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room topic changed to SE Podcast Live Chat: livestream.com/stackexchange / Next Episode: Tuesday 8/9 @ 4:00pm EDT w/ Michael Natkin (no tags)
1 hour later…
This music is making me hate music. I think I'd prefer Friday (Rebecca Black) on repeat.
@JonGalloway why do you hate Freedom?
Interesting that the camera is pointed in a different direction this week
Today's Guest:
So how easy is it to distract Joel remotely, I wonder...
Oh cool, looks like I arrived in time!
oh cool. the cooking guy!
There's no split screen showing Jeff??
Where should I click to see Atwood?
Podcast by PowerPoint. Interesting concept...
It's just !URL (! optional if the URL ends in a picture extension)
@Jin I don't know. I've just always hated freedom.
@Michael: Except, it's not working
Erm, that's what I did
/me confused
Question for Michael: Did you make the non-sweet marshmallows you'd asked about in this question: cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/6401/…
Q: How to combine chocolate and garlic in the same dish?

Neil FeinI hosted a potluck dinner some years ago, and I set the theme as "chocolate or garlic" -- guests were to bring one or the other. One person was a wiseacre and bought chocolate covered garlic. (It was hideously unpalatable.) I've since wondered if there's any way to combine chocolate and garlic ...

Cool blog w/ a great series on food pairings: Khymos.org - blog.khymos.org/molecular-gastronomy/flavor-pairing
Question to guest: what brand is his chef's knife?
Question: isn't bacon like.. the best thing there is? agree or strongly agree?


Yes, yes they did.
Is there really a minimum level of expected competency on any SE site?
Re: duplicates and answering - I'm absolutely with Jeff on that.
I keep answering questions that are then closed as duplicates, and often the duplicate question was also one I'd answered.
Re: duplicates and answering - I prefer to close it as a duplicate on AU.
@JonSkeet Sounds like an Inception moment...
I missed who the guest was - but I really like this point on reinforcing the correct/desired behavior.
@JonSkeet That was some of my first feedback during the alpha - need a way to merge dupes. For a long time there was no dupe association.
Again I ask: what is really the minimum expected level of competency on SO or any other SE site? So what if someone is asking about how to write a loop?
I wonder whether it's easier for folks who answer fewer questions to recognise duplicates - I see enough questions that unless it's a particularly memorable topic, the chances of me remembering another specific question from more than a couple of days ago are pretty slim.
What's a loop? (sorry, tongue in cheek)
Sometimes duplicate is named differently and not in the best and obvious way, so Google doesn't find it.
@JonSkeet Probably. On SO I usually find a duplicate because I see a question and think "this has to have been asked". On meta it's because I think "I've seen this exact question before"
@JonSkeet nope I don't answer a lot and read tons and I find it difficult to see duplicates
Additionally, one good thing comes out of answering the same thing multiple times: we get better at explaining the same concept. I've now explained async C# 5 a bunch of times, and every time I do it, I hope I get a bit better at it.
@Dave in order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
@JonSkeet The same thing happens to me. I repeat explanations in my head over and over trying to refine them.
A: Why are we so strict with closing questions, can't we just keep them open?

Olin LathropI think in some cases we are a bit too quick to close questions, but not in that case. The question was a nonsensical pile of gibberish. We are here to help people with electronics, not english or the self-evident logic of how to ask a question. Even if some are so inclined, this isn't the pla...

