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The tools you have at your disposal are padding-top, margin-top, height (although only use that if it actually makes sense) and box-sizing
So I could @media all and (device-height: 5%) { in there?
padding-top will make the element 'larger' on the inside. margin-top will actually create space between the element. height makes the element taller (although browsers may not respect this due to collapsing) and box-sizing enables you to count borders and padding is being counted as "inside" the box - rather than outside.
@Mast I've not used device-height: 5% before..
@DanPantry Neither have I, I'm not a UI guy ^^
Right, so I need margin-top
From quick google-fu, it says not to use device-height, but height.
BTW, it's fairly rare that we actually use height in media queries, that's usually a sign of Doing It Wrong (tm).
Both work.
Most media queries deal with width of the screen
Why would width be relevant when talking about vertical padding?
Responsve designs generally focus on collapsing horizontal space into stacking vertical elements
It's rare that a design's main limiting factor is how tall it is rather than how wide it is
That's mainly because horizontal scrolling irks people a lot more than vertical scrolling
So... on a monitor you would render items horizontally, but on a phone vertically?
@skiwi That's a basic premise of it.
For example look at the new design for the chat in SO
ON the phone you only see the chat messages (presumably star wall is hidden in a side menu which you swipe in).
On the desktop, you see everything.
What if you're stacking the data vertically already? That can leave you either with leftover width on desktop, or with not enough width on phone
@skiwi As a rule you would make sure that the data expands to fill the screen horizontally without scrolling on a phone
Definitely. Only scroll vertically.
But vertically stacked elements are sometimes too close to each other. They need some breathing room.
That has nothing to do with width, right?
No. In that case, you want margin-top.
margin is the thing designed to introduce space between elements
Q: Project Euler problem 11, finding adjacent numbers with the greatest sum

Jtaylor-PentacleThe full description of the problem to solve can be found here. The code I have written works fine but seems extremely verbose for what it's doing, I'm not sure if list comprehensions are meant to be used in the way that I have (maybe some kind of other construct would be more suitable?). Would b...

@CaptainObvious ouch
@CaptainObvious Might as well not use Haskell then
Wow, my webapp started without throwing an eror
I am so pissed off right now. No unit tests is causing our entire project to crap itself in rpoduction and now my VS has crashed for the 3rd time today.
Meanwhile I'm having a load of unit tests...
Makes writing code look easy
Also, code duplication is the root of all evil.
I'd consider it even worse than premature optimisation.
I'm having so much code duplication here, but unsure how to fix it
@skiwi Abstract it away?
Make it classy :-)
@DanPantry Drop VS?
@skiwi Just add the comment # this will be fixed later
Oh... my god..
Any SQL devs here?
Just want to confirm something.
Do you have to specify stored procedure parameters in a certain order or can they be named parameters?
like, EXEC foo @myParam = bar for example
@Mast Not sure if I want it when I'm this close to the database
I've marked your question as the accepted answer because of your analysis using actual data for the last year. I agree with you that this gives a more accurate picture. — MikeD 50 mins ago
@skiwi After v1.0? Probably not. Before? Probably.
I don't think I've ever usurped an accepted answer before
@Zak That automatically awards Pekka Populist, right?
@Zak How does it feel to be a homewrecker?
@SuperBiasedMan It feels fun!
@SuperBiasedMan Homewrecker has a lot of negative connotation IIRC.
Q: Sh script to reduce version number stored in the file

AnkurTankI have written a script to reduce/lower the version number stored in opkg status file using small shell script, This will enable us to force the opkg to install same version debain again. Versions stored in the opkg files are as follows, Version: 00.03.00a002 Version: 2013.07.001 Version: 2013....

@Mast That's the joke, I think
Okay, my head hurts, I'm mad at SQL devs :(
> “NP" = non-deterministically polynomial: with luck, a polynomial-time algorithm could recognize a yes-instance of a problem by guessing the certificate right and verifying it
but we don't know how to build lucky computers...
Indeed it is the joke :P
@skiwi Isn't that where branch prediction comes in as well?
Not in CS theory, no
See: Continuation-passing style As you are new to F# I suggest you focus on getting the code to work first then consider transforming it into a particular style. You can go nuts trying to balance all of the competing factors in your head if you don't have experience with each one. As a different solution get the code working then post parts of it to code reviewGuy Coder 1 min ago
The last SEDE query was 7 years ago... Anybody care to whip up a new one?
Q: How Much Rep Would Jon Skeet Have If There Was No Rep Limit?

