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RELOAD! There are 2520 unanswered questions (92.9062% answered)
@jrh that code has never heard of the Law of Demeter I guess
AKA the Principle of Least Knowledge
it's a bit of an exaggeration but not much of one
there's a framework I use that has a separate class for the definition of an item, the state of an item, and the value of an item
If a method needs to know about a LED, it shouldn't need to know everything about BobsLEDFramework ;-)
Hmm sounds like SRP-extremism
it's not entirely their fault, it's a thin wrapper around a COM library
a little too thin of a wrapper that still throws COM exceptions
oooh COM is so much fun!
> 'tis a perfect match
TTGTB, Niters
Method throws a COMException. The only clue you get is HRESULT_FAIL #DuhThanksCOM
@Vogel612 night!
there's one method that throws exceptions sometimes and sometimes gives error codes
Night @Vogel612
Lovely. Try the VBIDE API haha
@jrh Schrodinger's bug. You won't know whether it does one or the other till you try.
COM gets really wonky when you try to get async stuff done
It doesn't like MTA threads much
With COM you take all your nice little "getter shouldn't throw exceptions" conventions and throw 'em out the window
pretty much
I love COM
it's worse than that though, there's an AddItem method that returns error codes if the item can't be added, returns error codes if DCOM decided it doesn't want to work anymore, and also sometimes throws an exception if there's a DCOM problem
and none of the error codes have descriptive text
beautiful madness :-)
also I've counted at least 6 different exceptions it can throw, undocumented
so I let the thing run all night and run the heck out of it, hoping to shake out whatever this thing is going to do
catch { /* shh move along, nothing to see here */ }
on a side note I found out that quite a lot falls apart when you run several hundred threads doing the same thing at slightly different times, I think I crashed Filezilla Server
Bloody 'title must be at least 15 characters' rule...
also I thought my program had an optimization problem but I found out it was my USB 2.0 flash drive having slow write speeds
@Mat'sMug I've seen catch { /* This is bad. */ } in production code once.
possible answer invalidation by dbmitch on question by dbmitch: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/133736/revisions
Q: Insertion Sort Implementation Using For And While Loop

Jae BradleyIntroduction I'm fairly new to programming (and Java) and I've actually never implemented Insertion Sort. I know that there's pseudo-code defined in the wikipedia article (linked above), but the goal was to implement the algorithm without looking at the pseudo-code and only using the wiki arti...

Q: Split a text file into multiple files at keywords

Jeremiah ParrackThis program only splits the inputted text file in half but I can do it according to line number as well. I need to split according to a word. I have over 200 books in a text file i want to split the file every time it sees the word "CHAPTER ONE" I have no idea how to do this but I am sure I'm no...

codereview.stackexchange.com is a better place for this kind of question. If you repost over there you are likely to get helpful feedback. — Cameron Skinner 46 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview — Keith Nicholas 27 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Cameron Skinner 30 secs ago
@Pharap: CodeReview is not a migration target. The poster can edit the question, Ctrl+A to select all, and Ctrl+C to copy, then cancel the edit and delete it here. The poster can then go to Code Review, click Ask Question, and paste in the text from here, which will move content with formatting. The only remaining task would be to type a title and add a tag, and then post the new question. — Ken White 39 secs ago
@CameronSkinner This question would be closed pretty quickly on Code Review for lack of context. Closing because the question belongs somewhere else in your opinion is not a valid close reason. Close it because it's off-topic here, not because it may or may not be on-topic somewhere else. — Mast 27 secs ago
Q: Effective way to handle multiple time string to timestamp

Quo kkI have 4 cases of time string as follow: s = "July 5, 2016, 12:04 a.m." s = "July 5, 2016, 7 a.m." s = "July 5, 2016, midnight." s = "July 5, 2016, noon." I want to convert string to timestamps. Based on this question, I need to declare 4 cases of pattern. I am looking forward to improve m...

