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@rolfl I prefer the white :) And I have the video on repeat now, because of the music in it :)
@Quill you should 3D print the site's beta logo some time.
@Mat'sMug Found my new name. ;)
Gah I'm so hungry.
I'd need 5k more rep to even come close to consideration for swag. DAYUM.
@Legato I think it's typically top 2 pages of users by rep
so 4,521
I don't know that I trust that, first page or nothing!
@Legato I can get behind that :)
I need to...pimp my rep.
@Zak I only need 2k rep to qualify, then.
I just wish more people would post VB questions on CR :)
@Zak VB.NET?
@Zak Feel free to post your own
All my stuff is VBA atm, but there's usually enough crossover with over VB that I can offer some useful advice
Find super old stuff you wrote so you can post it, then self answer about how terrible you were back then.
I gave up on it before and resigned to helping others achieve it instead. Learning that there's no other way to get CR swag is motivating, must find more questions I can answer...
@SuperBiasedMan That's gaming the system.
Self answers are good actually.
I should post a couple VB.NET unit tests for VSDiagnostics.
@EBrown I think it depends
It isn't gaming anything, potentially wasting your time though, people decide if you get the up-votes or not.
If you end up pointing out identical stuff on a bunch of different things, definitely gaming
@Zak If you do them constantly, and you are purposefully using old code, it can be considered gaming.
Actually, huh. Are they as good here? I get why they're so good on SO but I could see it being iffier on this site.
(also I was joking with the suggestion)
but Putting up 1 or 2 old questions and pointing out everything you now know to be better would, IMO, be a useful thing
While self-answers are acceptable, if it's noted that you constantly self-answer with the same, pedantic, minuscule things, then you'll likely catch flak.
Putting up old questions? That's different than what was said.
I thought he said looking at one's oldest questions and answering them.
oh, no
@Legato No, he stated posting new questions, about old, deprecated code.
sorry, should've been "old bits of code"
I'd actually like that, seeing the disparity in experience.
Then yeah, that's lame.
though old questions would serve the same purpose
3 rows of users! wow!
@Legato We'll just create our own swag if need be.
Not necessarily.
We encourage answering old question, but not posting questions with deprecated code just for the purpose of an easy improvement.
That makes it feel cheap though. :(
@Mast I was trying to find that old meta where @Mat'sMug posted that zombie cr tshirt
@Legato It would be awesome promotional though.
Yeah, I want to rep CR. I already tell a bunch of people about the site.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review — MichaelRushton 21 secs ago
@Legato Why? gaming did their own swag when they went to a convention (IIRC)
Oh er, I meant slightly different to that. Old code that you wrote and haven't looked at since, to go back to it and see what you'd improve knowing what you know now. I didn't actually mean it to be gaming, just cause I thought it might be interesting to show that on CR but I get why that can also seem like gaming and is a lot less useful than people posting their current code for others to review.
I somewhat misunderstood.
Site created v.s. a few users deciding to make their own.
@Malachi that's just your screen
Q: 1000 days in beta: let's make CR t-shirts

Mat's MugAs of 2013-09-05, Area 51 stats for CodeReview are as follows: Days in beta: 960. Questions per day: 19.4. Healthy at 15, need work at 5. Check. Answered Questions: 89%. Healthy at 90%. So we're anywhere between 88.5% and 89.4%: I'd love to see the actual decimals. I'm sure we can bring this m...

@Vogel612 No, here as well, counting those who recently left.
Excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about the SE's CodeReview?
@Legato Code Review, not CodeReview.
Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord, saviour and supreme emperor Code Quality?
> Stack Overflow is a programmer Q&A site on the Stack Exchange Network. As a name, Stack Overflow, is always written "Stack Overflow" (two words, capital letters). The website domain name is always written stackoverflow.com (no CamelCase, single word capitalization rules apply). Currently, all Stack Exchange Network sites follow this convention: Server Fault (serverfault.com), Super User (superuser.com), etc.
@Mast I saw the meta, but there was a t-shirt with a zombie on it
Does CR have a motto?
@Mast I've almost got a full 3rd row cause my screen just has 9 columns across.
@Mast "cleaning crap code since 2011"
mine's 2 away from a 3rd row :)
@Vogel612 Ah, you got 3 more people per row
widescreen ftw
@Mat'sMug, did you post a picture of a t-shirt with a zombie on it in one of the meta posts?
I've seen more people in IRC channels.
My other screen hits 13 per row, 15 must be 24" or something?
@EBrown Not the point
@Mast Mine's 14
16 when maximized
Mine is a measly 12.
@Mast 15 is likely 1080p, at standard DPI.
I have 1080p
BTW, if you want to see the room really fill up, start playing flag football.
@EBrown My screen is 1080p. It's also about inches.
(I don't recommend it.)
@Mast That's what she said ;)
I've got 15/row
14-16/row (depending on the browser size)
13 inch laptop.
So, as I understand it, CR's only real limit these days is a (relative) lack of voting?
Q: Using a lot of IF in loop WHILE to print information

Low RiderI made a code and it is doing what I want. But, I would like to know if I am doing it right or in the best way. Could you please give me your thoughts about it? Thank you. $result = mysqli_query($sql); $p_before = ""; $year_before = ""; while ($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $p...

