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OP did change the code before my answer
he changed it whilst you were posting the answer
and the post was only re-opened because he changed it
Look reasonable?
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays detail page for the specified <see cref="Material"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The ItemId of the <see cref="Material"/></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="ViewResult"/> view if found.
        /// If it is not found, a <see cref="HttpNotFoundResult"/> is returned.
        /// </returns>
        /// <example>
        /// GET: /Materials/Details/A118A10
        /// </example>
        public ActionResult Details(string id)
A: Posted a question about thread abortion and related process

Mat's MugI'm the moderator that cleaned up the 25-or-so comments on your post, and reopened your question after the // do something placeholders were replaced with actual code. Thank you for coming to meta. Am I missing something here? Yes. Please read why is hypothetical code off-topic?, which go...

@RubberDuck Looks alright
@Mat'sMug +1
@ARedHerring an extra +1 for
> the design is the code
it's actually the code is the design ;-)
> the cake is a lie
there is no cake.
>This is not a code review request, in fact more like a design review.
Makes my blood boil.
should have just replied with
That ^^
Trying to debug a bug, don't know the steps to reproduce, trying to check stacktrace, VS crashes. Thanks Visual Studio
cool down. we shouldn't expect all new comers to get CR the first time around.
"hmmm. I don't want a code review, so let's post this to Code Review". Makes perfect sense.
@Mat'sMug I didn't expect him to understand CR the first time around
@TopinFrassi Yea, VS is a pain in the behind to work with.
But after an extended discussion and being told that I was the one not understanding, it felt more along the lines of I was being told how the site works by someone who doesn't know :p
@ARedHerring perhaps after 20-some comments, yeah... lol
Just read the rules and conform to them. Don't try to understand them.
@TopinFrassi I hate VS with a burning passion. Visual Bloat
@Mast I used to love it, I still kinda do. But damn it has a bad habit of crashing at the worst time
It's not that hard.
I'm really happy OP took it to meta all by himself. there's hope ;-)
So am I, @Mat'sMug
As I said,every person has something to contribute and any user turned away for anything less than being an absolute arse is a loss to this community
@Mat'sMug Not sure, just means he wants to take the argument further now the comments are cleaned up. Seems not like learning to me.
@Mast His meta question appears to be respectfully written.
Perhaps he should have posted a meta before 20 comments and before telling me I didn't understand his question
@ARedHerring I'll give him that.
But some people are 'shoot-first-ask-questions-later'
Python style.
It's easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.
@Mast a healthy meta discussion is better than a trail of comments for a number of reasons. "losing it" on meta is much less likely.
@Mat'sMug I'd have thought it was a great move if he went to meta before posting a whole lot of not-constructive comments. Now I'm suspicious of the user.
@ARedHerring yes, that
@Mast it seems we're also the ones learning then :) next time, meta before it gets to 20 comments!
I do not think suspicion is warranted as the user has already posted to say "ok, I might have been wrong here". That's enough to earn my respect @Mast
I'm easily suspiciousated (or whatever it's called when you are easily under the impression someone is suspicious)
...let's end that here
The phrase you're after is "I'm naturally suspicious", distrustful, sceptical etc.
or "I'm suspicious by nature", distrustful, sceptical etc.
@ankit Have you considered this kind of solution (might be sligthly adapted to your case) ? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/98383/…Spotted 10 secs ago
@Duga you've been spotted
Shouldn't angular.module("StackMailer", []).controller('StackExchangeController',['$scope', function ($scope) { be enough for angularjs to withstand minification of js code?
@JeroenVannevel Yes.
whoah, duga writes answers too?
A: Inserting data in 3 tables of a database with JPA

Duga What my main question is, is since I'm new to JPA if I'm using an efficient way to insert the data fetched from the Twitter API in my database. Well, it's not entirely bad, I understand that you need it because only your sqlmanagement.XXX classes are annotated with @Entity. You could improve...

@Zak Duga needed to write an answer to get enough rep to talk in chat.
@JeroenVannevel However, if you're already using a build process such as minifying html, you don't need to do this by hand. just get ng annotate
ooh that looks interesting
@JeroenVannevel basically it'll detect teh common angularjs patterns and annotate them for you
if you use one that it doesn't know about then you just do //@ngInject before the function.
I believe we're using that in Cardshifter's HTML Client if you want an example of usage.
(but we aren't using gulp, we're using webpack)
nah that's fine, I've got the gulp example
they're all the same, really
Q: Plugin Pattern for Generic Python Application

Palu MacilSummary I am experimenting with a plugin pattern for a generic Python application (not necessarily web, desktop, or console) which would allow packages dropped into a plugin folder to be used according to the contract they would need to follow. In my case, this contract is simply to have a funct...

