th
welp I came back in to say that waffles is NOT 15 comments on the same post, since I've tried that and no bueno
but it looks like y'all already found that
then I barely have any new rep during that
@Riker you tried that?
@Riker how long did you wait>
@Riker Do you have a link?
@b_jonas no I'm already in a long convo with somebody
it was at 10 so far on the whole post (my question and 3 answers), i only ended up adding 5 total (scattered overall)
Q: Are Hungarian and Turkish related?

RikerI was told by somebody who has lived near Hungary that she thought that Hungarian and Turkish were related, and that their languages are very similar. A brief google search seems to support this. However, that article does say that this grouping is "criticized by some contemporary linguists" and...

Back to the drawing board... -_-
@Riker Interesting. It may have to be within 24 hours or so
Sorry, y'all :)
We know that comments before Winterbash don't work, maybe ones older than 24 hours (or even 12) don't either
@Catija Np, it's good to get feedback :)
@CalvT all during winterbash
How about this: 15 comments within 12/24 hours on same tag?
This is where it gets a bit harder to test without causing disruption
Hey does Natty have the hat?
yeah I remember the bluefeet hat... that had some problems
@Riker Bluefeet? Or Hairboat
I don't remember that one - only the hairboat one
@Riker I have a data.stackexchange query data.stackexchange.com/scifi/query/554337/… for posts with the highest number of comments. (It doesn't add up comments in all answers, maybe I should write that query too.)
there was a theory regarding commenting and stuff, it ended up with some poor soul receivnig like 30 comments or something
Well, it was bluefeet one year and hairboat the next, right? I remember "hairboat's revenge".
it was for comment upvotes i believe but we didn't know at the time
some guys on sff decided to test by spamming comments on an old question
@Catija Think it was hairboat first - hence hairboats revenge
yep. I don't think I was around on the network that year.
@Riker wouldn't they test on a post whose user is deleted though? sadly SFF is full of those
@WELZ Natty has the Waffles hat, so your tag thing could be correct
then they wouldn't ping anyone
Natty never posts more than one comment on a post
oh well, good luck figuring these out
these and the cleanup duty obviously
that's still not pegged as deleting comments?
@b_jonas nah I don't remember who it was but he was NOT inactive lol
@b_jonas No - clean up is retaging a question, and then it getting an accepted answer which is upvoted (I think)
Either that or 2 retags which then get positive scored answers
Haven't been able to work out which yet
So I've just noticed I'm spamming the starboard :D
@Riker oh right, hatboat required commenting on one particular user's posts
@b_jonas yep this was just some random dude though
I might dig it up but that requires digging through a certain chat
@CalvT hmm, if it's retagging, ask Sci Fi people, there are many people retagging stuff now therte
Ideas of getting Eliza Doolots secret hat?
patience :p
I missed out on previous chatting, so do't know if you guys figured it out :D
@Riker what ya mean?
By patience?
Does the 200 rep on 3 sites theory still stand?
@Panda Oooohhh... i can't earn that hat with just one account...
as by meta.stackexchange.com/questions/304500/…: Earn 200 reputation on each of your top six sites during Winter Bash.
@Vickel we've ruled that out already
oh ok just arrived
@WELZ @Vickel huh... i am happy it's not that... i can't earn the hat if you have to earn 200 reputation on each of your top six sites during Winter Bash :D

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