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RELOAD! There are 6771 unanswered questions (89.8854% answered)
If it's working code, as you say, this question would be a better fit for Code Review. — Ken Y-N 23 secs ago
1 hour later…
@ankii @Peilonrayz Added "selection" support and "inactive" color highlighting.
Followed the same color scheming as htop
And the "Start" / "Destroy" work on all three items
Q: Python script to link downloaded subtitle files to their corresponding video files

Ronak SharmaThis code unzips the downloaded subtitle file(s) and maps them to their corresponding video file. Concretely, after pairing video files with their corresponding subtitle files, it links them by renaming the subtitle file to the same file name as that of its corresponding video file. #!/usr/bin/en...

2 hours later…
Q: Creating two different posts types on my Gatsby site - rewriting my gatsby-node.js

JudeI need to identify the different markdown files I have so I can create a unique url structure for them. I can already identify "notes" files, and want to create a second type called "projects". My gatsby-node.js file looks like this right now const path = require('path'); const { createFilePath }...

Q: best place to log an error in go lang

robert kingI have a method checkUser() error that can generate errors in about 100 different ways as it calls many systems etc, Each time an error occurs, I want to log the error. Should I log the error at the top level, requiring only one log call, or should i log each error where it occurs? When I log the...

Ben Popper on June 23, 2020
It’s time to go where no OpenJS has gone before. To space, and beyond!
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ That looks an awful lot like hiding the problem and hoping to get away with it.
Q: Trouble with parsing FASTA files

Ethan Hetrickdict = {} tag = "" with open('/storage/emulated/0/Download/sequence.fasta.txt','r') as sequence: seq = sequence.readlines() for line in seq: if line.startswith(">"): tag = line.replace("\n", "") else: seq = "".join(seq[1:]) dict[tag] = s...

possible answer invalidation by Miron on question by Miron: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244045/revisions
Q: Cannot Show Values From Google Sheet to Web App

RayHey I'm trying to show a row of values from Google Sheet when the user input a specific code number. But the web app shows the letter 'U' 'n' 'a' from the word 'Unavailable' that returned from the .gs code to each of the table column. Is there anything i did wrongly? Your response would be very a...

@DerKommissar Damn, that's nice
Q: Convert date to dd/mm/yyyy during injection of data from google sheets to google slides using google apps script

beardedcraigI've created a bit of a script that allows me to use data stored in a Google Sheet to generate a set of Google Slides (based on a pre-formatted template slide). PreviousTarget and CurrentTarget in the script below reference cells that are formatted as Date cells within Google Sheets. The format ...

Q: Excel Chart - Crosshair cursor lines with VBA

Naresh BhopleSubmitting for expert review. Refer YouTube video Paste this code in excel VBE Chart(Sheet) object. Code works fine. I was wondering if we can avoid deletion and addition of lines with every mouse move. I tried adding lines on chart activate event and then allign those lines using module level va...

@Duga More or less by request of the author of the only answer.
@CaptainObvious OT
@CaptainObvious OT
I’m voting to close this question because it is of to low quality. — Willeke ♦ Jun 17 at 4:12
Talk about vague close reasons.
Getting banned for low-quality contributions is a thing, so it makes sense when relating to the offence. But I thought we weren't supposed to use it as a close reason. Things like that really make you think about the how and why of user interactions.
Q: Extracting member-accesses from an expression in C#

SpookI need to extract all member accesses to expression parameter (and make sure, that they are not nested). For instance, for expression: a => a.A + a.B I need to receive list {"A", "B"}. For expression a => a.B.C exception should be thrown, as we have nested member access. I wrote the following cla...

@CaptainObvious OT: MRC
@DerKommissar hmm htop is not a native tool.. brew has it though
Q: Sorting Algorithm Visualiser in Javascript

L292092I'm new to Javascript and Web Dev in general, so they'll likely be some conventions that I'm not aware of. I'm at an odds of whether to use Javascript's functional features more. In my opinion it's easier to read Java-like imperative code than the concise functional features that I see JS program...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ random.choices is, AFAIK, not that unbiased. So a quicksort that should have only have a depth of ~20 that exceeds 1000 seems a bit fishy. But it's a scale problem which is on-topic. The user can just use sys.setrecursionlimit(1_000_000_000) and it'll work fine.
@Mast That it does
possible answer invalidation by honeypot on question by honeypot: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244175/revisions
Q: Pandas add calculated row for every row in a dataframe

AnkI have a dataframe like so: id variable value 1 x 5 1 y 5 2 x 7 2 y 7 Now for every row, I want to add a calculated row. This is what I am doing as of now: a = 2 b = 5 c = 1 d = 3 df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["id", "variable", "value"]) for ind...