@Quill @IsmaelMiguel I found out why that Angular guy has such low average rep
@ARedHerring as OP asked for the returning a value from the $http so I suggested him to do promise pattern..as he is using success & error callbacks.. they could get easily converted to promise pattern..what you felt wrong in approach from converting callback function to promise chain thing.. — Pankaj Parkar 10 mins ago
"I didn't have enough time to write an answer, so I wrote incorrect information. I'll fix it later" - he only noticed because I downvoted his answer... had I have not downvoted it, he would have never corrected the info..
I found this useful npm package I want to use. I look at the dev: it's a guy I worked with last summer
@Heslacher what a time to be alive
@JeroenVannevel :P
I'm up to +6 at Lifehacks.
A: How to tell a person their fly is down

EBrownYou can be discreet about it. Generally, the most effective, and discreet, way to tell him would be to place one hand on his shoulder, and whisper it in his ear so that the others can't hear. This gives him the opportunity to make the judgement call as to whether or not he should fix it. You sho...

@ARedHerring That makes sense
How the heck am I out of stars already?!
Been a while since that's happened.
@RubberDuck Starmie wall.
@RubberDuck What were you trying to star?
I know a good german phrase for that. @EBrown
@Heslacher Show us
@EBrown Damn, the other guy's answer is hilarious
I'll probably never visit Lifehacks again, but in the mean time it was worth it.
@TopinFrassi You should have seen the first answer that got deleted.
I need to hit 2k rep on that site, lol. What was it about?
@TopinFrassi Let me find it in chat.
That answer was subsequently deleted.
After getting -4 or so.
Completely deserved.
@Mast Indeed.
He earned that -3/-4.
Can't remember which it was.
At least -4
LOL I have ~869 people reached from that one answer.
Why did that get starred? It's a terrible answer...
@EBrown Damn, that's a little to hardcore
@TopinFrassi Oh yeah. He went all in.
@EBrown I'm at 8k with 11 answers. It's a bit weird.
@EBrown lol
@Mast Apparently a lot of people use Lifehacks.
Punny Friday?
I Believe LifeHacks has the highest traffic after SO
it's not code review that i'm after, I just need an idea of what needs to be done to modify the way that magento pulls up order summaries — noob 48 secs ago
@EBrown Do you have that bookmarked or something?
@EthanBierlein No I had to search through yesterdays transcript to find it.
I knew about what time it was.
Lifehacks ~ 900k visits/day
@Zak Wow.
@IsmaelMiguel I'll see your Friday and raise you a better Friday
Also, Code Review is by far the largest non-graduated site
@Mast I don't like it
@Zak That is most likely true
Stupid question: any of you has a car?
ELL is about level on Questions/day
but we have 4x as many users
@IsmaelMiguel Does a driver's license count?
I regularly drive cars, but I don't own one.
and then there's a reasonably steep dropoff
@Mast Yup. I simply want to know where driving licences come from and shut it down
@IsmaelMiguel DMV
In the United States a department of motor vehicles (DMV) is a state-level government agency that administers vehicle registration and driver licensing. Similar departments exist in Canada. The name "DMV" is not used in every state or province, nor are the traditional DMV functions handled by a single agency in every state, but the generic term is universally understood, particularly in the context of driver's license issuance and renewal. == Terminology and organization == Driver licensing and vehicle registration in the United States are handled by the state government in all states but Hawaii...
I guess where I have to go then
the least-trafficked graduated site? Ask Patents
Cause today is the 2nd day I'm almost ran over
Every week it happens
@IsmaelMiguel In Portugal it's the IMTT
Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres
Next target: IMTT
I though that thing was only to steal tax money
@IsmaelMiguel Every piece of the government is, didn't you know?
But I'm sure some drivers don't get their licenses from there
That's why they keep inventing new governmental layers, so people don't get suspicious.
There must have been some offer where cereal boxes had driving licenses
@Mast That is suspicious
I didn't know you could get a driver's license at 16 in Portugal.
Only for motocycles, up to 125cc
Around here you're limited to AM at that age.
In Canada, you can have your driver's license at 16, and a scooter license at 14
Here, if you get the car lisence, you don't need to take the "road code" exam (I don't know the right name in English) and can go straight for the driving classes and exams
OK I got a critical question I need advice on: "I know that some on the team use OneNote all the time for their notes and things like that. Do you guys want a OneNote for our team?"
^ from my team lead
@Phrancis Uh, what.
No, don't.
No idea
I used OneNote in my previous job, it's kind of a great tool to keep everything in one place. But it can become a mess if it's not regularly cleaned up
I liked it, personnaly
Keep an online Scrum-like board instead.
no SharePoint?
@Mast funny you mention, I'm currently setting up my work project on asana
@Mat'sMug Last project we ran something like (different brand): versionone.com
@Mast It's called the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) in Maryland, but everybody recognizes the term DMV. I think it was called the DMV at one time.
We already have SharePoint. And Team Foundation Server. And other things.
@Phrancis Well, if you're already taken over by M$ there's no point in not using OneNote I think.
The OneNote was used to keep track of everything that wasn't project related. As new tools that could be used for X situation, to keep phone numbers of team members, coding conventions etc
@Mat'sMug I used asana, but I got sick of it
Just a little something I put together
I keep my notes in TaskCoach
first time using it here, looks ok. less bulky than TFS
You could try azendoo
(It sounds like "azedo" misspelled, which means "spoiled" in Portuguese)
not really. IT team is already set up on asana, and I just joined the IT team
Or that
I'm just saying the ones I've tried
@Zak The Workplace was really surprising
yes, here too
Monica and enderlang (?) must be having a heck of work there
Q: Return lexicographically earliest string

