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^ yeah, help vampiring listening to @JeroenVannevel and @Mat'sMug wisdom is really helpful oh and @everyoneelse
@DanPantry you're welcome
@Quill you're welcome too
sorry if I was way TOO offtopic, but see the comment, please :)
@Gustavo6046 I'm not sure asking for help on naming your projects is really a good area for CR to cover.
@Quill yes, we got rid of that pattern in background. it wouldn't be visible enough on real t-shirt. and printing it is slightly harder. — PaweÅ‚ 5 mins ago
What should I name my code? libhtml? — Gustavo6046 2 mins ago
@DanPantry the funny part is that the chat transcript is totally public and google-searchable
@Mat'sMug Yep, I know.
Though I don't think I could work for someone who didn't want me to participate in this community.
That's why you use a Avatar that's not your face, and you don't use your name
I'm proud of the fact I am part of CR. I'm not going to hide it. :-)
@Quill who are you referring to?
@Gustavo6046 Me
@DanPantry ignore your boss, change your work and keep in CR, your contribution can't be stopped by a boss that is.... erm, just by a boss :)
@Gustavo6046 just a general statement
Holy smokes, 120 messages?
**but that's good news!** <sub><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub>this time</sub></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub>
Pops on January 6, 2016
Stack Exchange Winter Bash 2015 wrap-up
@Hosch250 We got a Swag announcement
That is about 10-30 times as active as normal.
@Quill Oh, we did? Cool.
@Gustavo6046 My boss doesn't have an issue with it (I don't think). He trusts me to get my job done and doesn't watch over my shoulder. It was just a general statement.
> [![A RUBBER DUCK!!!!!!! ZOMG!!!!!!!][4]][4]
Who is on it?
@Hosch250 none of us, although I think @enderland is part of this community and he is on it.
that's why my hats disappeared
@Hosch250 read this
Found it.
also here in Brazil it's summer, not winter bash, also who has a retrospective of Stack Exchange 2015?
@Gustavo6046 Has the SE 2015 retrospective even been done yet?
(we will never have a white christmas :( )
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 11 secs ago, by Quill
@Pops Thank you very much for WinterBash 2015, it was an absolutely fantastic event and surely would've been anywhere near so without your insomniac traits dedication.
39 hats
jesus christ @Quill
how to put line above text? -this-?
@Gustavo6046 you mean a line through text?
triple hyphen on either side of the word.
Q: Enqueue only if not null.

MY_GI have built a tree full of nodes. I want to traverse the tree in a breadth-first fashion, so naturally I want to use a queue. I want to ensure that child nodes are added to the queue only if they are not null. while (queue.Any()) { Node current = queue.Dequeue(); if (current.childNode1...

