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RELOAD! There are 1615 unanswered questions (94.4019% answered)
@Duga 1615 > 1609 (the previous unanswered count, I think)...
We're dipping below 95%.
Q: Safe Login Standards

pyathalonI'm really trying to wrap my head around application safety in some web pages. I'd like to mention some of the things I've done in the past and hear some critiques on how I can get better. Applications I have made in the past have been mostly for hobby, but I'm currently creating one with data th...

Q: Mutating Objects: Mutable<T> class

TheCoffeeCupRecently I felt the need to write a Mutable<T> class so that I can pass immutable objects through methods. Some examples of immutable classes (including primitive types): int long short byte double float String (though already has a StringBuilder class BigInteger and others. There is a lot o...

nice article by joe duffy on memory safety, type safety, and concurrency safety: joeduffyblog.com/2015/11/03/a-tale-of-three-safeties
Anyone around use MySQL regularly?
Maybe not.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by user4612360: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111059/revisions
@sprinter They get rejected because this is not CodeReview. I understand that a lot of interesting questions get closed due to the rules, which sucks. But those rules also prevent trash, and I'm sure more trash has been prevented than gems have been closed. Attempting to refine the rules is what MetaStackoverflow is for. He should edit his attempts/research into his answer. You cannot blame me for assuming this was a code request. For all you know, this could be homework, which isn't bad, but should at least show attempts/research along with the problem. — Vince Emigh just now
Should this question be closed?
So... this user is pretty trolly-polly across SE: stackexchange.com/users/1704179/ricky?tab=activity
@nhgrif hey there
@nhgrif It's amusing how he/she says that down-voting is "rude".
Q: Why isn't solar thermal power the leading source of energy today?

RickyThere's something called Desertec (I believe) whose advocates claim that if 0.3% of the Sahara desert were covered with solar thermal power towers, mirrors, etc, it would make all of Europe and North Africa energy-independent. It would eliminate the need to burn fossil fuels; it would render hydr...

(And the second one had a pile of comments that were cleaned up after I flagged them
That could be a good question on the right site, possibly.
However, there are many many issues with it.
The electrical engineering question's biggest problem is that it's not even a question so much as a political statement.
Including the solar panels frying birds and inefficiency in the capturing of energy.
True, politics plays a major role in it.
Windmills have similar issues: producing either too much or too little, disturbing air channels, chopping birds up, and more.
That's the most obvious example of my problem with him, but if you look through his activity stream, he's doing that same thing, very subtly across all of the SE sites he's a part of.
If it were only on the religious sites plus Philosophy, I really wouldn't care. But he's on Astronomy, History, and Electrical Engineering.
I think it is the windmills, but I can't say with 100% certainty, but one of these alternate sources of power messes birds and dolphins migratory paths up somehow.
History can be quite politically tinged, as can astronomy.
Not necessarily the sites, but the topics.
A: Are there any evidence besides the scriptures that the Ark of the Covenant existed?

RickyAll proof is non-religious, more or less by definition. Faith does not require proof. As for the empirical evidence of the Ark's existence, no, nothing's been found to satisfy a sufficient number of historians, archeologists, theologists, etc. to be declared official.

> All proof is non-religious, more or less by definition. Faith does not require proof.
What is that answer doing on History.SE?
LOL, why is it that highly upvoted?
And this answer on Astronomy
A: Is Earth unique in its fairly clear atmosphere?

RickyUntil proven otherwise, you might as well consider Earth unique in the Universe. The phenomenon you mention is hardly the only unique feature. The sheer number of combinations of elements our plane has is mind-boggling and well beyond the boundaries of mere probability. The further away one gets ...

I'd downvote it if I could.
That doesn't even remotely answer the question.
it sort of does
just... it's not scientifically backed... and the frustrating part is his insistence that his answer is the most scientifically correct one
Didn't we used to be able to flag questions and answers without accounts?
Ricky's first comment on his answer seems a little rude to me (at least on the first sentences)
Or was it just edits?
Q: Migration Paths

Mat's MugIf you can cast close votes, you now have a new privilege! Up until recently, only moderators could migrate an off-topic question to Stack Overflow or Programmers.SE - if you haven't noticed yet, the close > off-topic > migrate dialog now offers two new migration paths (migrating to CR.Meta was ...

