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@Vogel612 I've found a workaround to run JavaScript in Mobile Safari.
It's a feed?
Or a normal user?
Q: Why doesn't mobile Safari have a JavaScript console?

warspykingMy question is fairly simple, seeing as iPod has full support for executing JavaScript (proven my bookmarklets (See below) why doesn't it have a "dev tools" option, or at least a JS console? Is there a specific reason for this feature not to exist standalone mobile? Or am I blind and that it's a...

Or some kind of non-feed AI?
@200_success Is the workaround "Open it in Android instead"?
@Gustavo6046 *technically* it is a normal user
@Gustavo6046 It's a normal user account operated by software that @SimonForsbergMcFeely wrote.
But one which is controlled entirely by automated script
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

PhrancisSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

^ read that... please
You may also find this useful as a reference:
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon Forsberg McFeelyWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

@DanPantry Workaround is to make a bookmark.
A Dugalized comment is one that have been shot by Duga and something have been done at its respect at this room :P Just a new meme suggestion. :D
@Gustavo6046 that's... not how memes are created :p
Then how are they?
@Gustavo6046 organically
@Gustavo6046 People say stuff in chat/elsewhere. If it becomes a thing that other people use/say/iterate upon, then it has become a meme.
You mean, with a massive amount of upvotes/stars? And then it's shared a million times in Facebook? And then it is popular worldwide? And then it becomes... A Meme?
@Gustavo6046 Not to that extreme, but yes.
A meme is only a meme if people use it.
The basic idea is that if you're trying to make a meme you're doing it wrong.
for (int i = 0; i < EndOfWorld; i++) {
    cout << MemeName;
This is how it works then...
Memes should be burned.
MemeName = "";
@Mast Never!
Like this?
delete[] memes;
Looks like @MathiasEttinger's suggestion might make the shirt title :-) meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/6434/…
Are there any prizes for that, @JNat? ;-)
:26693482 That is probably flaggable around the SE network ^^
@DanPantry Just want to point out that I originally came up with that line
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

Dan PantryWe can refactor it. We have the technology.

There's more than 30 suggestions, but I had to add this one.
> 41 Answers
including the deleted ones
I don't think we've ever had anything as intense
I posted one, but deleted it because I realised because it would probably be flagged, lol
> The nice version of StackOverflow
@DanPantry Still true.
Kind of.
I did also post this one but it was auto converted to a comment for some reason.
We don't deal in broken code.
@DanPantry Convert it back if it wasn't intended as one.
@DanPantry @Mat'sMug Dear Mug, could you fix this?
Just found a bug in my code.
@Mast fix what? I deleted that comment yesterday...
@Mat'sMug No, you didn't. I just posted that as an answer and it autoconverted it to a comment (again)
Dan's suggestion got auto-converted into a comment. It should be an answer.
You deleted a comment I made about the fact that my answer was converted to a comment
I can turn answers into comments, but not vice-versa
@DanPantry No?
It's alright. I wouldn't want to live with myself making a call of duty reference. :P
@Zak nice! you should get a t-shirt for that
@Mast I tried to be funny again :(
Q: SICP exercise 2.28 - counting leaves in a tree (recursive process)

morbidCodeNote: Can someone help me with indenting code? Thanks. From SICP Exercise 2.28: Write a procedure fringe that takes as argument a tree (represented as a list) and returns a list whose elements are all the leaves of the tree arranged in left-to-right order. For example, (define x (list (list ...

Q: Hackerrank challenge - Dictionaries and Maps

LotixThis is a solution for the Day 8 hackerrank.com challenge. Full description here. The idea is very simply, however i was wondering about more efficient and elegant Ruby solution. The basic idea of the challenge is to create a hash based on the input and later on iterate through another input of ...

