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There are 1446 unanswered questions (94.4704% answered)
@Duga not now. Busy.
I have a System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens
And I have System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position
For that X on the Cursor, I want to find the Screen at the top
That Screen will have a negative Y
Or 0
Hmm... So you want the screen with the lowest Y value?
Something like....
AllScreens.Where(s => s.Y == AllScreens.Min(x => x.Y))
I think
The nested expression returns the minimum value and then you select the screens that have a matching Y.
FirstOrDefault() instead of Where
You're only looking for one
GroupBy may be another option, but yes. Listen to @JeroenVannevel.
What happens when 2 screens have the same Y?
@Mat'sMug They have different X
@RubberDuck I have him on ignore
You're asking the wrong question then if you have @JeroenVannevel on ignore.
That'd be like having me on ignore and asking any iOS question.
@nhgrif Well, I have other things to do than dealing with him
I don't even know what that means.
I'm confused as well
It means that this is not a daycare to be dealing with man-childs
I still don't know what that means.
I think he's referring to a chat from one or two days ago where myself and a few others explained something and he just kept going on and on and on about it, until we dropped it
It means that his childish attitudes got on my nerve and to keep things cool around here, I decided to ignore him.
Yeah... I don't know either (don't really care), but use FirstOrDefault instead of Where because you're only looking for one item.
@RubberDuck Thank you a lot! It works like a charm!
Screen.AllScreens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Bounds.Y == Screen.AllScreens.Min(x => x.Bounds.Y))
This is what I have
What counts as "default" in FirstOrDefault?
But Screen will always have a screen
Then is the OrDefault needed?
Depends on the type
Value types have non-null defaults
reference: null. int: 0. double: 0.0, etc
default<T>, which is null for reference types
The CTO of my company would argue that "FirstOrDefault" is a code-smell.
Probably is
I've reverted to First
More generally, methods with "or" or "and" in their name are usually code smells.
Blame Microsoft.
Uh, yeah well, ^^ that
It's just a difference in behaviour as to how they return. First() would throw an exception if not found, FirstOrDefault() would return default(T)
Usually I'd agree, but sometimes it's warranted. The Or makes it safer than First.
For value types at least...
But in this case, it won't be needed, in my opinion
@IsmaelMiguel that assumes there's always something in the source. If your sequence is ever empty, you will get an InvalidOperationException
The right answer is to just not be afraid of null...
option types > null :)
That's hard with Linq. Particularly if you're chaining.
First should do what FirstOrDefault does. And programmers should know how to deal with what it can potentially return.
@Mat'sMug If it is empty, you need a new computer. If a NullReference is thrown, you won't have a graphic card to see it
Not NullReferenceException
@RubberDuck That sounds like a failing of the language. Do you have a moment to talk about the miracles of ?
I'll always listen to you preach the magic of swift.
At least until the wifey gets home. =;)-
@Mat'sMug It won't matter much if you don't have a screen to see the errors caused due toScreen being empty
See that magically little ?. in there? That's called "optional chaining".
C# 6 has it
someArray.filter({ $0 % 2 == 0 })?.first.doSomething()
@Mat'sMug Swift 1 had it.
First iteration.
yeah yeah
And Java 237 will have it too
Not hard when the language is half a year old of course
Swift is over a year old.
Rather... the public version of Swift is over a year old.
I don't know how old it is if you count test-tube versions Apple has had.
@CaptainObvious RBA
I like Elvis. Elvis eats nulls for breakfast.
Objective-C doesn't care about nulls.
NSString *someString = nil;
[someString callSomeMethod]; // perfectly fine.
Since 1982.
@nhgrif he meant @Duga
@IsmaelMiguel *grabs popcorn*
I want to play with C# 6 now... Been working on these crappy .Net 2.0 websites too long.
You heard me right. 2.0
I'm working on a migration plan to 3.5...
@Quill @Mat'sMug You've met your match.
@Quill I'm very glad this room is not as profane as that.
I usually use FirstOrDefault() because then I get null if there are no results.
I always use First() if I know there will be a result.
This answer deserves a... high amount of upvotes....
A: Marijuana information program

nhgrif Strains() { System.out.println("Select a Strain."); System.out.println("1. Blue Dream"); System.out.println("2. Sour Diesel"); System.out.println("3. OG Kush"); System.out.println("4. Girl Scout Cookies"); System.out.println("5. Green Crack"); System.out.println("6. ...

