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REFRESH! There are 6258 unanswered questions (91.9336 answered)
3 hours later…
(1) Don't use string concatenation to generate SQL -- that's a cause of serious security issues. (2) We don't do general code review here; Stack Overflow is only for narrow, specific problems -- you need to already know what problem you have so you can build a minimal reproducible example for it to generate a question inside our rules. — Charles Duffy 30 secs ago
Btw, this quesiton may be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comfordcars 39 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: C++ and RAII - pass reference in constructor just to be sure that GLFW is initialized

Caio ViníciusI'm beginning to work with GLFW and Vulkan and I'm abstracting it on some classes. I'm also trying to enforce the RAII pattern. I want to have a Window class, and during this Window creation I want to be sure that glfw was already initialized. The best approach I could think of is to have a GLFWW...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by kaushal agrawal on question by Alexa yuki: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164897/revisions
possible answer invalidation by kaushal agrawal on question by Alexa yuki: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164897/revisions
possible answer invalidation by kaushal agrawal on question by Alexa yuki: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164897/revisions
possible answer invalidation by kaushal agrawal on question by Alexa yuki: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164897/revisions
Q: Calendar Table in Power BI

aduguidI've been reusing calendar tables in various formats for a few years now. I'd like to know best practices and if there are ways to improve them. Any suggestions for style, code, etc. are all welcome. Our financial year starts on 01-July which is why I'm adding 6 months in the financial columns. H...

1 hour later…
Q: Simple Java Command-line Checkers Game

ViceroyFaustI was working on a checker's game for a college project. After I did a sprint to finish it, I want to improve the movement logic. Right now, it is housed within the Game.java class. I feel like the methods I've created are too large and convoluted and there must be a way to simplify this logic. A...

1 hour later…
I'm not sure if it influences the MT performance, but there are lots of code smells in your code: C-style casts, #define constants, use of malloc(). This makes it sometimes hard ot not to get distracted. Consider submitting your code to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ulrich Eckhardt 17 secs ago
If you have code that already works but should be improved, Stack Overflow is the wrong site. It should instead be posted on Code Review. — CherryDT 34 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Code ReviewCherryDT just now
@UlrichEckhardt Thank you for the suggestion on codereview.stackexchange.com, I'm probably posting there too! — Pietro Pianigiani 12 secs ago
Q: Multithread execution times are slow on Ubuntu and fast on Windows

Pietro PianigianiI'm working on a project accelerating the execution of a Genetic Algorithm both on multiple cores and on a GPU. The algorithm is specifically suited for the solution of the Traveling Salesman Problem in a 2D symmetric Euclidean space. I've put all the functions in place, starting with the develo...

Q: Json4 parser in Typescript - Optimized

Patrick HollweckContext This review-request is a follow-up to this question. After the initial implementation, which focused on spec-compliance mainly, I have made some revisions to improve the performance of the parser. With all the changes made I got the time to parse down from ~5 seconds to about ~100ms, for ...

Q: Is this Python/Pygame that draws a maze well structured?

José GomesI'm not very confident about this piece of code I created, it basically takes a file like this: ## # ## ## # #B # # # ## ## ## A###### Then proceeds to draw a maze in the window. The class Maze has 3 variables: columns, rows and maze_layout (a matrix each location is a character) exampl...

Q: Optimizing Perfect Hash Table Implementation in C for Improved Performance

AndrewStrizhI wrote code that implements perfect hash table, according to its description in the book "Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H Cormen", but the code does not pass time tests in contest. I would really appreciate any help in making this code run faster (code must be in clear C). Regarding the m...

@CaptainObvious @SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ This question really is missing review context. Both classes should have full declarations for the review, since this is C++.
@pacmaninbw Oh right
2 hours later…
@RMunroe 8: Goldbach's Conjecture.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Name to Parts optimization

Ricardo IndaI was challenged to create a name to parts method that also removes any noncharacter letters and returns an array of 4 parts. Are there any ways I can improve it, or are there any glaring weaknesses? using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; usin...

1 hour later…
Q: Filter filtered bike prices twice without repeating yourself

J. Minidbfiddle Goal Without repetition in the code, I want to filter BikeValuationList to only give the BikePriceId of the latest valuation for the BikeID that I have. With this BikePriceId, I then wish to filter BikePrices for the corresponding row. Schema CREATE TABLE [BikePrices] ( [BikePriceId] I...

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