well for instance isn't this why we have TWO math sites? one for the pros and one for the general public?
> Fixing peoples bad questions is like letting them re-do throw ins. They're not going to take it seriously until the bad questions is closed.
I think there will always be some noise, it's likely unavoidable.
@JeffAtwood How about a dunce cap avatar as a penalty for dumb questions?
@JonGalloway That's a little LiveJournal, isn't it?
yeah foodie + vegetarian is nigh impossible, if all of my Food Network-watching is any indication.
slash watching Chopped and Top Chef for like 4 seasons
@AarthiDevanathanΨ 37signals had a Troll cap at one time, too: 37signals.com/svn/archives2/introducing_the_troll_cap.php
@JonGalloway laughs that needs to happen more often on the internet
@JoelSpolsky say that 10 times fast
Now that's a policy I can support.
user image
Anthony Bourdain is a HUGE vegetarian hater, since we're talking about vegetarian haters
@JonGalloway the ol' "reward failure" strategy.. we already do that.. because bad questions get AMAZING answers
@BrianDriscoll He's also kind of an insensitive ass when it comes to ~exploring other cultures~
iirc, the last time he was in india, he pretty much shunned all the vegetarian main courses
which, imho, is basically completely missing the point
vegetarianism is a form of masochism imho
@AarthiDevanathan Perhaps, honestly I wouldn't really know.
@BrianDriscoll I haven't watched his show in a long time; we didn't get FN at uni
@AarthiDevanathan Right; I stopped watching several years ago.
@JeffAtwood At that point through, it gains value and isn't necessarily bad anymore.
@AndrewMoore still teaches exactly the wrong thing. Go type no effort, get amazing results.
but, it's a hard problem
Molecular cooking never worked on Top Chef or Chopped
@JeffAtwood Oh, I agree, just look at my answer history on SO.
@zboss yeah but top chef and chopped don't really reward limits beyond "you cook what we give you fool!"
I recall one SO post that was, quite literally, "asdfasdfasdf..." ad infinitum
Both actually. Do it for them and explain them why in comments.
Do it for them and add a comment making sure they know it's edited.
I edit for them, and then leave a comment.
Since recipes are off limits on cooking.stackexchange.com, is there a possibility of recipies.stackexchange.com at some point? Seems like that would get a lot of traffic and could be useful as another thing.
Give them a fighting chance to do ninja edits inside the grace period themselves at least
I've often wished there was a button on questions labeled something like "Ugh, this is just...I mean, I could spend a few minutes editing it into shape, but...Ugh."
That's why people flag "low quality" because they're too lazy to do anything else about it
I've been seeing a lot of posts lately that are extremely long; it'd be nice if there was some kind of TL;DR "suggestion" popup once a post reaches a certain length
But we are rule-obsessed jerks!
Have I been misunderstanding the point of SO all this time?
@JonSkeet +1
Recipes are not allowed on a cooking site is so not obvious - should be in bold and 42 points on front page for each new user.
@JonSkeet - it's a little different when you make the rules.
Like the cook in the movie Big Night (by the guy who plays Monk)
The tourist trap cheesesteak places in my home city of Philadelphia have the same approach
Q: Is "Don't do it" a valid answer?

butterchickenIf someone asks how to do XYZ, and you think doing XYZ at all is a Bad Idea, is it valid to post an answer saying so? You aren't answering the question, but instead, arguing the question's validity. You could do this in a comment, but I don't think comments carry enough weight on occasion. For ...

oh, and you have to order in English apparently...
There's more than one Yahoo Answers question about eating dirt...
How does he know that I keep my frequent flier miles in my phone's address book???
Q: Is it possible to make a marshmallow that isn't sweet?

Michael at HerbivoraciousI've got in mind to make a savory play on s'mores, using morel mushroom paste where you would expect chocolate. The graham cracker replacement should be no problem. But I'm stuck on the marshmallow. If you google savory marshmallow, you basically find a bunch of standard sweet marshmallow recipes...

Interested to hear if this worked
@Joel just tried to tell me the video was frozen
it's not
I figured he was wrong because I didn't have 15 people in here yelling at me about it
it's not
@AlexMiller It's not, we all saw that ;)
Video's fine.
Does a stroke on air count?
it's cause Joel uses Mac
I think that's an interesting point
Oh the points...the delicious points
where's that troll hot? :-)
@JoelSpolsky That would be nice.
As a counterpoint to this, Stack Overflow has very obviously been great for me. I'm sure it's helped in book sales, conference speaking invitations etc. Would be interesting to know how many people have a similar experience though.
Spammers will only hear "blah blah blah blah make your answer consist entirely of a link your blog blah blah blah"
@random yes, that's likely
@JonSkeet Unfortunately, we're not all Jon Skeet.
Gah, sorry :(
@JonSkeet do you like bacon?
@BrianDriscoll That's my point - I hope others see the same effect, maybe to a diminished extent.
@Jin I love bacon, although I'm currently on a diet so not having it much at the moment.
@JeffAtwood Good to know.
At 1000 rep your signature box gets an infobox on mouseover (like tags). At 3000 rep it has a drop shadow. At 4000, it's animated.
@JonSkeet how many kilos are you down now? I saw that google doc you posted awhile back tracking your progress
@JonSkeet TBH I think you would have received those same benefits regardless of your involvement on SO
@JonSkeet See also: Tony the Pony
@Mike: Lost 2 stone in the last 3 months, so that's about 12-13kg.
@JonSkeet Seconded. I used to get a lot of job offers/becoming a cofounder when I was more active on SO; all of which I declined, by the way.
@JonSkeet awesome progress
@BrianDriscoll Before SO I wasn't exactly unknown, but it was a radically different environment.
I should really go and do some ironing...
A: Would allowing moderators to update their Stack Exchange sites' Twitter accounts improve visibility and offer more value?