@nhgrif blaze it up, everyone
I agree with your points.
This question is actually really good.
There's a ton to talk about.
I only addressed a single method (the constructor).
Yeah looks like good stuff
And there's a fundamental misunderstanding of OOP here.
I am anti-marijuana, just for the record.
Make sure you weed out all the redundancies and issues.
@nhgrif which cough does every cough thing cough
@Quill Good pun.
There's a fundamental misunderstanding of programming here.
@RubberDuck I'm not sure I agree.
there are all sorts of things I've seen people do with constructors which should never be done
Writing diagnostics can be like Bilbo stealing the troll's purse.
Every time you turn around, there is another edge case squeaking "'Ere! Oo are you?" at you.
@Hosch250 thanks (and you too, starrer(s))
@IsmaelMiguel I could use some help with a JavaScript problem if you are available.
Or anyone else that is handy with JavaScript.
@SirPython sure, if I can
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because we're not here to peer-review your code. Functioning code can be reviewed on codereview.stackexchange.com — Sam Axe 9 secs ago
@Quill Thanks! Here is my issue.
Read the comments, too.
This is example/stub/hypothetical code and would be closed as such if posted to Code Review. Code Review expect working concrete examples. I recommend you peruse the help center before making more recommendations, @SamAxe. — nhgrif 33 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not a specific programming question, but instead a poll. — nhgrif 11 secs ago
A: Marijuana information program

nhgrif for (int i = 0; i < type.length; i++) { if (ch == 7) { System.out.println("What type of cannabis? " + type[6]); System.out.println(); break; } if (i == ch) { System.out.println("What type of cannabis? " + type[i - 1]); System.out.println(); ...

@SirPython It looks like something is wrong with this if: if(zoneGroups[i][zone].id === id)
So tons of this code starts to brew for years because we have to go search somebody's personal blog to gauge a sentiment? — crokusek 24 secs ago
@Hosch250 That passes successfully.
@nhgrif getting addicted?
Read the comments: I've check absolutely everything, and it still returns null.
Is it possible that zoneGroups[i][zone] is null?
Nope, that is the correct value.
Is it habit-forming?
Does anyone have an Oreos?
@crokusek If you wrote some actual concrete code and were interested in some feedback on it, you could potentially wrangle this into an on-topic Code Review question. But Stack Overflow isn't a good fit for this sort of question. That's not what Stack Overflow is about. And we're not really here to recommend you where to get the information you seek. Just saying that this question, as-is, isn't a fit for Stack Overflow's format. — nhgrif 1 min ago
Live VSDiagnostics debugging underway at twitch.tv/speedzor
@Quill Can you make anything of the answer? Is there any more information that you'd like that you think could help?
Oreos... Nom
@SirPython huh?
Sorry. I wasn't sure if you had an answer to the question or any thoughts.
Sorry, I couldn't really answer it, not without a few coffees and a whiteboard, at least
That's okay. If you need any more information, you can ping me.
Maybe try pimping your question on the SO JavaScript room
Hm, that's a good idea.
However, I already got a comment from someone with a gold JavaScript badge saying that my issue "isn't possible".
I dropped a message, left, and am now watching the responses from an incognito window.
It's funny how different culture is across different rooms
Indeed. Different sites with completely different topics also helps create the difference.
Hey, @Phrancis!
Hey, @Phrancis!
I just spend 45 minutes learning how to work with jmap and heap dumps to verify that there is, in fact, a string with value "java" in the JVM's pool when you make a new project
but getting started with my exams? No, that's too much
Q: TableCellEditor for multiple columns

Charles SextonIs this the best way to do this? public class ProductTableCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor { private TableCellEditor editor; @Override public Object getCellEditorValue() { if (editor != null) { return editor.getCellEditorValue(); ...