I didn't remember how much I disliked MySQL @Mat'sMug...
USE Francis;
CREATE PROCEDURE `hello_world`
	SET `v_HELLO` = 'Hello, World!';
	SET @`v_HELLO` = `v_HELLO`;
	SELECT @`v_HELLO` AS `Result`;
END $$

CALL hello_world(@out_value);
# Result
Hello, World!
Now, I do.
Really? Just really?
A high rep user posting a comment as an answer???
Q: Python object-orientated pipe cooling simulations

kilojoulesHere is my code simulating liquid in a pipe cooling under different conditions. How did I do approaching this in an object orientated way? Is there any way I can improve this code? import numpy as np import scipy from scipy.optimize import minimize from matplotlib import pyplot as plt cols = ['r...

Two deletes on it.
Make that 3
And gone.
@Phrancis Why are you using MySQL?
Q: Why wasn't the community consulted before adding Stack Overflow as a migration target?

rolflStack Overflow has been added as a migration target for off-topic Code Review questions. Why was the community consultation process overlooked before adding that "target"? Personally I feel that adding that as a target is going to lead to a number of negative impacts on Code Review, and it will...

@Hosch250 Just setting up IntelliJ 0xDBE IDE
Why do you need SQL to set up an IDE?
It's a SQL IDE... ;0
Oh. Why did you choose it if you need MySQL?
Oh, yeah, you run Mac.
SQL Server isn't an option.
@Hosch250 It is now ;) ^^
It is? Then why not use it?
I am. See screenshot
I thought you said you were using MySQL and IntelliJ?
No and Yes, I'm using IntelliJ 0xDBE (not IDEA), simultaneously with TSQL, PostgreSQL and MySQL
That reminds me, I need to write my final paper for my database class.
Oh, I'd love to read that over once you have written it
I've been told that I'm a good writer, if you don't mind me saying so.
But yeah, as you can see by above screenshot, SQL Server i extremely permissive compared to the other two :)
I usually use the Management Studio.
Me too, at work anyways
It's cool this works on OS X and Linux though, in addition to Windows
Is declaring a variable required? Because SQL Server can also do this:
It supports like 8-10 different DBMS too, these are just the 3 I had on hand
Select 'Hello World' as Result
All 3 can do that^ just like that (with very slightly different syntax)
Why all the error handling in PostgreSQL?
SELECT 'Hello World' AS [Result]; --TSQL
SELECT 'Hello World' AS "Result"; --Postgres
SELECT 'Hello World' AS `Result`; #MySQL
You don't need the brackets in TSQL.
It's not error handling, really. You just can't declare variables in inline queries
I mean, why do you need 'Drop Function If Exists...'?
Probably just a mistake of mine :)
Yeah, it works fine without
@Hosch250 You don't, and you don't need the quotes or back-ticks in the other two either, but the behavior is more predictable if you have them
With spaces, I think you need them.
Well, in all 3 cases it just escapes reserved symbols
SELECT 'Hello' AS Table; --should give a warning or error
SELECT 'Hello' AS [Table]; --no problem
MySQL makes me want to write PHP
Surprising as it may sound, PHP actually appears to make MySQL better than it is natively.
Hmm, you can also do SELECT 'Hello' AS 'Table';
Um, sure; not sure why you'd want to do that as a regular string, as opposed to the better literal syntax
SELECT 'Hello' AS 'Hosch250''s Table';
SELECT 'Hello' AS [Hosch250's Table];
@Phrancis this is anything but a coincidence ;-)
Oh. Right. PHP ships with MySQL huh.
I just don't know how you put up with MySQL for so long. I wrote one script and I'm already tired of it.
Making your own delimiters is kind of fun, admittedly.
USE Francis;
CREATE PROCEDURE `hello_world`
	SET `v_HELLO` = 'Hello, World!';
	SET @`v_HELLO` = `v_HELLO`;
	SELECT @`v_HELLO` AS `Result`;

CALL hello_world(@out_value) OHAI
Works perfectly as-is :D
@Phrancis oh, I'm done with it now, got everything on SQL Server. MySQL is just a data source
I wonder how crazy you can get with delimiters before it breaks
That also worked perfectly.....
Q: Synchronization algorithm for deterministic context switching between threads

Michael KropatCurious how sqlite3 would handle different race conditions in a multithreaded environment, I created a simple module called deterministic for serializing the execution of multiple threads that lets the programmer explicitly program in the spots where thread-switching happens. Hopefully this exam...