If you can better explain what your code does and present it to reviewers @sean, with a title that roughly gives an idea of what problem your code is solving (see this meta for hints on our title policy), I see no reason to close it quickly on Code Review - head over there, take the time to nicely format your post, and you'll do great. Cheers! — Mat's Mug 18 secs ago
Q: jquery widget as a global variable

Roquefelix BenalI make my own jquery widget and is working fine, i have an error when I declare a global variable and save de widget in there. Example: var globalVariableWidget; $( document ).ready(function() { globalVariableWidget=$(".divTest").tacometro({value:30,width:150,height:100,circleOptions:...

Q: Loading details of a list of cars

Juan Carlos OropezaI have a tree view with a list of cars and a webservice to get the details for each car. On page load, there are no cars selected so the details footer is loaded with all cars. $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '@Url.Content("/GTracker/Cars/CarTreeDetails")', data: { "id": [] ...

Q: Lightweight LED library

MastOne of the projects that have been on my to-do list since years involves controlling a number of Inter-Integrated Circuit (\$I^2C\$) peripherals. Lately I've been turning everything into it's own library and I'm wondering if I'm doing it right. While the libraries are usually called by a server-...

It'th vuhy, vuhy quiet.
1 hour later…
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Except for you @Keith. You weren't much help. I will rework the question using the feedback I received here as a guideline and post it on the code review board in the morning. — sean 49 secs ago
Q: ReactiveX observable that uses another observable

Igor SoloydenkoI am trying to write an Angular service that will wrap the regular Http service and automatically make authentication calls if Bearer token is not available or invalid. Here's an illustration of a regular GET call made via the service: this.httpWithAutomagicAuth .get("http://localhost:5001/...

@Mast: I voted to close because it's off-topic. At the same time, I suggested that the OP might want to consider codereview as an alternative venue. Those are independent clauses. I don't see any reason to not mention that there is another site that might be more appropriate for this question. Why would I not want to tell the OP about codereview? — Cameron Skinner 33 secs ago
Q: ODD even Linked List

vic90I wrote a code long back which got modified .I am now using it and getting error. I just want to sort an array so that odd are folowed by even value. My code sample is: using System; /* a node of the singly linked list */ public class node { public int data; public node next; } public...

@StewieGriffin Could you edit the question to explain why the second row of c should be [1 1 0 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN]?
Q: matlab - vectorize a code merging two matrices (and how you get to do it)

A_CI have two matrices a and b that have, on each line, some values (null or not) and then a bunch of zeros at the end. I want to construct a matrix c that for each line has the corresponding line of a from the first element till to the last not-null element, concatenated with the corresponding lin...

@CaptainObvious wants more close votes. Code is broken
@RezaAghaei I've tried that, but my only option was to add OnResize event to my control and then call Invalidate here is my code so far: pastebin.com/Ke3U6qJq I'm not sure if this is needed (could You look at it?). I'll add couple more thing to my control (mouseover effect and show/close functionality) and then I'll post whole code on CodeReview so I'd be grateful for Your opinion. — Misiu 54 secs ago
@200_success Yes, give me a few minutes...
OK, thanks.
@200_success Crap! I missed something after all... =/ I'll leave a comment to OP explaining the error in the code and ask for an update. I believe OP hasn't seen what you (and now me) have seen... Good catch, my bad!
@200_success It's annoying me, probably more than it should, that I missed that one! Geez!
Yeah. The code review that has to happen before the code review begins.
Q: Ubuntu LTS 14.04 disk not seen in window?s

VermaI'm using windows 7 and ubuntu 14.04. Ubuntu show the disk as well transfer data ubuntu to windows disk but vice versa not possible. Even that windows not show disk. Why?

Q: Database design

CiejaI would like to ask you guys for some review of my fist look of my database design. There are 3 tables + ASP.NET Identity tables. The Users could have many postcards. Here's my tables without Identity. I attached also my scripts of creating tables. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Country]( [Id] [i...

Q: Android network api request

nekanekaI often use a similar scheme work with api project. Maybe it can be made easier, or is there a standard approach? This class who create api request. public class ApiRequestCreator { private static String TEST_API_REQUEST = "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts"; public static R...

