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Q: Checking a MD5CRC

Oscar GuillamonThe point of this code snippet is to calculate and compare a MD5CRC obtained from a usb device connected to the computer against a database to check its validity. The code is as follows: var md5String = string.Empty; using (var md5 = MD5.Create()) { var md5CR...

Q: Why was this question not migrated to Stack Overflow

rolflI voted to migrate this question to Stack Overflow, but it seems I was the only one: Set ADT union Assistance it is off-topic here on Code Review it is on-topic on Stack Overflow Why is it not a candidate for migration? Can a moderator please migrate it then instead?

Can't sem to VPN onto work from my home PC. :( sucks. I'd prefer 4ghz i5 with 24GB of RAM and an SSD over 8GB ram, 1.7ghz and a slow hard drive.
@JeroenVannevel my git shirt arrived ;-)
You know it requires a pic
Q: Java BlackJack code

Brent ManorI am new to Java and I use netbeans. I am currently trying to make a BlackJack game. I am having problems in totaling the value of the cards in each player's hand. Thank you! Here is the code for the total value: public int getHandTotal() { int total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < hand.size(); i...

@DanPantry I'm with Jeroen on this one, pics or didn't happen.
Q: A simple Analog Clock

simplicis veritatisI'm implementing a graphical representation of an "analog clock" with moving hands (seconds, minutes and hours), using mainly2 FLTK facilities and the function Sleep(miliseconds): main.cpp: #include "iostream" #include "GUI.h" #include "Window.h" using namespace Graph_lib; #include "AnalogClo...

How low can it go... ;)
Q: How to get all digits first and char last in a string using java

ChanakyaFor ex: String str="asd14sd67fgh007"; I want the o/p like: 1467007asdsdfgh

Poor lazy OP
@Phrancis RBA, not entirely unexpected
Can't seem to flip this horizontally on the iPhone.
Also I just had a (valid) scenario to compare source control to a household appliance. Today is complete, nothing better is going to happen today. We can all go home now.
> Using TFS to store documents is like trying to wash clothes in your dishwasher. It'll get clean, but you'd probably still want to put them in a washing machine instead.
@Mast thanks
@DanPantry Shiny, flipped it for you.
> Cannot launch this because port 65087 is in use
$ netstat | grep 65087
You sure, Visual Studio? :s
@KennyG. Cool. So revise the question text to actually ask that. Don't ask a theoretical question: ask a real question. That said, it might be more a question for Code Review in that case, if it's just the technique you're really asking about, not a "problem" per se. The only slow case you have there is the one using Java arrays, which is an odd thing to do anyhow, and over 100k iterations on an occasional script, 8sec is not much to worry about. Much less the 1-2sec using CFML arrays. — Adam Cameron 39 secs ago
@Phrancis Removed By Author
@Duga It wouldn't be a great question, but I guess we could make it work.
@Phrancis You could do that in one line in a functional language.
@AdamCameron Based on a quick scan of the post, it would need to be clarified before going to Code Review. On-Topic CR question: "Here is working code that is designed to do XYZ, I would like it to run faster, any suggestions?". Off-Topic CR question: "Here are potential approaches we've looked at/tried, these are the results, why are A and B faster than C and D? Would E/F be even faster?" — Zak 53 secs ago
@Mast I left a comment which should help them make it a decent question if they want to send it our way
Greetings, Programs.
greetings, user
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
@Vogel612 Jinx :p
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Donald of Texas.
@Paulie_D Should I asked this in Codereview? — Grischa just now
@Grischa No. Code Review is for code that is already working as intended. — Zak 14 secs ago
The reason, I'd guess, for your previous question being downvoted is that it's not a good fit for StackOverflow; SO is a QA site for specific coding/programming problems - there's plenty of information on the Internet on MVC design in principle or how it specifically relates to PHP or the web. Once you've got some code or theory there's programmers.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.com - SO itself is really only for the niggly bits you get stuck on. — CD001 19 secs ago
@Donald.McLean My thought would be to use regex, but I'd be curious to see a more "native" way of doing that too :)
Never consider regex as the first solution.
Well, if you need to do pattern matching it should be the first solution :p
Regex isn't bad, it's just a tool for a specific job
I was parsing HTML once in C# and some moron recommended regex.
@juandemarco it's ur job to code review this. It's a small piece of code. — idanshmu 35 secs ago
@Duga wow, how rude can you be
@Duga Flagged
Its no-ones job to do anything on SO. We're volunteers. Be more respectful. — Dan Pantry 9 secs ago
the sense of entitlement is real
@Duga In most circumstances, a reasonable statement, but I don't want that user anywhere near our community.
you completely miss the point. No worries. deleting this post. — idanshmu 13 secs ago
@Zak There are a couple of SO users we really, really don't want on CR.
4 people completely miss the point?
Damn, I forgot to get my relevant flag points in
@Mast Only a couple?
contrary to popular belief, most people are not arseholes
unfortunately, the few make up for the many on SO.
(and every online community in general)
@DanPantry I'd argue against your statement, but it would end up in a fighting match.
@Mast Lets not argue over SO. It's not worth it.
Can't even say we're married for the kids (i.e SO) ;-)
@Zak And some of them are running for moderator. Let's hope they'll be too busy there to notice us.
Google isn't that bad
*goes to view source on google.com*
Mother of God
They've even minified the CSS class names..
Q: Finding the longest common suffix recursively using javascript