I am overloaded with hyphens
@CaptainObvious example
@DanPantry fabulous way to introduce myself to a wider community on stack exchange, and thanks for your misguided insult compliment
Luck: 4 upvotes
Unluck: no answer
Patience is a virtue
Be patient, @Gustavo6046. Good reviews take a long time.
reviewing code takes time
@Gustavo6046 That's still better than 40 upvotes, and no answer for three years: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/25101/…
I can spend half a day on a javascript review.
Please edit your post to include the actual context. //... and so on is very much frowned upon on this site - I'd suggest you include the whole class that features this while loop, or at the very least the whole method. — Mat's Mug ♦ 1 min ago
not hammering, but...
I don't know how to review code :(
@Gustavo6046 And therefore you shouldn't expect people to do it for you in 54 minutes
It takes me about 20 minutes just to digest what is going on in a question
Then I haev to address each point (of which there could be several) and give explanations for each one, any caveats, citations, etc.
It is rare that I can write a decent review in under an hour
I would imagine most people are the same.
Depends on the complexity of the question
Especially where questions tend to be more complex [citation needed]
@Gustavo6046 you can surely try! pick a post in a language you're somewhat familiar with, read the code, and you'll certainly think "hey, I would have done that instead" or "woah, that's some bad naming, I have no idea what's going on"
thanks :)
like, open up a notepad and take notes as you read through the code
Also bear in mind that yours isnt the only question on the site
then suggest improvements, and you have an answer :)
people who could review your question might be reviewing someone else's
Just be patient :-)
@DanPantry That's mostly true. This answer sort of proves it too: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/107009/…
It's an article-length answer on a question of mine that had, at most, 40 lines of code.
> It's undefined behavior so anything (including but not limited to your cat getting pregnant) could happen.
btw any recommended library to display graphics as ASCII art in the console instead of having to deepen into the daunts of the graphics libraries?
What language?
presumably C++
@Mat'sMug I was also considering hammering. Thanks for the comment.
Curses? They have it for Python, and I think it works with C++.
Oh no... simple incident just became a "why" / root-cause request :\
@SimonForsbergMcFeely OP deleted it
And while trying to be polite, this chat room isn't google. Here's a relevant SO question @Gustavo6046
@Mat'sMug Maybe he realized he could just do a for loop
we'll never know
Alright, enough chatting for now, back to the Machine Learning course!
@EthanBierlein how goes the c++ 'touring'?
From the Dry tag "Questions regarding how to refactor code are better suited on codereview.stackexchange.com" — Lee Taylor 37 secs ago
@Quill Pretty good. I've been learning quite a bit.
@Phrancis at least those people pay for you investigating?
Not the right place for code reviews, but you should try store the template HTML hidden in your page. Makes maintenance easier, then you just need a selector to find it. — TrueBlueAussie 59 secs ago
@EthanBierlein That's good news, from what it seemed, every one was happy with what they got
The only beef I have left is that @Zak needs to add a picture
lol bump @Zak ^^
I am googling for a tutorial on aalib
but I can't find
@Gustavo6046 google harder.. seriously.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this code clearly belongs on CodeReview as the code behaves as designed. — Aron 6 secs ago
I have two Code Review Request work items that are associated with the wrong Changeset work item. In their Links list they don't list the Changeset so I can't remove it. I was able to un-associate a Task work item from the Changeset by deleting the link. Guess that code is the option of last resort. — JohnC just now
also the talk page says the etymology is unreferenced, not just incorrect
Gah, crap
Q: Mustache Templating

CraigIs there a better way to write this code, I feel that my template is sort of hacky and unproductive? var $teams = $('#info'); var template = "" + {{#data}} + "<tr>" "<td>"{{teamName}} "</td>" + "<td>"{{playedGames}}"</td>" + "<td>"{{wins}}"</td>" + "<td>"{{draws}}"</td>" + "<td>"{losses}}"</td>...