Jeff AtwoodSo just to clarify, the SE 2.0 twitter accounts currently tweet: per-site blog posts (if present) chat events, if started by a moderator interesting questions on the site Every three hours (on average). Based on your suggestions, it's clear that we could do better here and tweet a more inter...

Great quote: "I tend to assume everything's going to suck"
There were some tweaks around the search field, to make it terrible. REPENT
Posted by Rebecca Chernoff on June 23rd, 2011

Every Stack Exchange site starts with a Q&A site, made up of three pieces that help bring the whole community together:

bicycles.stackexchange.com, the main Q&A site

meta.bicycles.stackexchange.com, questions about community and administrative matters

chat.bicycles.stackexchange.com, the third place for real-time collaborations

But wait, there’s more?

A couple months ago, the Super User community took it upon themselves to create a blog run by the community. This effort has been so successful that a couple other communities floated the idea amongst themselves. Internally, we recognize …

You can also get an updated list of twitter bots by seeing who @StackExchange follows: twitter.com/#!/StackExchange/following
Hello guys. Who are the speakers we see in stream?
@CengizCan @AlexMiller is on the left, @JoelSpolsky is on the right
Thanks @MichaelMrozek
tumblr! we chatted about this in-office today :D
I didn't even know SE had one until today
I think it's time for some cross promotion with Friendster
i love tumblr so i can reblog lolcat pix
A lot of users also used Myspace and it sucked big time.
I think thumblr mostly preferred by people who mostly share glamour photos..
In regards to UI/UX, I usually have a difficult time understanding what people will and will not like; they'll complain that site XYZ is slow, but yet they like site ABC which is slower.
@CengizCan and animated gifs. waves at fandom
and macros
I thought all tumblr blogs were required to be in the "f***yeah_____" format
@JoelSpolsky you still have to be tumblr-famous to have that type of pull though.
> It's better than nothing
Newsletter looks cool
Has there been a guest from writers.stackexchange.com yet?
@JonGalloway not yet
@JonGalloway no, suggest one!
Nice visor, DaftProducer...
@BrMcMullin thank you
i feel like it greatly increases my productivity
thats what i was going for
@AlexMiller nailed it
@JeffAtwood Don't know the top users there. We had Mark Russinovich on Herding Code, might be interesting to hear from him as a new bestselling fiction author. There are probably much better ideas but they are not in my head.
I thought Joel had his private jet already.
Lamest excuse ever.
"Oh it's a fire...thing. See ya"
False alarm, I bet Alex hit a sound board :P
That's was so lame.. Fake alarm..
@JoelSpolsky what about the hack-a-thon
I think there was a mobile-phone TV commercial like that "Oh, the restaurant is on fire..gotta go"
10 minutes later "oh look a real fire"
3 weeks?! :'(
is that @Jeff
@JonGalloway Good call; Mark Russinovich is a god
Cool - we had him on Herding Code podcast, but of course much smaller listenership ;-) herdingcode.com/?p=320 Also, we talked about computer security and didn't really touch on writing; I wish we had.
room topic changed to SE Podcast Live Chat: livestream.com/stackexchange / Next Episode: Tuesday 8/30 @ 4:00pm EDT (no tags)
So is there a podcast sometime today?
It just finished
"Hey you. I told you to slow that nag down. On account of you I almost heard the opera."

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