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Oh. Fair enough. I thought I was in the javascript libraries chat room..
I was just mentioned there... brb, i'm going in
Don't worry
i heard that, in buddhism, the first step to enlightenment is to forget everything you read in javascript: the good parts.
Question: If something on chat bothers me, should I take it on meta or just swallow it?
@IsmaelMiguel Did someone in particular bother you? If so, I recommend talking about it with that person in a separate chat.
Take it to meta and give us more juicy drama
@IsmaelMiguel Depends. There's a broad section between swallow and flag. Taking it to meta is bit much though
@JeroenVannevel Starred so he can see it.
@JeroenVannevel Introducing HBO's new show: Code Review
> Jeroen Stark
@Quill Nothing will beat Eastbound and Down, though.
@IsmaelMiguel depends on what you mean by "bothers you"
@IsmaelMiguel Take it like a man.
if you want, you can talk to a moderator about it privately.
See if you can come to some consensus with the person in question if possible.
@SirPython I would rather not take it to any chat.
@Mast I'm not sure that's good advice...
@SimonAndréForsberg Some mis-happenings that happened in the past have been dragged to the present and I wanted to keep them in the past. Some decisions I took that probably may need some explanation
@Mast Consensus (or how it is spelled) between the envolved parties won't be possible
@IsmaelMiguel consensus is spelt right, but involved isn't
@IsmaelMiguel Why not?
@IsmaelMiguel then flagging is out of the question. if it is something that is just related to a few people, then it does not belong on meta. talking about it in some chat room sounds like the best option.
@Quill I don't use that word often, so, I tend to forget
@Quill Except that's now how "involved" is spelled.
@EBrown Sorry :/
@IsmaelMiguel Don't be sorry, making mistakes is how you improve. Be happy to make mistakes
@IsmaelMiguel SirPython wrote a letter to the chat once. That worked wonders.
@Quill Bob Ross made mistakes all the time. They usually turned into "happy little trees."
(Which was good, mind you.)
@SimonAndréForsberg Since I believe this is walking towards being a site-wide issue, I wanted to express myself and try to improve the environment here on The 2nd Monitor.
@Quill I hate mistakes
@Mast Very nice.
@EBrown Well, that was an interesting wikipedia article. Thanks
@Mast I partially read the letter. I just wanted that it wasn't lost on time. But didn't want to dump something on meta that shouldn't be there
@Quill Bob Ross was a cool dude.
now you need a version of groot with bob ross hair
@IsmaelMiguel But you code in JavaScript oh
@Quill Unless another language takes over Javascript to become the web de facto language, writting Javascript isn't a mistake but a need. And that is what puts food on my table and allows me to burn my pizzas
@IsmaelMiguel If you have something to share, write it up and post it in chat.
@IsmaelMiguel fair enough
@SimonAndréForsberg This is brilliant.
hopefully webassembly will break up the web monoculture of languages
@Mast Maybe someone pin it and it survives a few days
If this code works, I would suggest you post on codereview.stackexchange.com instead — Maxime Peloquin 39 secs ago
@DanLyons Obligatory:
@Quill Excuse if my words were harsh, but that is the reality here.
@IsmaelMiguel it's fine, really
@Mast I read that, and laughed
@Mast Fact.
Not going to star that because stars are a precious resource, and I must protect them.
@EBrown Everybody, star this one!
@IsmaelMiguel Stop running out so you can star stuff yourself ^^
more competing web language standards would be a good thing, actually
@Mast Then people have to stop saying "lol"
Alright, enough of this passive aggressive complaining. The situation he so subtly refers to can be read about here
@DanLyons Yeah, we currently have only Javascript.
We could try python
the only good thing I can really say about javascript is that it's at least not vbscript
If this code works, but would benefit from from being rewritten, than Code Review might be more appropriate (but see their on-topic guide in the help pages); if it's not working, or there's some kind of problem - other than - efficiency then please include that information in the question, and then it becomes on-topic here. I'm not voting to close, because I'm not entirely sure it's off-topic here. — David Thomas 21 secs ago
@Mast LOL