@CaptainObvious That isn't going to work
			// Return the newly generated "supply order Id"
			return newSoid;
	,sum(NetAmount) over (
		partition by CustomerGroupId, OrderTypeGroupId, FiscalYear, FiscalWeekOfYear
		order by CustomerGroupId, OrderTypeGroupId, FiscalYear, FiscalWeekOfYear
		rows unbounded preceding) WeeklyNetAmount
	,sum(Units) over (
		partition by CustomerGroupId, OrderTypeGroupId, FiscalYear, FiscalWeekOfYear
		order by CustomerGroupId, OrderTypeGroupId, FiscalYear, FiscalWeekOfYear
@Mat'sMug your code is wetter than central England is right now.
I just had to first aggregate the individual invoices :)
@DanPantry it's SQL, what do you expect
this is so cool
TIL rows unbounded preceding, the coolest T-SQL aggregation feature :)
@Phrancis Something like the Java section from that "This is a flowerpot" image
"I'm two pages in and I still have no idea what you are saying"
that comma placement
what about it?
comma-first is awesome
I bet you kick puppies too
it's obscene
@JeroenVannevel lol
I'm a convert. I went comma-first and never looked back.
Comma first looks like the code is having a stroke.
And has lost all sense of dexterity
au contraire my friend, it's much easier to reorder output columns without screwing up anything
I do comma-later, just like normal code.
@EthanBierlein I know, my bad. I'll get on it
T-SQL isn't normal code
@Quill Wait, does this mean If I get a bunch of rep in the next 2 weeks, I might end up with swag anyway?
@Zak nope
It's calculated at point of graduation
Ah, klkl. Nevermind.
and even then you wouldn't accrue enough rep. You'd need approx 6k rep I thnk to get rewards
@DanPantry 5.8k
And I could get to 5.6k With 14 days of rep-capping ^^
if you capped every day for the next 2 weeks you'd get 2800, which would put you at 5.4k
You have 2686 rep + (14 * 2000) = 5486
but, there's still hope: there will be contests and events eventually, and all you need to do is participate <sub>and win</sub>
Fine, you're closer (by 28 rep :p )
@Mat'sMug <sub><sub><sub><sub>and win</sub></sub></sub>
(That should definitely become a meme now)
@Mat'sMug Just so long as eventually is sooner than 6-8 weeks :p
originator: JNat on the original grad swag announcement
lol I just noticed that
@DanPantry it's not just subs, but also some sups in there :P
@DanPantry You missed a </sub>
and what's up with all these <sub> and </sub> things? Have I missed anything?
So are we still going with "Making code slightly less wrong" as a tagline then? — Zak 12 secs ago
And if so, can I have some honorary swag for coming up with it :p
@Zak Pawel will follow up on that later today ;)
@SimonForsbergMcFeely there's the phrase this time buried under subscript tags on the meta post
Anyway, TTQW
2 hours ago, by Quill
<sub><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub>this time</sub></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sup></sub>
@EBrown i think they mix two rubbers: rubber and fake-rubber and make semi-rubber-semi-fakerubber duck. — PaweÅ‚ 1 hour ago
The important questions have been answered.
Q: Multi-threaded TCP Server Application with multiple client applications to transfer files to and from the server

David Needhamlooking to make a TCP server in java that can allow users to login and transfer files to and from the server. I have tried using a txt file with the usernames and passwords but I am having trouble implementing it. Any Ideas? Client Aplication import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.uti...

Q: Constraint Algorithm Optimization in C++

NIZGTRThis was originally posted on Stackoverflow but it was suggested to post this here for a better answer. I can't seem to figure out a way to further optimize a constraint algorithm. So far I've switched to SIMD sse4 vector operations which nearly doubled the performance. I'm hoping there is mor...

> It'll take precisely between 42 and 56 days for these to arrive at your doorstep.
6-8 weeks
@JNat I appreciate the precise information provided.
@Zak I like that tagline! :)
it kinda makes it seem like we contribute only a little bit
idk I guess a meta will be had about it anyway
It's unclear to me what exactly you are asking for. Can you please elaborate? — EBrown 10 secs ago
Someone decided SUPPLY_PACKAGES_June2010 would be a good name for a permanent table.
@Mat'sMug Why didn't you create the other Best Of categories that reached +10?
I knew that would come up.... real answer is, I didn't have time. and it's sorta too late now anyway.. or is it?
Don't know.
I think we all should be a little more generous with our up/down votes.
I don't think we are supposed to DV in these.
DV in what?
The Best Of things.
I meant on main site.
I think it's time to implement an undo/redo feature in Markdown Markup.
3 messages moved to Trash
@Gustavo6046 please don't ask people to review your code over and over and over and over again
it's tiring
also it's not the point of this chatroom
I just improved it, I don't want people to review it, just to add comments
especially not when you don't give a question enough time to recieve answers
so it is easier to understand it
@Gustavo6046 because you can't write comments yourself??
because I almost forgot what it does
as the OP it's your job to tell reviewers what your code is doing.
then it's all the more important you do that yourself
@Gustavo6046 You might be interested in this post:
A: Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question

Simon Forsberg McFeelySimon's Guide for posting a good question There are a lot of questions that appear on Code Review, and all questions are fighting for reviewer attention. This is a non-exhaustive list of items that I am looking for in a Code Review question when determining whether or not I should review it and ...

By the way you write in this chatroom, it seems like you can improve a lot of things.
While that post is mainly about Code Review questions, it's related to the mentality of question askers on this site.
And oh, there's this as well:
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

Q: Detecting arithmetic overflow in C with nasm

coderoddeThis snippet is about detecting whether the carry flag is set or cleared. I work on Mac OSX, so my snippet supports Mac only. First, we need a routine that does the job: func.s: global _read_carry_flag _read_carry_flag: mov al, 0 jnc end mov al, 1 end: ret (Try nasm2 -f ma...

