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I've answered 3-4 questions on SO I believe and absolutely none of them have given me a check mark. Or anyone else who answered, for that matter.
Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. — Rory Alsop ♦ 9 hours ago
> 2,489 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
As I said before, comments are not for extended discussion. — Rory Alsop ♦ 6 hours ago
Is it my dream or did we reach sub-2500? If so, when?
all-time low was 550 in April 2014. not sure we'll ever see that again.
@Mat'sMug not with that attitude!!!
how low can we go?
Is not the ratio unanswered to answered a better measurment?
Q: ASP controller for tracking equipment

J HacheThis was originally posted here. I'm hoping Code Review will be a little more helpful in giving me a concrete direction. I've been working on a project based off of this tutorial. Unfortunately, the controller classes in this are quite dense and have terrible separation of concerns. I should h...

So I've finally got that working, but with a different implementation
Should I accept the answer or post my version?
@Duga what was the zombie rate at last RELOAD?
I don't want to measure the live zombie rate right now.
I could never get Shelby115's answer implemented correctly on my end. Not too sure how to go about this
16 hours ago, by Duga
RELOAD! There are 2484 unanswered questions (92.9614% answered)
Danke schön :3
@JHache Comment?
So we're at sub-92.5% right now.
@JHache A self review would be good
...all the above being said, there's just too much that would need to be done to build a genuinely efficient shell implementation to make it a good StackOverflow question. This might be a better fit for CodeReview SE -- though I still hold to the initial "use another language" suggestion. — Charles Duffy 21 secs ago
I wonder when will we reach sub-95%? :)
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 sub 93?
Q: Lexer for an experimental tiny language in Go

AlgoI am implementing a lexer for an experimental language by the name "Phoenix", the language supports four primary arithmetic expression for integers only (add, subtract, multiply, divide), variable assignment and print statement. Typical input: # this is a comment value = 1 + 7 / 4 * (30) print(...

@syb0rg so accept the answer and post a comment, or post my own answer?
@N3buchadnezzar sub-93% is if the zombie rate is > 93%.
@JHache Well how different is your current implementation from the answer and your current code?
@syb0rg It's definitely inspired by it, it just removes certain elements. So my view doesn't change, and sort is implemented in its own class. In that class, I forgo the boolean and just keep the switch case I had
my first day at 2nd monitor... Thanks chaps. I hope to learn a lot here.
over and out
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 It's been sub 2500 for a while, seems like it won't be for long, ):
@JoeWallis :(
Also, ooo, you posted a link to the directory of every RELOAD since the INTERRUPT meme retired. :3
@Gareth Cya!
We should put it somewhere safe.
@JHache Hm, I'd say comment and accept the answer then
@Zak R2D2?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 All I done was search chat for 'RELOAD!' from duga...
Q: Python decorator for retrying w/exponential backoff

electrometroThis is my first decorator in Python! I found some of it on the internet but have tweaked it to our needs. I am curious to know if the way I am trying to grab the instance is the best way to do so. Any other general improvements appreciated! import logging import time def retry_and_catch(exc...

@syb0rg doe
@syb0rg done
@JHache Here's a good example of a selfie for future ref: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/100445/27623
possible answer invalidation by Nilzone- on question by Nilzone-: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/133127/revisions
Q: PDO best way to setup a database class for easy maintainability and less repeat code

WyattI am wondering the best way to setup a database class, to remove repeat code by using oop. This way if I changed how I connect to the database (eg.. switch from PDO to sqlsrv driver) I can just change it in 1 file, instead of all the files that use PDO. I've setup a class that I will show below, ...

