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I've used both git and SVN and now find that I prefer git even though I used svn first.
I found it hard to make the transition.
hm, accepted answer with 0 score...
My first experiences with source control were with SVN. It's easier to set up, but afar from that...
because the concept is fundamentally different, yes.
A: Basic modular calculator

Robin MabenI've done this only for addition to make it more readable - var Calculator = function() { this.calculate = function(eq, valone, valtwo, op) { var val1 = parseInt($(valone).val()); var val2 = parseInt($(valtwo).val()); var eqCtl = $('#' + eq), var o...

It's like Windows to Linux I think. Windows is easier to understand while Linux can do more and does it 'better'.
@Vogel612 yes, that was exactly the problem I had with the transition from svn to git.
@EBrown did you have to do complicated Version control stuff?
@RoboSanta Ugh, that answer is a mess.
things like .. rebasing, rewriting history, merging multiple branches?
@Vogel612 Oh yeah, which is what I use TFS for.
Well, not quite that complicated.
Though I did have to rewrite the entire project and lock the entire TFS repo for about a week once.
That went over well with the boss.
EEEEK Locks!
okay I'll keep my hands off it
It's very handy.
And the Visual Studio integration is just phenomenal.
Just branch it...
TFS has locks?
Well, to be quite fair, it's not a lock so much as a "hide" the repository while I did my business.
@EBrown TFS was build for VS. If the integration was less than phenomenal, something would've gone terribly wrong.
I just removed everyone's permissions on it while I rewrote what needed rewrote.
Sounds like it's doing branching under water.
@Mast no it's worse.
I use it in unconventional ways. I had to completely rework the entire thing, so I could not really have other people committing new features.
it's basically a complete repository delete for all intents and purposes, except for one person
@Vogel612 Exactly.
SMH ...
That's kinda completely going against the point of a repo, but hey
When you let the SysAdmin/NetAdmin make code changes, you start getting into that gray area.
Not to mention let him write the entire project himself.
And he chose VB.NET for the language as well.
And uses all the old VB6 functions. (IsNothing(Variable), Len(StringVariable), etc.)
@EBrown My favorite VB6 function was Mid
Haven't yet found any of that in this project.
        'Dim fn() As String = HttpContext.Current.Session("FileName").ToString.Split("\")
        'file.MoveTo(FileSaveBase & "" & fn(5))
That was some of the code in the project.
Notice he explicitly calls fn(5) instead of verifying that the fn array even has that many elements.
Dim fn()?
File name parts.
I'm so non-VB now
I.e. C:\NORDER\something\filename.txt won't work, you had to use the network path: \\server-vm01\NORDER\something\filename.txt.
If you changed it to a local path, because of the fn(5) bit, it would error.
And he couldn't see that?
I'm not sure.
I fixed it though, so it's history.
Well, teach him
When I was at school, I was the debugger in the room
The only downside to this project (and I can't really fault him for this, our data is a little odd) is that the Trim() function is everywhere.
But that's because our data is fixed-width including whitespace.
When we get a customer number that is 123456, it is delivered as [space][space]123456.
There are things like MySQL
We use an AS/400.
An IBM iSeries device.
No. DB2.
Does that use SQL at all?
Can it import CSV?
@Malachi, only really will two of SciFi's memes need to be regexed
@IsmaelMiguel did you get @Malachi's GitHub email?
@Quill I did. And I've answered on the Javascript room
@IsmaelMiguel I also submitted an issue on Memer
@Malachi I will need to check it later
I haven't worked on Memer because I come home without any will to do anything (even sleep)
This is off-topic here, but on-topic to CRhindmost 48 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel If you mean Comma-Separated then no. We have limited SQL access to it.
We can SELECT data only.
@EBrown That sucks big hairy monkey [bleep]
But all the data we get is in a fixed width format.
Each field is a specific length.
7 characters, 30 characters, etc.
So if the name of the product is Andrews Thing, it comes back from the DB padded on the left with whitespace to 30 characters.
So we have to Trim("Andrews Thing ") to get Andrews Thing out of it.
No varchar anything.
Decimal fields are pre-pended with 0's to the desired length.
Who set up that thing?
I.e. if the field size is 7 and two decimals, you get 0000.00.
It's an IBM database, I have no idea on how it was setup.
Just that these are the parameters I have.
@EBrown You mean, it uses ZEROFILL?
If the Price is 14.64, you get 0014.64.
Q: Consturction Cost Estimator App for Android - How to use branched If Statements for User Interface?