I don't understand your comment. Iterators.find always works - it does what it says; if you want to search from the start, simply create a new Iterator from your Iterable; if you want to search from somewhere (your code doesn't support that either) then create an Iterator with .listIterator(startIdx) then use find. I would post this on Code Review to get some opinions on the logic and implementation. — Boris the Spider 48 secs ago
Q: Lightweight C Exception Library

JavaProphet// names are unique within a function, any valid variable name // a jump table try, allowing return values to determine the exception thrown(index in a jump table, -1 being success for example) // you only need to put in what you need, not all exceptions, or total exception count #define GTRY(nam...

@JoeWallis How was the pub? If you want to you can still earn your internet points ;)
@ElliottFrisch Please don't only advise other SE sites, you need to also link to their help center and remind them not to copy and paste questions. This happened, and it is extremely common. You need to remind OPs that they have to tailor their questions to each site. — Kyll 34 secs ago
Q: Is this setter properly used?

HainiI am unsure on how to design my class: I have a $scaleFactor (that is not always constant) that is applied on a value in my class. Should I apply this $scaleFactor BEFORE inserting $monthSum into my class or should I write a setter method that applies the $scaleFactor and is called from the outsi...

Q: Is selecting "Improve Edit" overpowered if it doesn't check that I made edits before saving?

4castleJust now I was viewing a question, and saw that there was a suggested edit. I opened the dialog box to review the edit, and saw that the only improvement they were making was adding indentation so that the code would display properly. Sure that there was something else that could be improved, I s...

ooh you can do hax
Q: Allocated variable inaccessible

MickMRCXI'm working on a script which means to put a text at the end of a PostScript file before converting it into a pdf file. int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ // A décommenter avant la mise en prod //system("clear"); // Verification des arguments saisis verifierArgument(argc, argv);...

Monking @all
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: QNetworkReply network reply timeout helper
@Phrancis Figured as much, but though I'd check. Cheers.
@OutOfTheBox It was good, I feel a bit ill. But I'll look at your question the next chance I get, I'd just need to learn scrapy
Q: low maintenability index and hight ciclomatic complexity in 18 rows

InvernomutoI have to compose an email where I have to list a list of difference between old and new value of a list of addresses. Only a subset of properties have to be listed, so the first thing that pops into my mind is doing something like this: private static List<Difference> RetrieveDifferences(IEnume...

Haha alright, no hurry! I'll check every now and then. Now I want to improve my coding skills but I have no new ideas for a project. Anye thoughts on that ?
@OutOfTheBox After further reading of your code, would it be possible to change everything to use say example.com? baseurl = 'BaseurlHere' and pagelist = [page1, page2, page3, etc] make it hard for me to comment on that function
I can edit it, give me a minute
Q: Packing and unpacking bits

TimI wrote this class for packing data. Would it benefit from being named BitPacker rather than BitStream (and change write/read to pack/unpack), or it works as is? How can I improve it? Any way to make it more efficient? How can I reduce the amount of code? I have a lot of copy/pasted code with m...

@JoeWallis better like this ?
@OutOfTheBox Looks better are the page1.aspx meant to be strings? Also should 'baseurl/(.*)_something' be baseurl + '/(.*)_something'?
damn yes the page1.aspx are strings. Let me fix that. And for the next part I screwed that up trying to anonimize it. Let me fix that too haha
@OutOfTheBox I can't see anything else that seems exampleish, but just do a double check, :)
Should be good now
Looks much better, :) It's now removed a few concerns that I had
Yes it's not ideal that i can not post the original code. But without these errors it should have the same meaning.
Q: Typescript/Javascript Dictionary Class

christo8989I recently implemented a dictionary class in typescript. I'm still new to javascript so I'm curious what people think about it. class Dictionary { public constructor (); public constructor (object: Object); public constructor (object?) { if (object != null) { for...