Q: Splitting a image in batches of tiles

montardonI have a large image and I want to extract and process tiles (subregions of it, of size 256x256) in batches of given size (usually a power of 2, but 3 in this example). For this example, I want to have batches of size 3 and number of tiles per cols is 3 and number of tiles per rows is 5. Is it P...

Is it possible to filter useractions on rollbacks-only? On https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/<uid>/<uname??tab=activity&sort=revisions, to only return everything "rolled back to a previous revision"?
There's this SEDE query, but that's not perfectly accurate.
Doesn't look like it :(
@Duga Rolled back.
@Mast Seems ok to me, what's up?
Q: Word Chain using DFS Java

Aashish PawarProblem For given list of words check if all the words can be arrange to form a chain. Any word can be linked to the next if the last char matches with the first character of the another Word. For eg . [hello, org, games, salvin] is valid chain. Code import java.util.*; import java.util.stream....

@Peilonrayz I seem to get double entries returned with some of them.
For example, the bottom one for my UID is returned twice. According to the rev history I only rolled back once.
Does it do what it is supposed to do? If no, then edit the question and specify the exact problem you need help with. If yes, then delete this question and post on on codereview.stackexchange.com. General code review questions are off-topic here. — sticky bit 40 secs ago
Ok, some of the circled ones are actually rolled back twice, the timestamps tell which are and which aren't.
Let's try again...
It's because rolling back titles, bodies and tags are 'different'
@Peilonrayz Oh, that actually makes sense, yea.
@Peilonrayz Yes, that looks more sensible.
Man do I have some shitty edits in my history. What was I thinking.
There may be a new issue actually, if two rollbacks happen at the same time but have different GUIDs they'll only count as 1 rather than 2
@Peilonrayz That's as it is supposed to be, right? I can't manually do 2 rollbacks in the same second by accident.
Yeah, but meh. Here's a fixed one just in case you ever doubt yourself and think you're a machine ;) data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/edit/1254838
And ofc it links to the previous version...
I’m voting to close this question because code review questions for working code should be asked on Code Review. — EJoshuaS - Reinstate Monica 15 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Getting there :)
@ankii Yep. brew install htop or, in my case, dnf install htop
1 hour later…
Q: Recommended methods for preventing LDAP Injection in Java

IsraDoes encodeForLDAP method is currently recommended for prevent LDAP Injection? Here is its implementaion: public String encodeForLDAP(String input, boolean encodeWildcards) { if( input == null ) { return null; } // TODO: replace with LDAP c...

Ryan Donovan on June 23, 2020
For many people discussion of content management systems raises unpleasant specters of the early 2000s. But while CMS platforms may not feel like the shiniest new tech on the block, they still have a lot to offer, and they’ve evolved in ways that might surprise you. Let’s talk about Drupal, a 20 year old open source project that still manages to be on the leading edge of the CMS world.
As I understand the question is off-topic here as the code is working but it could be on-topic in Code Review. — Rubén 16 secs ago
Usually this is solved with code review, which is a good practice anyway. There are many unacceptable types of code (disabling tests, malicious code, slow code) that you'd want to catch with a code review, and this is just one of them. — bk2204 32 secs ago
Q: Nesting for loops to find matches in different tables

TC76I'm not sure if I'm even approaching this correctly (still very much learning), but this is what I'm attempting to accomplish: My script gets an array from a column (tab names of the sheet) and then calls another function to copy those tabs (this part works fine). What I'm attempting to add is a...

Q: Angular - how can I refactor my rxjs BehaviorSubject store to use getters and setters for cleaner code?

user1261710I'm working on an app in Angular 8+. I decided to use a simple rxjs store for some simple state management. https://georgebyte.com/state-management-in-angular-with-observable-store-services/ I have read an article here about how getters and setters could make my code cleaner and easier: https://d...