Last exam possibly ever is finished
Mr Mug can't convert answers to comments and then back to answers losslessly? I think it's because comments lose their \n's (know \n?) and they aren't recovered when converted back into answers.
Rejoice with me, brethren
@Gustavo6046 That has nothing to do with it.
@Mat'sMug If we end up going with that one, I'll definitely argue for it ^^
@JeroenVannevel so you're a grownup now? ;-)
@JeroenVannevel Hooray!
just a sec, brb
@Mat'sMug I've always been a grownup
you big poopoohead
@JeroenVannevel Congratulations :-)
Now it's time to do nothing for a couple of weeks and decide where I want to live
possibly the most exciting four weeks of my life
Live close to your job, saves you commuting.
I'll take a job close to where I live
It's all about PoV
I would really recommend living close to where you work
Saves on public transport fees
Duration of Commute has one of the strongest correlations with happiness ever observed in rigorous scientific research.
@JeroenVannevel congrats btw
soo.. all the commuters... heard of that new thing called "remote working"?
@Zak I was going to claim personal experience, but that sounds even better.
Then again, from what I hear Europe's public transport is pretty cheap, it's just the UK that has exorbitant ones.. My transport fees went up 10% this month for no reason
The idea is to choose a location I want to live at and then just pick a job that's in that area
@Vogel612 It's not offered by a lot of places from what I've seen, especially not for junior/mid-level developers.
I'm not going to commute from Italy to Belgium
actually those are the guys you need the least to come in :/
You don't want to work in Italy.
I was just giving examples!
But why not?
@JeroenVannevel Trust.
I would love to do remote working, but nearly every local company is enterprise and doesn't support it unless you have extenuating circumstances, and even then only on rare occasions. For example, in my company you can work from home if you have an engineer coming over for your internet or whatever, but otherwise you're need to be in the office.
An important note about remote working: There are tangible, significant benefits of having people physically in the same space irregardless of where that space is.
@Mat'sMug LOL
I work from home 2 days a week.
@Zak +1, camaraderie is important.
has any SNAP dev moved on to work for Microsoft or what?
@Zak as well as tangible significant drawbacks, you know?
I guess it depends on office culture. If you're working somewhere like SO or a big tech company you may be more likely to get remote working.
@Mat'sMug Can you at least get a stack trace or something?
But if you're not in a big tech company but in a company that has a technical department (like me), you're SOL
My previous company had their IT in Romania. Always fun to call them.
@Mat'sMug What happens when you click Details?
is says some parameter is null, go figure
I can't even repro
What did you even do? @Mat'sMug
@Mat'sMug So there is no problem ^^
If a bug happens but there is no way to reproduce it, is there really a bug?
If a bug happens but there's no non-technical person to report it poorly and without repro steps, does it really happen?
internal bug report emails to report an issue in my company from our non-technical consumers usually look like this
Just want to pre-emptively claim credit for originally suggesting this line chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/26693782#26693782Zak 8 mins ago
I'm sat here giggling at my own impression of our users. :\
@Zak Hopefully you'll get some credit for that if it's the line chosen
@DanPantry Sounds like your users are worse than the average user, which goes to say something
@DanPantry outlook needs an extension that adds a button next to "reply" that says "close > unclear what you're asking"
:26694241 You REALLY
could have phrased that better
@Mat'sMug LOL
@Phrancis A lot of them are fresh-faced teenagers just out of GCSEs on a temp job in a call center, so I can't fully blame them
Us developers must look like wizards to them
Hell, we look like wizards to our manager
@Gustavo6046 Pro tip, a constant stream of comments about what you're doing/thinking/whatever right now is rarely something that other people will find funny/interesting/informative.
@Zak Unless you're on twitter
@DanPantry Or facebook
@Gustavo6046 Just so you know, your deleted messages can still be seen by room owners and moderators. If you think you will end up deleting something, please delete it before you press Enter.
@Phrancis TIL I can see deleted messages.
@DanPantry @Zak I doubt they say bad words in Twitter or Facebook.
@Gustavo6046 you'd be surprised...
The correct term has an alternative which isn't a bad word however.
@Zak I call BS. Everyone here is always waiting for me to announce my thoughts
that said, I strongly suggest you take to heart what Zak just said
@JeroenVannevel what if I told you I'm not?
@Vogel612 Ich glaube dich nicht
How I learnt to be less-annoying on social media:
I speak more languages than you've got fingers on one hand
@Zak The author's understanding of biology in stick figures is.. interesting.
which, ideally, should be 5
Also, I think "Sprechen sie Deutsch" is more proper
translate: Ich glaube dich nicht
(from German) I don't think you
I got "I didn't think so"
what kind of weird translators do you have
@Vogel612 it's correct German, right?
Q: Uploading data to Google Drive

Anmol Singh JaggiI have created a project which uploads data from my local storage to my Google Drive account using the Google Drive API. You can read about how to run it on its Github repository. The main script upload.py: #!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import sys im...