Daniel JacobsonIm getting the correct results but my method isnt the prettiest. Anyway to do this with less code? var longestSuffix = function(A, B) { return rec(A, B, 0); function rec(A, B, count) { if (!A.length || !B.length) return ''; if (A[A.length - count - 1] === B[B.length - co...

I think your question would fit better on codereview.stackexchange — dguay 1 min ago
I'm voting to close this question because it suits more on codereview.stackexchange.comHanky 웃 Panky 24 secs ago
Q: Forgotten Password / Password Reset - Is my forgotten-password reset system secure?

Maven MaverickI have hand-coded a forgotten-password reset system. I am apprehensive about security issues/vulnerabilities. I present my scripts below; what part of it can be exploited or could be made more secure. forgot-password.php <?php require_once 'connect.php'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ===...

@dguay Not realy. Whilst it is in a somewhat grey area, CodeReview is about taking working code and making it better (be that direct performance, or readability of the code, or structure or whatever). In this case, where the OP is specifically asking for a mathematically optimal function, that would fall outside the scope of CR. If they wanted feedback on their code as-is (such as how to compute their function faster/more efficiently), then it would probably be within CR's scope. — Zak 49 secs ago
@Duga @Zak Code Review, not CodeReview ;)
@EthanBierlein Why do you and @EBrown care so much about that damn space?!? :p
@TopinFrassi stackexchange.com/legal/trademark-guidance Look under "Proper Use of the Stack Exchange Name"
@TopinFrassi Maybe for the same reason others care so much about StackOverflow || Stack Overflow ;p
@TopinFrassi Because the space is required for proper use of the name ;P
@Top inf rassi ... spaces are not really significant.
@CaptainObvious Who's going to write standard Don't roll your own answer?
@EthanBierlein Typo. My bad.
lol, that's okay
@TopinFrassi I think you're missing the point ^^
@DanPantry I guess optimizing is relevant once you get a few hits per day
@Mast lol. Wow. You know, it's 9h30A.M. here so.. I guess I'll roll with that excuse. :p
Could it be cheaper for Google to change a JS standard rather than paying for the extra bandwidth in current form?
It's probably cheaper for them to write their own language.
But browsers also need to be able to run it ^^
@Mast Didn't they write Dart? :P
@skiwi Changing Standards doesn't cost money. It requires other developers to agree on it - and then be implemented by browser vendors.
@DanPantry There has to be some kind of cost associated to it though, right?
@skiwi The cost of writing the RFC?
Or setting up a whole dev campaign of why a certain feature is good? ^^
I've not once ever seen a dev campaign as to why something is good
Generally you have someone write an RFC, if it is a standards change (like standards JS) the w3c then have to approve it I believe
if its just a document on abstract algorithms (like JWT) then vendors don't need to implement it but software devs do.
@Mast Wrong state. I've never lived in Texas, and visited only briefly.
@Donald.McLean It's a Stargate joke, I'd hoped you'd get it
@Mast My memory of Stargate must be fuzzier than I thought, unless it's a TV show reference. I haven't seen very many of the TV episodes.
@Donald.McLean Yea, it's a running joke in SG-1.
I'm still amazed that Android phone chargers were actually standardised.
Not that iPhones followed suit, for whatever reason.
@SuperBiasedMan Apple never follows suit. They make their own.
@TopinFrassi As @EthanBierlein said, visit the legal page.
@Mast I know, even when there's regulation pressure (which I think happened from the EU with Android phones).
@SuperBiasedMan When they don't even standardise their own chargers, they're not about to standardise with anybody else's.