Q: query to retrieve available stock

Matías CánepaI have a query that outputs a list of products along some other fields from other tables. That query works fine... Now, I'm attempting to retrieve the available stock for each product in that list. I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly and/or the most performant way. Here's what I've got so far ...

@Duga I've already tried commenting to that user not to use CR as a reason to close a question ... feels like a lost cause
@Peilonrayz Gonna post a question about my tool if you want to review it. ;)
^^ conditional posting...
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Some moderators do it even...
"...though it seems that way" ?
Q: Peak detection for damped signals in python

WDpad159I have a signal where I would like to implement a peak detection algorithm where it only collects peaks that follow exponential decay behaviour and stop at a certain height. Here is an example of a signal that I am dealing with I would like the detection to implement similar to the question in t...

What's the generally-preferred method of tagging Python?
Use python + python-v.x?
@CaptainObvious I didn't study Elec. Eng. but my friends did and they told me about a professor who acted out "under-damped" and "over-damped" in a dramatic way
@DerKommissar yes - AFAIK that is the case
Yeah, in a hurry to make it work I've overseen those 2 sufficient queries. Thanks for code review. ;) — NikolaS 1 min ago
> If you believe your question may be even more specific, you can include a version specific tag such as python-3.x.
Cool, I'll include both.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ It's used in both elec. and mechanical engineering. Has to do with the response of a system, any system really.
its a shame that post is OT as CNWAI...
Instead of coils, resistors and capacitors, mechanical will talk about dampeners, mass and springs.
@Mast was my follow-up completion correct, or would you have ended the sentence differently?
Q: Send HTTP request for each row in Excel table

User1973I have an Excel spreadsheet where users can batch-enter records and load them into an external system (via HTTP). This is what the VBA in the spreadsheet does: A custom function concatenates the columns that contain parameters into the Concatenated Variables column. Loops through each row in t...

Q: Checking hierarchical config files for hashed id and informing the user of changes

dylanjmOur testing suite is configured using a type of hierarchical config file similar to .ini or .toml files. Each 'block' is a test that is run on our cluster. I'm working on adding unique ids to each test that will help map results to tests over time. A small example of a config file would be: [Test...

Q: Is there another way to evaluate a comparrison?

Chris H.I have a macro that works through my Raw_Data spreadsheet, compares two rows from column B, ensureing the values match, then if they do, does a simple subtraction from column c and puts that value in column j. Here's what the raw data looks like... The number of rows for any particular country v...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I don't understand to what sentence you're referring.
42 mins ago, by Mast
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Some moderators do it even...
Question posted...
Hmmm, that didn't need a completion. It's already complete. It's an adjective to yours.
Please either update your code or ask on codereview.stackexchange.com. They will improve your code and make it readable. — Just learned it 15 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Oh, no. I was saying some SO moderators use "Voting to close as off-topic because it should be posted on Code Review" as a close/migrate reason.
ah yes I have seen that recently - like "the one who thinks we aren't watching"
@JustLearnedIt in the current form this post would be off-topic on CR. Please don't suggest users post there until you are familiar with What topics are on-topic on CRSᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 33 secs ago
Q: A top-like live monitor for virsh/kvm/qemu VM's

Der KommissarI needed a tool to monitor VM's running on my server in relatively real-time (similar to top or the many variants out there). The main things I need to keep track of are: All VM's listed via virsh list --all; Id Name State --------------------------------------...

@CaptainObvious @ankii @Peilonrayz ^^^
@DerKommissar Nice, yeah I may be able to look at it :)
@Peilonrayz I included CLI output so you could write something that pushes that same output for testing purposes.
@DerKommissar are you putting it on Github too ?
@DerKommissar Nice, what imports are you using btw?
get some forks and stars :)
trust me I tried to come up with a pun but cannot think of anything on `top` of my head
import subprocess
import re
import time
import curses
@Peilonrayz ^^^^
@ankii Maybe, not sure yet.
Also the time import can go away
I can try building it tomorrow
Q: LeetCode 552: Student Attendance Record II

EmmaI'm posting my code for a LeetCode problem copied here. If you have time and would like to review, please do so. Thank you! Problem Given a positive integer n, return the number of all possible attendance records with length n, which will be regarded as rewardable. The answer may be very large, ...

