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Great. I'm off to watch a movie. Hope to see you around and that you manage to get it to work!
RELOAD! There are 1641 unanswered questions (94.5774% answered)
Have fun :-)
Thanks, same for you ;)
is it just me or did Github's syntax highlighting change: github.com/Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics/blob/develop/VSDiagnostics/…
I'm a bitbucket user, not that familiar with github sorry :)
Which is the Arqade chat room?
The Bridge
@Gustavo6046 If you go to the Arqade's chat site, the one that says "general chat" is probably their main chat.
At least, that is how it is on most SE sites.
Ok, thanks!
@DJanssens Quack. Sounds right.
@Beko It is quite likely that what you think of as "too long" we think of as "normal size"
@Beko You should definitely learn how to use Git from the console, that will make you understand Git better. But also, I'd recommend using SourceTree.
Thanks, but I didn't want a code review, I wanted help making the multiline syntax work. The problem was that the documentation, in addition to the pipe, breaks the string into a separate string for each line and concatenates them together. This doesn't work for an attribute. All the examples we Googled for did the same thing, or weren't about multiline strings, so we thought this was a necessary part of the syntax. — Phillip Longman 50 secs ago
That's probably Duga's downside... sometimes posting these kinds of comments that are unrelated to code review and just mentions them, often on a note...
@Gustavo6046 It's fairly unlikely, and Duga's amazing benefits greatly whiteout her "downside".
@SimonForsberg Alright, thanks for letting me know.
I've already finished my first bit of my Tic Tac Toe game (pvp on console), but I'll first see if I can improve it in any kind of way
also just finished the git tutorial, though this is not even nearly enough
I'll post my question once I'm done with both of these things :-)
Q: Finding the minimum from a sorted rotated array with duplicates

Software EngineerIs this an efficient way of finding the minimum using binary search? //Find the minimum in a sorted rotated list of numbers function findmin(arr, low, high){ if(low==high) return arr[low]; if(arr[low]<arr[high]) return arr[low]; if((high-low) == 1) return Math.min(arr[high], ...

1 hour later…
@Beko what language are you writing it in? Just curious :)
1 hour later…
Q: Merges given list of integer entries acccordingly

Karthikeyan PalaniswamyI am developing a 2048 program in Python. As a part of that project, I am working on merging method that merges the given integer entries. I am interested in some suggestion to improve my code. def creating_resulting_list(length_line): """ Function that create a resulting_list with eq...

1 hour later…
it's a bit slow round here today
how dare you
ws.on('message', function(message) {
    var m = JSON.parse(message);
    for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++){
websockets are fun
Q: Anagram: Hacker Rank Challenge {https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/anagram/copy-from/16371638}

Girish Ingle#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { int t,j,len,i,cnt,flag=0; char str1[10000]; char strL[10000]; char strR[10000]; scanf("%d",&t); while(t>0) { cnt=0; flag=0; scanf("%s",str1); len=strlen(str1); if(len%2!=0) ...

2 hours later…
is monking a way of saying hello here?
@TanMath Absolutely ^^
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon ForsbergWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Handling success and failure when retrieving product information
Questions about: How can I improve my code are off-topic for Stack Overflow. We only solve problems, which means your code doesn't work. You might can get help on Code Review. Check what's on-topic questions here and there for more details. — Kevin Guan 36 secs ago
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill just now
Q: How works deleting posts ? What can cause a post to be deleted? what does that actually mean?