@DanLyons That's probably true.
More choice.
@DanLyons VBScript was a bad idea for web development.
VB should've gone almost extinct by now...
Just like COBOL.
Who writtes COBOL?
@IsmaelMiguel I do. You have a problem with that?
sadly, there are still millions of lines of COBOL written anually
Legacy systems need to be maintained.
@EBrown Not exactly. But at least it isn't Portugol
COBOL is far from the worst thing to have happened.
I'm not saying it's bad, but there is no reason to start new projects in it.
It's superseded.
All good things come to an end.
but bad things tend to stick around forever
@DanLyons Which is why we have Code Review :-)
I am somewhat sad to acknowledge that we have 10 times as much than here on CR
I still really don't get the hate against javascript. :( It's a nice language if it's not written by an absolute idiot
@EBrown Challenge: write an hello world program on this --> dei.estt.ipt.pt/portugol
@DanPantry It has idiot things. That's why the hate
@IsmaelMiguel the only gotchas I can think of are this and ==
@rolfl I can dig up some COBOL code from a previous project, if that would make you happy
What about +[]?
I don't know how much of it is still relevant, but I remember it being somewhat amusing way back when
@DanPantry Don't forget the entire A [operator] B => random result
@JeroenVannevel OK, if you ever try to add an object to an array, or an array to an array, you get undefined behaviour
JS is awfully difficult to debug IMO.
@DanPantry I think the thing we hate the most not the language, but the idiots that come with it.
@Mast Have you tried a debugger?
in Cardshifter TCG, Aug 24 at 20:18, by Dan Pantry
@SimonAndréForsberg it is that easy. debugger; + Chrome dev tool
@SimonAndréForsberg Most of those things are actually fixed in Es6/bad practice to use/fixed by using a module system (which should have bene part of the language from day 1)
@Mast that
Or you could just write unit tests with pure functions and not have to rely on a debugger as a crutch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DanPantry The language was designed in 10 days
@IsmaelMiguel [citation needed]
The only JS I've written isn't browser side.
Do Node.JS debuggers exist?
@Mast yes , one comes bundled with nodejs, although that is arguably harder to debug.
You have the console, right?
@Mast Eclipse works great.
@Mast VSCode supports nodejs prominently and has a debugger -- I would assume it works for it
i've honestly never had the need to debug nodejs code
tdd and small, reusable modules eliminates the need
@EBrown A Lenovo Thinkpad, yay!
you might run into the odd bug and be like "lol, wat" but that will happen in any language. javascript encourages (forces) you to have decent unit tests if you want to stay sane, but yu're going to t want to write those anyway in any language so
of course, I'm biased, but javascript is my favourite language to use
its much more fun than C#
Java would be more fun to use if gradle wasn't so complex - npm has spoiled me
Javascript is more fun because it's the only language where dinosaurs aliens can appear?
@skiwi C/C++?
@SimonAndréForsberg I think he means V1 for Netscape: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Eich#Netscape_and_JavaScript
javascript is more fun because it's more expressive and you get a lot of freedom, plus npm is really, really good.
@rolfl I didn't know Eclicpse could handle Node.JS. That will make the next project a lot easier.
Every language needs an equivalent of npm
@DanPantry All code should be tested, not all code should have unit-tests.
@Mast if you ever need to use a debugger, its a good chance you want a test there
In web development perhaps.
because when you use a debugger you're looking to see whether or not something matches an assertion.
@DanLyons thanks. I assume the language has changed a bit since then, so not a very solid argument then.
@DanPantry I want to see where it's going wrong, not that it's going wrong. I can see that perfectly without unit tests.
@Mast but if you have decent test coverage, you know where something is going wrong. it's either going wrong in your code - you have unit tests for that - or its going wrong in a 3rd party library - in which case, report to github and monkey patch
either way, this conversation is getting long. Let's take it to Javascript Libraries if you want to discuss further :-)
Q: Looping through nested arrays with creating new array from nested items