Q: Cancel those hung print jobs

BamI've created a program that will list all hung print jobs on a specified server, from there it will load them and strip the jobs down to their Job ID then cancel the jobs on that server only. I would like a critique of my work please. How does this look as an OOP script? Is there anything I ca...

This question should get me to 13k.
I suck
@Gustavo6046 we all did or do... it's about the will to improve :)
@JeroenVannevel I posted an analyzer/code fix for review, if you are interested.
I just ran out of stars, for the first time in nearly a month.
@Gustavo6046 You're doing better than I did when I first joined.
@Hosch250 I'll have to look at it after my exam on friday
@JeroenVannevel NP.
@DanPantry Mine too, probably.
Q: Add Missing XML Doc Parameters

Hosch250This is an analyzer and code fix for VSDiagnostics that detects when a doc comment on a method does not have all parameters listed. When the user tells it to provide the fix, it adds a /// <param name="{paramName}"></param> line for all missing parameter nodes. Here is the analyzer: private vo...

Lots of off-topic talk today...
@Phrancis Today Everyday
At least, everyday I've ever been around to observe it ^^
Today has been more than usual
With respect, you need to try and keep the off topic talk to a minimum here, @Gustavo6046
I.e, talking about your aspergers - a few of us have had struggles with mental/social disorders, myself included, so I sympathise. But 2nd isn't the place to discuss that. You could try discussing that in the Nth if you want.
@EBrown It's precise but meaningless :P
Same goes for the myers-briggs test and whatever
I personally think its a bit too off topic for 2nd
@Gustavo6046 May I ask you how old you are now?
@JNat Well I'll take precision over meaning any day.
Did you see my profile?
@Gustavo6046 your profile doesn't mention your age
just subtract the current date by the birth date
I see no birthday.
@Gustavo6046 Birth date is not visible
That isn't displayed to mere mortals.
@Gustavo6046 That information is not made public by SE.
oh I see
For obvious reasons :-)
Some parts of your profile are intentionally private.
(To prevent harassment, help build professionalism, etc.)
You can see it there, though
@JNat that's silly.
Just a sec
@JNat Something tells me that should not be like that.
I think there's a meta post about that somewhere
Incoming commitstrip
You're more than welcome to participate in this chat room and the CR community, @Gustavo6046, just try and keep topics discussed in here vaguely related to programming (and strictly related to CR if there's site business going on).
We have the nth monitor for off-topic discussions
@JNat I'm searching now.
But I am Brazilian! COPPA has no ef--wait, nevermind
@Gustavo6046 COPPA only applies to children who are 13 and under, so it would have no effect anyway.
@Gustavo6046, I think @SimonForsbergMcFeely wants to talk to you in Nth
how to undelete a deleted message?
You can't.
Woah, what just happened? For some reason a message by 200_success was showing up in the preview for The Nth Monitor. That was bizarre.
@EBrown yep. Saw it too.
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Maybe one day..
Where is my commitstrip....
in Cardshifter TCG, 9 mins ago, by StackExchange
Even better than flying cars or hover boards
I'm disappointed.
That was not nearly as funny as I was hoping.
Feed must be broken in this room or something
@Phrancis It gets slower for every star we give
@skiwi We're never going to see a commitstrip in this room again...
Q: Calculating the distance between several spatial points

SiamakI am developing a CUDA program and I want to enhance my performance. I have a kernel function which is consuming more than 70% of execution time. The kernel calculates the distance between several spatial points and based on whether they are neighbors or not, it fills a boolean vector. Any ideas...

Q: Write method header to convey objects contained in NSArray

RDSpinzI am building an iOS framework, and have a method that returns an NSArray of custom Objects in a block. I would like the method header to convey the fact that this NSArray will only Contain the CustomObject class, and never any other objects. My Header looks like this: - (void)methodWithBlock:(v...