1 hour later…
LOL, that is exactly how I feel in college!
Except I am a bit more diligent on my exams and mostly do my thing when there aren't exams.
I got the GeForce driver for Win10 now.
@CaptainObvious indentation pls
I really don't have time to watch 53 minutes of this: youtu.be/FfBctfYlVqk
If you are looking for feedback on a specific working piece of code from your project you better ask it in CodeReview codereview.stackexchange.comBoss 56 secs ago
@Heslacher One question - why would I create an entirely new class AnalyzeResult?
Why not just add those methods to the current class?
Oops, I forgot to put all my fields in the question.
These methods (Try..X()) needs to return 3 values. A bool indicating success, a Location indicating the location of the node and the accessibility as string. The preffered way is to let the method return the bool and use an out parameter to return the remaining values. Using a class is the logical choice for me.
Makes sense, but it really is just a container for this stuff?
What about a struct then?
(It's been years since I've used a struct, so feel free to say I'm being dumb.)
Q: Timer is the best way to achieve recursive in Android?

Sai KiranI'm changing the Viewpager items Programmatically using mViewPager.setCurrentItem(position); with a regular interval of time recursively. Below code works fine. please tell me, is it a best way to achieve this or is there any problem with my code. Thanks in advance. ViewPager mViewPager ; ...

Spam on CR?!
@200_success @Jamal @Mat'sMug ^^
Let's all delete it.
And sorry, but I've got to get ready for bed now. It is past midnight here.
I'll read any replies tomorrow.
Q: Why doesn't my solution to a USACO problem work?

René GPlease see the problem here. I want to solve it by counting the number of variable assignments that make the formula odd and subtracting from the total number of possible assignments. I got the following facts from the problem: $$B + I \equiv G + O + E + S \equiv 1 \mod 2$$ $$\implies B + I + G +...

@Hosch250 I like classes more. I usually avoid structs, don't know why, I just do.
(I feel like actually implementing it... but it's 1:22AM and I'm out)
hey @Heslacher!
hey @Mat'sMug
Q: RPG Character with fluent interface

Edson AlcaláThis implements a fluent interface for RPG game characters. Is this a valid implementation? There are 3 characters: Paladin, Wizard and Elfo. There are 3 items: Potion, Sword, Arch. [TestFixture] public class RPGEngineTest { [Test] public void GivenAPaladin_WithSword_Return() { ...

Hey, thanks so much, I have learned so much about it. I have changed the code with all reviews, should I edit the main post? — Edson Alcalá 33 mins ago
Nitpicks aside, how is this version different than the previous one with regards to the builder implementation? — Mat's Mug ♦ 2 mins ago
I thought my answer was pretty clear about how much of a bad choice a builder pattern was here
anyway, 'night
Q: How secure is this method of password hashing and matching?

Hurricane DevelopmentI took information from a series of posts and some prior knowledge to implement the following hashing algorithm. However there is a lot of talk about what implementations are secure and not secure. How does my method measure up? Is it secure? public static function sha512($token,$cost = 50000...

Q: Shortest path in dag saga: topological sort

coderoddeThe other parts in the series: Shortest path in dag saga: basic graph classes Shortest path in dag saga: Dijkstra's algorithm The next question in series is about topological sort: net.coderodde.graph.pathfinding.support.DepthFirstSearchTraversal: package net.coderodde.graph.pathfinding.sup...

Q: Shortest path in dag saga: Dijkstra's algorithm

coderoddeThe other parts in the series: Shortest path in dag saga: basic graph classes Shortest path in dag saga: topological sort The next part is about Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. See what I have: net.coderodde.graph.pathfinding.AbstractWeightedPathFinder: package net.coderodde.graph.pathf...

hey @Vogel612
I believe this question is more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comsimoco 36 secs ago
Q: SEO: Product with the same description but different specification

RodgeI have different models of products that has name, product description and product specification. The products shares the same product description but they have different specification. How do google SEO handle this? Is google going to penalized my website for having duplicate content? If yes w...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic. It's asking for SEO advice. Should be asked on webmasters.stackexchange.com
A: Password hashing and matching

Mast However, there is a lot of talk about what implementations are secure and not secure. How does my method measure up? Is it secure? Are there more secure methods in PHP for hashing tokens and matching with tokens later on? Since you're specifically asking about security, I think reviewing you...