jasenkohI have written this function but I am not so proud on it. I could use some help refactoring it. Would recursion improve my code? Data sample. { "Name":"test2", "DepartmentUnitId":"test", "ParentDepartmentUnitId":"test", "NestedDepartments":[ { "Name":"test2", "Dep...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Murphy’s take on Moore’s Law
I have a new favorite number!!!
that commitstrip reminds me of the quote "Grove giveth and Gates taketh away." - Robert Metcalfe
@DanPantry I was actually talking language agnostic. In JS, it's best practice to unit-test everything.
@Mast Don't forget to unit-test your unit-tester with an unit-tester tested by an unit-tester that was tested by an unit-tester that was [...]
@skiwi I love this thinkpad. ;)
Thinkpads never die
Q: How do I integrate a github repository with rbcommons?

billybadI am using RBCommons for review and I would like to issue review requests from my local git hub repo?

@Malachi I got it fixed. SysAdmin's doings. He redirected "My docs" to a network location. Foobarred the whole thing.
@RubberDuck Is that the IIS thing?
@skiwi No, they don't. They will live forever.
@IsmaelMiguel yeah
Working now?
> I got it fixed.
What's fixed?
Hey! The VS2015 install is almost done!
Only five hours in, too!
@RubberDuck lol
Mine took me 20 minutes, but I installed as least as possible, and have an SSD running at 540MBps (on writes).
anyone want to see if I deserve another bronze badge () --> codereview.stackexchange.com/search?q=user:18427+[jquery]
I need to learn MVC and Entity Framework... anyone have any projects like that where they need/want help
@Malachi I have one on the list that I haven't even started yet.
If that counts.
@Malachi right? That was only 7 hours of my life I can't get back.
Q: Random String Generation - Base36 and optimization

willaienThis is some fairly heavily optimized C#. Aside from reading like C++ code due to all of the pointers, does this pass sanity checks, and is there any way to improve it, while keeping its speed (or perhaps a performant way to fix the weighting issue)? For reference, it takes ~170ns to produce each...

@RubberDuck I hear you. someone wants me to make changes to a the layout(graphical representation) of this site and it isn't playing nice
@EBrown how soon are you starting it up?
@Malachi Depends. If someone is actually willing to help I can get basics together within the week.
> For reference, it takes ~170ns to produce each 16 character string when averaged out over 1 million iterations
That's fast
@JeroenVannevel Pointers are fast.
Unsafe code is fast (sometimes).
Yeah but still. 170ns to generate 36^16 variations?
@EBrown should we start a new chat?
@Malachi You can if you like.
anyone going to get that first post review?
@JeroenVannevel I think it's 170ns for one string.
That makes a lot more sense
I have a spam filter that takes 1.3ms for a ~100 character string.
No unsafe in it, either.
Actually, I have the project right here, let me grab real details.
It was part of the work I was doing for SE a while back.
Just ran through it, took about 0.170ms/string to examine each, and determine if they are spam or not.
Takes 84ms to go through a string of 23,679 characters and evaluate it.
Maybe this is more "suited" for codereview — RC. 6 secs ago
Q: Geb: Improving each loop

dgunIn this scenario, the main page contains a list of links to the subpages. The requirement is to navigate to each page(if a condition passes) and perform some actions. What I have tried so far is as follows: at MainPage ListItem.each { if(Button.present){ Button.click() ...

I decided to write a very quick message
I hope you read it and understand my reasons to do what I do/did
Please, take your time to read it
link Have a look at here — soumya sambit Kunda 5 secs ago
Q: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard and Spock - Relational Paradigm

jeanI found a few question about the game and IMHO it's a relational problem and better adressed by set logic. Thus I created this solution in SQL to get away from ugly javascript, elegant java and praticla C# --drop table [Hand] --drop table [Action] create table [Hand] ( Id int primary key n...

Q: Is there a way better way to get a String property of an Optional<> if it is present?

YiweiG(I posted this over at Stackoverflow) So currently I have String uri = website.getUri(); Optional<PageDetail> pageDetail = webClient.getDetailOfUri(uri); String displayName; String description; if (pageDetail.isPresent()) { displayName = pageDetail.get().getName(); description = pageD...

Q: SQL query to select most recent version

Joseph NieldsI have the following table definition: CREATE TABLE foo ( id INT, vers INT, value1 INT, value2 INT, CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (id, vers) ) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 1, 123, 123), (1, 2, 234, 234), (1, 3, 345, 345) And am running this query to s...

