I commit to develop (or whatever branch I set up for the build plan). A Jenkins server builds my app and runs all of the automated tests. If those tests all pass, the binary is pushed out to everyone interested.
Product owners get daily (or more than daily) builds.
@MarcGravell, what do you mean live deployment? I thought that StackExchange was filled with professionals that don't need to test their code? — MalachiJul 15 '14 at 15:16
And then, the second most important part is that product owners get that build as soon as possible so that developers can, as quickly as possible, get feedback on anything that needs to be changed/fix.
To be clear, the point of the sprint being time boxed is that you're also looking at how much your team is able to complete in that time frame. Over enough sprints, you get an idea of how much can be done in a sprint.
If you don't understand story points, ignore it for now. It's just a way of measuring how much work we're completing/committing too
When our sprint ends, there are three outcomes.
1. We completed less than what we committed to. 2. We completed exactly what we committed to. 3. We completed more than what we committed to.
No matter the outcome, we talk about why we had that outcome. We talk about whether that outcome is something we can expect to repeat. Or if we expect better or worse in future sprints.
I am working on writing a module for my portfolio that loads a requested page. The page requested could load either new "content" data or new "content" data AND new grid data. There is still quite a bit I am working on here and some things aren't hooked up yet, but the issue that bothers me curre...
We talk about things that are happening that are preventing us from getting more work done. We talk about things that are happening that are helping us get more work done.
off topic... but I just read this on The Workplace:
> For example, we learned that he was upset because "if he had known that we weren't reimbursing his transportation to the airport, he would have taken a cheaper mode of transport."
I think that the employee in question might be right in the big picture... but it's kind of Scumbag Steve to base your decisions on whether or not the company is paying for that decision.
And perhaps doubly so to make the assumption that the company is paying without knowing it for sure.
This code is far from readable.
Optional braces should not be considered optional.
Omitting these braces leaves your code prone to future errors.
Besides this, I personally find it makes your code harder to parse. I'm so used to seeing loop bodies (or if/else) contained within braces, tha...
God, I'm so glad braces are non-optional in Swift.
This looks to be opinion based without a "correct" answer, or best decision made on a case by case basis (my opinion). @ariberiro supplied link to codereview has more discussion — Traktor537 secs ago
@cricket_007 It is possible that this particular question might be a fit for Code Review, the conjecture that all working code should automatically go to Code Review is less than accurate. — nhgrif9 secs ago
@AyleanClaraGrandieur - I believe you have a legitimate question, but as it is written it is not appropriate for Stack Overflow. As previously suggested I think the Code Review site might be a better option. Alternatively, you can restructure the question to be more specific. For example, if you want to use assembly, SSE instructions, threading, etc, to improve performance, you should ask a more targeted questions. — JBCP49 secs ago
We have a Queue implemented using an array of size 5, front and back start at index 0 and we do the following:
enQueue( deQueue() );
What are the indexes of front and back?
I said the front was at index 2 and the back was at index...
Write a C program to get the age (three integer numbers) from the input.
The format of age is dd-mm-yyyy. The program calculates the number of days of age before 01/01/2016 (until 30/12/2015) and display the result.
Ask the user to repeat by pressing ‘y’ or stop by pressing ‘n’.
You have to cons...
I'm a Beginning C programmer. I need a function that will take a string and determine if it's a number. The data is coming from files created by different people and the number formats WILL vary. So the function needs to decide if it was Supposed to be a number and if so, I will call the right co...
@ZephyrMays feel free to post your working code (with as much context as possible) on Code Review for help making it more readable, efficient, maintainable, etc. — Mat's Mug54 secs ago
In a C project I want to reuse curl easy handles. The flow of program is like:
Client --> C Application --> Call URL1, do something, Call URL2, do something, Call URL3...
In short, for each client request, same set of URLs are called.
I initially create the curl easy handle when the program st...
Apart from the fact that fetch is asynchronous, I don't see much issues with your code. But your question is not a real question. For code review, suggestions etc, try this place codereview.stackexchange.com — T J12 secs ago
This is a BillBreaker Java program that breaks a number entered into the different denominations such as: hundreds, fifties, twenties, tens, fives, twos, ones, quarters, etc.
The program seems to work fine for many of the test inputs, but there are a few times where the final output is off by on...
Here is my code
Which code statements is going to better performance code 1 or code 2
ArrayList<String> datalist = new ArrayList<String>();
// Code 1
int size = datalist.size();
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
// Code 2
for(int i=0;i<datalist.size();i++){
I am totally new to php..Can this code improved By using addslashed function to prevent second order sql injection
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$content = strip_tags($_POST['cont'],'<h1>,<br>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<strong>,<a>');
$content_date = date('d-m-y');
if (!empty($con...