I freaking hate installing over KVM.
@Zak They don't? Geez I thought they at least fixed that nonsense.
@SuperBiasedMan I just meant in the sense that they had a charger up until the 4S, then they changed to a micro USB for the 5 onwards
@Zak Ah, I thought you meant the way iPods for a while had no real consistency.
@SuperBiasedMan Do they even still make ipods?
Wow, they do
Ipod Shuffle I understand, but the touch is literally an iphone with the phone chip taken out
I wonder how well they actually sell
Which... doesn't matter much except that it means no internet.
Tho I guess at this point some people live in near constant WiFi
I had a shuffle for a long time. It was really convenient because I could clip it to my suit cuffs and run the headphones up my sleeve.
@SuperBiasedMan Maybe they just all happen to use the same technology, but are secretly not standardized? :P
@SuperBiasedMan Well, they haven't released a new model touch since 2012.
So I expect the current one will just stick around until it declines into obscurity
@skiwi Well either way if I can use the same cable to charge every android fine then I'm better off than the days when I had to hunt around for my one charger.
@SuperBiasedMan Luckily I don't remember those days...
Maybe powerbanks helped that standard as well?
@SuperBiasedMan I've had the same iphone (the 4) for over 3 years now. IT's getting to the point where I'm the only guy with an old-style charger
Regular expressions are not really good with nesting constructs. Also, I this would fit better on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Joachim Pileborg just now
Meanwhile I can charge my phone with an old kindle cable or a wire that came with a camera :P
@Mast Ahh, that would explain it then.
@Zak They went micro USB on everything now? That would actually be improvement.
@Mast Ah no, it seems not
@Mast It's a proprietary format called lightning
@Zak Of-course it's something proprietary, why wouldn't it be with Apple...
Thanks for the update :)
possible answer invalidation by pyathalon on question by pyathalon: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111064/revisions
@Duga Doesn't look like it.
@Duga Not mentioned in the comments or answers so I assume just correcting an oversight by the OP.
@Donald.McLean So I thought I would write a little bit of Java to do this as it seemed simple enough (and useful enough)... I'm up to about 35 LOC and still not quite done :)
Interfaces are so great.
I mean it looks quite good from what you have. This is more of a code review question though i believe. — 3kings 53 secs ago
@EBrown Context?
Just heard it on the Connect keynote
Extensions in VSCode!
@Phrancis Anything, really. Needed to build integration with an API that we don't have keys for yet, so I'm building an interface and a class to emulate the API until I get the actual API key and access.
VSCode is open source now
that's interesting
is there a repo somewhere that one can contribute to?
They changed the syntax highlighting
const makes it look like it's a syntax error
literally: just now made public
he did it 5s ago live on stage
of course, 5 seconds ago is a little too short given a magical thing called relativity
Has anyone factory reinstalled their phones and knows if it has helped battery life?
@JeroenVannevel Nice! Can't wait to try it
> If you don't find an existing extension that meets your development needs, you can create your own. We've added extensive documentation on how to extend VS Code and a full extensibility API reference. In addition, we provide the tools to you need to create and publish extensions.
damn, almost 200 stars now
> Debug hover behavior has been improved: it is now possible to hover over object properties or variables that are not in the top stack frame.
dang, this new github repository style looks pretty slick
Q: How can I loop if statements when I am serializing their data?