Sahnun MohamudI'm a Physics '15 grad and pretty new to programming. I'm terrible now but eager to learn. That said, I'm building a construction costEstimator app that will eventually work on Android phones in C++ using eclipse IDE. However, I'm not sure how to create a user interface with If statements (for ex...

Which is fine, because I parse them all as Decimal types anyway.
Still, it sucks
The only major problem is that field names are, 8 characters or less.
Likewise with Table/Database names.
ZEROFILL is better than something inane like... I don't know thousand separators depending on Locale
Oh I most definitely don't mind the ZEROFILL or the fixed-width column sizes.
@EBrown yea I know what comes out of that... where I'm working on that was the whole premise of the persistence layer...
@EBrown That doesn't let you do anything with good names
Like, we have field definitions: UUSER and UEXPDT.
Which are username and expiration date respectively.
"Oh you wanted to use something useful like firstname? No sorry that's too long"
@Vogel612 Exactly!
If I saw that in a code review I would advise to use s{/}{::}ig or s(/)(::)ig or even s!/!::!ig instead because the @s might break syntax highlighting and because it's really unusual to do that. — simbabque 1 min ago
the problem is, it's contagious
Oh, I'm sorry, 10 characters is the max length.
Well that's what our SysAdmin/NetAdmin was doing when he wrote the initial code.
Hence naming the variable fn.
For file name parts.
poor fella.
It's VB.NET, there is not a problem using a name like FileNameParts.
So I wrote a wrapper class that handles loading our customers, items, etc. from our AS/400 and puts them in a .NET class that is usable.
I.e. Customer.Number.
Instead of NCUS from TBLNM.
But, I digress.
It works out in the end, I make what changes I need in the .NET to handle it.
Q: Please look at my chess board GUI

Luke GI am teaching myself JavaScript and trying to build a chess game. Please follow the link to my progress and look at the source code. Critics welcome! http://dghein.com/lukegif/practice/chessengine/index.html

@CaptainObvious no code.
@Heslacher already VTC'd
@CaptainObvious VTC > Downvotes for this ...
no need to Downvote the poor fella ...
I did ;-)
I will retract if updated.
@CaptainObvious need VTC's here too
@Heslacher, misspelt reviewed in your comment
Me ???? Can't be ;-)
Got it
@CaptainObvious RBA ...
I somehow get the feeling this whole off-topic thing is looking worse than it is to these uncivilised outside people
@Quill good catch. I have updated my auto comment. Thanks
@Heslacher no worries
It's not like we torch them and their questions, right?
@Vogel612 baka gaijin
@Quill Sono tōri
right... BTW.Work
I go to VTC and it's deleted...well then.
@Vogel612 We don't have First name fields. Ours are just the full name.
One field, two names.
hmm maybe it's better like that#
then again how do you write letters to people then?
They all get a unique id number, use that instead
We just write, "Dear FULL NAME,"
No first name/last name separation.
You never realize just how unhelpful some of your documentation is until you have to F12 to find the definition to make sure that it does what you want.
Sounds like an adventure!
Does VB have includes like PHP? (I think it doesn't)
Imports Namespace
Then split the heck out of it
Well, it's not quite the same.
It's an OOP mechanism, you don't import raw code. (Though you can create partial classes.)
You import extra objects.
Can't you create a DLL and import it?
Yeah, that's what I did.
But I didn't fully document parts of it.
That answered my future question
One of the properties, was IsAttribute, and the documentation literally read: Gets a value indicating if the <see cref="Item"/> is a Attribute or not.
No helpful information on what defines it as being IsAttribute.
Just, "Yes, this will tell you if it is that attribute."
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about refactoring working code are better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comBrad Werth 22 secs ago
Q: Simple JavaScript autosuggest component

Fo.Suggestions for improving this? HTML <input type="text" name="inputbox" id="inputbox"> CSS input { width: 200px; } input, .drop { margin: 0; padding: 0; padding: 6px; font-size: 16px; font-family: "helvetica neue", helvetica, sans-serif; } .drop { display: none;...