I’m voting to close this question because it might be better suited on Code ReviewEyeslandic 15 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Reinderien on question by dylanjm: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244388/revisions
Q: Calculate and displays the sum of all numbers from 1 to 20

MissyThis is a beginner's class. I just need help verifying if this code is correct, or edit the parts that need fixing. n = int(input("Enter a number")) sum = 0 for i in range(1,n+1): sum = sum + i print("The sum is:", sum)

@DerKommissar Is there a reason you didn't include that in the question?
@CaptainObvious 50% hotness so in 7 hours it will likely be a HNQ
Q: C - 2D peak finder in

arm93This is an implementation of a 2D peak finder from MIT's Intro to Algos. I'm a C beginner and I would really like some feedback on coding style, documentation and any other general C bad practices I might have committed. I would also like to know if I correctly freed the memory of the recursive c...

@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ With the votes, edits and answers? Probably.
@Mast percentage calculated by this userscript
possible answer invalidation by Matías Cánepa on question by Matías Cánepa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244383/revisions
@Duga rolled back
OP added code for change after I left the comment
is that an issue?
without that change Reinderien's answer doesn't have much else to mention
@Mast Forgetfullness.
Q: C#/Unity - Update the text boxes to show the correct number collected per resource

user13794497So, I am playing with Unity/C#. I am very new to this, so feel free to point out my many mistakes below. I have a few resources: apples, oranges, lemons etc. I am collecting them fine in a dictionary. Then I wanted to write a method to display the collected resources in various UI text boxes with...

@CaptainObvious I wish the downvoters would comment
Since your code works, but you just want to make it better, you might want to try asking on Code Review Stack Exchange, which is more appropriate for these sort of questions. It's very easy to sign up, and you'll probably get better responses there. — user just now
@user when suggesting users post on CR it would be great if there was also a suggestion like "Please read the relevant help center pages like 'What topics can I ask about here?' and 'How do I ask a good question?". — Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 35 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Strictly speaking it should still be rolled back.
Considering we are the only ones that seem to care lately, I'll leave if your call.
@Mast I am not sure how to proceed - are you able to handle it?
OP commented on the answer
I wonder what Reinderien's response would be
I’m voting to close this question because this question belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comKamilCuk 51 secs ago
@KamilCuk While this may be on-topic on CR in the future, please don't use the existence of the Code Review site as a reason to close a question. Evaluate the request and use a reason like needs focus, primarily opinion-based, etc. Then you can mention to the OP that it can be posted on Code Review if it is on-topic. Please see Does being on-topic at another Stack Exchange site automatically make a question off-topic for Stack Overflow?Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ just now
Q: Short code in Python Rock Paper Scissors

edrrujqg I'm studying and practicing in Python and this is my Rock-Paper-Scissors game I've done from scratch. I'm saw in the tasks for beginners writing this game. In all the examples, I saw dozens of lines of code with if-elif-else statements. I decided to write the shortest program for this game. I'...

Q: How to make it pimplier? sh script to open related url based on possible nicknames

PereiraI'm new on sh and I would like to get feedbacks on how to improve this code. The propose is simple: I want to open the Jenkins JOB related to a service based on its possible aliases. So if I map a service with its aliases READ_JOB="rj readjob read-job" I want to open it by calling the script open...

@Peilonrayz Fun fact: that one-line function was originally a lambda I assigned as set_x_for_yes = lambda x: 'X' if x == 'yes' else ' ' ;)
No, no!!!
I'm playing with string.Formatter to see if we can magic some of the cruft away :)
That would be handy
You have to be impressed at how well I did with not being a hard-core Python user ;)
Q: Code to modify string as per instructions

d4rk4ng31I solved this problem statement on dear old codeforces. The Problem Statement wants users to replace occurrences of '10' in the given string with either '1' or '0' until there is no occurrence of '10' left and the string formed is the lexicographically smallest string from the set of all valid an...

