padding-top will make the element 'larger' on the inside. margin-top will actually create space between the element. height makes the element taller (although browsers may not respect this due to collapsing) and box-sizing enables you to count borders and padding is being counted as "inside" the box - rather than outside.
The full description of the problem to solve can be found here. The code I have written works fine but seems extremely verbose for what it's doing, I'm not sure if list comprehensions are meant to be used in the way that I have (maybe some kind of other construct would be more suitable?). Would b...
I am so pissed off right now. No unit tests is causing our entire project to crap itself in rpoduction and now my VS has crashed for the 3rd time today.
I've marked your question as the accepted answer because of your analysis using actual data for the last year. I agree with you that this gives a more accurate picture. — MikeD50 mins ago
I have written a script to reduce/lower the version number stored in opkg status file using small shell script, This will enable us to force the opkg to install same version debain again.
Versions stored in the opkg files are as follows,
Version: 00.03.00a002
Version: 2013.07.001
Version: 2013....
> “NP" = non-deterministically polynomial: with luck, a polynomial-time algorithm could recognize a yes-instance of a problem by guessing the certificate right and verifying it --- but we don't know how to build lucky computers...
See: Continuation-passing style As you are new to F# I suggest you focus on getting the code to work first then consider transforming it into a particular style. You can go nuts trying to balance all of the competing factors in your head if you don't have experience with each one. As a different solution get the code working then post parts of it to code review — Guy Coder1 min ago
I've a piece of code down below that I'm really unsure about. Basically an user can type the url (urlStr param of the method) he wants. From this url I need to :
get the data as Base64 so I can display it in an html img src tag.
Being able to crop the image afterward and save the image as a fil...
@user3718908 Take code that is already working. Post it on Code Review with a description/overview and we'll show you how it could have been written better/faster/simpler/cleaner etc. — Zak28 secs ago
Hello i have built a web application along with a mobile app, my application has several APIs that return JSON data. I am currently working with another developer who wants to use that data. This is a sample of the data:
"categories": [
"id": 6,
"name": "...
I want users to wait 9 minutes after their last comment. I have written this code. It works but do you think this is practical? Is there any best way to this with less code?
$now = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) );
$lastPost = new DateTime( '2016-01-08 13:16:59' );
$diff = $lastPost-
I was writing some JavaScript that depended on several global variables being present.
I read about the "guard pattern" from a StackOverflow answer but since I need to check for multiple objects it quickly becomes quite tedious to have lines like this everywhere:
if (foo && &&
@DanPantry When I tap a message to focus and bring up the menu, the menu bar (with the reply, star, etc. selections) is getting hidden behind Safari's URL bar
And I said "nevermind", I just reminded myself of that. Though I really didn't understand why the problem happened; but I didn't Google because I knew my problem is specific.
Say that you use a map to represent a polynomial.
The key is the exponent and the value is the coefficient : Map(exp -> coef)
e.g. 2.5*x^5 + 3.0 is represented by : Map(5 -> 2.5, 0 -> 3.0)
I wrote 3 functions (in Scala) to add such polynomials. Which one is the most elegant ? Do you have anothe...
Once I done documentation for MyAntSim, should I post it in Code Review? My guess is not -- that it should instead be embedded with the current question...
@Mat'sMug If you haven't already, do you think you could make a room and have a chat with them about the specific behaviour that got them muted. Speaking from experience: explicit, specific examples and some simplified rules can help a lot.
@Vogel612 Doesn't work for me. I tried putting javascript:$.post("/users/new-mobile-ui", fkey({ value: true })) in the Mobile Safari address bar, and I get…
The way it looks to work, is when you tap a message, it brings a menu at the top that has an icon for all the actions you can take for that message (including RO actions, AFAICT)
I am having users which are admins for one or many Store entities. With Spring Security I am already checking if a user is logged in, but of course, this does not prevent a user to send me some requests with wrong IDs.
For example: A user has a store that has some items with IDs 1, 2, 3. But the...