@JeroenVannevel actually translate: is about right.
what you want is "dir" instead of "dich"
@CaptainObvious Oh, let me give you a hand. Oh wait, I can't, because google drive is blocked in my work for some inexplicable reason. grr.
@Mat'sMug should I? or should I not?
it's twitching... incredibly....
Hello, @morbidCode.
6 messages moved to Trash
@Vogel612 lol
@Zak FWIW I just edited the posting to give you full credit
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

Mathias EttingerMaking code slightly less wrong. Just so the ones loving this existing line can vote to keep it. Credits: @Zak

Kicked @Gustavo6046 because of the unreasonably high volume of remotely or not even remotely relevant comments / thoughts...
Thank you
Hi @Dan Pantry
By the way, if there is anyone who has done some independent contracting and feels like offering advice, I've asked a question in Nth monitor that I could use some answering. Though, it's probably better on the workplace, come to think of it.
This is not a code review site. — Raedwald 59 secs ago
@Duga Oh god, please don't suggest for this to come to CR.
@DanPantry it's already answered on SO, SO-style; it's staying on SO :)
Q: Suggestions on a complex .htaccess

jcrsAfter 8 years with the same apache webserver, the .htaccess file seems to be a bit heterogeneous. I have taken some care about readability, but there are still some problems (such as pages with www. prefix not working). How would you improve this .htaccess? RewriteEngine on ErrorDocument 404 /40...

Q: Speed up downloading a review from fisheye

EhmKahI use Atlassian fisheye for code-review. If I create a review which has about 2000 revisions and 1700 files it takes a very long time to download the revision. If I open the Chrome developer tools "Network" I see that it consumes 12 minutes for about 800 Kb. But a first it waits 2 minutes before ...

@StackOverflow I don't think this SO feed is very useful, personally
@Phrancis +1.
@Phrancis Perhaps it's useful for the Nth?
@Phrancis it helps when the tag is being misused
but then, people tend to comment and @Duga picks 'em up
@Mat'sMug How often does that happen though?
hence, I agree
Mat's Mug has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
I'm not convinced it's worth much in Nth, either.
Hi guys, can you help me with indenting code? Did I indent my code correctly in this question? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/116233/… thanks.
@Mat'sMug Cheers
@morbidCode If you mean to ask that the code is displaying as indented, then yes, it looks fine
Actually, there is code in the quoted block that is not correctly indented
@Phrancis thanks.
@Phrancis what part?
I think it is because it is using HTML tags for formatting instead of the markdown system, if you remove those and indent using the buttons in the toolbar it should work OK
nested markdown is always a little awry...
@Phrancis eek
You might be able to wrap it in <pre> </pre> tags to fix it
@Phrancis buttons in the toolbar? What are those buttons? I thought using ctrl+k is enough?
I fixed it, had to remove the <br> too
@Phrancis fixed it, too... no html tags anymore
@morbidCode yea, usually it is. unless you want to quote code...
then you select, Ctrl+K and select again to Ctrl+Q
Or what Vogel said. You "code block" it first, and then you "quote block" it
Q: Camera access for both JS and AIR

MisiurFlambe is a really neat tool, even though developer dissapeared around march, and the proper camera access is missing (I could move to openFL, but I'm way too deep at the moment). This is my take at creating hybrid camera recorder (webcam for JS and frontal camera for AIR). Note that's early deve...

@Vogel612 ah, you mean the code inside the exercise description? Inside the <blockquote>?
@Phrancis Did you edit the code inside the blockquote?
@morbidCode Yes. There are two ways to "code block" code inside of a quote block: Either with HTML by wrapping it in <pre> </pre> tags, or by indenting it with Ctrl+K first before you quote block it
It's a bit clunky, admittedly
@Phrancis so, I paste the code to be quoted, then select them, ctrl+k, and then select the whole text to be quoted and ctrl+q? That's it?
> This is not code
> This is also not code
>     This is code
>     This is code
> This is not code again
Should look like that^ when you are done
@Phrancis thanks!
You're welcome!
As FYI, I tried your suggestions, but I'm encountering script issues where script execution is out of order. I'll have to see if there are any internal resources which can review the entire script as a code review. — Jenner 50 secs ago
Q: Oracle SQL stored function

Dylan ChenSo I am trying to create a report using the tables in this post, and I am thinking about having every cell in the report call a stored function that returns the amount of times a certain language is used in an office. I created this function, here is the code: create or replace function SF_GET_L...