@Duga Handled
what are you, a robot or something?
well done btw
@Mat'sMug Answerer is saying it's okay to edit code into question, and OP did: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/133238/27623
Not sure if I should leave it or point them both to meta on iterative reviews
Please note, editing code in answered questions, in response to posted answers, is against site policy; please see this page for more information on how this community has agreed iterative reviews should be conducted. Thanks! — Mat's Mug ♦ 6 secs ago
@Mat'sMug There was code missing from the question. The code edited in is not in response to my answer, but to my comments requesting to code to make it possible to review what the OP was asking to review. — Justin 1 min ago
Yep, that's my confusion too
Is it not possible to review questions before they are able to be answered or something?
@skiwi that's what the review queues are for, technically
@syb0rg looks good now
@Mat'sMug Except that the question shouldn't appear anywhere until reviewed if it's from a new user or something like that
possible answer invalidation by Justin on question by Jammeh Carr: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/133238/revisions
I found the culprit regarding my YouTube history, on LinkedIn someone shared a playlist with 102 videos on it and it started silently autoplaying
: pipe ALL questions through the review queues?
@Mat'sMug I wouldn't mind that
I'd say for CR that's doable, though for all users would be a bit unnecessary
Then again, I'm on the queue's often
It would help some users get their review badges
Just proposing a solution against the messes we have to clean up regularly which are most of the time caused by not-so-perfect questions
I'm just about to get my first one with "First Posts"
@skiwi cr and pcg
and lh
Not saying it would be a bad idea for SO, but the consequences would be a lot bigger there
Q: A "todo" app built to practice Object Oriented JavaScript

finesse.pngI built a small "todo" app with an object oriented JavaScript approach. I have spent this morning reading on a few ways to approach this, and I've come up with the following: document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { var todo = Object.create(null); todo.newTodo = func...

@skiwi LinqedIn strikes again.
@Mast Nooooooooooooooooooo
I guess I should listen to Visual Studio now and restart my PC
@N3buchadnezzar In this answer you're linking to 3.6 docs while the question is about 2.7.
If you don't have a specific question, and just want your code to be reviewed, please submit your question at codereview.stackexchange.comPeter Szabo 38 secs ago
Q: Or-like Mabye monad instance; avoiding if-then-elses; general code cleanup

jacg------------------------------ QUESTION ------------------------------ How can the following implementation of fractionParse be made less ugly? (Preserving unreduced numerators and denominators is supposed to be a feature---as shown in the second example---so using readMaybe s :: Maybe (Ratio In...