That feels deeply, deeply wrong
It apparently can't tell the difference between the keyword NULL and the keyword NULL
LOL, what is the difference?
@Hosch250 NULL
I'm pretty sure SQL Server wouldn't allow that.
Oh hell no
There is one thing that kind of surprised me, though.
> Incorrect syntax near DELIMITER
It let me make a table named Degrees, which is a keyword.
Yeah. It's pretty forgiving and will usually compensate for SQL coders' errors like that
I was creating a university DB, so it wasn't an error.
Well, it was an error as far as SQL is concerned, it just didn't tell you about it, and fixed it for you ;0
C# wouldn't have let me.
As it should
C# relies on developers knowing stuff like that. TSQL well not so much...
Maybe you might be able to ask this on the Code Review SE site. But this is very much off-topic for Stack Overflow. — David 34 secs ago
We have a few tables like that at my workplace, e.g., WORKERS, JOBS, SCHEDULES which can be ambiguous, so we normally use brackets, or specify the schema
I am getting correct output when using KMP with your findPattern(pattern) function, could you post what you expect? Also, it seems that codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/109281/… and codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/107909/… verified that you are getting indeed the correct output and improved your code. — jermenkoo 6 secs ago
Q: Web API Interview Practical Test, need opinion on my code

Pradipna NepalA week ago, I applied for a 'Software Engineering Internship' at one of the company and here are the skills they required: What we are looking for • Excellent problem solving skills • Knowledge of at least one object oriented language and at least one scripting language • Ability to wo...

A: Migration paths to other sites

PhrancisFor migrating to Stack Overflow, there are some good guidelines at What topics can I ask about here?. Quoting, specifically: Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, people who write code because they love it. We feel the best Stack Overflow questions have a bit of s...

^^ Opinions / Edts from @ all community are welcome. I tried to make it pretty "general"
Q: Parsing a command line

Jerry DodgeI've written an object which allows parsing and serializing a command line. I don't in any way consider this done, but this is the beginning of it. I know there are other implementations out there like this, but they tend to be either too primitive or too heavy. This is an attempt to simplify par...

@Phrancis also @Mat'sMug see above
saw it 10 minutes ago ;-)
BTW if you didn't see it, @Pops is making a little hidden announcement here:
A: Why wasn't the community consulted before adding Stack Overflow as a migration target?

PopsI'm the one who enabled the migration targets earlier today. I was going to post an announcement here on meta, but some other stuff popped up so I punted it until tomorrow... well, I guess I don't really need to anymore? It was pointed out to me at the end of last week that CR was still missing ...

> As for community ads, those run on half-year cycles, roughly aligning with the first and second halves of the calendar year. I'm sorry that we didn't get ads up and running for you during the current cycle, but they'll definitely be working starting with the next cycle (so, Jan. 1, 2016, give or take a few days).
@Mat'sMug Hmm, I better get started on a nicer landing page for Cardshifter
> I picked based on stats of where CR has actually frequently migrated questions to in practice and the fact that this community has an excellent track record of migrating questions appropriately (by which I mean that migrations are not rejected on their destination sites).
That's actually^ quite good :)
meh, I removed my answer
Indeed you did
@Phrancis I had already edited rolf's question to link to that post ;-)
Always a step ahead of me LOL
Q: Can Stack Overflow be removed as a migration target?

rolflThere are a number of reasons why migrating to stack overflow is a good thing: People who ask off-topic questions on Code Review are able to get answers to their questions (even if it is on a different site) .... Hmm, that's right, there's only really one good reason for migrating to Stack O...

Hey @rolfl
I'm not buying your point 4, which seems to be the "damaging" part
@rolfl this is purely my own opinion and nothing/nobody's else, and I was curious at the apparent (as opposed to actual) slant towards being against migration path to SO...
But is the problem of users who are banned from SO, coming here to ask instead, as widespread as you make it sound?
about 50% of questions I migrated as a moderator were rejected... yeah
You get used to it, though, and end up suspecgint the users before migrating... then checking their SO profiles.
Typing with a cat in my lap.
That's off by 2-3 letters to the left lol
If the question looks like an SO question here on CR, it's often a Q-banned person.
wouldn't a Q-banned SO user be somewhat unlikely to ask a migration-worthy question anywhere?
(unless they copy-pasted from SO to CR?)
broken code ~> SO isn't and shouldn't be an automatism
I didn't pin that
Here, most recent example:
Q: (Python)My Program won't randomly select "Jack, Queen, king or an Ace" in my Blackjack program

Nolan BillingsI don't know what's the problem with my program it won't randomly select Jack, Queen, king or an Ace" in a tuple import random ace = int(0) def blackjack(): cardclass = ['spades', 'clubs', 'hearts', 'diamonds'] jack = int(10) queen = int(10) king = int(10) cardnum = [2,3,4,5...