Q: i am writting a code in php which will show the data in browser but my page is skipping the database part from if(iisset($GET(view))

Abdullah Farazenter code here Admin Panel table{ background-color:blue; } ## Heading ## P.V.T SPORTS Admin Panel Manage Contents Admin Logout View Post Insert New Post View all post Post no: Post title: Post date: Post Author Post images connect_error) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->conne...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic? Horribly formatted? Is that even code?
Yeah, pretty nice documentation
@CaptainObvious wut
@Phrancis It looks like stolen code
i am writing a title in english which show that my code is broken but i have skipped reading the help center part
@IsmaelMiguel Well, replace Attribute with the name of the attribute/property it was checking, but you get the idea.
> else { echo "f--- you"; }
I censored it, but that's out of that question, @Phrancis
Such nice language that OP uses.
@CaptainObvious I was going to vote to close, then I've noticed something: I've already voted.
@IsmaelMiguel Lol
@EBrown Well, still, it wasn't that well documented. But I don't blame you
That question needs one more VTC.
@EBrown I was excited for being the 5th and smack out that question
Besides, it is missing quite a load of code
Q: A better way to do conditional active record statements?

GreggawattI'm trying to figure out a better way to have one query here. I want to be able to send something to last where statement a wildcard so I can select all vendors. Right now if i don't include that line it doesn't filter by vendor so I essentially get all the purchase requests. Any thoughts of a c...

@CaptainObvious Lets bet: StackOverflow!
You are asking for a code review. This should be posted at codereview.stackexchange.comrmaddy 22 secs ago
Q: A better way to do conditional active record statements?

GreggawattI'm trying to figure out a better way to have one query here. I want to be able to send something to last where statement a wildcard so I can select all vendors. Right now if i don't include that line it doesn't filter by vendor so I essentially get all the purchase requests. Any thoughts of a c...

I win!
Cue the music!!! Roll to me the cookie plate!
Mat's Mug was the deciding vote.
@Mat'sMug Good Mug, you will get your present back on Christmas
@Hosch250 I love you you make a spelling/grammar correction on that post and then misspell your comment: "Fix loewrcase "i"."
Q: LikesControler for a Post - Rails

NivlaI have this controller that I call via Ajax, where I update the likes of a post. I have two methods in user model already_like_post?: Where I pass the posted ID and return true or false if the post is already liked. dislike_post: Delete the user like for given post. class LikesController < Ap...

I really hate it when other poeple can't spell proplerly
Starring for irony.
Well, I never said that I hated it if I myself could not spell properly :P
@EBrown Guess Muphries law caught up to me.
@skiwi Sometimes, it isn't my fault. I try my best to spell as perfectly as possible. But sometimes I just skip over those mistakes.
@Hosch250 Don't worry, he'll get everyone
@IsmaelMiguel I was hoping for "mitsakes." :(
@EBrown I had "thoe" instead of "those" but I've fixed
I hate when things are not spelled properly. But my values say that it shouldn't matter as long as everyone understands.
This passed code review? Really? — Lightness Races in Orbit 14 secs ago
@Morwenn Agreed.
@Duga I hate that [BLEEPING] son of a [bleep]!
@Morwenn In fcat, eevn if you mssipspell a lot of the crachaters yuor brian can stitl raed it
@skiwi It depends.
@skiwi That technique works best if all of the characters for the word are present, and the first and last character are as they should be.
@skiwi After trying 3-4 times, yeah it can. As long as the first and last letters are the same.
There are exceptions
@EBrown Yeah, but I got lazy at the end
@EBrown You can construct examples following that rule where your brain still can't interpret stuff correctly.
seam, saem, meas and emas can be somewhat read well too
@skiwi Well misspell only has two s's, you had three, and that wasn't quite at the beginning. :P
@Morwenn I never said it was a law.
Merely that it works best in that case.
Best != right/correct/effective
I never said your were wrong.
I read "meas" as "mesa".
@Hosch250 That's table in Portuguese
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Where is it saying it passed code review? Can't find such information — Ismael Miguel 54 secs ago
> an isolated relatively flat-topped natural elevation usually more extensive than a butte and less extensive than a plateau
@Hosch250 Starred for science.
Q: QR Code to read faster?