RayPinkHow works and what does that actually mean? How can a post be deleted? How can I undelete one of my posts? What does deletion mean for a post? How do votes to delete work? What are the criteria for deletion? What else should I know about deleted posts? If I flag my question with a request to del...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is useless nonsense. — Shadow Wizard 9 mins ago
Gotta love MSE...
Q: Generate all bit strings with Hamming distance at most 2

GideonI'm playing around with hypercubes. For this, I need to create its edge set. Specifically, the edge set is the set of all bit strings with Hamming distance 1. An important property is that I want to generate every such pair exactly once. I do this with the following function (I'm also providing a...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is a rhetorical question which can already be answered by just running and observing the code yourself. It's also of too low quality in order to be migrated to codereview.stackexchange.com. — BalusC 1 min ago
@DJanssens in Java. Out of the ones I "know" it's the one I know best, so I'll focus on it. The only basic topics I still have to learn in Java are I/O and Concurrency, I believe.
Hi and welcome to SO. Please consider posting questions regarding coding style to codereview.stackexchange.com . StackOverflow is more about specific problems. — Hubert Grzeskowiak 56 secs ago
Q: Reading input from stdin

HainiI read user input from stdin in plain C. The problem is that I want a sane implementation that is robust to errors and restricts the user to a certain input and doesn't suck in terms of complexity. The function get_strings() reads input char by char as long there is no new line (\n), no EOF and...

Can you please tell us what's wrong with the function you show? For some specific input, what is the actual and expected result? Or do you just want a code review? — Joachim Pileborg 52 secs ago
Aha I see, cool @Beko
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard
@nicael just downvote and vote to close. When closed, vote to delete. That troll should not be fed and he'll get bored.
Monking all
Interesting way to chat there ^^
printing to console pretty much screws the HTML styled messages, unless I loaded a temporary HTML doc to render it on
Just print to log files, one file per chat.
I'm not really trying to store activity... just playing around with websockets
If this code is working as intended and you simply want a review of it, you should ask on Code Review. — nhgrif 7 secs ago
Hi @nhgrif
@Quill what language is this?
JS & Node
Got two upvotes this morning on an answer from over 6 months ago, odd...
There's been talk lately of serial un-upvoting
Q: Is serial un-upvote a thing?

Ϻ.Λ.Ʀ.Today I saw a user in a per site meta that has a reputation tab like this: Their meta post is about something else though. The problem I have is with this very screenshot: 4 un-upvotes took place in a range of 5 minutes For the sake of a consensus, I'm not asking for someone to look into t...

Upvotes, not un-upvotes.
I know what you said, just bringing it up
Although I think 3 of my questions got un-upvoted, since I only got 17 rep for those 2 answer upvotes.
Or the system is just being an ass.
Did you do some downvoting?
If you got un-upvoted, you'd lose 10 rep for the un-upvote.
Unupvotes literally say unupvote
No, there's nothing on my reputation tab saying something like that.
And if you got upvoted as well, the rep would break even. You don't get to a non-multiple of 5 without doing something besides receiving votes or having votes removed from your posts.
Perhaps it wasn't calculating properly and actually meant 17, no clue.
And we can narrow that to down to multiples of 10 if we specify answers only.
there's many combos that can make 17
upvoted answer + upvoted question + tag edit
two upvoted answer + downvote on you + downvote by you
@Quill Shortest combination is getting an answer accepted and an approved question edit, but I no longer get the latter.
You do on tags, though
I can also force things like +1 to show up for me
Downvote an answer. Refresh. Remove downvote. Refresh.
The +1 lingers.
or you get +1 when an answer you downvoted gets deleted too
Oh dang! Thanks @nhgrif! I didn't even know about Code Review! Thanks bud! — Diplomatic Medic 51 secs ago
> Thanks bud!
Another upvote on that same old answer, something is off.
This is more of a code review isn't it rather than a specific question. See the SO Codereview site. — sagarpandya82 1 min ago
Oh dang!
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 5 secs ago

Diplomatic MedicI have been going back and forth on one certain part of my code. It works, but it doesn't seem right for some reason, as I believe there must be an easier/cleaner way to implement the NSUSER DEFAULTS. All of which are dates. I apologize that the code is so long. A lot of it is repetitive, and I w...

all these flags wow
@CaptainObvious Yuck. That can't be according to any style guide.
Thanks for your answers, I will go to codereview to paste the full code. @WandMaker I call the method in a seperate if statement after the user confirms something, this is also working the method is running correctly, but when I try to print out the content of the hash, it remains empty. Th — codein 34 secs ago
@Duga Uh oh, that sounds like broken code incoming.
I did comment but we'll see, I guess
Q: Skip List implementation

simplicis veritatisThe following code implements a Skip List based on "Skip Lists: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" by W.Pugh. Skip_list.h #ifndef SKIP_LIST_H #define SKIP_LIST_H //============================================================================== struct Skip_Node { int key; st...

