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RELOAD! There are 1648 unanswered questions (94.5530% answered)
@Phrancis Or they just took a random image, did an estimate and don't actually care whether the announced number is the right one.
@Phrancis they would've just put in how ever many complete packets and then done one that was incomplete
@Quill Or maybe that's what they *want* us to think
When did the design of Skeptics change? I liked the old one.
Yeah, I thought the same thing
Wasn't it just a color change?
Black & Yellow was much better
Maybe the regulars complained about too much yellow
Heslacher put a 150-point bounty on this question (one I lost 50 points on): codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/93690/…
It's unfortunate that CR has very few people who know Lua, and in general it is not a very common language
In the early days of Cardshifter we thought of using Lua, but decided Groovy+Java was a better tool
I think I will put my implementation of the Ford-Johnson merge-insertion sort for review in the following days. But I need to clean it first. In its current state, it's a bit ugly :/
Isn't most code in its first working iteration usually ugly?
@Phrancis Not always. Sometimes you can't reason about it when it's ugly, so you're forced to clean it first.
That was wrong, @Phrancis. Lua documentation was updated as recently as this last November
I randomly just found @Heslacher on the interwebz. social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/vstudio/en-US/…
1443 answers wow
@RubberDuck Small world eh! I see some guys from DBA.SE on MSDN on occasion
No doubt. Terribly small world.
not particularly when you consider the amount of people with a good skillset similar to that
True. I forget that I know a group of highly talented people and that most people aren't.
Q: Tic Tac Toe With Classes c++

Ryan SwannA few days ago I posted a code review of a Tic Tac Toe game I wrote using C++. I had great feedback and tried to incorporate as much as I could from that into this new revised version. The two things that I can see where I may of gone wrong is first where I am passing too many classes through ar...

Ooh this is so tense... 42 answers, some excellent recent ones, and my top one is almost tied with Zak's original one - who's tagline will win? :-D
Does this text make my face look fat?
Too much of an inside joke I'd say :/
A: Get Bitcoin Price and Advice

QuillThis is Schrödinger code It can be both correct and incorrect at the same time. random.choice is not how we offer financial advice. What I would suggest is to monitor previous data, the longer the better, and monitor the fluctuation in price. See this graph (Note, a 5 year graph): at two p...

well that was barely a review
@RubberDuck That's true, speaking of, how are your colleagues by the way?
@Mat'sMug Mine.
My colleagues? They're ok @Quill.
it was a joke, man, saying your colleagues are the talented individuals
Really smart folks who haven't found the value of a test harness yet.
Oh. Lol... Well, they are.
Just... ^^
instead of @Mat'sMug, @JeroenVannevel and all the other smart people you were referring to (I guess)
Why would you test code if you're certain it works
That best be sarcasm...
@Quill Sometimes you need more of a sanity check than a code review
Untested code is bugless
what's not to like
I don't even let VS resolve the code, I just save -> build and deploy
if there's an issue, I'm sure I'll get an angry email from my superiors later
until then, not my problem
I don't even look where I drop my dlls
russian roulette basically
@Phrancis are you referring to my [bronze-badge:], because you have one too
Lol. I kind of hate you right now. Trolling much?
@Quill I got PHP badge by accident
All those damn questions... lol
@Quill No I was referring to that answer just now... "It can be both correct and incorrect at the same time."
oh thanks
That answer was kind of like me: Schrodinger's Humor: both funny and lame at the same time
LOL, I almost downvoted that question.
@Quill How often does this happen?
If I tried that, it would happen about 10 times per day.
I was kidding @Hosch250 -> my work is excellent.
not to like brag or anything you know :P
I feel like there was a topic back there somewhere
@RubberDuck hides
(I did break 90% of RD's tests in refuctoring)
Let me know when you un-refuctor them.
I'll re-implement them, and write tests for all my new features too.
If your tests don't pass, fix your tests.
The parser interface had breaking changes.
The tests did pass, the interface they use was broken, so they can't compile.
In RD, eh. Whatevs. If someone did that at work I'd probably start yelling.
This describes RD programming somewhat accurately: Coming in on a wing and a prayer.
if the code is working you should post this at [codereview](codereview.stackexchange.com/questions) — davejal 12 secs ago
This describes me programming in C# somewhat accurately: youtube.com/watch?v=XjMDvptIbP0
TIL, what "Schrödinger code" is, what "PEP8" is, and how to be a "market analyst". Thank You! — polka 37 mins ago
I got the accept o_O
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking to review working code, it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comJarrod Roberson just now
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Phrancis 33 secs ago
Q: set the reference of first column in two dimensional array to one dimensional array java

Eslam AliI am trying to full one dimensional array in two dimensional array in Java.I did it using this way. public double[][] getResult(double[] data, int rowSize) { int columnSize = data.length; double[][] result = new double[columnSize][rowSize]; for (int i = 0; i < columnSize; i++) { result[i][0]...