Q: Bounding volume hierarchy

user2475269So I'm building a bounding volume hierarchy in golang. I can tell my code works because I did some test on it and it gives the same results as the brute force implementation (brute force is to test all possibilities, in \$O(n^2)\$). My problem is the code is slower then the brute force implement...

21.5" 1080p screen
Join me.
Flags in here?
@Zak Vote?
I'll definitely be making sure to max out my vote count from now on :)
@rolfl: hi!
Don't go out of your way to max it @Zak
I never said I'd upvote anything at all :)
Just scan new questions and if it's even presented well, and properly formatted it's worth an up-vote.
but I will go searching for deserving questions/answers
Ah, my 2nd monitor is bigger but less resolution. That's why it's only a little more people/row.
How did we end up with a Freelancing mod, and two Open Source mods in this room?
You got a flag
Also, I'm using 3 monitors :p
there were flags?
When something gets flagged, we invade.
Flags. They're quite beautiful aren't they?
Seriously, someone flagged just to flag... and all the OpenSource mods descend ;-)
More mods!
@rolfl Seems legit.
Not quite all of us
3 ROWS :)
And a DBA
@Amelia At work, I have 2. At home, I have 1
What was flagged..?
I'm up to 4 rows!
@IsmaelMiguel at work, 3
How many have we got?
All the mods.
Lemme get a picture :p
I think we've got 4 mods in here :/
And an ex mod.
I count 7 mods in this room.
@rolfl And that
@Amelia Nice! I have 2x 21.5" 1080p
Nah, make that 8
At home, I have 1 QVGA
I... have a 15" laptop screen.
@Amelia I have five at work.
Hey, almost as many as the TL.... ;-)
Heh, you wish
@rolfl not even close, monkey
There are 6-7 rows purely of mods
then you click the ...... too ;-)
What got flagged?
Lemme go count
@Quill I don't even know...
@ArtOfCode I saw that edit.
@Quill It was @EBrown
They came for the flags, stayed for the resolutions.
@ArtOfCode Lucky that didn't get flagged :)
Or the stars, you never know.
@ArtOfCode Yeah, I see that history, freudian FTW
@EBrown That's what they're there for :)
@rolfl TL?
@IsmaelMiguel his message, or he flagged?
@PaulWhite Plenty of moderators around to handle it
@rolfl History? What history?
@Zak Teacher's Lounge - social and work room for all mods on all sites.
@Zak Teacher's Lounge. Mod chatroom :)
ah right :)
Teachers' *
@Amelia @IsmaelMiguel ^^
This room needs a tag now.
yes, I imagine there'd be a few mods in there :)
Blurry, but it works.
What is it, 400+ mods on the network?
@Legato nope
@ArtOfCode About 450 now.
@EBrown Is that your set-up? Nice one.
@Mast Yeah.
@rolfl Targeting 500 :)
when you get this finished, put it on Code Review. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had. — SaggingRufus 28 secs ago
> Did I just miss a mod-fest?
Talking about moderators, does anyone know when/if we get our fifth?
@ArtOfCode Meh, My opinion is that there are too many beta sites.... and thus, unfortunately, there are too many mods.
@rolfl Hi :)
@EBrown good you tackled that bountied java question too and answered before me. This way I don't need to review what you already had ;-)
@Heslacher Indeed.
Nice, I see the second monitor is first.
@rolfl My primary monitor is usually to the right, so not necessarily.
Put an !-mark at the front of your paste.
Laptop hanging out on the corner of my desk.
Moderators invading having a party in The 2nd Monitor. Seems to be Friday...
We now return to your normal Friday service with the slow exit of all the mods you just had. Bye, all :)
Oh, friday!
@ArtOfCode I'll just flag something.
@EBrown And we'll return with nukes :)
there we go
Someone flagged that!????
@rolfl I told you guys I'd flag something.
You did not believe me.
@EBrown definitely jealous
So I did.
I didn't flag it, but I do agree with the flag.
Yet I still decline it because mod duty -_-
@Quill Anything from her gets my flag.
I see @Vogel612 need more people in here
@EBrown Seriously. Flags aren't toys.
That's true, at least.
You saw how many mods you got here from one flag.
I am surprised that it was "only" mods who joined.....
@Quill His message
@EBrown Nice
also, there's a bug,.... I saw the blue-bo next to the post he flagged (the video), and it was my post. I thought you were not supposed to see the flags against your own posts.
abusing flags has been known to lead to short suspensions before.
Just because there is a meme doesn't mean you have to post it. it's not an obligation people.
> And that, boys and girls, is the story of how you get mute kicked
and long ones too.
@rolfl I've never seen any flags on my own posts.
Wonder if it's because you were a mod before?
@IsmaelMiguel How do you know, did you flag it?
Well, I'm headed out, I am going to die from work...
No, a mod said it
Ms. Black has received enough hate from the internet already, she doesn't need chat flags too.
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, save that for Saturday!
@Malachi TS :s
@EBrown You haven't had that many flags.
@IsmaelMiguel RSA
@ArtOfCode I'm bound to have had some.
@Quill Thank you. I must star every lol :/
@EBrown More than zero, yes
@IsmaelMiguel Can't find it in the history.
Wait, there's a mod missing :x
@rolfl I prefer Friday.
@ArtOfCode And unless they came in after I had left the room, then I hadn't seen them. ;)
@IsmaelMiguel Jamal, 200_success
@EBrown But not by many. I won't do numbers unless you really want me to
@ArtOfCode Ballpark it?
@Quill Joel, Monica, Anna lear, Ana...
@EBrown 0 < f < 5
@ArtOfCode Yahtzee.
@EBrown Um. What about it?
@ArtOfCode My way of confirming the message is, indeed, a good message.
Ah. Sense made :)
Used to use Bazinga. But that god old.
oh my, the SNR went downhill fast
Signal Noise Ratio?
@IsmaelMiguel Signal to Noise Ratio
Right people, back in 90 minutes or so
Called it.
@EBrown I don't get how that applies here
@IsmaelMiguel Quill's saying I'm being noisy and I should leave :) Which is true.
@IsmaelMiguel Meaning: the amount of "off-topic" or "banter" has exceeded the amount of "on-topic" drastically.
'Bye, all (again)!
There hasn't been any on-topic for hours
So for the first time, I've taken a look at the best practices for jQuery/JavaScript. I'm basically doing everything the wrong way.
I'm not pointing fingers, because I don't have enough to point at everyone in the room
@IntensifierDescriptorMan this is pretty much how I felt after my first day on here
@IntensifierDescriptorMan Are you sure you read it on the right place?
@IntensifierDescriptorMan then Code Review is your friend!
@IntensifierDescriptorMan What, not using enough jQuery?
There are no best practices when it comes to Javascript. Only less-bad-but-almost-equally-horrible practices
@Mast Too much jQuery
And yes, I said it in a review before
Ever since I started using AngularJS, I'm trying to not use jQuery. Believe it or not, it is possible.
TTGH, have a nice weekend @all
@Heslacher Have fun!
@SimonAndréForsberg I use plain Javascript most of the time
@SimonAndréForsberg We use bootstrap (which requires jQuery) so that's not possible for here.
I will have fun (a whole week) because my daughter is going camping (without me) ;-)
@Heslacher Aww! :)
@EBrown There's AngularJS-bootstrap too. Doesn't require jQuery.
@SimonAndréForsberg Now I'm upset, I was told that there's no such option.
I think you can integrate angular on bootstrap with jquery
@EBrown We are using it for the Cardshifter HTML-Client. More info here:

 Coding Projects and Duga Heaven :)

Minesweeper Flags, Zomis' games, PDB, MTG, Cardshifter, and al...
I don't quite understand all the details of it, but @DanPantry knows how it works.
Question: Why most people cram up as much jQuery as possible inside event handlers?
I managed to refactor the jQuery out of a jQuery application a few hours ago, felt pretty good :-)
Was that the angular stuff?
@IsmaelMiguel part of the angular stuff
reading an old post I wish I could just post a review of this answer. But I guess that means post a new answer.
@SuperBiasedMan comments? downvote? upvote?
Install has been running since 9:30 am (three and a half hours ago) and it's like 1/3 the way done.
@SimonAndréForsberg I left a comment about one part but it's sorta tipped over into worth answering.
@IsmaelMiguel not.... really. Angular-bootstrap relies on angular to work
So i mean, yeah, you could use angular-bootstrap with jquery but you'd need angular. two web frameworks hooray (?)
@SimonAndréForsberg false. I know how some of it works ;-)
My "Starred" playlist on Spotify is up to 1400 songs.
@DanPantry Or I could use 0 frameworks and use a template engine
@SuperBiasedMan then answer :)
@IsmaelMiguel Angular isn't a template engine, in the same way that Ruby on Rails isn't a template engine
React is a template framework
but Angular is a fully-fledged MVC engine
well, MVSomething. It doesn't really enforce MVC.
That's not what I meant...
You got it wrong
I fail to see how you writing something ambiguous means I got something wrong :b
What I meant is to skip Angular and jQuery, write it all in plain Javascript and use a template engine for the hardest parts

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