there's a weird eggs.js file in the chat headers
Could it be an asteroids game? Loads of references to ASTEROIDS in there
and chulthu
Is someone summoning chulthu?
7 mins ago, by Quill
With code that ugly, probably.
Q: Printing contents of list with indexes from other list (C++ 11)

DvoleI have two lists. L stores some values and P holds values that are indexes in the first list that should be printed. Lists are sorted in ascending order. Error checking can be ignored, both lists are valid and values are valid. Do I understand correctly, that since I always continue from the pla...

@Quill Looks better.
Followed by: Eggs.Assistant('I would like to start the assistant') opens Clippy in chat
Followed by Eggs.Asteroids('insert coin') makes a button appear, click it, and Asteroids in chat will start
A: NSUser defaults cellForRowAtIndexPath

nhgrif #define UserDefault [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] NO! There's a reason that Apple didn't bring #define pre-processor macros into the Swift language. Generally speaking, the primary function of these macros is to make debugging more difficult. In almost all cases of macros, you can...

There seems to some ugly code in there as well (from line 100 in beautified version):
@Quill What the hell? Lol
var e, i;
if (t.search(/\brm -r/) >= 0) e = "[root@localhost /]# ", i = "rm -rf /";
else {
    if (!(t.search(/\bdel \/s/i) >= 0)) return;
    e = "C:WINDOWS>", i = "del /S /Q *.*"
You forgot indentation
typing rm -rf / in chat over at Server Fault makes your screen go weird
@Quill Until you discover you accidentally typed it in your own console
You've twice omitted braces.
@nhgrif It's code from that above script I posted
and it's unminified code
Q: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

MosheAccording to balpha, the SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post. Edit: Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)

So typing Eggs.Console('rm -r') or Eggs.Console('del /s') gives you a Terminal / CMD effect
Monking :-)
First independent contract is confirmed! Just need to hack away until Saturday now
@Caridorc LOL try [] + {} and {} + [].
unminified means before it is minified
it can also mean spacing out a minified file, undo doesn't mean before you do something
so, you've just added white space back in?
yeah, basically
I wouldn't call that unminifying. That's surely one of the least significant aspects of minifying, right?
the minifier changes variable names, removes braces, etc as well
Surely we remove more characters during the minifying process by renaming our descriptive variable names to single letters than we do by condensing whitespace..
^ that exactly
..Sort of
var e, i;
if (t.search
there's a lot of whitespace in code
Mangling isn't always safe, which is why you don't always do it
(Mangling = changing variable/property names; minifying MAY mangle, but may also not)
You can add a lot of white space with very few characters.
Think about how much white space I add with two return characters.
Versus 6-20 character long variable names that are reused over and over line after line
The problem is at least with Javascript it isn't safe to mangle objects - all you can mangle are variable names
changing console.log to a.b is probably a bad idea, for example
It comes down to whether you're using tabs or spaces and how deeply nested your code is
it doesn't change anything but localised variables, IIRC
minifying my production code didn't modify my prototypes
Yeah, @Quill, it's only going to change const/let/var
But if you're writing good code, you've probably invested significantly more characters in variable & method names (etc) then you have white space.
lolwat ^^
such chat messages
very disturb
> Even Jon Skeet cannot parse HTML using regular expressions
Q: Find the first row in the matrix with all positive elements, and the sum of these elements

n096Find the first row in the matrix with all positive elements, and the sum of these elements. Zoom all the elements to this sum. Here is my attempt, but this way sum the positive elements: matrix = [[-5, -6, 2], [7, 2, 3], [8, 4, -9]] summ = 0 for i in range(len(matrix)): pos = False for...