@Quill Crazy people.
yeah, that probably describes the codebase I work on ...
I don't think I've ever seen a constructor in their classes
static everything
Constructor? What's that?
@Quill I'd say to get out fast.
I can sum up most of our application code base like this:
1) Screen presenters
2) Database calls
@Hosch250 We're rewriting it, like a new team
Oh, then stay.
I'm the one doing bug fixes to the current one, but I'll probably end up doing the Angular/TS work on the new site
I want to get on a team writing an IDE.
Working on Office would be interesting too.
I'd love to work on a compiler
@Hosch250 Hypothetical question: If you got a job offering to work on an IDE, but found out it was all Java; would you take it?
Write the Java IDE in C# then
Java isn't as bad as some languages.
@Quill I mean, if the code base for the IDE was all Java ;p
Not if I was on the UI team. UI's in Java are nasty compared to WPF.
If I was strictly handling code-behind, it wouldn't be that terrible, although it would be wordy.
UIs aren't much fun in almost everything except web dev (and even that is not fun in some cases)
WPF is even easier than web dev.
Well, maybe they are OK in WPF, I wouldn't know
Groovy does make UIs (in Java) less annoying to make
@Phrancis wait did you just say CSS is fun?
CSS is not bad, most of the time
sleeve > mysoul {
    padding: 0px;
@Quill You wear your soul on your sleeve?
mysoul {
    margin: 5000px;
    padding: 5000px;
I've added a simple example, don't hesitate to precise what you want. — Supersharp 3 mins ago
when SO users really want the bounty
This was not too bad UI experience: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/95050/…
To the extent that Swing can be said to be "not too bad"
I hate the side-effect when moving messages, that it invites all users of all messages to the other room. Is there a way around this?
Moving messages, that is an operation reservered for room owners and/or moderators?
I usually don't keep more than three rooms open at a time, or I start posting messages in the wrong rooms.
Moderators can also delete and edit chat messages of others and are not subject to the 120 second time limit, neither of which room owners can do
I have 10 open at the moment @Hosch250
I usually have 2-4 open
More than 4 feels confusing...
It gets reallllllly confusing with Chrome because after so many tabs open it just keeps making the tab label smaller and smaller to the extent you can only see the icon and not the name
^ So true
Then, all CR pages look the same so you have to memorize what order you placed them X)
Yup. I like FF.
(and so I switched to Firefox)
(Or rather IceDragon.)
Dragon tabs are ugly.
Left is Dragon, right is IceDragon:
I actually think IE tabs look better* than Chrome's. (*For some values of better)
@Hosch250 IceDragon definitively looks better
Edge doesn't look that bad, but I wish the bookmarks menu supported nested folders, instead of opening the sidepane.
> If at first your tests don't pass, rig them so they pass.
Although, the sidepane is definitely easier to use than Dragon's (Chrome's) nested folders, which close when you try to move over to get the next one.
I need to hurry up and pass syb0rg.
It should take about 3 days if I really try, which I suspect I won't.
Hmm I actually don't dislike how Edge looks too much.
I wonder - would I get in trouble if I flagged a good SO post with a custom reason that said it needed upvotes?
Q: getJSON or getJson camelCase

ShanimalThis is a really dumb question, but Im looking for a reference to camelCase and can't seem to find anything reliable on Google. It appears that jQuery uses the getJSON version. Wikipedia seems to be saying it's up to the programmer: Programming identifiers often need to contain acronyms and ...