Darren EstcourtI am very much a newb to Java and although my code works, I know that it must be possible to write this using fewer lines of code. I am serializing multiple objects, eventually I will look into serializing to multiple files, for now, I am using just one file, so it constantly gets over-written. H...

Visual Studio Team Services looks amazing
@JeroenVannevel Yes my son?
@CaptainObvious Needs a shiny title.
If this is working code that you think could be improved, have you considered Code Review? — jonrsharpe 44 secs ago
@Phrancis In Scala: val result = str.filter(Character.isDigit) + str.filter(Character.isLetter)
Anime&Manga SE already has a logo?!?
It is working after my modifications, see convrt.RottenTomatoesRating("Movie Title Here")._process(), I have changed this method to return a tuple. However, I'm wondering whether this way of doing things is "wrong"/unpythonic. I will take a look at Code Review, thank you. — zerohedge 24 secs ago
@Donald.McLean wow that's crazy simple
Created an issue
Assigned and labelled after 20 seconds
Sure, they're all on top of it due to the release, but it's still nice to see
Q: Custom vector that uses less memory than std::vector

Jaime MachadoI´m using vectors to create matrix and the vector itself is consuming a large space. So I implemented a version that would use less memory and if possible be as fast or faster than the std::vector. I would like some points on how i can improve the performance and if there is anything that should ...

Q: A better way to return a tuple utilizing this script?

zerohedgeThe script below is taken from this site. It doesn't currently work, but I have made it work at my own computer (not currently accessible) by changing what BeautifulSoup looks for. The script is intended to print info to the console, however, what I really want is to utilize this script to retu...

@Donald.McLean Wow
@Phrancis Yeah, that's the power of a hybrid object/functional language.
Q: Dynamically created controls in Page_Load()

serban.bI have a question regarding creating controls in runtime in ASP.NET 4.0. I'm building a application and in admin.aspx page I have multiple controls (DropDownLists) which are dynamically created with values from a Sql database. I know that for having events fired for dynamically created controls, ...

Oh wow, this is cool. Stephen Hawkings speech software is open source: github.com/01org/acat
@PaulMcKenzie not to mention overkill for this situation. It suffices to set int i = 100 and do i *= 2 inside the j-loop. The code is shaky in many respects, I suggest OP post it to Code Review for some helpful tips. — CompuChip 24 secs ago
@CompuChip Once the code is working, then it's a viable question for Code Review, but as it stands, it'd be closed as off-topic there. — Ethan Bierlein 21 secs ago
um yeah this is totally not working lol
public HashMap<String, Pattern> patterns = new HashMap<String, Pattern>();
patterns.put("LETTERS", Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]"));
What's that for?
Main.java:6: error: <identifier> expected
    patterns.put("LETTERS", Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]"));
I was just trying to make a map of regex patterns ;p
May not be an optimal solution lol
I mean, a switch-case statement might be more optimal, but much harder to maintain.
I think I might just hard-code the patterns in their respective methods
public String getLetters() {
    final Pattern LETTERS = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]");
    StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    Matcher letterMatcher = LETTERS.matcher(inputString);
    while (letterMatcher.find()) {
    return outputBuilder.toString();
I guess. That might work.
Well, I'm trying to figure out how to do camera dampening in Unity3d, so there's that too.
I guess we're both having issues :P
I always have issues when I try to code anything besides SQL.
possible answer invalidation by zerohedge on question by zerohedge: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111115/revisions
@EthanBierlein: This is too trivial for a dedicated code review, but as you mention it - we'd imo really need a reviewed reference implementation of a C++11-version of an ND-array; esp for 2D, because of the frequency of C++ "array[][]"-type questions. — decltype_auto 46 secs ago
Q: IEnumerable Extensions LInq AllOrDefault() Each()

Darren GourleyI recently decided to try and write my own implementation of Linq, which then lead me on to trying to solve some of the problems we have in our code base at work. Our code is littered with the following (obviously a simplified example): var items = new List<string> { "apple", "dog", "cha...