@Mat'sMug I decided to pin that one.
Let's migrate that to SO.... ... ?
@rolfl code dump, I woudn't migrate
"where's my bug"
Exactly, let's close that and migrate it to SO.
> Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
@rolfl But we actually aren't doing that...?
No, but it only takes 3 500-rep users.
Ah, right...
And, they will answer it first.
and get slapped with NAA's and downvotes
bahh, no they won't.
how many people really downvote answers? And, answers are answers if they answer the question....
(even if the question is off-topic).
we're Code Review... answers are answers if they review the code in the question...
For the record, I have answered questions on Stack Overflow before when anticipating a migration here to Code Review... so, why should the reverse not happen?
Migrations are broken by design. The only time they really make sense are when a new site is forked off from an existing one.
In almost all other cases, it's better to delete, and re-ask.
Migrations are otherwise too wishy-washy, random, and open to abuse.
so if I understand correctly, we're better off removing the SO target now before anyone gets to vote to migrate crap, than trust the community and see what happens?
Q: Python write to files is slow

KristofersenI have written a file to extract text from news articles. The program works as I want it to except it takes hours for it to write the output files. I have tried different buffering options as well as adding the data I want written to an array before writing that to the file. I have almost no expe...

Q: keeping rspec controller tests DRY

jtmarmonI wanted to keep my controller tests DRY, readable, and make writing new tests very simple so that it encourages good practices like one assertion per test (if you have to redo a lot of work over and over, chances are you're just gonna shove more assertions into the same test to avoid the extra w...

Well, here are the SO migration stats:
Programmers -> SO has almost 1-in-5 rejected......
But, more importantly, consider the numbers.... count the number of actual migrations vs. cross-posts....
I bet you we have as many cross-posts a week (based on comments posted by Duga) than we have from actual migrations in 3 months
And, Stack Overflow is a site of a half-million people - and they total 3 migrations per day to their busiest sites.....
right. because migration from SO takes forever, because it's mod flags doing it. with a SO -> CR path, community users with > 3K rep would be doing it, and we'd be getting at least half the cross-posts
and we would keep preventing the wrong migrations, with the help of @Duga
But, the cross-posts are mostly good.... people change their posts before cross-posting. Look at your comment above:
12 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
> Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
We cannot edit the user's code before migrating.... so, we can't migrate.
that's actually a close reason on SO
again, the vast majority of "broken code" posts are unfit for SO...
As in, all of them..... pretty much.
So, why confuse things by making a migration path.
        for i in freqs:
            mag = mag + freqs[i]*freqs[i]

        mag = sqrt(mag)
Show me 1 problem that migration actually solves?
Why in the world is that sqrt() there (sorry for interrupting)
(that can't also be solved with a delete/reask)
@Phrancis Get the square-root for the sum-of-squares.
well, reposting obviously thwarts migration
It's worse than that too.... migration thwarts reposts too.
Are migrations sort of an X/Y problem?
How many merges have you had to do because of late-migrations?
@Phrancis yes.... mostly.
yeah that's annoying.. but not that many actually.
and IMO late migrations happen because of the flag handling time on SO
so there's also a bit of a chicken-and-egg issue there
And that, is the evidence that you;ve been bamboozeled.
You just admitted the real problem....
bamboozeled huh
that migrations only really happen because of flagging, and not because of community votes to migrate
So, what does migration-close-votes do?
on SO. because there's no path to CR.
because there's no path to CR
In part, but, most migrations would require flags anyway, because people vote to close before they vote to migrate.
but that's for incoming migrations; your concerns seemed to be about outgoing migrations...
I predict that your moderator workload will increase because of migrations, cross-site user-spats will increase, and user bhaviour will degrade here.
I have concersna bout all migrations... fo, and from here, and between other sites as well.
The whole concept is broken, and should be avoided... There is no reason for them, and they make a messy situation worse.
so instead of embracing a broken feature, you prone status-quo. fair enough.
migration votes are counted as close votes in SEDE right? since these votes are public anyway (once the question is closed/migrated), are the user ID's in SEDE too for those?
it would be nice to be able to see the rep score of users voting to migrate
Close votes are not anonymous.... so they should be accessible.... the trick is identifying what the close reason is/was,.
Here, by the way, is a classic Q-Banned user from SO, asking here on CR instead:
Q: Pushbutton password for arduino