Q: HTML Templates in Javascript with Mustache

Craig EnglandCan anyone suggest a better way to implement my template code? var $teams = $('#info'); var template = "{{#data}}<tr><td>{{teamName}} </td><td>{{playedGames}}</td><td>{{wins}}</td><td>{{draws}}</td><td>{{losses}}</td><td>{{goalDifference}}</td><td>{{points}}</td></tr>{{/data}}"; $.ajax({ h...

Even better than flying cars or hover boards
This is SO, not Code Review. Please delete this and ask it in Code Review, where people is willing to help you with long code details. — cFrozenDeath 43 secs ago
@DanPantry Lies
@skiwi damn
@DanPantry It's almost like it was waiting for you to say that ^^
I bet some SE employee manages the feeds in our room :P
@skiwi That's a bit harsh.
He waits until someone complains that the feed isn't there :)
@skiwi nope. blame mods & room owners :)
Don't blame me I don't have any part in this
@DanPantry That's borderline flaggable. Lol
@DanPantry Ouch, now that is harsh ^^
I meant it all in jest
hopefully we don't start getting 10k users flooding in now
Nah, I don't ever flag anything.
(Unless it really gets out of hand.)
btw that's a point, if I say something stupid or offensive please tell me instead of flagging :-) I'd rather know what I did wrong than be attacked by 10k+ users/mods.
Which doesn't happen in this room, but happens in others.
Plus I can't see flags, so it's no use to me if they get flagged :D
@DanPantry No kidding. Flagging things away does no one any good.
huh, I just earned [badge:electorate] on meta.cr
I wish they would make [badge:name] actually auto-link.
(I know there's a Meta Stack Exchange on it.)
AFK. Have fun all
Almost time for this Conference Call.
@Mat'sMug dafuq?
@Vogel612 apparently I don't vote as much on meta as on main
apparently I should get voting on meta, too...
I don't vote a lot on either site.
Most of the time I vote it's for my own benefit.
Sounds like a question that should be asked on codereview.stackexchange.com, not here on StackOverflow. — Andreas 55 secs ago
(Answers to my questions, mostly.)
And I should definitely vote more often, I just don't.
Maybe it does belong on codereview. This is my first time posting to this site. — Misspelled99 13 secs ago
@Duga nope
Is the output correct? Code Review isn't for validating whether your code works or not. Code Review will close your question if the code isn't working as intended... or in this case, if it's unclear. — Mat's Mug 18 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by NIZGTR on question by NIZGTR: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116030/revisions
@Duga clear
@EBrown You know you can't vote for yourself, right?
Q: Multi threaded Producer Consumer with bounded buffer

jcmI've developed the following multi-threaded code and would like a review. It is supposed to be implementing the Producer-consumer problem as defined here. I have multiple consumers and one producer. I would like to know whether there are any problems with my use of concurrency and also if you h...

Q: Javascript extensive Promise chaining

bali182I recently started working with JS Promises. What I always like to do, is create function, which returns a Promise with the final desired result, but I only do 1 operation/then. Consider something like this (this fetches the versions of an npm package in an array in reverse order): function pack...