Does anyone have experience with getting fined for assisting in nefarious activities due to the software they wrote?
Might be a good question there^ if you can be a bit more specific.
@Duga False alarm - all good.
Q: As a Developer how should my contract be worded to protect against hacks

BenRacicotI am a web developer and have a contract for client based projects that has been improved over years and many projects. However after reading it this month I think that upgrading the section that protects me from security breaches from nefarious activity should be upgraded and written with stan...

Woo, I now have access to Access
@Zak Sorry to hear about that
@Phrancis Going into specifics would be complicated and possibly dangerous, depending on the answer.
@Phrancis Everything is relative. It's taken me a year to convince my company that they should be using actual databases. I'l take my victories where I can.
To be fair, it's taken a year because I had more pressing concerns. Like the fact that when I started, there were no access controls on the server at all
@Mast Then perhaps Stack Exchange is not the right medium and you should talk to an actual lawyer
@Phrancis Possibly relevant:
Q: Dealing with questions of nefarious intent

MiffTheFoxHow should we treat questions that are, or have seeds of, evil or malicious purposes and actions, such as writing spambots and malware? Should they be answered like regular "everybody keeps their pants on" questions? Or should there be some other type of response to this bad behaviour lot?

@Phrancis I'm not interested in lawyer talk. I'm interested in experience from people in the field (developers). I already know it's illegal, but I'm not used to having nefarious software leaving my sight.
It can't do much damage, but that doesn't change the legality.
It was when I emailed our director of HR a file called "Payroll 2013" that the ball finally dropped.
@Zak Payroll was in a file??
As in, like, an Excel or CSV file!?
IIRC, it was a scan of a statement from our accountants.
It wasn't easy to find. But it also wasn't difficult. Just 15 minutes taking a look around the shared drive
And then I convinced them that, if they want to bring on more CRMs, they probably shouldn't have access to the entire company's database of clients' personal details
And now we actually have some level of data protection.
That's definitely a good start
And I'm in charge of everything muahahahaha I mean what a good decision on their part
Anyway, TTQW
Now see if you can convince them to use a real professional database system instead of Access
@Phrancis One step at a time
Even MySQL would be a big step up from Access (and it's free)
Contribution is a good thing. I am certain that there are developers that can profit from your Code. But stackoverflow is a community, targeting questions on development problems if you have a specific problem, you are welcome to describe it and people will help you. If you want Feedback on your code, codereview SE is the place to go. If you are interested in neither and you just want to share your code, github is the place to go. — T3 H40 32 secs ago
@Pops Could you provide some background on what happened here:
A: Tracking Graduation Progress

200_successRaspberry Pi Announcement : 2015-11-17 Design Meta : 2015-11-06 Colors : 2015-11-17 Elections :