If the code works and you need it to be optimized, you should ask on Code Review instead. — Terry 44 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it is better off asked on Code Review. — Terry 28 secs ago
Indeed, it does look very nice too :)
I'm sorry. I didn't know about the code review section. — myTest532 myTest532 21 secs ago
This started at 6k, when I posted the question it was about 4.2k, now it's 4.1k. ;)
Got all the suggestions from both answers incorporated, and then minified a bit.
Looks way better overall
Also, if you want to know why my lines are so long: I hardware at 120 chars.
@DerKommissar Not used to this k notation, what do you mean by it?
6KiB -> 4.2KiB -> 4.1KiB, total file size.
It's actually 3.9KiB when I remove the dead-code.
IIRC that's common in C#. Or I used to limit to 120 it when I did C# at least. But I've moved away since it doesn't play ball when you have two windows open side by side
Ah, that's pretty cool
I have a huge display, so I still work it :)
@DerKommissar That should have been hardwrap
I probably could if I hide the left nav and my minimap but I'm not doing that
And I want you to know: I wrote this whole thing in nano at first, then brought it into PyCharm for the final cleanup :)
Wow XD
That's my IDE ^^^^
Q: JavaScript group anagram performance

myTest532 myTest532I created an algorithm to create lists of anagrams The input is ["eat", "tea", "tan", "ate", "nat", "bat"] Then, the output should be: [["eat","tea","ate"],["tan","nat"],["bat"]] Each array is words that are anagram. My solution is: function group(input) { let result = []; if(input.length...

@DerKommissar You might have missed the hostname in htop.
@Zeta Hostname doesn't map to anything 😉
I only removed the IP's because I don't necessarily need to open that can of worms.
Do you use ssh ebrown@$THAT_HIDDEN_IP to connect to the server?
No I ssh ebrown@<IP literal> because I'm not creative
That's what I meant :D
Yeah :P
When I switch to cert-based SSH I'll care less.
Meanwhile just add a SSH configuration entry and use whatever name you want :)
cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
Host my-fancy-machine
User ebrown
HostName <Your IP here>
ssh my-fancy-machine
That's so much work lol
I'm just kidding that's a really good idea
It's even better for jumps.
If I had to use ssh zeta@the-gateway followed by ssh zeta@the-actual-server every time I had to use a server hidden behind a gateway I'd get crazy.
Ah yeah that makes sense
ProxyJump and ProxyCommand are great for that.
Use them together with Host *.my-employer.enterprise and you handle all jumps with a single configuration.
That being said, I guess you used `nano´ to work on the file and immediately test it on the server, right? Have you tried sshfs+PyCharm to work on the remote file with your local editor?
@Zeta I haven't tried that yet, no.
I have SFTP opened on this server, so I could use the deployment component to do that part
TBH I have no idea whether sshfs works on macOS.
I can ssh -l n:n though, right?
Eh. Do you mean -L instead of -l? Even then, I'm not sure what you want to use port forwarding for.
Yeah, but I'm not sure, I was just going the sftp route instead of what you mentioned.
@DerKommissar That's a lot of unnecessary sudo. Apart from the installation, you don't need sudo for sshfs on Linux. Unless you don't own the mountpoint, of course.
Well I can just brew it.
Seems like that, yeah. Not sure how well it works together with Finder and PyCharm on macOS, I guess it will be similar to a regular folder?
Should be
Let's find out
@Zeta ^^^^
@Zeta ^^^ PyCharm open
I'm not overly thrilled with the name, but it'll do just fine.
The OSXFUSE name?
I was hoping it would be the folder name (dr1 here)
How did you call sshfs?
sshfs dr1:/home/ebrown /Users/elliottbrown/dr1
Does sshfs -o volname="dr1" dr1:/home/ebrown /Users/elliottbrown/dr1 work?
No, but sshfs dr1:/home/ebrown /Users/elliottbrown/dr1 -o volname="dr1" does ;)
... wat
sshfs [user@]host:[remote_directory] mountpoint [options]
Options first won't work, but options last will?
That's what the one page said
Elliotts-iMac:~ elliottbrown$ sshfs -o volname="dr1" dr1:/home/ebrown /Users/elliottbrown/dr1
remote host has disconnected
/facepalm. Yeah, I just had a look at the Debian 8 manpage.
I'm used to most CLI using the short options first, including the usual mount -o ... -t type what where. Sorry about that.
All good lol
When it disconnected twice I remembered what that other page said
@CaptainObvious want more acne??
oh I see now that likely was meant to be simplier...
originally I was thinking they wanted something along the lines of "pimp my ride"
whats up everybody
@boog Welcome! Happy Tuesday!
just wondering, whats the difference between the regular stack overflow and the code review stack exchange?
but thank you
im guessing you guys review finished code, rather than assist with coding problems?
Q: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users

durron597You're on Stack Overflow and you've found a question that seems to be about improving code. You are trying to be helpful, and you put a comment in the question: You should try asking on CodeReview.SE instead. —YourName 2 minutes ago … and suddenly, out of nowhere CodeReview.SE users swoop i...