Just finished my eligibility exam for the maths test
Q: Playing around with Vigenere and Caesar cipher - Java command line encryption program

Issa KhouryI came along these two ciphers in my cryptography book and though I'd implement them just for fun. After that I went on developing a cipher based on these two that minimise the weakness of each cipher alone. I would appreciate your expert opinions on it and if it would be possible to crypt-analys...

@Vogel612 Heyo
@Vogel612 Sounds good, congratulations
Reading about factorization algorithms, makes my head spin
hmm.. I*m still somewhat wondering how you would have needed 4 pages of handwritten help for that exam, but eh.
Q: Network graph using Tkinter: optimize canvas display

FunkySayuI made a little application (for windows, but easily compatible with linux by just changing some lines) for displaying a little network graph using Tkinter and Python. I basically draw lines higher and higher while the ping is still running, and when the soft receive the ping response I reset the...

@200_success 200_success: OP corrected his/her code and example. Everything should be correct now. Do you mind reopening and do a comment clean-up?
I guess you mean 40 Gigabyte. If that's a one-time program, it doesn't really matter. If you need to run this a lot, you can post it on codereview.se and we can take a look. In that case, you might want to do some Devel::NYTProf, but remember that the first rule of profiling is don't do it. If you also have a database involved, read the documentation for DBI's profiler. — simbabque 53 secs ago
Little discussion here lately =(
Q: WPF: Model to View Model data binding to implement Two Step View

Dmitry NoginI am trying to use Two Step View pattern in WPF. The problem is about keeping things in sync – I need a way to data-bind models to view models. Are there any good existing solutions? My approach is to introduce Property<T> to be used this way: public abstract class TextField : ObservableObject {...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comTim Schmelter 57 secs ago
@skiwi heya
@TimSchmelter It is Off-Topic. And it would be more appropriate on Code Review. But it being On-Topic there is not itself a valid close reason here. — Zak 25 secs ago
@Duga it's offtopic there and ontopic here. It's fine.
Q: Binary difference checker, needs to be more efficient - Java

Simon AugustusMy code needs to take two ints and then check those ints to see if their binary representations have any differences. The function convertBits returns the number of differences between the two binary forms of the ints. For example: For example, you can change 31 to 14 by flipping the 4th and 0t...

@JeroenVannevel Sure. But "It belongs on Code Review" is not a valid close reason. And people believing that it is causes inappropriate migrations. So I like to point out the distinction when I can.
Thanks @JoeWallis for your extensive answer. I will read it later today
@OutOfTheBox No problem, hope it helps, :)
Class cheese calculates prime numbers? ;) — bub 6 mins ago
@Zak I am just reading about about the actually good algorithms. They make my head spin
Already read it joe, 1 question. You kept the page_name variable failing silently. If I wanted to improve on that how would you do that ?
Q: MEF - Program + Plugins design

BartoszI have a web-browser application for a certain system that I want to be able to accept and load 2 types plugins (browser automation or html injection). I want the plugins to be able to access the GeckoFx browser object of the main application, as well as some of the helper methods of my main app...

@OutOfTheBox You could use a guard, or use an else. And then raise ValueError or an error you seem fitting
Alright thanks, I will improve my code, test it and then probably accept your answer
Someone else may answer, so I'd wait till the bounty's off, to accept, if you want possibly more input, :)
Alright, but if this works I think you provided me with all input i need haha
6 Visual Studio instances open
I'm doing concurrent programming
I bet it's asynchronous as well.
Q: Trying to find minimum number of steps for two bodies to collide, getting incorrect answer

Aayush AgrawalHere's the code I'm using if (shortest_distance % 2 == 0) { //Even number System.out.println((int) Math.ceil((shortest_distance + 1)/(k1+k2*1.0))); } else { //Odd number System.out.println((int) Math.ceil((shortest_distance)/(k1+k2*1.0))); } k1 and k2 are the number of blocks ...