A new level of code obfuscation: stackoverflow.com/q/34706888/1864167
> String sql9
> rs5 = stmt9.executeQuery(sql9);
> int y = rs5.getInt("y");
@CaptainObvious Broken... Sums all positive elements, and replaces all elements of matrix with this sum...
I want to put my merge-insertion sort implementation to review, but the explanation will be soooo long...
And hard to understand without nice pictures.
You could create nice pictures ^^
There are already nice enough pictures in The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3 and a nice explanation too, but it's copyrighted content, so I can't use it.
And Wikipedia doesn't have an article for the algorithm.
Ugh, the longer I'm studying my Bachelor, the less interest I have in starting a Master study ^^
@Morwenn can't you copy the pictures and provide attribution?
@JeroenVannevel I don't know.
Considering it has a teaching element I think it might be allowed
If you provide proper attribution I doubt anyone would care, to be honest
I don't remember the term, but I do believe that in most countries you are allowed to copy a little bit of something (at least with proper attribution)
fair use?
I think it's generally accepted but still comes with a few grey areas
Things like pictures are more strict than text snippets though
Maybe you can copy only some pixels of the image
Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. It is one type of limitation and exception to the exclusive rights copyright law grants to the author of a creative work. Examples of fair use in United States copyright law include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship. It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test. The term "fair use"...
Q: Performance of Cocos2d-js gamelogic methods in extended cc.Class vs. in the window scope

zantafioi just finished my first game-porting to cocos2d-js and i am now in the process of code-optimizing. Since I come from a Object-Oriented Background i usually put all my game Logic in an extended cc.Class like so: var Logic = cc.Class.extend({ ctor:function(gamelayer,overlaylayer) { //here ar...

Q: HackerRank Anagram

Jerry CoffinI was (yet again!) inspired by a previous question to post some code to solve the same problem. In this case, the problem in question is the Anagram challenge on HackerRank. The basic idea is that you're given some number of lines of input. Each line of input represents two strings (with no delim...

Q: Simple Snake Game - Follow-up 2

MORTALBased on the previous question, I have implemented all suggestions. Also, I worked a bit in this project to improve it. Summary of improvements: split the code into multiple files as .hpp and .cpp removed STL functions used only one sf::RectangleShape for border instead of std::vector. I wou...

@MartinR Codereview is the place to go when you want to improve working code.Code that crashes is off-topic for codereview. — Mathias Ettinger 23 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because, This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network. Look into codereview.stackexchange.commybirthname 53 secs ago
Q: C64 loading screen thoughts

Chris DevineI have made a loading screen (splash screen) just like the old C64. I have used a series of picture boxes and just change the coloured image using a timer and a case statement. switch (a) { case 1: pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.image1; pictureBox8.Image =...

Q: LinkedListy-Stack

Mayur KulkarniI came across this interesting question while reading 'Cracking the coding Interview' and came up with a simple implementation. Any suggestions are welcomed. Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it might topple. Therefore, in real life, we would likely start a ne...

Q: How to create a function to convert Postive Integers to Roman in a visual basic console app

BACI want to create a function to convert positive integers to Roman numerals in visual Basic console application. can anybody explain it in a easy way. and whenever I call a function it does not work.pls explain the correct way to call a function too.

Q: Ford-Johnson merge-insertion sort

MorwennThe Ford-Johnson algorithm, also known as merge-insertion sort (the name was probably given by Knuth) is a in-place sorting algorithm designed to perform as few comparisons as possible to sort a collection. Unfortunately, the algorithm needs some specific data structures to keep track of the orde...