@IsmaelMiguel Cool, passive-aggressive tactics.
@rolfl Indeed. SE forbid we kiss-and-make-up, as the saying goes.
@rolfl Why cool? Why passive-agressive?
Too bad GitHub doesn't have an Android app.
@IsmaelMiguel Why not?
@EBrown Why would it need one? Doesn't Android have a terminal?
@Mast So I can get notifications on stuff.
Instead of just the emails.
@EBrown Can you turn the notifications in a feed like RSS?
@rolfl I don't know. Why did you say "cool, passive-agressive tactics"?
@Mast No idea, not a GitHub expert.
@EBrown spamming your inbox with dozens of GitHub notifications isn't enough?!
I use the GitSkarios Android app
You should consider it, it works well
@Mat'sMug Nah, I want a beep when stuff happens. ;)
@JeroenVannevel Let me find that one.
make your mail app beep!
@Mat'sMug Set it to different ringtones for different e-mail addresses.
@Mat'sMug That would just get obnoxious. I get soo much spam.
@EBrown Only use it for the Git e-mail, not for the rest of the e-mails.
@Mast I'm checking out this app @JeroenVannevel mentioned. It looks promising.
Meh, @IsmaelMiguel - sounds like this whole thing is a storm in a teacup.
or a mountain made out of a molehill
whatever it is.
Or a rattlesnake up a crocodiles ---.
or a piddle in a paddle pool.
The passive aggressiveness is too real
@rolfl The main idea is that everybody who cares to read knows the reasons why I ignore him. And that, at least, don't make me interact with that user.
I just don't want to cause anything bad in here
@IsmaelMiguel Well, I thought I was the user.
I thought it was me you did not want to interact with.....
No, it isn't you
I thought it was @rolfl too
Is it @Mat's?
@IsmaelMiguel Why? Sounds to me like this whole thing is a massive misunderstanding. If this were a job, and you were doing this about another co-worker, that would not fly what-so-ever.
I'm not going to say who he is
@rolfl I believe it is JeroenVannevel
But no, it isn't Mat
Oh, I thought it was @Mast.
Sounds like, the both of you need to suck it up, get over it, and move on with your lives.
@SirPython That's preposterous
@rolfl I thought it was me.
@EBrown No, I think one already did.....
@JeroenVannevel Don't make me star that.
@IsmaelMiguel I suggest you get the heck over it, and fast. enough of this.
Would anyone be willing to enlighten me as to the proper way to structure your JavaScript/jQuery? I feel like having a million little functions all crammed in the bottom of the page is not how professionals do it. Also, it just plain looks ugly, and it's getting harder to find the function I need to look at. I'm basically a total n00b.
@JeroenVannevel I like this app.
Spartacus is a 1960 American epic historical drama film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay by Dalton Trumbo was based on the novel Spartacus by Howard Fast. It was inspired by the life story of the leader of a slave revolt in antiquity, Spartacus, and the events of the Third Servile War. The film starred Kirk Douglas as Spartacus, Laurence Olivier as the Roman general and politician Marcus Licinius Crassus, Peter Ustinov, who won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, as slave trader Lentulus Batiatus, John Gavin as Julius Caesar, Jean Simmons as Varinia, Charles Laughton as Sempronius...
@Mat'sMug I got over it. I judt don't want to interact with that user in any way or things will go sour pretty quickly.
@EBrown Glad you do! It surprised me as well that there was no official one
@IsmaelMiguel Oh, so you didn't get over it .... ;-)
@rolfl I know what it was, my joke was that The 2nd Monitor is all about "stars", so I was changing the name to "star-tacus" for, well, context.
@IsmaelMiguel that is childish.
@Mat'sMug That is prevention
I don't want to be kicked out of the chat permanently due to a meaningless fight
@JeroenVannevel LOL. I couldn't tell if rolfl was joking or not.
@IsmaelMiguel I thought it wasn't meaningless....
then get over it. everybody else did.
@IsmaelMiguel Then don't start a meaningless fight, or participate in one.
Or talk about not talking about it.
@EBrown That's why I ignored that user
He says something to "urk" you, just ♪ Let it Go ♪.
If you have already ignored that user, then why is this still being discussed?
Hey, @JeroenVannevel - did you notice that @IsmaelMiguel is ignoring you so much he just spent hours not ignoring you....
@SirPython That ^^
@rolfl Why? Me and Ismael argue every once in a while, proof of him not ignoring me.
Sorry, did not hear you.... I'm ignornig you too.
@rolfl I don't know how many stars I have left, so I cannot really star that.
@rolfl Yeah but at least he's not getting riled up from all of this. It keeps the chatroom from going sour
I cannot waste what little ammunition remains!
@JeroenVannevel by making it go sour himself.
You know, telling someone you're not talking to them is like shouting for silence.
All I know is that it was a bad idea to share it
@rolfl Not only that, but the rest of us really don't care that you are ignoring them.
If you are going to ignore them, just ignore them and anything about them.
Anyway, I haven't spoken with @JeroenVannevel in a while, so it's probably time to catch up ;-)
is chat floating away?
Or don't, but don't call it ignoring them if you are going to make a point constantly about how you are ignoring them.
Because that's not ignoring them.
That's antagonizing them.

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