@boog Pretty much yeah
lol thanks!
I hope that isn't a problem :)
well i suck at writing code so it probably will be
ahh but "suck at writing code" is exactly what we are here for.
"it's something like 767 for doubles" --> By my count about 750 significant digits for DBL_TRUE_MIN. — chux - Reinstate Monica 58 secs ago
@boog See the questions on the second half of this help center page
"it's something like 767 for doubles" --> By my count about 750 significant digits for DBL_TRUE_MIN. — chux - Reinstate Monica 20 secs ago
nah just joking... just no formal CS education... ive learned python and javascript/node through lots of trial and error lol... so my end results usually look like a catastrophe to actual software devs... but thats ok! good to know you guys are around
sounds like i could learn a thing or two
@boog its true for a lot of us...maybe even Jon Skeet would say he could
possible answer invalidation by aepot on question by aepot: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244314/revisions
@Duga rolled back
Also, research "Test Driven Development" and "Extreme programming" processes. Do your CNC machines need to pass any federal reviews or inspections? You may have to document your development process and retain any artifacts generated in the process (such as design reviews or code reviews). I also recommend researching coding standards and guidelines. Developing code is easy. Developing robust and correct software is more difficult.Thomas Matthews 20 secs ago
I believe this is the wrong site. You can try codereview.stackexchange.com but please read their FAQ first. — Dharman 57 secs ago
Q: How to format .trigger( { type: '', date: }

Joseph PrusikI am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 with nuget angularjs 1.79 package. The typescript is 3.8. I am attempting to compile the following typescript (.ts) code: $startDate.on('changeDate', function (ev: any) { modal.find('#edit-event-end-date').datepicker('setStartDate', moment["ignoreZone"...

@boog formal cs education is not really a good predictor of code quality.
@DerKommissar What are your colour pairs? 0=default, 1=select, 2=header, 3=grey, 4=grey select?
My Co-Students and University Coworkers actually imply a partially inverse correlation between formal CS and code quality
possible answer invalidation by aepot on question by aepot: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/244314/revisions
Ahh yes but it's also possible to have the worst of both worlds and then you end up with me.
@Peilonrayz Yeah
kk, ty
Q: Find largest connected components of the same value DFS Algorithm

AtihskaI am trying to accomplish the above where I have to find the the largest connected component on the grid with same value. Allowed movements are in 4 directions horizontally or vertically only. Here is the code that I attempted, however, I am not able to get the right breaking condition in the rec...

@Vogel612 I've seen that too.
@Peilonrayz ^^^ Different color scheme, used it to prove they match.
So my colors should be right, 0 = main / primary, 3 = gray, 1 = main / primary hover / selected, 4 = gray hover / selected, 2 = header.
I could should rearrange those better though.
Yeah, I just rearranged them so I can move most of the info into an Enum
Nice :D
Just a note: 0 cannot be changed in curses, so that has to stay the primary.
I think I'm done so I'll write it up now. But IDK if string.Formatter is that great here, it's made some of the stuff easier to work with tho. But I don't think there's enough to justify it with your code.
Makes sense, there honestly isn't much here, the hard part is table formatting lol
def print_table(stdscr, fmt, values, x, y):
    for i, row in enumerate(values):
        CursedFormatter(stdscr).addstr(fmt, *row, x=x, y=y + i)
I've moved the colour stuff out but it's a lot 'shorter' now
I was going for brevity lol
Then you look at CursedFormatter and you go, wtf Peilon
It seems like a pretty....cursed.....formatter :D
Q: Is this code with jquery, ajax, php and pdo written right?

Tomáš KretekI have small question. I dont know much about JavaScript (jquery) or AJAX and I dont know, if I'm doing it safe from XSS Attacks, SQL injection and that stuff. I think the php with mysql would be written right. The code works. I will add it bellow. Thank you very much for you help. This is php wi...

@DerKommissar How'd you strike through?
Three dashes: ---bye bye--- bye bye
Ah ty. That's a bit odd
Yeah it was weird because it doesn't match the site IIRC

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