On the face of it, it appears that Raspberry Pi has sailed straight through graduation. Everything handed to them on a silver platter.
While we're still stuck here, and have been waiting for over a year.
@200_success - yeah, let's count all the "trusted users" there: raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/…
user image
How many non-moderators have more than 10K ...? ONE!
Moderation tools for 1 person... hehehe
Yeah... it does look that way. I'm not 100% sure if there was a special situation there or not.
Yeah, because a large, thriving, engaged, growing community is not "a special situation".... :(
I'll say again what I've said before (but possibly only in the mod room?) about designs, which is that the design team has its own priorities and challenges and I don't fully understand them.
It'd be great if we could know what "priorities and challenges" they're facing. It seems that they've skipped our community completely, for no reason.
I think in this case they may have used Raspberry Pi as a test when interviewing someone and it worked out so well that it was minimal additional effort to actually fully implement the thing for real?
I understand that there is a backlog of work, and we have tried to be understanding and accommodating. But there is a serious lack of honesty and transparency here, and that needs to be fixed if you want to avoid a riot.
@200_success I second that
If it's so easy that an interview candidate could do it…
we've been essentially SILENT since the elections happened. patiently waiting for an update, something.
And while we wait for something to happen, other sites just get the stuff they want with ease, blowing through the process in a matter of a few months.
@200_success I don't know what exactly the design team looks for when choosing a site to use as an interview test, but I'm sure "let's pick the easiest one" isn't it.
It's been over one damn year since we've gotten the graduation announcement. We may have had elections, and this "half-assed" no-design graduation, which, I'd like to point out was split into multiple steps over the course of a few months, and still isn't complete yet. I'm honestly rather ticked off at how Stack Exchange seems to be treating our community.
Code Review is even easier. It's just like Stack Overflow, but with working code. So, use the SO theme, change the colors and logo, and you're DONE.
then, what of all the BS we've had to put up with regarding number of users in imaginary rep "clusters"?
Then if you think it needs improving, you can come back and redo it later.
@200_success I mean, it'd be nice if we could have a custom top banner, but yeah.
it's been 2 years of made-up reasons over made-up reasons for delaying CR's graduation. and when we finally got it, SE went silent for almost a whole year, coming back with DIG
@200_success I'll admit to a lack of transparency, but I'd push back a little on lack of honesty. Nobody on the team has been intentionally dishonest to you; that's not who we are. If we screw up, and we realize it or it's pointed out, we say so.
@Pops - I have a long enough history behind, and in front of the curtains to a certain extent. I cannot identify a single aspect of any site that dictates it's progress to "graduated". It is completely at the whim of some person, who, depending on who-knows-what, decides something should happen.
The only consistent thing I can point out is that some commercial-based sites get fasttracked.... money, I presume.
I've been a little hesitant to push on this in the past because there are multiple sites that graduated before you that are still waiting for designs; you're actually one of the newest. But since Raspberry Pi is now past you, I'm going to poke a bit.
As for the "community", there is really no significant sign that Stack Exchange cares too much.
I've initially assumed good intentions, but I'm starting to suspect that the reasons being given are all just excuses, and there is something else preventing us from graduating fully.
(the community managers care, but Stack Exchange does not).
...do you honestly think we're making any money off of Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange?
No, but that's exactly the example of whimsy out there.
Is RPi sponsoring SE, perhaps?
The money ones are drupal, etc.
possible answer invalidation by Jaime Machado on question by Jaime Machado: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111114/revisions
I'd expect money to be a factor for some other SE sites, but to be honest, not for RPi.
@200_success Not as far as I know. And I'm fairly sure I would know, so I'm just going to go ahead and say definitely no.
I do agree it sounds like there's something else going on behind the curtains.
CiviCRM, Craft CMS, ExpressionEngine, Sharepoint, etc.... probably money there.
@Mast Yeah, but we still don't have an explanation as to why they just slid on though their process in a matter of months, heck, probably shorter than that, while we've patiently been waiting for over a year.
over a year 6-8 weeks
@EthanBierlein Note my second message...
Is Code Review diluting the Stack Overflow brand?
@rolfl If you can figure out how to monetize any of those sites, then you should probably have my job.
Okay, I just want the answer to this question:
> Why haven't we graduated, and when will we graduate?