@JoeWallis One question about your improvements: You define BASE_URL as 'http://www.example.com' and later on in after_login you say: base_url = BASE_URL + '/public/'. However, there is (as far as i can see now) no instance where the base url is used without /public/ So why not define BASE_URL as 'http:///www.example.com/public/' ?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because "review running code" should go to codereview.stackexchange.com — Jägermeister 16 secs ago
@OutOfTheBox You could do that, if you know all will have /public/, I didn't so I left it.
Alright (y)
@CaptainObvious Way off-topic.
Q: Guess a number game with mines version 3

Goran BI'm still new to Java and learning programming, so my main goal is to learn to making good code, so I don't want to do anything complex until I fix all of my bad coding habits on smaller programs. So, this is my third version of this program, you can find last one here. I wanted to expand the g...

Q: PHP & AJAX CAESAR CIPHER ENCRYPTED chat script - Slow in performance

AyanI have made an attempt to make a chat script and its working as required but the problem is that it is slow on slower connections and sometimes even on fast connections. Sometimes while loading the site it gives "RESOURCE LIMIT EXCEEDED". I made a page speed insight and the result is here. I wou...

Perhaps this is more suitable for http://codereview.stackexchange.com/? — Maria Deleva 44 secs ago
monking !
@JoeWallis Last question I used way too much code to get the description in a variable. But this was partly because in the console it showed :
"{'Page': 'page1.aspx?', 'Description': u'page1description'}"
So I wanted to get the u out of the output. However, this u is now back in the console output but it does not appear in my csv output. What is the explanation for this behaviour ?
@OutOfTheBox Are you using Python2?
I kinda know what it means, but I'm not 100% on everything. I'll just do a quick google to check
well to be more specific i'm using anaconda at the moment, but with the 2.7 version of python
Anaconda is quite nice, :) The u stands for unicode, so it's not ascii.
Hehe alright good to know, now i don't have to try and filter it out of my output
Thanks again, my code looks a lot better this way
No problem, :) you may want to, convert it to a string if it starts erroring. I can't remember how Python2 works with Unicode.
Q: Optimize a simple and quick python script for transposing a .csv file

Manolis SemidalasI need to transpose the following file output1.csv, which is is a result from a quantum chemistry calculation into a single colum efficiently: Frequencies -- 18.8210 44.7624 46.9673 Frequencies -- 66.6706 102.0432 112.4930 Freque...

Why are there still stars from yesterday on the starwall?
@syb0rg Not much has been starred today
And over a certain threshold, starred comments are relatively sticky.
There's been a grand total of 3 starred comments since Reload
Questions like this are better suited to codereview.stackexchange.comcharlietfl just now
Greetings, Programs.
Q: Java dog hierarchy

imotebI am supposed to write a small java program. The program must contain 3 different kind of dogs. The dogs can bark and move, these methods can be represented just by System.out.println();. Some dogs can have common way for moving or barking. Here is what I wrote so far but I am not really sure tha...

@charlietfl It's a bit of a grey area, but this question probably belongs on SO (if anywhere). It's too specific and too short to fit Code Review very well. — Zak 5 secs ago
@Duga Am I right there? If that question appeared on CR, would it get closed?
java StringBuilder has length(), and toString().isEmpty(), but not isEmpty()
@Pimgd If length() is zero, don't you have your answer?
yeah, but I'd have preferred that to be part of the methods of StringBuilder
@charlietfl This is example code, which is explicitly off-topic at Code Review. — Mast 43 secs ago
@Pimgd Given the verbosity of Java, I'm slightly surprised as well.
I think this kind of question is better off a Codereview.SE. — leftaroundabout 31 secs ago
@Zak This starred message kicked off my last starred message on the wall
So everything works? Eventually codereview.stackexchange might get you better answers. — syntonym 14 secs ago
Opportunity for a quick review (just a small VBA utility function): codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/134050/…
Q: How to flatten multiple nested node readline questions?

sakshamsaxenaSay I'm creating a simple CLI. I want to use native node readline module to take in some input from user at prompt. I thought of this : var prompt = chalk.bold.magenta; var info = {}; rl.question(prompt('Thing One : '), function(args) { info.one = args; rl.question(prompt('Thing Two : '...