ShivjiI am modifying the arduino Debounce code found in the library for this project. The objective is to use two push buttons and when the first one in pin number 2 is pushed then add a to password string and when second one at pin number 3 is pushed then add b to the password string Implementation i...

(my bet is QBanned - or at risk of it).
well, 7 questions, highest score.... 0
(that was the second-most-recent closed CR question
Also, as for the Programmers migration target, if/when someone can explain when a question is on-topic there, and when gnat also thinks it's on topic there, then maybe write it up in a way the the Code Review 500-rep users will understand......
and again, bad migration candidate IMO - "where's my bug" with a code dump
OK, so, find a good migration candidate (and I will show you that the user will be better served by closing (and deleting) the question here, and re-asking it on SO....)
Q: error on loop array of days

FabrizioI test this code to loop if one date is into my array. with the example on the column A, nothing problem, the result message is 3 and in the immediate window I saw (01/01/2015,06/01/2015,02/02/2015) to test some case when only 1 day is into array, I delete the 2 day (A3,A4) like column C. the res...

I just want to say, on my own behalf and no one else's, that this discussion looks (to me) more like a "pissing contest" than a constructive discussion on how to handle the new migration paths.
I believe the right domain to ask this question is CODE REVIEW STACKEXCANGEsaikumarm 33 secs ago
@Duga ooh, a "domain" - that's a first!
Did you test it? Does it work as intended? @saikumarm if the OP doesn't know if their code works or not, it's not on-topic for Code Review (try [codereview.se] automagic link next time ;-) — Mat's Mug 28 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Phrancis on question by Phrancis: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/91743/revisions
huh. interesting. I didn't even touch the code part
...awkward silence...
possible answer invalidation by huzefa biyawarwala on question by huzefa biyawarwala: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111032/revisions
This question will be more suitable to be posted on codereviewkaylum 25 secs ago
If your function works correctly and you are looking for advice on how to improve it , please post a working program (including main) at codereview.stackexchange.comR Sahu 55 secs ago
can i recommend posting your code to codereview? not that it is off topic here (it isn't) but this would be a great question for that site as well and you could probably get some great answers for improving algorithmic efficiency. — silentphoenix 55 secs ago
The code is not working correctly according to the OP, and therefore would be off-topic on Code Review. — Phrancis 36 secs ago
A: Can Stack Overflow be removed as a migration target?

Mat's MugHow about we wait and see a little? it's a problem that does not need a solution because it is a tiny problem to start with Indeed, it's a tiny problem - why make a mountain out of it? The typical code dump "where's my bug?" broken code post is also off-topic on SO. There are much fewer via...

Maybe you're looking for thisPraetorian 37 secs ago
@Heslacher hey :)
hey @Phrancis
Q: Upload, convert, and store multiple different product data feeds into a mongo database

user1828780I'm not sure if this right location for this question, but here it is. I currently have about 30 different CSV or TXT product data feeds. I am trying to build a tool to 1) upload each feed 2) break apart each feed line by line 3) extract every title, category, price, etc. into a product obje...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comvol7ron 29 secs ago
monking @all
monking @Zak
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because optimizing working code belongs to codereviews.stackexchange.comMarkus W Mahlberg 22 secs ago
@MarkusWMahlberg A) code optimisation is not intrinsically Off-Topic for SO. B) Sure, we review code. Do you see any code? I certainly don't. C) For future reference, you may want to read A guide to CR for Stack Overflow usersZak 16 secs ago
@Duga "Do you see any code? I certainly don't" - yet another reason why I hope we never get a migration path from SO to CR.
I'm active at code review so it's a kind of (maybe bad) habbit to suggest improvments. This doesn't mean that the code is wrong or badly written. — chillworld just now
@Duga fishing for rep ;-)
monking @Heslacher and no it wasn't fishing for rep, it's still SO and there are guys with such huge ego that they can't stand a suggestion for improvement
I had been kidding ;-)
that user isn't such a user but for future readers
I know ;)
Nevertheless you got my vote
This question should be asked in Code Review. Btw. Why use a loop at all? — Hauke S 5 secs ago
function versteigern(objekt){