@SimonForsbergMcFeely Maybe he just accidentally announced that he has a sock puppet.
OGNext is refusing to load data it has in its database, even though I tell it to select all data
It loads data from today, but not from earlier days :|
Have you queried the database directly to make sure there actually is data from earlier days?
Yep ^^
With the same foreign key even..
huh weird
Trying to see if I can get the SQL queries logged
Probably unrelated, but always nice to see those coming by:
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Reloading agent exited via exception, please raise a jira
at org.springsource.loaded.agent.ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter.transform(ClassPreProcessorAgentAdapter.java:110)
@Phrancis pastebin.com/mHrqMkfj Not sure if that is what I wanted to see :P
What is the value actually passed to limit ? ?
That's what I'm wondering as well
@skiwi Well there's your problem.
@Phrancis pastebin.com/nRevhWJ1 better?
Except... it doesn't seem to bind limit
But the limit clause can't be restricting on any fields, right?
It wouldn't restrict per field, no
So it's doing something I haven't told it to do ^^
It would restrict the amount of rows you get, which depending on how they are ordered could give the illusion that it is filtering by date, or by ID
So if the query is right, then maybe the data is not in Grails/Spring/Hibernate/magic
@Phrancis Except it's outputting more rows if I add more to it, unless it uses a rolling limit
What if you remove the limit clause?
I can't, I didn't put it there
So all that SQL code is created by Hibernate?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this working complete code example is better-suited to codereview.stackexchange.com. Recommend migration. — Adam Smith 32 secs ago
Can you link the calling code here?
def index(FindPlayerCommand findPlayerCommand) {
    def spyReports = SpyReport.findAllByPlayer(findPlayerCommand.player)
    [spyReports: spyReports]
Not sure if that makes you any wiser ^^
Right... and it worked correctly before?
Maybe I can try logging in PostgreSQL itself
@skiwi findAllByPlayer is a Gorm auto-generated method?
I would guess that Grails/Gorm is doing some pagination for you here
@skiwi git diff - what changed?
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Yep
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Nothing
PostgreSQL here is sending all data I ask for, bugs...
Or maybe it's just on @Mast machine, but I kinda doubt that
The data is still there, but Grails doesn't want it anymore.
While the fresh data is stored in exactly the same manner in the same table.
@skiwi So if the code didn't change, did the data change?
Who owns the SQL instance?
Define ownership ^^
Is it owned by OGame or by one of you?
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Nothing changed, so I don't think it's a new bug, only found about it today
It's our data as soon as we put it in our database :p
Ah, right
Maybe it's time to figure out what exactly Hibernate Second-Level Cache is
@SimonForsbergMcFeely Unfortunately yes, I periodically (about three times a week) get reminded of that.
I could pretend there's no bug and get hit by it again in the future
@skiwi I like that idea best.
Well, it's not a blocker, stuff appears to be working, it's just that some old data is refusing to be loaded
What can possibly go wrong?
How badly do you need that old data?
@Phrancis I consider data after the last few hours ancient history.
It's served me well so far.
(Actually, that's a lie. I'm a data junkie. I store logs of EVERYTHING.)
@skiwi Where was the data before?
Which reminds me, @Phrancis when you get time I would appreciate help setting up some SQL auditing.
@SimonForsbergMcFeely It's keys scraped by a userscript in a browser, send to Grails which stores it into a database.
Q: One Time Pad algorithm for encryption and decryption

nbroI have written my own one time pad algorithm for encryption and decryption, but I would like to listen to your opinions about its correctness and eventually how could I improve it. My idea was to keep it readable, but not so bad in terms of performance. I have also written some tests. Here's the...

@Phrancis For this application I probably wouldn't even have noticed it if we had a proper web interface that showed like last X entries in a nice format ^^
I just noticed it because it's a dev build that shows raw data and noticed everything was gone at some point :D
If a bug exists but your users can't notice, is there really a bug?
@Phrancis /s/bug/"Unexpected Features"
They will notice it if we keep having this bug in deployment.
"Where'd all my data go?" "Right, about your data..."
@EBrown Did you find anything on it?
(I was AFK for a while)
@JNat A few minor ones, looks like the consensus is that displaying the Birthday is optional, but age is mandatory.
Should I make a big Meta on it?
@EBrown Just ping me in the SQL room whenever you want to
@EBrown "We actually do have it in our database... we just can't show it to you"
okay 32 hours awake take their tribute...
Niters, maybe I can kick my sleep-cycle into shape like this :/
Q: Same number in box

user3604304I am making a sudoku game and I have tried to make a function so the same number dosent go into the same box(3x3) But I have a problem, it dosent work and I dont know why. Here is my code (I am drawing it in another function) I am checking in every box one box is 3x3: const static int BOARD_SIZE...

@skiwi Even better!
Q: How Does One Get A Copy of a ShelveSet for Code Review?

KeithMy team has recently upgraded to TFS and we are implementing code reviews. Our process so far is to make the changes that we deem necessary, go to Pending Changes in VS (2015), click Actions, Request Code Review. The reviewer needs to make sure the change made actually resolves the issue (or am...

@Vogel612 It tends to work.

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