Q: Get Filtered Data Range in a Table

ZakPurpose: Given a Worksheet Table (ListObject) that may, or may not, have a filter currently applied to it, return a range consisting only of the filtered data. Method: Loop through each row in the table. If row is visible, add it to a filteredRange via Union(). Return filteredRange. Specifi...

@Zak Not enough for an answer, but you could try to keep your docstrings shorter.
As in, characters per line.
This results in more lines, but it's easier to read and forces you to think before writing long sentences.
@Zak HAU
@syb0rg Help At Us?
Help Applied Under?
It's the U that throws me...
@Mast Have an upvote
@Mast Maybe. It's slightly too long for SO, but on an *actual screen* it gets to barely halfway across. I also don't mind if my docstrings are a bit too verbose. To quote myself: "pixels are cheap, cognitive processing is not".
@syb0rg facepalm
@Mast And hey, why not make it an answer?
@Zak Pixels are cheap, vertical pixels are cheaper than horizontal pixels when you go over a certain amount (I try to keep 80 as maximum).
Your function declaration is 120 and your longest docstring 90.
Hey @rolfl @OliverFrye
Greetings everyone.
@Zak VBA can do declarations over multiple lines, right?
@Legato Hello
Public Function GetFoo(
    ByRef Bar,
    Optional ByVal Woo
@Mast It can. I generally try to avoid it where practical. I generally don't split lines until they get to about 2/3 across the screen.
Hey @Atomic_alarm!
Glad you came
@Zak 120 characters fits that description I'd say.
Hello @syb0rg
@Mast That's just not how functions are declared. Call it a language convention if you will.
@Atomic_alarm I see you also were in the C chat room on SO
@Zak Wrote you an answer, per request. Do with it what you want.
Welcome @Atomic_alarm
@syb0rg Yes, there always fun
@Atomic_alarm You know C well?
no, only what is required for C++. But sometimes have to face.
Two more votes
Q: MEF - Program + Plugins design

BartoszI have a web-browser application for a certain system that I want to be able to accept and load 2 types plugins (browser automation or html injection). I want the plugins to be able to access the GeckoFx browser object of the main application, as well as some of the helper methods of my main app...

What to do with that answer though.
Welcome to Code Review! Please refrain from answering off topic questions. If you are unsure wether a question is off topic you can check our help center or ask in Code Review Chat. — Heslacher 42 secs ago
Q: Using InStr to compare two String but failed

HiddenllyyMy object is to fill a quality control table. In this table I have already all the test points, and my work is to look at the point and search in another sheet for the correct answer, and fill the blank cell. For example: TV1 | Coulor TV1 | Size TV2 | Coulor TV2 | Size TV3 | Coulor TV3 | Size ...

Hyzzzaahhhh @syb0rg
=/ got half a bounty because asker didn't like my answer
Q: html css in php using echoes

user3306356trying to squeeze some css into my php working code: echo "<span class=pua>"; echo ('词语:' . $row['CHS']) ; echo"</span>"; I was wondering if there was anyway to get my css sandwich (top & bottom) into one nice line with my php code.

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is not a code review site. Please read the help center pages to see what questions are on-topic and how to ask a good question. — AdrianHHH 3 mins ago
@CaptainObvious ~facepalm
@Pimgd you're getting into the 20k now, right?
@Phrancis Monking
@rolfl Reads like a cheer
@CaptainObvious Some more close votes on this?
hmm... I wonder why there's no such thing as Range.Empty in vba
alas, we cannot simplify the question that much with that....
Q: Plot of instantaneous frequency versus time of a NLFM signal in Matlab

Gowthamij = sqrt(-1); Bp = 20e6; % Pulse bandwidth in Hz Gp = 100; % Range compression gain (linear) Ns = 1024; % Number of sample per pulse c0 = 3e8 ; % speed of light Tp = Gp/Bp; % Pulse length in s f = Bp*([0:Ns-1]/Ns - 0.5); % LFM shape t_nlfm_2 ...