@CaptainObvious ---------------TITLE------------
thanks @Mast
Np, one of the reasons we're here.
Damn, my keyboard crashed while rebooting
As Always: New User. Good Question & Answers. Upvotes appreciated. codereview.stackexchange.com/q/133208/81541
I gave you a hint on your Code Review cross post, please look it up... codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/133286/…Tunaki 5 secs ago
@skiwi Your keyboard crashed?!
@Mat'sMug Fixed up the title too :P
@Mast Yeah
Had to take power off to fix it
@Zak on it
Al my keys have a red light under them and that was also off, so I knew something was up ;)
:| Windows 10 Anniversary Update will likely be released on 2 August, I need to upgrade to Windows 10 before 29 July though... So either I need to delay the hard reinstall or stop programming for a while, as I want to use the Bash for Windows part instead of Git Bash and such
@skiwi Install it now and take the update later.
I guess, though I think I should do a full backup before installing anyway and I yet have to find free space on an external hard drive
install it now and take the update regret later.
@skiwi Yes, yes you should.
@Mat'sMug Meh, if he wants to have integrated Bash on his Windows, he has no choice but to upgrade to Win 10 anyway.
you'll integrate bashing on win update, that's what you'll do
Bash on Windows.
We've been doing that for years.
ask Nick Craver what he thinks of Win10 / Win update
Yea, the updates are ludicrous.
My Windows 10 doesn't update anymore.
Mine does only twice a month or so. When I tell it to.
It also crashes if you launch the Update part of the settings app just for safe measure.
Ah, you went the hardcore route.
EBrown: 3, Microsoft: 0.
No nukes were harmed in the destruction of Windows.
You would be surprised how many services you can disable on Windows 10 and it still does 90% of what you need.
@EBrown Crashes or just hangs there with a blue screen?
Yup. The rest is fluff.
@skiwi The Settings app crashes.
@skiwi if you need it to do that, it can!
Or you mean that you messed it up by yourself?
Anytime you open "Updates."
@EBrown It won't start installing until you check for updates.
Also every time Windows opens Updates?
That would be inconvenient.
@Hosch250 Yes it will.
Upgraded my dad's PC to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and it was a pretty big failure, not stable at all :| That's why I edge to a clean install
@Mast Hmm?
Only during the daily checks.
My Windows 10 will install/download updates anytime it finds that it has some to download/install.
@skiwi How long ago? It was really buggy for the first several months.
There's no way to tell it to defer them until I want it to.
I know, because I installed the first day it was available.
@Hosch250 Like in the first month?
So, now, my carp internet connection gets saturated by junk.
@EBrown True, I hate that.
Windows Store was gone as well at some point, but yesterday I figured out that it was suddenly available again
They fixed that ages ago.
Now common issues include right-clicking in the Windows Explorer crashes the explorer.exe process and yesterday I couldn't get into Windows Update at all
Just reinstall the thing.
My dad told me it started happening again (after it was okay for a while) after it installed some updates, I"m yet to figure out what update caused it
It probably has a bunch of junk in the registry.
@skiwi Probably a Windows Update.
Because it won't let me view the recently installed updates :|
huh, the worst thing I had with win10 in a year's time, is some odd behavior in the tiles of my start menu... and that seems fixed now
Mine doesn't turn off the display after 1 minute like it should.
@Mat'sMug Clean install, or coming from which version?
updated from 8.1 IIRC
...or was it a factory install? hmm....
Okay, I think I'll be fine from W8.1 too, but seems like W7 to W10 upgrade is goto hell;
no, not a factory install, win10 was just hitting the shelves
@skiwi Mine was a Win 7 -> Win 10 upgrade.
But I went Windows 7 -> Windows 8 -> Windows 8.1 -> Windows 10.
Also the network card stopped working in my dad's PC, it was too old I guess
my laptop is still on win7 and will remain on win7 until the end of time death of its hard drive
I've got Windows 7 Enterprise from my university on my laptop and can't upgrade that to W10 :|
it already takes about 10 minutes to boot up, I'm not even going to try win10 on it
Hmmm, if you get a retail key (from Dreamspark) and upgrade from W7 or W8.1 to W10 and then reinstall, it's still a full key, right?
@Mat'sMug Sounds like my laptop floptop!
@skiwi yeah... with about 10% of your download speed
At lest my laptop supports 5 Ghz and downloads fast, except it never gets to the point of starting a download
Looks like I can get Windows 10 from Dreamspark, might as well put it on my laptop then
Best CMS 2016
@skiwi Wait a sec.
First off, IIRC, that license only lasts for a certain period.
Secondly, you don't even need to do that. Just do the upgrade process to switch your license over to Windows 10, then you can reinstall from scratch without worrying about it.
I know I can upgrade my PC on W8.1 Pro to W10, but my laptop uses W7 enterprise and you cannot upgrade that one
Oh, OK.
I haven't found any signs of timed licenses on Dreamspark though
OK, you get those through school licenses.
You can get things like SQL Server for free just using your school name, but last I checked, I didn't see Windows 10.
I think it might depend on the school?
I haven't seem Windows 10 before now either though
I'd say lol, except that it's not really funny but more sad :/
@DanPantry I'm at episode 9 (saw #8 yesterday)
Q: Python binary to decimal converter

ConfettimakerAny ideas how I could improve this? I already know that there is no checking for anything other than a 1, so you can enter a 2 or an a or a b and it will be interpreted as a 0, not interfering with the program's functionality. What I would like to know is if anyone has any suggestions for improvi...

Q: Assigning class constant to instance variable

CyzanfarIs it good practice / correct to assign a class constant to an instance variable in Ruby? Example: Class Example CON = "foo" def initialize @foo ||= CON end end