Compare the input numbers (granted to be non-negative) without logical, relational or bitwise operators, and insert the corresponding comparison sign between them.
Previous question: Comparing two integers without logical, relational or bitwise operators.
Answer link on Stack Over...
I have just started out learning C++ and I am trying to write out a simple bills' dispenser machine, chanced upon my brother's notes and thought I had give it a go..
The question is : Upon user-input, the system is to check if it can pays out the amount but only in 20 and 50 bills, and it shoul...
Simple example: fork(). If you look at the manpage, there are three different groups of values it returns, but you only make a distinction between two of them. If fork() fails, I'd just throw std::runtime_error("fork() failed") as default error handling concept, so the fault doesn't go unnoticed. This also applies to other functions here, just read the according documentation to find out how they signal errors. You can also post your code for review on codereview.stackexchange.com to get further suggestions. — Ulrich Eckhardt57 secs ago
The issue is that this stupid date picker is being stupid and giving me stupid dates in stupid American format when I'm telling it not to. Because it's stupid.
I have a model with possibly thousands of objects. I was wondering what would be the most efficient way of storing them and retrieving a single object once I have it's id. The id's are long numbers.
So these are the 2 options I was thinking about. in option one it's a simple array with an increm...
Remember that arrays are just a form of "exotic Object" in the js specification. The only difference from "real" objects is that their keys are implicitly converted to strings int he underlying object representation.
That is to say, array[0] should be equivalent to object["0"]
The code below is a attempt to create a persistent login cookie. I am a amateur and not professional so this is the first attempt to have secure remember me cookie. Now I want you guys to review two things:
I am trying to create a system like best way to implement remember me but I am not sure ...
That stored a string - such as an event, plus the cost, for example.
It's not autogenrated. That string is stored in the database. The cost isn't stored in the databse.
So you have a line like "Sold to customer - £6000" which is genreated by selected options, but that string itself is stored in the DB - not the 6000, £ and activity code individually.
I can't believe I'm having to explain to someone how to use a damn bug/issue tracker... just log out the information of what you want changed. Don't put in a vague title and then expect me to know what it means.
BLUF: being new to VBA, and many years removed from college programming courses in Java, I'm seeking opinions about design, implementation, readability and general better practices using VBA to tackle complex problems. There are probably other programming languages much better suited to this pro...
Working from a C# and EntityFramework background. Jimmy Bogard makes the point of modelling your domain model correctly, such that an Email Address is not a simple string but should be of type EmailAddress.
Also known as Primitive Obsession.
I've come to this part of a piece of software where a...
. @mats-mug - as suggested, I posted my project, after major clean up, over at Code Review - here. Thanks again for the suggestions. Getting back to basics with those statements has made all the difference in remembering what I was trying to do and why! — Zephyr Mays1 min ago
the problem there was just naming. cause you should go out if same name the one with 1 param less calls the other method with an extra "null" or default value
As far as the C programming language goes, check_is_numeric is a quite good function name. I could spend some time talking about a few variable names through your code that could stand to be a little bit better (as people around here know, I'm a stickler for writing readable code).
But we can a...
So there's one way. But also, because checkedTypes is a List and not a Set, you could end up with the same value in there multiple times in a race condition.
Neither of these should generate bugs, but both of them will cause some lack of efficiency.
The following code executes asynchron on the sql database. Is the closing of the connection implemented in the right way?
Are there any missing features regarding connection handling which need to be added?
public void deleteData(Node node, User user)
SqlConnection connecti...
That's fine, but the lack of thread safety means the same thing could make it in the list twice, and that makes the list bigger than it needs to be (effecting performance negatively)
I didn't see recursion. But if you are okay with in not being thread safe, that's a decision you make. But if it's not thread safe ( it's not), don't claim that it is
I am working in Maya using PyMEL. [1] I need to set an attribute value on an arbitrary node. The attribute may not exist or, if it does exist, may be locked. I found that setAttr with force=True did not account for all these scenarios, so I made my own...
import pymel.core as core
def _maya_for...
Please let me know if I can improve my question in any way
I build/maintain an IT Support Self-Help App and recently had the need to include some registry key manipulation when users experience certain issues.
I create the Reggie class to handle the general registry key manipulation:
using S...
Code reviews are off topic here. Whether a particular request for a code review is on topic somewhere else is a different matter. — Raedwald16 secs ago
@Raedwald Depends how you define "Code Review". Stack Overflow is for specific programming questions, so whilst a general Code Review is probably too broad, a focused review of a properly scoped aspect of some piece of code certainly can be. — Zak58 secs ago
Do I need to restructure for readability?
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]BoatProperties props)
// model validation
// check if guid is set, else set it; don't set when user is admin
if(props.Guid == null &&...