Done, without images though :/
One of these days, @CaptainObvious and @Duga are gonna have more messages than the rest of us in here.
It's been a little slow from time to time lately... So possibly they could get more messages
It's Sunday. It's usually slow on Sundays.
@Donald.McLean @rolfl Anyone knows when they will announce when they will announce when they will announce when POI Season 5 will start?
Slightly recursive there, Simon?
At this time, I'm happy with any of the announcements.
It's been slow the last few days... I'm thinking it's slow due to the new year, and relaxation after the Winter Bash, or something like that...
probably so
Don't know POI, but according to wikipedia all the other seasons has started airing in september on a yearly basis. Does not look good though for Season 5, since we've passed it, and it's a long way to September again...
but we know that there will be a Season 5
it will be shorter than the previous seasons though
> CBS just released their mid-season schedule and the premiere date of "Person of Interest" Season 5 has been moved in summer 2016.
So don't hold your breath!
@SimonForsberg ^^ Sorry I got busy yesterday, but I made a few changes that you suggested
@Phrancis Have you ever made barbecue sauce before?
@holroy Summer? They skipped an entire year?
I know you're the resident chef here...
@nhgrif Not from scratch no
My wife & I may be attempting it soon.
@holroy Noooo!!!
I've mixed barbecue sauces with other things to enhance them
@Phrancis I love it!
@SimonForsberg OK good. Now would you want a thin border around it, or no border?
@SimonForsberg Don't shoot the messenger...
(the border that is there right now is only a delimiter added by InDesign)
@Phrancis IIUC community ads require a border if you use white background
If I understood correctly
> If the ad has a white background, it must have at least a 1x1 border of non-white
That ^^
Hmm... nothing is happening in my program. Is that good or bad?
it's using 15% CPU though so something is going on.
@Phrancis RE: BBQ sauce... Hidden Valley has a "Sweet Chili" flavor of their ranch dressing. hiddenvalley.com/products/bottled-dressings/ranch-flavors/… It's a really awesome flavor, just not as a salad dressing. I use it on tacos & such. But I was thinking it'd make an equally awesome flavor for wings if it were more of a barbecue and less of a ranch
Q: PyQt QThread with ProgressBar Dialog

GriMelI have a ExportDialog with ProgressBar Stop and Break buttons, which uploads some data. I use QThread and everything goes OK but sometimes MainWindow, from where ExportDialog was run gets frozen (grey) and I can't click Stop and Break, only exit. Also, I have some values, which get changed and s...

grumble grumble I should have tested the export before finishing the layout to look good. Now I have to change everything :|
What happened, @Phrancis?
I thought the pink frame inside was the reference to the edge of the document
Looks like it's a margin reference instead
@SimonForsberg - I have no POI news. All I can say is that the keys are close together.
17 mins ago, by holroy
> CBS just released their mid-season schedule and the premiere date of "Person of Interest" Season 5 has been moved in summer 2016.
Excellent analysis though.
Drat, then, OK.
@Phrancis oh.
@rolfl I guess we just have to code our own Machine...
Been doing that for the past few months... ;-)
Heh, for 4 seconds there was no internet at home, last night:
> Sat Jan 9 18:31:10 2016 -> INTERNET -> JUST GONE DOWN - Was UP for 3710842 seconds
The last time it was down, it came up with:
> Fri Nov 27 19:43:48 2015 -> INTERNET -> JUST COME BACK - Was DOWN for 2 seconds
@rolfl Watson?
@rolfl Is that script of yours open source?
Q: Simple lightweight object pool (revised)

AlexThis question is in response to the code review here: Simple lightweight object pool. Please visit the original question for background. Firstly I would like to thank @rolfl for the excellent and complete review. I have taken on board all the suggestions made and carefully amended the code in r...

Q: update database column value everyday automatically

jishuwhen i press a start button then update database column value everyday and when i press stop button then database value can not update. how i solve this by asp.net using c sharp from code behind without loading page. Database value will update automatically .

Nahh..... cloud management system.... it's complicated
The script is open, yes.
It's here on CR somewhere.
Q: Network Downtime

rolflA while ago I was experiencing 'flakiness' on my home ADSL line. I run a Linux server in my basement, VOIP, and a few other things (like Netflix) and I was experiencing a few minutes of network downtime every few hours. This was dropping very important things, like the kids watching cartoons, and...

Q: PHP file upload not working

Braden ParksI'm using hyperphp for free web hosting where I have a webpage to upload files. I'm not getting syntax errors but my files are never there when I upload them, even though I get the "Upload Sucessful!" message. I'm using PHP 5.4.4 upload.php: <!doctype html> <html class="no-js" lang="en"...