Aaron MJust curious about this, but how much rep would he currently have if there was not a rep cap?

I never got the hang of CS, perhaps that's what's keeping me back from high-level frameworks.
@Zak Unsourced data, yuck.
Trust me, I never understood CS either
Aren't you a CS student?
Yes... why?
Well, I'd say you'd understand at least the big parts of it or you can't successfully study it.
Q: Converting url data to base 64

CedI've a piece of code down below that I'm really unsure about. Basically an user can type the url (urlStr param of the method) he wants. From this url I need to : get the data as Base64 so I can display it in an html img src tag. Being able to crop the image afterward and save the image as a fil...

@Mast Okay, maybe I understand the basics, but there's a whole lot more to it
There's always a lot more to it.
The whole point of studying a subject is to know how much you don't know about it.
In the meantime, you grasp the basics.
Would codereview.SE accept this better? — mabi just now
What is codereview.SE? — user3718908 57 secs ago
@user3718908 Take code that is already working. Post it on Code Review with a description/overview and we'll show you how it could have been written better/faster/simpler/cleaner etc. — Zak 28 secs ago
Q: JSON object containing multi-dimensional arrays

user3718908Hello i have built a web application along with a mobile app, my application has several APIs that return JSON data. I am currently working with another developer who wants to use that data. This is a sample of the data: { "categories": [ { "id": 6, "name": "...

Q: Finding difference between date now and last comment

Erdem EceI want users to wait 9 minutes after their last comment. I have written this code. It works but do you think this is practical? Is there any best way to this with less code? Thanks. $now = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ); $lastPost = new DateTime( '2016-01-08 13:16:59' ); $diff = $lastPost-

This looks really cool.
I'm almost wondering what the catch is.
@DanPantry You get hacked
@skiwi ayyyyy.
It's actually more epxensive than I realised, but even then, the price of that trip seems pretty deecnt.
If you have $3,000+ to spare, looks pretty cool
$6k for a 3 month stay in tokyo.
I can't math.
I mean, it's a lot of money, but $6k for board + flights + activities in another country is not too bad IMO
Isn't it $500/week, not $1,000?
> I can't math.
$6k makes it seem definitely worth it for 3 months
thought it would appear they only pay for 1 meal a week, lol
I hate factory resetting old devices: What if I forgot something?
@skiwi Can you not make backups first?
@Zak What if I forget to backup something?
@skiwi lol
$ cp ~ /dropbox
monking @Phrancis
@DanPantry Forgot to say, it's about smartphones
@skiwi type it into a text message and send it to yourself. it'll work.
trust me, i'm an engineer.
@Phrancis This site is on drugs. I love it.
lol IKR
Wouldn't this be question do better over on code review? — Brian Ray 52 secs ago
This mobile chat is not working very well on Safari for iphone
Q: Test whether a string representing an object n-levels deep is available

Jonathan.BrinkI was writing some JavaScript that depended on several global variables being present. I read about the "guard pattern" from a StackOverflow answer but since I need to check for multiple objects it quickly becomes quite tedious to have lines like this everywhere: if (foo && foo.bar && foo.bar.b...

Hi again! :)
@Gustavo6046 Monking
Also how in the world do you un-select a message? Tapping it again doesn't work
I am going to update MySimAnt in GitHub. Adding more files. Even with that "function redefinition" error that happens despite the include guard :/
Since your code already works and you're essentially trying to improve it, you should probably post on Code Review. — dandan78 41 secs ago
Anyone else around use iPhone (any version) who could test the chat page and see if they can reproduce the bug? I'm working on a MSE post
I am trying to do a documentation HTML for the project: jsbin.com/ciwitonufo/edit?html,css,output
@Phrancis Sure, what is the bug?
The font from Google just isn't working :/
What menu bar?
I don't have the newest chat version :(
Must be A/B tested
@DanPantry When I tap a message to focus and bring up the menu, the menu bar (with the reply, star, etc. selections) is getting hidden behind Safari's URL bar
I'll try myself something...
@Gustavo6046 This is not a support forum.
:26690717 I've said it quite a few times before, this room isn't a help desk. google.com
I don't believe that there is such a feature on mobile chat. Tapping on a message does nothing for me.
possible answer invalidation by Dannnno on question by GibboK: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116204/revisions
@200_success Is it bringing up the "old" (same as before) chat or the new version?
And I said "nevermind", I just reminded myself of that. Though I really didn't understand why the problem happened; but I didn't Google because I knew my problem is specific.
Too specific for Google.
@Phrancis it's a prototype
don't report bugs on stuff that isn't out in the wild
Ahh, ok...
@Gustavo6046 that is simply wrong in the most cases
in all other cases you should google anyways
Q: Functional programming : adding maps as polynomials

Julien__Say that you use a map to represent a polynomial. The key is the exponent and the value is the coefficient : Map(exp -> coef) e.g. 2.5*x^5 + 3.0 is represented by : Map(5 -> 2.5, 0 -> 3.0) I wrote 3 functions (in Scala) to add such polynomials. Which one is the most elegant ? Do you have anothe...