@CaptainObvious No
One more vote till a silver: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132865/27623
@syb0rg just for you !
@JHache Thanks!
LOL Someone went through and up-voted all my top answers.
Is this a good CR candidate? stackoverflow.com/questions/38083564/…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it may belong on code review — Neal 34 secs ago
@Neal AFAICT, yes
@Neal Looks like hypothetical code to me
So no?
@syb0rg How so?
@EBrown Seems very abstract
@syb0rg That doesn't make it hypothetical.
@EBrown True, but where's the rest of the implementation?
@syb0rg Not relevant to the issue in question.
The asker has posted some code, with a specific issue in request, with the snippet of code being full and complete.
Whether or not the specific issue gets addressed is irrelevant, there are things to comment on in the code block to begin with.
@EBrown I see in the link he's actually using it (kinda)
Seems like a gray area to me
@Neal @Mat'sMug What do you think?
I think it's a best-practice question specifically about defining properties, that uses code purely for illustrative purposes. That would be hypothetical code on CR IMO
Otherwise... "what's the best practice about X?" questions are off-topic anyway
There's reviewable material in just about any line of code you can read anywhere, doesn't make it in-scope for CR
@Neal Answer by a mod ^
Thanks for asking!
...well it's just my own POV. I'm me, not CR. If it were just me we wouldn't have comparative reviews and one-liners would be off-topic by definition.
@Zak In the better late than never category, I think your first one probably has too many key relations, might make it difficult to keep all the things up-to-date with each other
And monking!
@Phrancis Well, this is what thorough implementation specs are for ^^
I'd much rather over-normalise than under-normalise.
@Zak that's normal
@Zak What is the meaning of a recordid in your context?
@Mat'sMug that sounds like programmers.se type question with hypothetical code for best practice discussion
@Mat'sMug I dont even know the right way to close that question
@Phrancis for the "map things" tables, any PK (and, by extension, FK) that I might want to link together with the thing.
@Neal then it probably shouldn't be closed?
On SO you mean?
@Mat'sMug its a hypothetical. It is asking if that is best practice, it seems. not really an SO question.
I've seen much worse
If anyone feels like nerd typo-squatting, "kcd.com" is currently on sale for £7,000
Q: Best practices for handling IDisposable

David LivelyI have a class hierarchy, each member of which may create IDisposable objects. I added a List<IDisposable> property to the base class in this hierarchy, to which I add any disposable objects on creation. The root Dispose method iterates through this list and calls Dispose for each item in its li...

Q: C# Data Connections Best Practice?

Josh C.Ok, so this is one of those kind of opinionated topics, but based on your knowledge, opinion, and current practice, what is the best way to set the following scenario up? I'm building an extensive data entry application, and by extensive I mean I've only got the basics setup which incorporates a...

@Zak I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of having a universal key like a recordid but I've never really used a database that was designed like that... it reminds be a little bit of AdventureWorks sample database from Microsoft
seems SO has a ton of best-practice questions
"What's the best practice about best practices questions?"
@Phrancis It's more because, for things like, say, notes, there could easily be more than one per (record, transaction, account etc.) and it makes no sense to have a [table]_Notes for each table.
@Zak Ah ok, so it's basically a one-to-many relationship that is shared between different types of items, it makes sense in that context
@Phrancis That's what I was going for ^^
Notes, Correspondence, Reports, Affected Policies, All potentially One-To-Many
Meh, why are external HDDs so expensive :|
@Zak OK good. As long as these Notes (or whatever things) share most of the same properties across those different types of items, should work pretty fine. You just want to make sure to avoid an Imperfect Mirror type of situation
@skiwi USB? You can just get a small adapter and use a regular full-size or even laptop HDD as external
@Phrancis Could you do this with SSD's too?
Potentially, what type of connector does a SSD use in general?
standard SATA connectors
@syb0rg I would say the USB part may make this less advantageous than a typical SSD installation, but if it uses SATA and the MOBO supports it I don't see why not
@Phrancis I could look into that, also with an external housing perhaps
Remind me if I forget to remind myself about it
I wonder how SATA compares to USB 3.0 in matters of data transmission speeds
@Phrancis You'd probably need USB 3.0 to get the speed worth
Who knew, the answer to that is on the network
A: Is a 7200rpm USB 3.0 drive going to have very similar performance to an internal 7200rpm drive or is it still going to be noticeably slower?

snoopenUSB 3.0 has an upper limit around 5.0Gbps. SATA III has an upper limit of 6.0Gbps. Regardless of overhead these rates are far higher than what a mechanical HDD can sustain for large transfers. Most mechanical HDDs won't be able to sustain more than about 1.5Gbps (HDD Speed results). So I doubt y...