Well, I would think that it's in your best interest to graduate sites. Then you might start showing ads on them.
If possible, I'd like a straight, honest, clear answer.
@EthanBierlein that's not the question. we technically are graduated.
We know what Ethan means.
indeed, we do
@200_success Nope. Code Review is awesome. If you were a negative influence you would have been shut down. It's way easier to close a site than to graduate it (even design-independently).
@EthanBierlein The straightest answer I can give you is that I do not know.
Is there someone else we could speak to that would be able to explain the situation better?
I am going to be looking into it more actively than I was, say, last week.
It seems my pun-a-day was worth something, despite @jon's dismissal.
You are welcome to ask other people but I'm pretty sure they won't have anything new to say.
@pops Essentially, we don't care how long until we fully graduate. We don't really care what's involved. What we want is a goddamned actual timeline that SE intends to honour. We want to know what the hell is going on, even if it's a complete mess, rather than being perpetually kept in the dark.
There must be someone who knows something...
@skiwi - the problem is, even if there is someone, you would not trust what they said anyway
I think it's time to unleash @rolfl again with his puns.
@Zak Look, I hear the frustration, and since I'm not a member of your community I can't claim to share in it to the same degree but I do understand where it's coming from. When I keep not giving you a concrete answer it's not because I'm trying to be evasive, it's because I don't understand the processes at work much more than you do.
Hourly this time?
Even @Pops ... (who I really believe does care...), even if he came back and said "here's the plan, in 6.8 weeks you will have A, B, and C happen".... well, it does not matter, because no matter how much he "hedges" that with "things may change, etc", we would not believe it.
@Pops You, I trust to be truthful to the best of your knowledge.
So, once the element of trust is gone, it's ... poooffff .... gone.
FWIW I do believe community ads will turn on next cycle
@rolfl Are you familiar with the phrase "perverse incentive"? Here's a secret: I actually liked the puns, and looked forward to seeing what was coming next.
@Zak He has always been honest with us, at least to the best of his personal knowledge of things goes.
@JoelSpolsky Could you please help answer some important long-standing questions about the graduation process, and about transparency at Stack Exchange in general?
did you just super-ping SE's CEO?
@Mat'sMug You can DO that?
The fight-or-flight response (also called the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response [in PTSD], hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. It was first described by Walter Bradford Cannon. His theory states that animals react to threats with a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system, priming the animal for fighting or fleeing. More specifically, the adrenal medulla produces a hormonal cascade that results in the secretion of catecholamines, especially norepinephrine and...
Frankly, even if Joel does respond, I would not even trust his word on the state of Code Review at this point.
I'm trying to be serious here.
@pops you might want to report back to the relevant people at SE that, essentially, they have entirely lost the trust and faith of the CR community, and it's not even going to begin to come back until things that were promised are actually delivered.
Yeah, that's... pretty clear right now. I am, once again, really sorry about all of this.
I don't think it's right that we're making you apologize. You're the messenger.
@Pops It's not your fault. You are, unfortunately, just the conduit for our message to get back to SE.
@Zak that's a bit intense. I'd say more like CR feels like a ripe apple that's fallen off the tree and that nobody's bothering to even turn into juice. like, left there to rot, not to be noticed until it grows into a blooming apple tree... while other apples right next to it are being picked up.
Sorry, gotta go. Server down at work.
@Mat'sMug Aye, and not even the particularly great apples.
I mean, CR is, by a large margin, the biggest, most vibrant, most advanced community on the SE network not to be graduated. And has been for quite a long time.
The time we've been waiting for graduation is longer than some of these sites have even been in existence
@Zak we've been waiting for graduation longer than we've been ready for it though.
but this:
42 mins ago, by rolfl
@200_success - yeah, let's count all the "trusted users" there: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=all
@Pops - a number of years ago IBM got together and distilled out the three important "values" each IBMer should have. For what it's worth, I dislike "hoo-raahh" sessions like that, but interestingly, these are what IBM folk found important (https://www.ibm.com/investor/governance/business-conduct-guidelines.html):

...it also led us to come together as a global workforce several years ago
to reexamine and renew our values in a very new way for a very
new world, in an event we called ValuesJam. For us, what
.........baffles me

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