@CaptainObvious Another question needing VTC's
did I miss a VTC-fest?
@Mat'sMug You caught the tail end of it ;)
@Mat'sMug Nope, you can still join in.
The CSS one is still open.
the CSS one is too gray for my mod hammer IMO
if i put a bounty on a question does it get bumped?
@Vogel612 16630
@Majiick it shows in featured
@Majiick I think so. well it gets into the featured tab anyway
@Smeeheey It works, but I wanted to see if someone else had a better approach (in terms of compilation time) or if there was some issue I hadn't thought of. I guess I'll go post this over at CodeReview. — user2296177 47 secs ago
Damn, getting an upvote on a Brainfuck answer makes me want to code more Brainfuck...
Just saw a [CreatedDate] [nvarchar](max) field on a database design ಠ_ಠ
@Pimgd @Majiick I'm pretty sure it get's bumped too
@SimonForsberg have you tried whitespace?
it's like less-readable BF with a heap
like, in case you find BF too readable
@Mat'sMug Why? It's RBA now.
"That's unreadable code and therefore unidiomatic" - uhh, you know which language this is right? — immibis Sep 6 '15 at 10:22
@Mat'sMug Nope, have no plans to do so either. I think I might work some more on Brainduck and my Brainfuck Sudoku Solver some day...
My VBA answer is scoring points. Perhaps I should do this more often...
@Mast By this you mean "answering"? :)
@Phrancis Answering VBA.
As long as I have more answers than questions, I'm not too worried about my answer rate.
I hope to find myself the time to kill a Python zombie before the end of the week. We got way too many of those.
yes, too many indeed
Also, I still don't have the bronze Python badge... 3 answers and 5 votes short, can't be too hard.
@Mast wink-wink
@Mast Want a Python question to review?
@syb0rg Hit me.
@Mast thwack
Alright, let me formulate the post
You've earned the "Good Answer" badge (Answer score of 25 or more) for "Hello, Brainfuck".
@tobi303 In my opinion, as a moderator on Code Review, this question would be just as unclear if it was posted on Code Review. — Simon Forsberg 49 secs ago
Any suggestions for a question title involving XML parsing, Python, and reeking repetitive code?
Q: What is activity- object in Android?

user6554390I want to know what is activity object in android and where it is created in memory and how android deals with it.

Q: Aligning your heterogenous uninitialized memory to make the processor happy

user2296177I don't know of anything that the standard offers for memory alignment inside blocks of raw memory that will be used to hold heterogeneous types. We can't just construct \$T_n\$ at offset \$T_{n-1}\$ because they would be in an unaligned address. Example, for the list <char, int> and std::aligne...

"Ah, broken code! I know, I shouldn't have turned into a snippet."
@syb0rg "Repetitive XML parsing code" maybe?
@Phrancis More catchy?
@syb0rg I'd have to see what the code looks like
Repetitive XML parser?
@JHache Doesn't catch the eye on the questions page IMO
XML parsing code XML parsing code
It's a crap title, that's why it draws attention
Parsing XML... *shudders*
"XML is like violence - if it doesn't solve your problems, you are not using enough of it"
Yes? No?
Might be a bit much for a title
doesn't say much more than "this is about xml"
... and violence
"Hacking at XML setup tree"
@syb0rg (notice the double-entendre)^
"Parsing XML (no regex involved, promise!)"
I think the best title starts with
That'll draw attention
...of a Jamalizer
"JAVA python XML parser halp need NOW plz +1000"
Where is this parsing post?
@Legato We're forming the title right before I post it
#TODO remove duplication in xml parsing
it's python
because python comment syntax?
Wait, so is it Python or Java?
Jan 7 at 19:13, by Phrancis
UGH XML, the bane of my existence.
@Legato Python
JAVA was a new user joke
@Pimgd I like this actually
and the purpose is parsing xml?
@Legato Question has been posted, you can see it now
Extended Python Parsing
Very nice title! — Pimgd just now
my contribution for today
Should be a lot of low hanging fruit in that question of mine
Not intentionally, I'm just too naive with the language
main = main thing I notice and I'm definitely more of a noob.
People will point that out in every question whenever it's not present.
... conflicts in translations file
oh wait
It's there, haha
@syb0rg Y U NO UZE PYTHON 3.X?
@Phrancis Cause my work development machine doesn't have it
@Pimgd And as a lowly intern with no root privileges, I can't install it
possible answer invalidation by Ayan on question by Ayan: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134043/revisions
@syb0rg The more I look, the more low hanging fruit I see!
@Duga looks OK
@JoeWallis Lol, this is good
With the title and combo of lots of reviews, it's bound to hit HNQ
I changed the init_destruction function. Is it proper? — Ayan 1 min ago
I'm assuming there will be lots of reviews... due to low hanging fruit lol
looks... not okay?
4 views 4 upvotes, I can see it going hot.
@Pimgd Didn't notice that, I'll handle
Q: #TODO Remove duplication in XML parsing