in OGNext - Next-level personal OGame assistant, 12 secs ago, by skiwi
With great power comes new bugs
@Phrancis I should've said this earlier, but I can't see your example because my eyes are destroyed, so I'm using a screen reader. :) what I do is paste the code in the form, do the shortcut keys and hope it indents
@morbidCode Oh, thanks for clarifying that. Please don't hesitate to stop by here if you are ever unsure
This better fits the codereview than here, in my opinion. — Wiktor Zychla 27 secs ago
@Phrancis sure.
If this is working code, codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask. — Andy Turner 9 secs ago
@WiktorZychla this would not be a good fit for Code Review in its current format, as we require the real, working code (rather than snippets/example code) to be posted. — Phrancis 49 secs ago
@AndyTurner this would not be a good fit for Code Review in its current format, as we require the real, working code (rather than snippets/example code) to be posted. — Phrancis 12 secs ago
It looks like you're trying to use jQuery. You should totally drop that and use jQuery instead. — Phrancis Dec 30 '15 at 22:15
lol ^^
// workaround for Safari
// (as if anyone uses Safari)
// ((glares at @AlexA.))
function withJQuery(f) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.textContent = '('+ f + ')(jQuery)';
Those code comments...lol
PPCG people ಠ_ಠ
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Jak Wilmot: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116231/revisions
Safari is totally unnecessarily old, like Apple could fix Webkit, they really just choose not to
Q: Mapping phone numbers to names

sindhuja Problem description: You are given a phone book that consists of your friend's names and their phone number. After that you will be given your friend's name as query. For each query, print the phone number of your friend. The first line will have an integer N denoting the number of e...

Q: .each() functionality in a for Loop

Alexander DixonPlease consider this jsfiddle for context. I've come to learn that the .each() method is slow than the for loop method. I've also learned how to properly use the for loop. As such, please help me refine the code that will have the for method mimic the .each() method. The issue specifically th...

@CaptainObvious a nicely formatted ...code-dump?
@Quill They probably figured everyone's going to use Firefox or Chrome anyways...
A: Why are JavaScript primitives not instanceof Object?

ZirakYou have been tricked by a mechanism commonly known as "boxing" (c# related article, java related article) which mesmerises all who come across it. You had the correct answer in the beginning: Perhaps because 1 is a primitive not an object to begin with? Exactly so. However, how can primiti...

^ good article (unrelated)
! another swag email !
oh wait
unrelated to CR
never mind... :P
well, at least they actually are shipping swag
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by overexchange
@Quill Are you done with joining college?
@DanPantry ^ :-(
So many bugs, so little time
What language are you writing at the moment?
Well, kinda. FOR XML PATH('Address')
23 hours ago, by Phrancis
UGH XML, the bane of my existence.
Because apparently it's still 2010 and XML is standard
I have to figure out why this is empty
  <SoldTo />
  <ShipTo />
No docs = No fun
This is why you're supposed to write a schema for those who need to maintain it
Even worse when there is commented out code, but no explanation as to why it's commented out.
I found a entry on Jira the other day saying "clean up x & y stored procs" and I went over to them on SQL Server and I couldn't even read them... closed those very fast
@Quill XML is awesome. I love XML. I don't do JavaScript though, that might explain it.
I don't mind XML on a good day, I had a horrible experience with it in Objective-C, which might've been why I dropped the language.
But like you say, all the JavaScript SO answers I can find on XML are outdated and don't work anymore
oh I had horrible experiences with it in VB6 and T-SQL too :)
but with C# and Linq-to-XML, it's a wonder
and VB.NET has special XML handling too, that I know nothing about
"throw new Error" reads like a mispelled "throw new Exception"
I've only ever raised errors and thrown exceptions
Funny. All I do is raise roofs and throw parties
@JeroenVannevel but you're an exception :)
@JeroenVannevel You don't raise the children?
Hey quick SQL question, does specifying all the fields to be selected offer any performance difference to SELECT *?
@Quill Good question
Q: Which is faster/best? SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc

Dan HerbertI've heard that SELECT * is generally bad practice to use when writing SQL commands because it is more efficient to SELECT columns you specifically need. If I need to SELECT every column in a table, should I use SELECT * or SELECT column1, colum2, column3, etc. Does the efficiency really matter...

oh, okay, thanks :-)
@skiwi don't do thatttttt
yeah, you can just like, add the check in the function normally
Q: Are there JavaScript "non-promise" promises?

VaccanoSay I have a javascript method like this: export function getDateTime() { let query = breeze.EntityQuery.from('GetDateTime'); return entityManager.executeQuery(query); } Basically, I am saying that I want to get the current date time from the server. So far so good. Then I call it: ...