@rolfl I might just use that...
@rolfl I imagine you have some kind of security center in your basement ;-)
In other news, I don't know if my program is working or if it's buggy but still giving me the right results... damn Artificial Networks.
Heh, no. Just a "big" computer with a 24-port gigabit network switch.
This helps too:
I didn't know Perl had these "nice" statements as well
panabox:~> uptime
 13:47:50 up 146 days, 18:48,  1 user,  load average: 0.22, 0.14, 0.26
sendmail(%mail) or die;
@SimonForsberg Have you tried writing an AI to see if your AI is correct?
@skiwi Excellent suggestion.
> ➜ zomis@bubble ~ uptime
19:50:42 up 114 days, 2:27, 2 users, load average: 0,02, 0,02, 0,05
Duga reliability? ^^^
@rolfl @Duga's server, yes.
I think I'm onto something...
clicked 2: {flag=0.14373051192873457, unclicked=0.15866862294774442, clicked=0.5633539422930751}
clicked 4: {flag=0.14373051192873457, unclicked=0.15866862294774442, clicked=0.5633539422930751}
flag     : {flag=0.14373051192873457, unclicked=0.15866862294774442, clicked=0.5633539422930751}
middlejnk: {flag=0.14373051192873457, unclicked=0.15866862294774442, clicked=0.5633539422930751}
I'm wondering something about going for a Masters Degree... Does anyone have some real experiences about how useful it is to have a Masters Degree? (As opposed to just a Bachelors Degree)
Artificial Neural Network returns the same results whatever I pass it, that can't be right.
@SimonForsberg Yeah... indeed
@skiwi It's a really hard question to answer, and depends on too many variables to make sense with.
I thought it seemed weird that the network only had 1594 weights in it.
@rolfl Let's apply logistic regression to those variables!
Heh. No, let's not, but then later say we did.
(That's what masters students do ^^^ ) ;-)
@rolfl Not any useful bit you can give? ^^
@skiwi - the only useful thing I can suggest is to do both, and choose later.
@skiwi 1. That's always a useful bit. Although some would argue that 0 is just as useful.
@rolfl Schrodinger's Masters Degree?
I'm more attracted to solving real issues than imaginary issues it seems
Seriously, apply for the masters course, get the grades you need for it, and believe that you'll do it. But, also apply for jobs, good jobs, and hedge your bets. If you get an offer from either side, evaluate the offer, and choose then,
Q: Vector Implementation C++

dgouderI have attempted to implement a similar version of the STL Vector; several functions are missing but I'd like a few words of advice on whether I am indeed on the right track or whether I should change my approach. My objective is to understand how the vector works from behind the scenes and not ...

I don't know how to handle this post; is it on-topic? (read the comments, too)
@SirPython soo.. the GUI doesn't work, the rest does.
@SirPython upload is just a part of its program
option 1: close as broken
Broken GUI is the other part
option 2: remove / fix the GUI part
Okay, thanks.
I'll leave a comment for the OP.
I also like this one
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

janosThe code cleanup crew (Make it 30 characters)

Jon Skeet's last post in SE chat:
in SE Podcast, Aug 9 '11 at 20:47, by Jon Skeet
I should really go and do some ironing...
Q: Printing a nested data structure in clojure

u6f6oI wrote the following code which transforms a nested data structure (def board [[{:mine true} {:warn 1 :explored true} {:explored true}] [{:warn 1 :explored true} {:warn 1 :explored true} {} ] [{} {} {:f...

A: What Java 8 Stream.collect equivalents are available in the standard Kotlin library?

Jayson MinardThere are functions in the Kotlin stdlib for average, count, distinct,filtering, finding, grouping, joining, mapping, min, max, partitioning, slicing, sorting, summing, to/from arrays, to/from lists, to/from maps, union, co-iteration, all the functional paradigms, and more. So you can use those ...