Peter SchultzHere is my code for my QR Code Reader. What I need to accomplish is matching the QR Code to the one I have created. This code works, except it takes at least 30 seconds to verify that it has matched my QR Code. How can I make it faster?? // QRCodeVC.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <AVFoundat...

is anyone using the Review Queue Notification script that @SimonAndréForsberg and I created?
Nah, I leave all that work to the more experienced professionals.
@IsmaelMiguel The only thing that bothers me about how that Lightness guy reacted to your comment is that SO is for when people encounter a problem. Clearly the guy has been testing his code every step of the way, so kudos to him for actually testing code.
@EBrown He is a lot worst than that. That's him being nice to me. He usually is a huge massive [bleep].
@Malachi I don't think that message pinning should be used for messages that you like a lot. Let's reserve pinning for announcements and call-to-action messages.
@200_success Stargreed. Not sure why the one by Jamal is pinned.
@200_success What's pinning?
The hollow-star messages stay at the top of the star wall.
How and why?
(If there's a place where I can read it, please recommend it)
@200_success We should pin that.
Q: A program which injects javascripts to website for ordering products

thomasxd24So i am a newbie at programming and i helped my dad making this program which ordering multiple products to a website from a table of excel. It involves 3 process: 1.Passing orders from excel to website by injecting javascript. The website provides a function for ordering a product:(in javasc...

Q: VBA code occasionally crashes

Seth39195I have a macro in excel that crashes maybe 40% of the time that I run it. It doesn't always crash at the same step and it always runs completely if I run it again immediately after crashing. I am a total VBA beginner so I assume that the issue lies in my coding. Does anyone have pointers for gett...

Q: gui sql interface- for select insert and remove

gnarlyninjaso this is my final project for my second java class! I would like to get some feed back on it and see where and what I can improve. there is five class files 1. guimusic/main this contains all all of the the swing and awt components and the key listeners scrollPaneSync synchronizes the ...

@CaptainObvious I feel suspicious about that code
It injects (unreadable and scattered) Javascript into an online shopping service.
You want more suspicious?
I'm not sure what your suspicion implies. Bad code? Malicious code? Offtopic code?
@JeroenVannevel Possibly Malicious
Is malicious code off-topic?
@SirPython no
How is it malicious?
@SirPython There was a meta about that.
> It involves 3 process:

> 1.Passing orders from excel to website by injecting javascript.
It's not like he doesn't disclose it or anything
@200_success I don't know, I can't read it. But I'm not saying it is, I'm saying it is suspicious
Q: How well is "malicious" code accepted here?

syb0rgI recently asked a question that could possibly be used for malicious purposes. I tried to whittle the code down as much as I could to a "base" program so that a script kiddie wouldn't stumble across it and wreak havoc. However, I have written other more "malicious" programs (for testing securi...

^ That?
The entire program is about injecting data into the website
@SirPython Yes. That.
Suspicious things:
@IsmaelMiguel: Right, I don't know it. Which is why I asked whether that had happened i.e. whether this code had passed code review. You didn't like it when I asked that, now you're saying I should have done. Which is it? — Lightness Races in Orbit 54 secs ago
1- The photo
2- "So i am a newbie at programming and i helped my dad making this program which ordering multiple products to a website from a table of excel." <-- that text
3- The code intention
4- codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/96278/… <-- He isn't new to programming, and he did this before
that's the same program
You're seeing pink elephants
You might try posting this on the Code Review Stack Exchange site. — Mike C 12 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel I just read through the JavaScript code and it looks fine to me. You should try looking through it too.
@SirPython If I could read it
@JeroenVannevel I don't get it
@IsmaelMiguel All the JavaScript is basically one-liners.
There's nothing complicated about the JS, it's like reading English
@IsmaelMiguel The user profile picture ?
@IsmaelMiguel What he means is that you tend to be overly suspicious about things from time to time. You could relax a bit :p
Look, I get it. He's French. You want to push him in a dark hole and leave him there.
Sadly, that's not allowed.
I should create a flowchart for capitalization guidelines
That would save a lot of time
Q: Checking for equality in a sequence

user2916286I have been trying to figure this out and any help would be awesome! If you are given an integer X and an array A what is the most efficient way to check if a sequence exists with equality inside of the given array A and return the middle index of the sequence according to its location within arr...