@Hosch250 ^^ don't do that
yeah, don't do that...
I'm not going to try.
I bet the mods would laugh ban you forever
Not when I'm 13 away from 1k rep there.
It's not like a moderator could magically add upvotes anyways
Maybe they could make the system tweet it, though.
Maybe you could tweet it
@CaptainObvious What's up with this?
This is a site for getting your code reviewed, not for deciding how to write "JSON". — SirPython 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug What makes the system tweet it?
@Hosch250 activity, upvotes, featured tag
presumably only for meta posts.
@Hosch250 does MSE have anything about it?
yeah, still tho
I still don't understand why a new user (who is already a member of 23 other SE sites) can't be bothered to look at the Tour.
I think @Quill is correct, it's probably just an algorithm monitoring activity/votes
@Phrancis and wonder why they can't find the tags suitable for their question...
lol that^^^
That's usually a pretty good sign that you screwed up.
@Jamal would have a fit if someone created a tag :)
I estimate the life expectancy of that tag to, uh, 4 seconds
Don't even think about trying!
I'm still gonna do that phpoop thing one day
I wasn't gonna
I didn't realize how many posts are tweeted.
It looks like most of my questions were tweeted: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/421370/…
@Mat'sMug Did you ever get my ping about UI's and class libraries?
BTW, RoboSanta is really bad for getting the Unsung badge.
I'm in no danger of getting that badge. I have 46 accepted and none of them are 0 score.
How many people actually have earned Unsung on CR?
One Unsung and three Tenacious.
Ah. Doesn't surprise me.
The whole SE system is kind of anti-Unsung
these badges are for biiiiiiiig sites like SO. And sites that don't vote enough.
CR is anti-unsung
@Mat'sMug Holy smokes, the Unsung guy is a sock puppet!
and tumbleweed don't forget that
@Hosch250 might have missed it
I can go answer a 3 year old question right now, and as soon as I do, it's back on the front page
That is the Answer one. Almost every answer is accepted.
The accepted answers are (almost) all on questions from that account.
I just flagged one of the questions.
@Hosch250 last seen in 2012
yesterday, by Hosch250
@Mat'sMug I am working in a portable class library that doesn't allow me to create a WPF control. Can I create the presenter in a different project for UI's and reference it from there?
The answer account was active at the end of 2015, I didn't check the question account.
Dishes time, TTYL.
Hey, it was a sock puppet, it was just a deactivated one. You can't say there was no evidence :(
You should user codereview.stackexchange.com to ask for code review. — wmehanna 14 secs ago
report it then @Hosch250
unrelated but good song
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because IMHO it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Dan Cornilescu 9 secs ago
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 57 secs ago
@DanCornilescu vote to close as too broad - being on-topic elsewhere doesn't necessarily mean a question is off-topic here. It's too broad for SO because there's no specific coding issue. — Mat's Mug 7 secs ago
Q: Tower of Hanoi simulation

RockstarI've just implemented a simulation of tower of hanoi in Java. Any suggestions are welcomed. Here's my code: static class Node{ int data; Node next; public Node(int data){ this.data = data; } } static class Stack{ Node top; St...

@Duga so you did it... I've pinned some meta-links in there.
@Mat'sMug I did it like an hour ago too
Thanks for the links too @Mat'sMug
@Mat's Mug: ACK. — Dan Cornilescu 28 secs ago
better than rage-quitting I guess
he's got a sick hair cut
Has anyone used that API calling tool, Postman?
What about it?
It lets you specify API headers and fields and stuff to get called or posted to
effectively lets you test out APIs
@Hosch250 confirmed, no evidence of sock-puppetting
@Quill I love it
I use it for all my API testing
there's also a standalone tool
Yeah, from the initial use, it looks really nice
the history is really useful
and building up body's and all from query data
OMG look who's showing up on CR!!
A: Excel 2007 Code Running slow

JeepedIf you are trying to get zero-length strings left after reverting formulas (that may have resulted in "" ) to their values, the quickest way is to spin through the columns and apply a quick Text-to-Columns, Fixed Width, Finish to each. Dim c As Long With worksheets("Sheet1") With .Range("A1"...

I know,
but this guy is a major contributor on SO
at least in
@Quill @Phrancis Maths is hard! (Secret code)
"1e-10 is a very very small number" (do I win something?)
Q: compare two text files using matcher and pattern class

user94287how to compare two text files having same values in it like roll_numbers of students and when we compare it if roll_numbers match then retrieve the student information using matcher and pattern classes.

@CaptainObvious Who upvoted that?
I downvoted it.
no code, no clue, no rep
I'm out. 'night!
Later mug
TIL scientific number notation is difficult
TIL science is difficult
@Phrancis no it isn't
Certainly some of it is
But in any case, I'm glad there are people who are far better at "sciencing" than I am, and meanwhile there's plenty of code that could be improved, so let''; DROP TABLE Remarks;--
Q: Can I request reviews of my unittests and where should that go?

catIn the near future, I'm probably gonna make a sizable post requesting the review of a Python project of mine. While its development hasn't been exactly test-driven, I am crafting the unit tests alongside the real code and making sure stuff works together. Is it reasonable to request a review of...

1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by alexwlchan on question by alexwlchan: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116267/revisions
@Duga nope
Q: Bloch's Builder Pattern / Updater

Kevin I'm creating many builders where I use inheritance. My resources have many properties and are stored in a Repository. In rare case I need to update them. When I update, i need to keep the same objectId (I track update on the repository). I use the same Builder/Updater as it's easier for my user...