@rolfl Right, picking good jobs will be an interesting process though
@Hosch250 I think he's not finishd yet
@JeroenVannevel Just judging by that example, is there a big difference of Kotlin vs Groovy?
It looks very groovy to me
I don't know Kotlin or Groovy
But considering they're both relatively recent JVM languages, I don't expect them to be much different
Just came accross this: gosu-lang.github.io/docs.html
Never heard of it
gonna see me some dinos
@wacraby Sorry, but I don't have time to fix this there is a lot of errors maybe some other time. Check some of my programs on code review to get some kind of idea of how it should look. Click my name and there sjould be a tab that says codereview. again I'm sorry, really busy learning java my 4th language for computer science class — DeliriousSyntax 48 secs ago
@skiwi Ceylon? Never heard of it.
Q: Spatial parametric scaling in agent-based model

neither-norI’m running a simple agent-based disease spread model on a 2D lattice, where disease transmission in a population depends on each individual’s chance of avoiding infection at every time step, which decreases with the local density of the infected and transmission rate. import numpy as np import ...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Pagination object oriented
@CaptainObvious That looks like academic code to me
Siblings are tantruming and slamming things around because the Vikings lost :)
@SimonForsberg Is it supposed to be spelled "BrainDuck" rather than "Brainduck"?
(according to the program screenshot it shows BrainDuck, but the repo is called Brainduck)
Q: Trapped in infinite loop - unsure why?

CoderSo I’m a physicist, and the attempt here is to scan a simple text file of the format index num1 num2 num3 index num1 num2 num3 . . . to find the line with the first entry equaling that of run and to consequently assign the parameters A[i] of that line and then exit the loop. This is a trivi...

> I’m a physicist
@CaptainObvious You are trapped in an infinite loop because you post this on CR
Actually, this question is more appropriate at CodeReview. — Gert Arnold 31 secs ago
@GertArnold It doesn't sound like the author's code is working correctly yet ("Need help in splitting datatable into fixed size") which would mean it is off-topic on Code Review, until it works as the author intends. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Phrancis 57 secs ago
Ah, okay. Then if it is working well but they want to improve efficiency, this would be OK for Code Review. — Phrancis 25 secs ago
@Duga :-)
Hey there @Quill
It seems my bot went down
    private int listingId = 0;
    private bool showH1 = true;
    private string h1Prefix = "";
    private string activeNav = "";

    public int ListingId {
        get { return listingId; }
        set { listingId = value; }

    public bool ShowH1 {
        get { return showH1; }
        set { showH1 = value; }

    public string H1Prefix {
        get { return h1Prefix; }
        set { h1Prefix = value; }

    public string ActiveNav {
        get { return activeNav; }
        set { activeNav = value; }
Does that code have a question attached? Or is it just some random code?
production code from work...
Q: Minimalist Tree

Joseph MalleWhile working on a small project, I tried to implement a super simple tree class in C++. It supports an arbitrary number of branches from each node. In addition to general comments, my main concerns are: Are there other common tree functions that should be implemented? (So far I know about t...

@Quill that's a 4-liner, right?
the backing fields aren't adding any value
You could just as easily have written: "public int ListingId" and be done with it...
^ exactly
public int ListingId {get; set;}
public bool ShowH1 {get; set;}
public string H1Prefix {get; set; }
public string ActiveNav {get; set; }
Or ^^^ like this, which would do some magic in the code behind
I feel like there could be a show like one of those crime shows:
> These are real stories, real events. This is... Bad Code
@SimonForsberg @JeroenVannevel @rolfl @Phrancis @nhgrif @Mat'sMug @RubberDuck would you guys please take a look at my skills on LinkedIn and add or endorse me please? Thank you
Bwahaha..... adding , as endorsements ;-)
@Vogel612 that's not identical
You need to add initializers
default for bool is false and string is null
And this code was written pre-C#6
which meant it wasn't possible yet
and this was the way to do it up until then
aka: code is perfectly fine
@rolfl I wonder if those are good skills to have for a Programming job....
OMG, your linked in photo ;-)
Blame tells me it was checked in 2011
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