Rakesh Ranjan SuklaWrite a function called answer(chunk, word) that returns the shortest, lexicographically earliest string that can be formed by removing occurrences of word from chunk. Inputs: (string) chunk = "lololololo" (string) word = "lol" Output: (string) "looo" Inputs: (string) chunk = "g...

lol wat
My HTML minifier re-arranges my HTML tags
@CaptainObvious Broken.
I understood nothing
Me as well
it puts <select> outside my <button>
of the question. What is a lexicographically earliest string?!?
The first one that occurs
The whole question maketh no sense
@TopinFrassi The "lexicographically earliest string" bit refers to how we weight characters when sorting.
I.e., aa is lexicographically earlier than ab or aaa.
ooohhhhh, thanks!
It's what's used to "sort by name" and such.
Because alphabetical characters have no implicit order in relation to numbers and mixed case.
So lexicographically sorting strings applies a type of function to each character, to sort them.
He wants the shortest string, but in case of a tie he wants a string that is earlier than the tied equivalent.
@JeroenVannevel Because that is the valid HTML markup, IIRC.
yeah, I just pulled it through the HTML validator
it seems like that's the reason
but it looks pretty when I do that..
Your minifier must be validating the markup as well.
yeah but not entirely. The minifier doesn't complain about the <hr /> elements in there
only the input, select, etc
I started with trying to minify my HTML only to move on to create a gulpfile that cleans the /release/ folder, copies everything to the release folder, adds angular annotations, minifies JS & CSS and eventually opens the finished app in the browser
and now I'm moving on to fixing HTML compat issues before I can push it
@Heslacher I need a proper link
nevermind I .....
@Heslacher Almost removed my vote by mistake
thanks anyway
I only vote on that site if the user hasn't capped yet for the day...lol
@Malachi He hasn't
most of the good answers are from Richard, who caps a lot
@IsmaelMiguel I know I checked before I voted
~881 people reached on Lifehacks from the zipper question.
@Malachi I rep capped yesterday because of this answer ;-)
I didn't realize that many people had zipper issues.
I love when I'm deleting cookies on a client's computer and one of the cookies is for p*rnhub...
@Heslacher I saw that. way to go!
there are a lot of people that spend their free moments on SciFi
@Malachi I don't even have an account on that site.
it is a fun site.
I used it at home with my kids the day before yesterday to figure out which Marvel movie we should watch and which we should watch next
Greetings dude
I was interested in many SE sites for a while, but now I just stick to CR.
Unless I got one of those accidental questions which just happen to have a dedicated SE.
I was interested in CR, but I think that's passing now.
Q: The origin of Elysium

MastThe lyrics of the famous "Ode to Joy" (by Schiller, on the final of Beethoven's 9th) mention the 'daughter of Elysium'. The term Elysium or 'Elysian plane' go back to Hesiod, Homer and Aeneid. The definition seems to be either paradise or afterlife, perhaps both. What's the origin of Elysium an...

@Malachi IMO, watch them in release order. You can skip the Hulk films if you so wish.
You can also skip the Fantastic 4s
there is an order though. and we are going to watch the agents of shield as well
I really really liked how S.H.I.E.L.D. tied in with Captain America 2
@Zak The Winter Soldier is my new favourite movie ever.
Generally, I'm not a big fan of Marvel stuff
Or comic stuff
@skiwi Greetings
Have you worked on your AI thingy?
@EBrown It was my favourite movie, then Guardians Of The Galaxy happened :)
I didn't like GotG that much, but darn Winter Soldier was the thing
Q: Implements a simple game for children.

sroo.tEach child is given 10 random arithmetic questions, involving addition and subtraction, where operands and answers are all in the range between 0 and 20. The child should be given a correct answer if the answer is wrong. After 10 questions are answered, the score is displayed. 