Unfortunately, hypothetical code is off-topic on Code Review, you might find better luck over on Programmers, but make sure to read their on-topic guide before posting. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 20 secs ago
@Quill I have
But I dislike the fact some features are behind a paywall
Though that's not specific to Postman.
people gotta make money
True, I'm one of those people that think software should be free
If you want to make money it should be via a subscription platform for support, or via something like patreon
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Convert XML files to JSON and move them
Monking @all
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about working code and belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com. it is opinion based as well as the variety of quality of answers indicatesJarrod Roberson 46 secs ago
@Mat'sMug Could we pin another/change the existing message asking people to go back to that question and up/downvote everything. Since we're going to be stuck with the tagline for a long time, I'd like to encourage as many people vote on as many of them as people.
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 10 secs ago
@Zak Absolutely this, CC @DanPantry
wow, I missed so many typos there ^^
Uh, which question?
link it and i'll pin it
Q: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

PawełAs you all know, we're very close to sending SWAG to some of you! One of items you'll get is this awesome T-shirt! As you can see, below the logo we placed a very short tagline: "Making code slightly less wrong.". This is the tagline that was proposed in chat. But not everyone is in chat. So w...

It is already pinned
I don't think pinning it twice is going to help
@Zak make it a message saying "go to this and vote"
and it's not, that's the swag announcement
@Quill "On everything"
Oh, my mistake.
if you change it to a message to encourage voting and have it as a yperlink Il'l pin it
yeah, edit your message
Or, at the very least, the top 10.
Otherwise it'll just be a meta link with no message which doesn't do much
Please go here and help choose Code Review's tagline by voting on everything you like. Ends Jan 14th.
How about that ^
"voting on everything you like" instead
awesome sauce
That's really weird you know, there's three cool things happening for me on Jan 14th
MSE swag arrives, CR swag is decided, and I get my university application back
Jan 14th is the date for things
hopefully it won't be like one of those karma things where I use up all my good luck with those things and I end up breaking my arm or something
pimping the 2 taglines I want in closer contention:
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

RaystafarianIf it's not broken... fix it anyway

A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

Phrancisif (code.isUgly()) { code.review(); } As a wink to all those who write code for fun and/or for a living. And I think it reads good enough as English for non-coders to "get it". Alternative (suggested by ChrisW) if (code.isUgly) { code.review(); } (difference is isUgly is a property instead of...

@Zak I personalyl think this is a bit too verbose for a shirt
not if it had syntax highlighting
Santa's Helper, North Pole
51 1 4
@DanPantry IMO, doesn't feel noticeably more verbose than any of the over top contenders
Yeah, I'd agree
I finally finished my node websockets thing
@Quill Is this hypothetical code? It looks like complete code, with some brief analysis including a couple of small hypothetical changes in order to explain it. But the code (everything before to "The main problem") looks like real code that can be reviewed. — Ben Aaronson 1 min ago
Thoughts on this question?
@C#developers ^
Q: k-shortest path algorithm in Java

coderoddeThis snippet is about computing \$k\$ shortest paths in a directed graph using this algorithm. I would like to hear about API design, naming/coding conventions, and so on. My implementation follows: DefaultKShortestPathFinder.java: package net.coderodde.graph.kshortest.support; import java.u...

If you have working code, such questions are better placed at SE Code Review. — πάντα ῥεῖ 9 secs ago
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 11 secs ago
It's best if you delete your question here after posting on Code Review, as duplicate questions over different networks isn't exactly smiled upon by some people :-) — Quill 45 secs ago
@Tib: the question can be moved to code review. — Willem Van Onsem 52 secs ago
Q: Need an optimization for computing de Bruijn sequence

TibI'm trying to compute de Bruijn sequences for alphabets which have a number of characters which is a power of two. So the sequence must contain every possible subsequence of length N from 0 to 2^n as a sequence of consecutive characters exactly once. I need to use only 2 digits (0 and 1) with a ...

@Duga related ^
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Monking
monking @simon
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — Ansgar Wiechers 20 secs ago
@Duga Have you never heard of too broad?
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 38 secs ago
Q: Streaming Json Serialization Using C++

D. JurcauI've written a C++ library for serializing objects to a stream as Json with the following goals in mind: Minimal run-time overhead (write the contents of an existing object/array to the stream without creating additional temporary dictionary-like objects) Ease of use Here is an example usage ...

You should post requests like this to Code Review SE. — Lucas Trzesniewski 24 secs ago
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Quill 21 secs ago
There is a separate site for code reviews, but I doubt they like "most efficient" questions. There is no real question here. — Henk Holterman 55 secs ago
@PraveenKumar Yes. Please do a code review if the function calls and string is building the right way from all fields. — MegaRacer 51 secs ago
@Quill Wait, you made this bot?
Cool :D
It may end up on CR soon
Monking all
Anyone up for a very old C++ zombie?
The only answer has a score of -2 and doesn't provide anything.
for some reason chrome refuses to let my @font-faces resolve...
@Mast @Morwenn? :-)
@Quill need help?
yeah, I guess, if you've got time
sure, ping me in the javascript chat room or something.
user image
Monking @skiwi

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