    for(var i = 1; i<=3; i++){
        if(i === 1){
            setTimeout(function(){console.log(objekt + " zum 1")},1000*i);
        else if(i === 2){
            setTimeout(function(){console.log(objekt + " zum 2")},1000*i);
        else if(i === 3){
            setTimeout(function(){console.log(objekt + " zum 3")},1000*i);
@Duga WTF?!
@Heslacher thx for that
@R.Oosterholt It would be nuked into oblivion for being example code the moment it arrives. Example code is off-topic at Code Review. — Mast 39 secs ago
monking @DanPantry
back to the hospital again today but hopefully maybe I'll be able to put shoes on this time..
Q: Shortening Javascript Program

Max Seifertvar Auktionator = function(){ var rennt = false; this.versteigern = function(objekt){ if(rennt === false){ for(var i = 1; i<=4; i++){ if(i === 1){ setTimeout(function(){console.log(objekt + " zum ersten")},1000*i); } else if(i...

@DanPantry Monking
This question might be more appropriate for Code ReviewDan 31 secs ago
Monking all
Does anybody here have any experience with Scrapy?
Q: Decode nested unicode escapes

user193661Hello I have JSONs inside of strings inside of JSONs inside of strings etc. which contain these known cases: String escapes, \n, \/, \\ Sometimes, C:\\Users\\, \\u[invalid code point] Unicode escapes, \u003E, \ud83c\udf74, these code units can represent non-ASCII characters. Nested escapes...

From LearnPythonTheHardWay:
"If you are reading this book and flipping out at every third sentence because you feel I'm insulting your intelligence ... Go learn Lisp. I hear people who know everything really like Lisp."
Is the insulting intelligence basically constantly calling other languages bad?
I think it's more, this is intended as an entry-level book on python, which doesn't assume previous programming experience. So, if you know a lot about programming already, a lot of it will seem really obvious/unnecessary.
The full list:
1. Stop reading my book. I didn't write it for you. I wrote it for people who don't already know everything.
2. Empty before you fill. You will have a hard time learning from someone with more knowledge if you already know everything.
3. Go learn Lisp. I hear people who know everything really like Lisp.
Lisp is one of the FP languages isn't it?
The one with all the braces?
(I've only (seen (a snippet (but (it seems (like (it (yes)))))))).
@skiwi Monking
Monking skiwi
@Mat'sMug We know the scope of Programmers.SE better than them?
I haven't accepted an answer to my last question yet, but if I do, my_reputation % 5 == 0 will no longer be True
@SuperBiasedMan Means you need to downvote 2 answers in return
@skiwi True. Most of my downvotes are given to answers that end up deleted.
Raspberry Pi has just sailed straight through graduation.
A: Tracking Graduation Progress

200_successRaspberry Pi Announcement : 2015-11-17 Design Meta : 2015-11-06 Colors : 2015-11-17 Elections :

@200_success -2 weeks?
We're just special
Why don't you consider our www.codereview.stackexchange.com for this question ? — Vivek.S 22 secs ago
Yes. The design proposal came out of the blue. Then the graduation announcement was posted.
Oh, weird.
Wait, they're the only site to get colours since june? What have the graphic designers been doing for the last 5 months?
Redesigning all of the existing sites.
CSS overhaul to support the new user profiles feature.
I can foresee a string of questions here. Is there a convenient meta post about it?
Q: Set ADT union Assistance

M.WalkerI have been trying for hours to code a union method that will take the contents of two arrays and place it in a third array without duplicates. This is what I have got so far. any help will be much appreciated private String Union(){ String combined = ""; int pointer =0; ...

I believe it was mentioned on a podcast.
Q: List of communities with base css updates completed

JaydlesThe design team has been rolling out design updates to sites as part of network-wide update to a new base css framework. The updates allow us to: Use .svg sprites for retina displays Fix layout bugs globally More easily add new features to all of our sites in the future Synthesize healthy, n...

