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It will still be part of SE.
Don't moderators get paid or something? And then there is hosting.
No, they are not paid.
moderators do not get paid
they're volunteers (which makes their work all the more impressive)
the hosting happens by SE. They earn money through adverts and careers.so
Mm. PR is a pain to handle.
paid? lol
Q: It's election and graduation eve!

PopsFirst things first: CONGRATULATIONS, MAGENTO STACK EXCHANGE IS GRADUATING! A few weeks ago, I quietly dropped a comment on the 2015 moderator nomination post to say that we on the SE team wouldn't be appointing a new pro tem moderator... because you had been approved for graduation, and we want...

Yes, let's have it.
hi @durron597!
That means I'd better go get C# gold badge along with 10k more rep.
Why are they the first ones to drop beta, etc. etc.
you had your election already
@durron597 Well, it is like this - do we want to be the guinea pig for this, or not.
Who would be better to review the process than you guys?
No one.
But, being a guinea pig has its draw-backs.
@Hosch250 exactly
I know, because I've been one most my life for one thing or another.
@durron597 well we just have to say yes and we're in...
Have you been saying no?
Anything from textbooks to child raising methods :P
@durron597 I voted yes.
I voted Yes and No on that poll. D:
Oh, they're forcing it on magento and giving you the option. got it.
Up yes, down no.
I voted up for both.
I'd say downvotes don't really count, like in a community-challenge selection
Because both posts are valid.
Well I voted yes to... take my own close vote privileges away... that I never use anyway...
agreed with the first two...
Honestly, that post pissed me off
@durron597 not with the last one.. shame on you, help moderate the site
@IsmaelMiguel which? what? why?
@Vogel612 It's really difficult to help moderate just Stack Overflow and Programmers
point taken.
and also do my job, and also pay attention to my girlfriend
@Vogel612 That meta post
@IsmaelMiguel now only two of my questions remain unanswered...
It sounds like a bad joke
@Vogel612 Which ones?
what and why
Personally, I want CR to be graduated. (Even if it means I lose a lot of my privileges.)
@IsmaelMiguel need more unicorns and rainbows in your life maybe?
@IsmaelMiguel that's the which, you know?
Why: I can't say on this chat or I would be permanently banned
@Mat'sMug I hate unicorns and rainbows
The only thing that would make it more appealing, is if you did not lose any permissions.
Q: ChessMetric - Topcoder Challenge

James FargotsonMy solution for the topcoder ChessMetric challenge seems really slow. I feel like there should be a better way, but I'm not sure. Challenge Description Suppose you had an n by n chess board and a super piece called a kingknight. The kingknight can move either one space in any direction...

@Vogel612 If I say what I have to say about it, I would probably be banned forever
But, that's likely out of the question.
@EBrown you do know that's currently the case?
@Vogel612 Is it really?
the reputation thresholds won't change (for now)
btw speaking of increasing communication between SE and us lowly users...
I mean in general.
Q: Can we have a guaranteed pipeline for responses from Stack Exchange?

durron597I think we should have some mechanism that automatically flags certain meta posts (both child metas and here) for Stack Exchange staff attention when they get beyond a certain point. The thresholds would be something like (subject to tweaking): Post is feature-request or bug Post has a score of...

I figure that will happen with design then
If full-fledged graduation for a site meant that current users could keep what permissions they have earned as of the application of the new reputation thresholds, that would make it much more appealing to do now.
But I don't see that happening.
@IsmaelMiguel by all means, word it nicely and go ahead and post it on meta. worst that will happen is a truckload of downvotes and a shower of meta-flags.
@Mat'sMug I aprove the graduation, I don't aprove the post. It's a stupid f*cking joke! OFC WE WANT GRADUATION!
@IsmaelMiguel You created all that drama just now for that statement?
@EBrown No. There's a ton more stuck. But I don't want to be banned
The question on the Meta post is not "do we want graduation." It's, "do we want graduation now with, the caveat of being the guinea pigs for the new graduation mechanisms."
It's the same question
uh, no
And the same answer
It's not the same question.
There are several stipulations with this question.
@Mat'sMug TS!
We won't be getting a new design for a while.
good night gents
'night @durron597
@EBrown Which is silly, because you have an amazing thread with lots of great suggestions
@EBrown that's the case anyways
How much work would it be to polish one of them off?
shrug. good night
@EBrown Code Review has been without a design for 4 years
@durron597 later!
@durron597 Indeed! And good night, sir. :)
@EBrown there's a feature request on mse about scaling privilege levels... might be interesting to you?
@Vogel612 Indeed, I'd be interested to read it.
At least this question turned out successful. :)
Q: Can we make automatically-scaling reputation thresholds work?

EmrakulIn the discussion on design-independent graduation, which stemmed into a more general discussion on the graduation process, it occurred to me that there's an obvious solution to the reputation-change problem: make reputation thresholds scale automatically to meet demand. This isn't a solution wi...