syb0rgI have to modify the number of points in this XML in order to test the performance of another program of mine. Here is an example of the XML I have to modify. performance.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- ICCP Local Control Center Configuration --> <!DOCTYPE LocalControlCenter ...

@CaptainObvious #TODO remove bad title /s
@Pimgd ;)
# TODO handle all those TODOs
@CaptainObvious expects an XML-based TODO app with redundant code...
@N3buchadnezzar howdy
@Mat'sMug 2/3 pretty good
How is it going?
@N3buchadnezzar Not bad, aside from all the XML parsing ;)
this answer deserves more upgoats .
that French Animal Generator question made the newsletter lol
Hue, Hue, Hue. Le baguette oh fromage.
dang, now I need to make a implementation of that Project Euler 1 solution.
there must be more questions
because I want a badge
tho I'm already a LOLCODE guru
Ehhhhhh I dunno about that LOLCODE
I think they need to develop the language/platform a bit more so that you can actually make something useful with LOLCODE
@Mat'sMug Why not use ?
@Phrancis I like sticking to 2 though :P
But I can write both.
They aren't that different.
So, would like help on a title. Doing some practice with sockets and I'm basically interested in the proper way to communicate from one client to a specific other (VS. what I'm going to do).
@Legato Ahoy
I mean hi, monking, nibjubf
I'd kind of like to see a Visual Basic Dialect similar to LOLCODE
@Legato Sock et to that client
If your code works but could use some imprvement, the code review forum is the place to be. [codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/python]Ev. Kounis 10 secs ago
@jrh Visual Basic already looks like a joke language ;o
@syb0rg I love it, haha.
@pacmaninbw that's an answer
coming from a C background, yeah, I know what you mean. Though I'm kind of glad I do mostly VB.NET at work because if I do C# it gives me bizarre habits when I go home and do C at night
@jrh LOL
though using = for comparison is a horrible habit for me to get in, so it's not great
if(x = y) // oh crap
@pacmaninbw Looks good to me, +1
Q: Profit sensitivity analysis in base R

Bad_BishopUsing base R, I've conducted a simple profit sensitivity analysis, i.e. measuring the impact on profit if there is a change in price, variable cost per sale, unit sales or fixed costs assuming that there are no interaction effects between the dependent variables, e.g. a change in price does not c...

yay for in-code message brokers
aka global objects that pass events around, completely wrecking whatever structure you had in your code
it's like god object mixed with observer pattern - the panopticon of programming
a tiny class that does everything
in other news, dropbox just sent me a mail for my old work account, that I have linked a new computer to my dropbox (I don't work there anymore)
wonder what I should do with that
take down the account
upload crap
if you own the account I'd close it
I kinda wanna go see the files
... maybe put a "README.txt" in there
or a folder structure of 250 folders deep
then windows craps its pants
Q: Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

Jeffrey CameronI have come up against this problem a few times at inopportune moments: trying to work on open source Java projects with deep paths Storing deep Fitnesse wiki trees in source control An error trying to use Bazaar to import my source control tree Why does this limit exist? Why hasn't it been...

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