@200_success Cheers
I just edited your question, you had some of your points hidden in comments. SE posts actually pay attention to some syntax, including comments <!-- -->. I replaced them with italics in case you meant to add emphasis. But if you meant them to be undisplayed comments, please rollback my edit. — SuperBiasedMan 44 mins ago
Q: How secure this login form is when data is verified by database beforehand using Prepared Statements

candhSo, I've prepared a simple login form and I've used prepared statements to prevent SQL injections. I want you to take a look at it and tell me on a level of 1 to 10, How secure is this ? Ready?. Alright.. Here's the actual form : <head> <title>Login</title> <?php session...

I have no problem with code only answers. — user193661 3 mins ago
Not quite sure they understood me.
are bash scripts suitable for this page
Hi @tjt263 do you mean here in chat, or on Code Review in general?
There is a tag that gets used questions posted in bash.
i have a script id like proof read.. I'm pretty new to it and my skills have recently developed a bit but I'm still not really that confident.
If it's working as intended then ask away. :)
it appears to be working on the surface. I'm jus concerned that different mechanisms may be incomplete if that makes sense. heres it is ghostbin.com/paste/ey676
its to automate downloading and installing macports for various versions of os x
Oh I meant posting a question on the site. I don't use Mac these days and couldn't be any help with bash stuff. Plus it's pretty quiet now, so you're more likely to get feedback from a question.
I've got zero experience with bash so I'll just say, in general: If it's working as you expect it to, to the best of your knowledge, then post a question on it. (Don't forget to embed the code)
@Zak It's a great book, even if you're well familiar with the basics already.
@tjt263 Make sure it works. When it works, post it as a question.
We got a tag.
Q: javascript ajax formquestion editor

herriekrekelThis is the javascript file that i use for my editor that allows people to edit questions from a form. Im wondering if this sort of approach to use javascript objects is good or that i kind of miss the point here? $(document).ready(function() { manager = new Customerformquestionmanager(); ...

@tjt263 sounds okay for me... yes bash scripts are suitable for this page, as long as all the points of the on-topic site apply:
code is working as intended, and you include the whole code
hello hello hello
Hi. How's recovery?
@SuperBiasedMan DP is a very unfortunate acronym.
@200_success It's okay. I was in a lot of pain last night, but I've gone back to the hospital today, they've given me a smaller dressing around the wounds (and some packs so I can do the dressing myself).. now I can actually put my shoes on and get on with life as normal.
For the next 6 weeks I'll have to put a new dressing on the wound after the shower but after that we're good.
Which, coincidentally, ends right as I turn 21. So there's that. :-)
I also think that's a testament to how healthy I am that I was disappointed when walking home that McDonalds wasn't serving Big Macs yet.
@DanPantry I haven't been that active have been playing Fallout 4 yesterday... what have you done?
@skiwi It's nothing that I have done, per se, but rather what I haven't.
Essentially in my family we have a long history of in-grown toenails.. I've had 4 so far, excluding the ones I got removed yesterday.
I just had 2 of the worst the doctor's have seen removed in my big toes yesterday after approx two years of having them.
So, not much recovery to be done, but a bit painful :p
@DanPantry How do you get more than 4? I thought they only really happen in big toes, and part of having them removed is preventing them growing back?
@Zak Well, the medicine only has a 98% chance of preventing them from growing back.
Also, I feel for you. I've had 3.
I guess I was unlucky thrice over. :S
Monking @DJanssens
@DanPantry That is some seriously bad luck
@DanPantry Ouch, wish I hadn't asked
@Zak I guess I'm paying for those mirrors I smashed... and the black cats I used to love cuddling.. haha
To be fair, One of my 3 hasn't stayed fixed. Not quite ingrown but definitely grown back more than it should've.
First 2 were fine though. I was only 10 or so at the time and since it was a multiple operation, they put me under general anaesthetic
I am jealous...
They did two at once yesterday and only did local
That stuff puts you under fast
I remember coming to on a trolley being wheeled somewhere, thinking I was heading to my operation, only to be informed that I'd actually been out for a couple of hours and was only just waking up.
New github design looks fancy
@DanPantry Had one nail growing in on both sides, but not at the same time. Needed 2 operations for the same toe. Toe was a bit smaller for a long time.
bah network problems @work
@DanPantry I remember having that done. Stick a needle in your toe, multiple times. Not a pleasant experience.

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