What new chat?
putting your thoughs as a question makes it easier to find the answer
It just loaded with that automatically when I opened with Safari. If I open with Chrome on phone instead it brings the old one
Once I done documentation for MyAntSim, should I post it in Code Review? My guess is not -- that it should instead be embedded with the current question...
@200_success the fancy prototype balpha is currently working on
@Gustavo6046 editing the currently posted code that already received answers is a no-go
don't do it#
Or what about embedding the documentation in the follow-up?
Alright, guess I'll just sit on it then
@Gustavo6046 sounds like a plan
Remember it will probably have multiple files for it will be an extensive documentation of MySimAnt.
maybe I should not embed it, but link to it... but how could I link to HTML files that aren't in the Web; I still did not think on that...
question better suited for Code ReviewScott Holtzman 30 secs ago
Sorry, I'm out of the loop. What new chat prototype, and how do I get it?
Don't over-document^
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because its better suited for Code ReviewScott Holtzman 40 secs ago
Ideally, your code should read good enough that you don't need a lot of documentation
@200_success like this
I like stuff well documented so that people can learn very easily how to use MySimAnt and add the AI stuff.
Why does Captain Obvious post some questions and not other?
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean it should post all of them
IT'S F R I D A Y !!!!!!!!!
it doesn't do those that are deleted quick enough
but it should post all questions on CR
@Donald.McLean and tomorrow is Saturday!
@Vogel612 Do you know is balpha has a chat room or something where I could report the problem?
Who would want to help me complete the documentation?
@Phrancis possibly the tavern
whoever that was: good job :D
just a kick-mute though
but now there's grounds for escalation
and monking!
What happened?
somebody got left
Is that somebody someone who has issues with google?
@Donald.McLean First Friday since Newyear
@Mat'sMug If you haven't already, do you think you could make a room and have a chat with them about the specific behaviour that got them muted. Speaking from experience: explicit, specific examples and some simplified rules can help a lot.
@Vogel612 Doesn't work for me. I tried putting javascript:$.post("/users/new-mobile-ui", fkey({ value: true })) in the Mobile Safari address bar, and I get…
reload page with mobile browser?
seems like a safari thing. you can run this from your desktop btw.
IIUC it's user-based
@200_success lol
@Zak it was already chatted at length in the Nth, and the Help Vampire link was already posted. I don't know what else could be said...
> JavaScript is not allowed to be used this way
Can we just post that on (most) JS questions on SO
oh cool I can pin messages in that mobile UI :D
Using the linked script works for me :D
Yeah, that's pretty cool @Vogel612
@Vogel612 that app has the potential to beat ChatSEy then
that is not an app... it's the new design prototype :)
ChatSEy is going to be obsoleted
I'm not following
This is going to be the official design for the chat on mobile devices, @Mat'sMug.
So you'll just be able to visit in a browser and it will "Just work"
does it let you be the first to star something?
@DanPantry in 6-8 weeks, that is :)
at last
@Mat'sMug Yes
@Mat'sMug yes. you can even properly flag messages
and kick-mute?
I think RO privs and similar are currently under development
couldn't pin stuff this morning, but can now
The way it looks to work, is when you tap a message, it brings a menu at the top that has an icon for all the actions you can take for that message (including RO actions, AFAICT)
ChatSEy is getting uninstalled as soon as this goes live
my phone's battery will be thankful
Opinions please… is this good enough to be reopened?
Q: Caching database information inside Spring Securitys 'User' object

Stefan FalkI am having users which are admins for one or many Store entities. With Spring Security I am already checking if a user is logged in, but of course, this does not prevent a user to send me some requests with wrong IDs. For example: A user has a store that has some items with IDs 1, 2, 3. But the...

isn't it missing a language tag?
that's , right?
it is... aside from that it's currently a design discussion..
@Mat'sMug It's tagged , so I'd say so.
    public void setId(Long id) {
        this.id = id;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;
and it's missing enough context to stay closed IMO,soo....

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