@TopinFrassi I think it was the GotG soundtrack that really got me.
@Zak Closed.
@Zak In order of favourites: Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor 2: The Dark World, The Avengers, Thor, Iron Man, Iron Man 3, Iron Man 2.
I don't remember it!
I'm sure I missed at least one (several).
Avengers 2 not on that list @EBrown?
I'm somewhat ambivalent about Iron Man 2/3
@Zak they all tie in check this out
@ARedHerring Haven't watched it yet. :(
Q: Implements a simple game for children.

sroo.tEach child is given 10 random arithmetic questions, involving addition and subtraction, where operands and answers are all in the range between 0 and 20. The child should be given a correct answer if the answer is wrong. After 10 questions are answered, the score is displayed. 

Q: PHP code design and amount of small classes - is it clean or too complex?

Filip GórnyRecently I had an interview project, which I did and sent, so this question is not for avoiding thinking. I am just struggling to build my own opinion about it so I decided to ask in public. My question in general is that: is the code design is too complex? I know the opinions may vary, but in ...

A: Is there an official Marvel Cinematic Universe viewing order?

ReanimationThis is an updated list of the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in order of internal chronology; including shorts and other releases (feature films are in bold): Captain America: The First Avenger Marvel's Agent Carter Season 1 Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter (short; Iron Man 3 release) Ir...

Q: Is my PHP code design too complex or rather clean?

Filip GórnyI recently had an interview project, which I did and sent, so this question is not for avoiding thinking. I am just struggling to build my own opinion about it so I decided to ask in public. My question in general is that: is the code design is too complex? I know the opinions may vary, but in ...

@EBrown Haven't seen them all, but you got a couple of good ones there.
Iron Man 2/3 weren't really good imo
wow, perfect timing
@Mast I'm a huge fan of Captain America.
I even have a Captain America watch.
I like Thor
The movies weren't bad indeed!
How can you forget Thor?
List updated.
I'm more a fan of the series, Arrow, Flash and Daredevil <3
@Mast I was thinking about my man, Steve Rogers and forgot about Thor.
Welcome @ambigram_maker
i was gonna ask
@ambigram_maker oh, hi
"What's the best practice to print to a file using nio in java?"
Let me see if I can find a picture of my Captain America watch.
@ambigram_maker That's not a good question format for CR
We don't do theoretical Reviews
here in the chat
Sounds like a Programmers question, but please read their on-topic page first.
If it's off-topic as a question, it's off-topic as a chat question
pardon me
But is Captain America on-topic for chat?
at least in general chat
@ambigram_maker thanks for bringing it up. no, it's not.
(Just kidding... I <3 Chris Evans)
anything goes, until site business pops up
^^ that
and then everyone shuts up until site business is resolved
> General discussion about Code Review codereview.stackexchange.com - Site Business always comes first
seriously though, theoretical design questions are much more a programers.se question
But say...
and then, once you've built it
bring it over here and we'll give you our best feedback
thats what I do.
But best practices questions are usually not a good idea on CR.
Just state what you did and what your concerns are.
But I (often) need help getting started
We love that.
@ambigram_maker This is not the place for that. We're the finishing touch, not the start.
No problem :-)
the golden rule: CR code must be working as intended
And not be example code.
even if it works by putting together several kludgy messes of code with duct tape and prayers
Yea, ugly code is totally fine.
Well, fine to post.
It's not exactly 'fine'.
as long as it's the best you can do, and it's not broken, bring it over and we'll give you as much advice as we can
@Mat'sMug that's an awesome infographic
@Zak 100% MS-Word :)
can we campaign to have that presented to new members? similar to what DB.SE has?
@Mat'sMug did you just make that?
@Malachi you've seen it before
@Mat'sMug please pin that
not sure I have....
A: Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question

Mat's MugPerhaps something like this could help situate CR in StackLand:

I have.
A: Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question

Mat's MugHow to NOT write a zombie. A zombie is a question that remains unanswered. As a question asker, your goal is to avoid writing one. Beyond meeting the on-topic requirements, I think "good CR questions" can be broken down into several question types. This answer is longer than I would have liked...

I upvoted it....lol
I've never seen that Meta. LOVE the zombies
I like the Zombie scale --> that I had not voted on yet --> meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/2320/18427
You can all have upvotes :)
Woo, got notable question for "ONCE", "UPON", "A", "TIME" - was not expecting that!
@Mat'sMug stop posting starable things!
Especially when I'm out of stars :(
Stop running out of stars so quickly Zak
@Zak that!
Ofcourse you could always try throwing TS around, but that won't save you from everything ^^
I hate whoever just starred that....
I still have stars!
1 min ago, by RubberDuck
@Mat'sMug stop posting starable things!
You hate me!
He who used to be is the last one with stars
@ARedHerring Except that's not how it works.

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