@JeroenVannevel He is french. So? He could be spanish! No no, I hate spanishes and french. But I'm not judging by the nationality. I'm just saying that the whole thing (without taking account the nationality) is suspicious
@Marc-Andre The photo is a kid with a rainbow filter
@SirPython Scattered all over the code
You'd be surprised; it's not that much.
@IsmaelMiguel And ? What is suspicious about that ? (I'm trying to understand that point)
@IsmaelMiguel Looks like from Facebook, they had that rainbow filter thing for a while, they must have used the same image...
@Morwenn I'm relaxed. (NOT!) Now, seriously, I'm always paranoid
It's just freaking weird
But you can't read the code. That doesn't mean it's "freaking weird"
Others read it and told you it's okay
Well the program look like : make an excel of what you want to purchase and the program will take care of the rest
@Phrancis They had it due to the gay marriage in U.S.A., and some people though it was a new fashion and started doing it too.
@IsmaelMiguel Then could you agree that this is weird and suspicious? The OP's a robot! :)
It just smells fishy. I'm not saying it is a fish. It could be crap or a cake.
@SirPython Nah, the code seems mostly hardmless. It's to brute force some encoding. Suspicious? A bit. A red flag? Nope.
That is a textbook brute force attack and it's less of a red flag than something that logs you in on a website using a local properties file?
Attack to what? I can't see it hashing anything. It probably is an already-broken stuff.
This is where I exit the conversation
Can you elaborate a little more?
I've explained in a nicelly numbered list what triggered a red flag
@IsmaelMiguel You have different opinions about the matter at hand and this converstion will probably lead to nowhere so he decided to leave the conversation early.
@Morwenn So, in order for the conversation to lead nowhere, in his opinion, he simply leaves making the conversation go to nowhere. That's like shooting a kid so he doesn't trip on a rock and fall
Sometimes you know people well enough to know that you're not going other people's opinions and that they aren't going to change yours.
That's what you could call a pragmatic exit.
I would say this one was quite flawed
And I'm ready to do one anytime ^^
My opinion won't change and won't stay the same
In fact, I'm trying to understand his opinion
I don't see anything bad in that question
I've asked why he thinks it's bad
I'm talking about the numbered list
Yeah, that is what I'm talking about
That is the numbered list
Quote me where I say something is bad with the question
But what? How is it bad? What harm is it causing?
I don't get it
1 min ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
Quote me where I say something is bad with the question
I don't even know if you said it is bad or not
Honestly, I'm lost
Can you please explain yourself?
Q: Super Basic Calculator

Rohan DasariI just started Java a day ago and I was wondering if anyone could help me make this super basic calculator. For some reason I can't add an operation and I'm wondering why. I appreciate the help. import java.util.Scanner; public class Calculator{ public static void main(String []args){ Scanner Da...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
The Blob-ject
You said there's something suspicious about the question. I said there's nothing bad about it and that you can't accurately judge it if you don't read the Javascript.
End of story
I'm not talking about that question
Oh bloody
I'm talking about the question that SirPython linked
I couldn't care less at this point. I'm focusing on my CR answer again
That's quite a mature behaviour
@IsmaelMiguel If you think something is suspicious or otherwise worthy of special attention, the correct forum is Meta.CodeReview, and mark it with
@200_success the oneboxing ones count as a call to action, right?
20 mins ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
That is a textbook brute force attack and it's less of a red flag than something that logs you in on a website using a local properties file?
^ I don't get that whole message he sent
It's not even about the question
Yes, I think the question is suspicious
@IsmaelMiguel Brute-forcing password by trying all the combination of the alphabet is a type of attack...
@Marc-Andre I understood that, I just don't get what that code is trying to attack to be that bad
If the code succeeds, and can be easily found, it means that whatever encoding schema was behind the encoding is already broken
He said the bruteforce is less of a problem than a script that would log you in a site by defining some properties. That's all
@Marc-Andre Thank you!
Finally someone could explain it
@Marc-Andre More
More of a problem. Or to be precise: I was surprised he considers that brute force to be less of a problem.
Oh well yeah your question/affirmation is a bit hard to understand for me, but I understand now.

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