So, I suppose if the SSD has a write speed greater than about 5 Gbps than SATA would be a bit faster
Time to try my hand at PE4 in C#...
I can think of ways to brute-force it, I feel sure there's a more elegant solution though
gosh the HNQ list doesn't like me
Can't blame it. Have you seen your code lately?
haven't seen my code in a while
it went that way ---->
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Implicit type class for updating maps
hi @janos!
hey Mug!
@JeroenVannevel any thoughts on this? ;-)
is the ToList() even required you think?
@Mat'sMug / @JeroenVannevel thoughts on this?
Seems like a nice FP-like approach using LINQ
@Mat'sMug Looks like it will be enumerated almost nearly immediately, so could potentially be double enumeration?
@Mat'sMug I've been following your L2S stuff every now and then but I honestly have nothing to add over what you've got going.
I don't know what ViewSet is so can't say anything about that
@Phrancis lol
That actually reminded me of Lisp a bit
it's... complicated lol.. it's part of my Linq-to-Sage implementation, it basically wraps a Sage "View", which is an ActiveRecord pattern over COM interop and 2000 layers of crap to end up talking to a database
Not exactly sure what's funny about it though
It creates an array [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] and then loops over it and does index * index + 1
so 3 (i1) *3 (i2) = 6 (r1)
then r1 is multiplied by i3 = 6 * 3
and so on
@Mat'sMug My heart bleeds for you. That sounds so painful
well, it isn't anymore :)
now I can talk to Sage 300 with code that feels just about exactly like Entity Framework :)
@JeroenVannevel Oh lol, that's funny indeed, probably slower than just doing plain old multiplications though I suppose
of course, horribly slower and it also adds memory footprint to the picture
but everything is relative
yeah, well, pretty code comes with a price
that's what I told my boss as well
That's how I got my raise
I need to dig into Castle Windsor and see how I could generate dynamic proxies to subclass the entity types - then I'd have much better change tracking
@JeroenVannevel a raise? but you just started!?
I'm a keeper
internal int IntPowerOf(int baseNum, int exponent)
    if (exponent == 0) { return 1; }
    else if (exponent == 1) { return baseNum; }
        for( ; exponent > 1; exponent--)
            baseNum *= baseNum;
    return baseNum;
nah I was kidding. No raise yet
Made that, looks simple enough and works
Hell I haven't had my first paycheck yet. About time I get it though
ugly for
@Phrancis ouch
what's wrong with a while?
@JeroenVannevel same difference?
a while would read better
no empty initializer
while would read better indeed
while(exponent > 1) { stuff; exponent--; }
I think I've grown unfond of while loops because of SQL, I need to get out of that rut
Hmm, my math is fuzzy at best
Actually, it's not even fuzzy math, it's just completely wrong :D
Q: Github user graph crawler using akka

qedHere is the code: import java.util.Date import akka.actor._ import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._ import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.con...

Q: Java Recursive minesweeper clear

JaeJae55Here is the code, it's not getting the corners like I would like it to. /* setters the min and max for x and y coordinates */ @Contract(pure = true) private int getMinX(int x){ return (x == 0 ? 0:(x-1)); } @Contract(pure = true) private int getMinY(int y){ return (y == 0 ? 0:(y-1)); } @Contrac...

