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I made a bug report, but I guess it won't be considered as I can't provide a minimal reproduction project for the reason that I don't understand where the problem occurs. The crash is reproduced randomly, toning and step-by-step code review do not give any results. But I have attached all my project on Git. I will hope and wait) — Lingondary 17 secs ago
REFRESH! There are 6256 unanswered questions (91.9352 answered)
2 hours later…
As far as typescript goes, don’t use Function but instead define the signature of the function (value: number) => void. Again, not a huge problem, just an improvement. I suspect the downvote came from someone who thought this was an opinion based question and belonged on a code review site, as you have no specific problem you’re asking for help with — Adam Jenkins 17 secs ago
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: The Wacky World of ANSI Escape Sequences?

Maysara ElshewehyI just finished creating my first npm package (for learning, not competition) and published it, now I want to ask some questions, for example: Is my method of writing code good (for later maintenance and error handling) Is there something better I can do to improve my package (and to improve my u...

@Eshy You're welcome. If you provide the working C-style implementation @ codereview and tag it C++, someone may provide an alternative that doesn't seem unreasonable. — Ted Lyngmo 8 secs ago
1 hour later…
If the code posted is having no problems or issues then your question is more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comDarkBee 27 secs ago
Q: SOLID principles applied to an artisan command

friday-jsonI am writing an artisan command. The command has multiple choices from a menu, and I consider separating concerns into focused classes. Here is an example of what I have in mind: match ($choice) { 0 => (new CreateSomethingChoice())->execute(), 1 => (new ShowListOfS...

Q: Testing whether parenthesis are correct in a string in functional JS

Tomer KandelThis is a homework exercise and therefore has no further purpose. The writing to me feels clunky, and the typescript types on addParenthesisFactory are unreadable, but it is the type of the function. Can anything be done? For those unfamiliar with ramda, ramda.pipe(...functions) simply pipes the...

4 hours later…
This question is better suited at code review. — 9769953 19 secs ago
Q: I wrote a O(log N) code for largest element in an array today but is this an already existing way to find max element in an array?

im3shnLargest element in an array's most optimal approach. The code I have written has passed all test cases in https://www.naukri.com/code360/problems/largest-element-in-the-array-largest-element-in-the-array_5026279 and it computes in O(logN) time. Is there any mistakes here. And I cannot find any so...

3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Executing method with time limit restrictions

FlameHorizonI've created a method which allows to run tasks where results might not be fully computed but still are considered valid. ExecuteFor method can be used if you have limited amount of time in which you would like to calculate something, and even if calculation is not completed, you would want still...

2 hours later…
Q: cloneNode then reset the controls

JeffersonI wrote this code below to get the template-input-group and cloneNode the data. I then have to reset all the select and input controls . My question is there other ways to get the same results for example? var template = $('#template-input-group').get(0); var input_group = template.cloneNode(tru...

Q: Concerns regarding Angular website scalability

YousefI have a couple of concerns regarding code I wrote in the past on whether it is scalable and maintainable. While I am focused on maintaining scalable and maintainable code, I would appreciate any feedback on other qualities. Take a look at the following code: <div class="main-container"> <app...

The answer is in: "The table does not have a date column, hence this strange way....", or on codereview.stackexchange.com. on dba.stackexchange.com they would suggest adding an index. — Luuk 40 secs ago
Q: Turning a table with months and days and adding the month with total number of days into a dict for each month

user282488What is the better way to do this? def question12(table, occupancy: dict): for item in table: occupancy.update({item[1]: 0}) for item in table: occupancy.update({item[1]: occupancy[item[1]]+item[6]})

@CaptainObvious Hammered. I don't know what's going on on the question
Clearly it's turning a table with months and days and adding the month with total number of days into a dict for each month /s
┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻
Q: Compute shader based Particle System

EdzijuI'm experimenting with compute shaders and wrote the particle system. The emit shader now takes particle data from the constant buffer because I don't have randomizing functions implemented yet. That's why it only uses 1 thread. I'll fix it later. There's no sorting, but it's ok since it's just a...

1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by freebie on question by freebie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/291539/revisions
possible answer invalidation by freebie on question by freebie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/291539/revisions
possible answer invalidation by freebie on question by freebie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/291539/revisions
possible answer invalidation by freebie, freebie on question by freebie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/291539/revisions
possible answer invalidation by freebie on question by freebie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/291539/revisions
Q: Best practice for function structure and return pattern in safety critical code in C

Krzysztof BrachaWe are working on a product that we aspire to make safety critical grade and where my personal aim is to write as clear and easy to read code as possible. Sometimes I get a PR review that some code part could be done in fewer lines, however, in my mind the code would be then not as easy to read. ...

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