> I thought I was good at it but evidently I haven't got a clue
yes, dear disgruntled user, it seems like that
@EBrown the deleted comments view isn't pretty though.
@Vogel612 Ehh, that post leaves a bit to be desired. Neither answer is particularly pleasant.
@Mat'sMug I know, which is why it's shocking that the question finally turned out as well as it did.
Were there not regulars egging him on, it wouldn't have been so bad.
@EBrown it's not even a full-fledged feature-request now
@EBrown we've actually had worse before
@Vogel612 Yeah, I noticed that. Oh well. I can still hope, can't I? :)
@Vogel612 Well hopefully we can learn from this, and perhaps begin to realize that wording on our comments really does have a large impact on things.
@EBrown that also was the conclusion last time
TTQW at last
laters CRitters
@Vogel612 I think Part 3 of that is exactly what happened here, as well. Minus the "moderators" bits.
@Mat'sMug Later, sir. :)
Oh well, it's all over now. We can only hope it doesn't happen again.
I think that's the exactly wrong idea
we should actively strive to prevent things like that
> This may be arrogant, but community veterans and moderators should hold themselves to higher standards than new users.
I'm not saying we shouldn't try to prevent it, what I am saying is that if something like this happens again, perhaps those who are getting agitated (especially veterans) should withdraw themselves from the conversation.
Is "experimental" code on-topic here? That is, code that may not end up in production, but demonstrates a fully-fledged idea?
@EBrown Does it work?
One would assume so by "demonstrates a fully-fledged idea."
i had a question like that migrated over to programmers, so i think that the preference for code review is for the working code to have a practical application
I know the question is stupid, but the answer to that question is the same to yours
Assuming it follows all rules, and it is likely not production code, but instead something the OP has put together for demonstrating a fully-complete idea/concept/task, and which may be adapted to be production, would it be considered on-topic?
here is my question that got migrated if you are curious
Q: Creating New Scripts Dynamically in Lua

bazolaRight now this is just a crazy idea that I had, but I was able to implement the code and get it working properly. I am not entirely sure of what the use cases would be just yet. What this code does is create a new Lua script file in the project directory. The ScriptWriter takes as arguments th...

@EBrown Yes
@bazola Well, the title of that implies that there is a larger, more abstract problem to be solved.
I mean, suppose I built a fully-functional programme that demonstrates whatever concept I am working on, whatever task, but I have no intention of using it in production, would it be considered on-topic?
I think this is better as a Meta post...
my code was fully working for what i intended it to do, it just had very little or no practical application
@EBrown Proof-of-Concept is on-topic...
@Vogel612 That's a better term for it...yes.
That is what I mean.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about code reviewing ("how to improve this code"). — Alfe just now
should we be closing this as a duplicate? it already has 2 close votes: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/100966/…
@cimmanon That was discussed earlier, and it was decided it is not a duplicate.
i reviewed the original and it looks like the OP learned absolutely nothing from it
That is what the original closer said.
and then we had a minor flame-skrimish
also, wtf at the massive upvotes on answers that are full of technical inaccuracies?
@cimmanon any examples?
Probably the flame skirmish that took place in chat.
They were highly visible here for a while.
@cimmanon If you mean my answer, you'll have to be more specific.
And point out specific inaccuracies.
In fact, there was quite the todo on SO with that user, resulting in them getting 24-hour banned, and it started here over the close vote too.
how far back in the log is this discussion?
not that far, basically directly above the pinned message about design-independent graduation
CR part starts here
hiya @NiallC. welcome to the 2nd monitor :)
6 hours ago, by EBrown
Stop deleting my comments you pricks — GR412 40 secs ago
@Vogel612 Oh, he's here regularly, just never posts.
@Hosch250 that's the SO part..
3 hours ago, by Mast
@CaptainObvious Shit, they didn't ban him systemwide
@Vogel612 I know, we've just got to properly bias everyone... (just kidding, let's play fair).
@Vogel612 Thanks! Also, what @Hosch250 said. :)
which has now been spectacularly disproven :D
at least the second part
You proved me wrong.
I don't even know what is being discussed.
death and destruction, just as always
@nhgrif You're lucky.
If I'm lucky, couldn't everyone just drop it, whatever it is?
I capped on CR today.
@nhgrif I would hope so.
So I will wait 55 minutes before posting a new answer... which I am writing right now
@Hosch250 Quick, go back and change "never" to "rarely". Or add "anything interesting". Your choice. :)
Much too late.
I can't even edit "You proved me wrong." anymore.
I don't understand the tag...
Is this a meta tag or am I missing something?
It sounds like it is related to OOP and functional programming.
In mathematics, computer science, economics, and bioinformatics, dynamic programming is a method for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a collection of simpler subproblems. It is applicable to problems exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure (described below). When applicable, the method takes far less time than other methods that don't take advantage of the subproblem overlap (like depth-first search). In order to solve a given problem, using a dynamic programming approach, we need to solve different parts of the problem (subproblems), then...
It is similar to recursion in concept.
But, it is a programming style, like OOP, if I understand correctly.
Or not, I don't know.
Something like a style and something like an algorithm.
New post: How do you eat an elephant? http://importblogkit.com/2015/05/how-do-you-eat-an-elephant/
See you.
This answer needs some more love:
A: Racetrack in... VBA?

Mat's MugImplicit worksheet references Sub CreateGrid() ActiveSheet.Name = "GameBoard" Columns("B:Y").ColumnWidth = 2.14 Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 50 Columns("Z").ColumnWidth = 50 Rows(1).RowHeight = 100 Rows(24).RowHeight = 100 Range("A1:Z1").Merge Range("A1").Interior....

Q: Elo Rating Tracking Applet

Dr XorileI have a little applet that I wrote in python and tkinter, and I was wondering what a good way would be to make it public, or open source or whatever. I think it's quite fun. You can add players, add singles games, add doubles games, and then it gives you a table of recent games and ratings wit...

It's probably not a good sign when you get confused by your own code as you're writing it
Luckily all of it seems to work so I can just create a CR post and have you guys clean it up

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