@Mat'sMug no plug for rubberducky?? Flagged. — findwindow 24 secs ago
@Mat'sMug lmao
This question might be more appropriate for StackExchange's Code Review sitenbryans 15 secs ago
@Duga bring it
I don't think 0.75 can be honestly described as "almost exactly" 1... — quid 1 hour ago
@Zak as a Canadian I can agree with that
@Phrancis Unfortunately it's about as expensive if you want a normal case to put it in
Any easy way to get all unique permutations of digit replacements in a string?
@syb0rg You voted to close this question: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/133254/4203 If you have time, could you have a look at my suggested edit to see if you think it would be enough to make it on topic, or is the lack of memory cleanup a deal breaker? codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/59737
"1001" should give "x001, 100x, x00x, 1x01, 10x1, 1xx1"
Seems like a lot of people missed this:
yesterday, by skiwi
Just got news I graduated :D Call me Bachelor of Science now!
oh, congrats @skiwi Mr. Bachelor of Science!
Thanks @Mat'sMug ^^
Solving for Bananas made the newsletter @N3buchadnezzar
@forsvarir I don't know much C/C++, but if the OP says it's working as intended, and the code doesn't actually work off undefined behavior, and merely wastes resources and leaks memory.. IMO the key here is whether the OP is interested in general feedback about any/all aspects of the code, or whether they have a very broad approach to asking a specific question about fixing memory leaks - the former is on-topic, the latter isn't.
Code Review weekly newsletter, you should subscribe if you haven't!
Oh, I will!
see your profile, under the preferences tab
In soviet russia newsletter subsribes to you
@skiwi I have one of these which is pretty reasonably priced, comes with a nice little case that easily fits in your pocket, and USB cord
@N3buchadnezzar add link?
@forsvarir IMO this is what seals the deal:
> I am posting here on Code Review to see if someone could point me in the right direction. I have attempted to rewrite a bit of my code to see if I can address the errors, but to no avail.
> Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
sounds very much like undefined behavior
OP needs to do their homework
@Phrancis I'm looking at one at least 3 TB, a couple of years ago I bought one for 99€ but seems like it's more around 120€ these days, on the other hand a 5 TB one is 140€
Thanks for pointing out the codereview section. I have never used that before in my life. You are totally right the question does belong there :) Yeah I do not think macros are any better. I was thinking maybe some kind of enumerator or typedef to join the constants. Also if I ever want to expand it will be hard because I need to make sure what goes with what. — Fredlo2010 56 secs ago
@forsvarir Unfortunately, it seemed like more than just a memory leak, and wasn't fixable by your edit :/
Q: Selenium WebDriver test for Slack

shteinnI submitted this script as part of a interview process. It was rejected and no reasons were given. I'm wondering what parts of my script were unacceptable. The script works, and satisfies the question, but I must be doing things very wrong. Use Selenium, Watir, Capybara, or similar to automat...

woop, passed 16k rep
@Pimgd congrats!
Any other labels I should add for issues? github.com/syb0rg/Khronos/labels
@Mast ^ ?
Is it considered cross-posting if I post in the CodeReview community? — Fredlo2010 26 secs ago
@Duga precisely
I should've put that link lol
so according to some magic SEDE queries, CR is at about 22 minutes median review time
your labels will messup isitmaintained I think
@Quill I assume that's *excluding* the ~2,500 questions with infinite time-to-review?
what are you talking about? lets all ride the magic code review bus~
Oh, wait, Median, nevermind.
I was talking about all the unanswered questions
@Mat'sMug Hm?
> Some issues are ignored based on their labels (example of ignored labels: "enhancement", "feature"…).
to be fair, not infinite, even the oldest zombie is only 5 years old.
@Zak Lies, it existed before and just happened to visit CR 5 years ago
Stack Overflow is at 27 minutes median review time
@Mat'sMug I'm not sure I wanna use them tho
Idk yet
Why do you think it would mess them up?
and why am I not surprised that this is, by far, the most common combination of veteran-zombie tags:
they're expecting some seemingly poorly-documented list of specific labels to be ignored
@Mat'sMug Can you select specific labels to not be included in the badge metric?
no clue
Hm, we'll see how this label set treats me and modify from there
Q: Compare files by name in two folders A and B and delete duplicates from folder A

LernkurveBackground I wrote my very first Python program to answer a Superuser question Question I'm wondering how the application can be rewritten to make it as pythonic as possible. Unittest code import unittest import os import shutil from DeleteDuplicateInFolderA import DeleteDuplicateInFolderA ...

@syb0rg I treat mine as SE tags :)
well most of 'em anyway
@Mat'sMug I actually looked to CR meta for some of my status labels
@Mat'sMug Also, this was a useful link: medium.com/@dave_lunny/…
oooh, bookmarked!
@syb0rg Perhaps a Status: Assigned if you're planning to allow multiple contributors.
except, my color schemes work like label prefixes I think
Afar from that, looks good.
@Mast isn't that redundant? the issue itself knows it's assigned
and to whom

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