Oh hey @Phrancis I've got some free time, so I can take a look at Cardshifter's HTML-client now :-)
Oh cool, ping me in the other room if you have questions
Q: the background-image does not show up, why?

user94249<ul id="payment"> <li><a href="#">visa</a></li> <li><a href="#">mastercard</a></li> <li><a href="#">paypal</a></li> <li><a href="#">bank</a></li> </ul> #payment { clear:both; } #payment li { display: inline-block; list-style-type: none; ...

@CaptainObvious anyone?
@Mat'sMug No mod hammer?
@Mat'sMug CVd
@Phrancis does this userscript actually work for you?
I feel like the community might be relying too much on hammers
@Quill I have not tried it
@Mat'sMug Has it become worse than before?
@Mat'sMug you guys did spoil us, and now you're complaining?
IDK, when @Captain posted off-topic carp there used to be a bunch of regulars jumping on it, almost fighting for having their name in the "closed by" list
@Mat'sMug hey man, I still do that :-)
there isn't all that many active people with close-privs in here anymore
look at the active list:
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Srle: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/73619/revisions
@Quill lol
I wasn't here until just now, there's Quill who did something, then there's Phrancis, who is hunting bugs, Zak who doesn't have privs IIRC, Dan who's greyed out and probably actually working and suddenly ...
@Duga it's fine
Privs were the most jarring part of properly graduating
@Quill similar
I really miss VTD
I lost my ability to see deleted posts and VTD ;-;
@Vogel612 lol
@Phrancis the trusted user one, right?
But @Mat'sMug maybe you mods should test out what happens if you don't hammer stuff (unless absolutely needed) and let the review queues do what they are designed for?
^^ that
I think we should bring it up on meta... maybe?
nah, it's not necessary
like Vogel said, a lot of our prived-up users aren't online as much anymore
we're getting new regulars, but they're still getting to the VTC point
and to the learning the rules point
Yeah, that too
just like that broken question being upvoted a while ago
nothing is worse than thinking you're helping, and then you're subsequently yelled at on chat
which means we gotta be damn careful this doesn't turn into a chat vs. site thing
totally not my first two weeks as a prived-up user
ok. I'm putting my hammer under an airtight glass bell.
wait, how do I break the bell now
A coder’s moment of doubt. By Depressed Coder
@Mat'sMug with your mug obviously :D
@Mat'sMug with upvotes, unfortunately
does SEDE store stats on how many upvotes / downvotes you've made?
I don't thinks so
That data exists but I think only SE is privy to it
otherwise it would've been cool to have a query to order users by how many rep they've given out via their upvotes
and question accepts and whatnot
not that I can't do (UPVOTES * 10) - (DOWNVOTES * 2) in any language -_-
@Mat'sMug with your spare hammer
Did the new chat user get banned or did he just not come back after being kicked last?
@Phrancis Don't think he got banned
@Phrancis the latter as far as I can tell..
so the js room on SO are doing a thing where they add this as their essential thing to read on the SO survey...
OK. I really do wish he gets the message, however given the amount of warnings over the last few days I don't have very high hopes...
@Phrancis few? it was just 2 days, right?
@Quill I like how you are supposed to check Tonsils A
@Vogel612 Has it only been two days? I guess you're right. Two looooonnnnnnnnng days
Well, time to finish packing up my cubicle for the big move to the new office, back later
what is wrong with me
I finally finish that dreaded school and I'm already looking at the curriculum of a cyber crime bachelors
masochism, I believe that term is defined as
Q: Class Module to wrap up classic ADO call to SQL-server

whytheqI do a lot of copying excel vba code related to classic ADO from workbook to workbook, so I've decided to add the code to a Class Module in a single utility workbook and then in all other books just reference the utility book and use instances of the ADO wrapper class. The class module is called...

@CommitStrip did I miss something? Why is there a French version underneath it?
probably a localisation bug
@jdln I will mark this as off topic because this question truly belongs in Code Review, that way your question (which is working correctly) can get help from more code reviewers who will look into helping you improve your code. Why am I suggesting this? Read the How to Ask section on this pageAGE 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug @RubberDuck @Zak :
oh wow
what's that, a campfire setup?
it would work better with the paper at the bottom ;-)
somebody call?
Look what I have behind me
@Phrancis Damn, I need to get hold of my dad's books
They're like Excel 1997 and Working with dBase III
There are a bunch of old .NET and SQL Server 2000 books too

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