@Mast That's only for PHP5.6. What about PHP5.3? Or PHP5.5?
@IsmaelMiguel 5.5
He didn't specify a version, so I assume he's up to date.
Otherwise, he should've specified a version.
I use PHP5.3 at work
And plenty of sites still use PHP5.3-PHP5.4
HipHopWM was based on PHP5.3
Do you want me to update it with the 5.3 equivalent?
I don't know much PHP, but I do know security.
Well, you can check the link I've posted there
crypt can be used to implement bcrypt securely.
Q: Best way to organize work

Evgeny SemyonovI work in company with many beginners. We have: 1) GIT as control version system 2) Stash as code review tool 3) Develop branch, which must be stable with fine code But many beginners write not the best code and don't use pull requests. I think about the best method to organize work. My ...

@IsmaelMiguel Yea, I already had that link in my answer when you made that comment.
At the time I commented, it was on the queue
@IsmaelMiguel Linked to a relevant SO answer with implementations for lower versions.
I've upvoted now
[cont.] In any case, you should just have a go at it. Start small, not loading stuff from disk, try to design a basic data structure which has the right behaviour and a reasonably usable interface. If you get stuck on a specific problem on the way, come back and ask here. Once your prototype works, take it for a ride on Code Review to see what could be improved. By then you should have a good grasp on the problem, so improving your tree will be self-sustained. — Quentin 16 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel Thank you
@IsmaelMiguel Off-topic.
Don't reference people to websites you're not active on. We don't like it if SO does that to CR either.
It may be on-topic for Programmers, but perhaps better at Workplace.
Well, I said "could try"
If you do that, link them to a specific post (like I just did on the SEO question) or to their on-topic page
You're right, but it is too late now anyway
@Quill What the fuck happened there...
The queue is clear, but it is saying there's 4 items in the queue!
I already voted
@IsmaelMiguel the number is not calculated for you
there may be 4 items in the queue, but you already went through all
or they're otherwise unabvailable for you
also the count is cached
That explains it
Q: Balanced Expression

Rohit SalujaBelow is the code to determine balancing of symbol. If the expression is balanced then print appropriate message E.g. ((A+B))+(C+D)) --> Balanced ((A+B)+(C+D) ---> Unbalanced ((A+B)+(C+D}) --> Unbalanced Here is the code #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct Stack{ char data; struct...

@Vogel612 Always blame caching.
Talk about obfuscation... stackoverflow.com/a/15786458/1014587
Q: Why can int _$[:>=<%-!.0,}; compile?

amuseToday I found strange syntax like int _$[:>=<%-!.0,}; in some old code, but in fact the code is not commented. There seems to be no report of compile errors for this line. I tested it separately and it can compile too: int main(){ int _$[:>=<%-!.0,}; return 0; } Why can it compile?

How about that one?
@CaptainObvious Broken code
@CaptainObvious One more VTC
Q: Templated Singly-Linked List

AmagicalFishyI'm really new to C++ (very surprised at the leap from Python and others to C++!). The code compiles and works well. This took all day to get to work, and I've the tendency to move on after I get [what I see as] basic functionality. I'd really like to become a good programmer, though. I assume t...

@IsmaelMiguel This one is templated ^^
Still, it's a different title
That's what matters
Does anyone have a good C++ naming convention laying around? All I have around use Hungarian notation.
Ask @Morwenn, he does C++
Do you know Java?
Not sure @Morwenn is awake yet.
He wrote a library, right? I'll see what he uses there.
He did
The cppsort
Wut, he wrote magic.
Q: Fastest way to change the HSV value of all pixels in a bitmap

Matt EllenI want to change all the pixels in an image to have the same value, in terms of the HSV colour space. At the moment I'm running the following code: private Bitmap changeVForAllPixels(Bitmap bitmap, float newV) { int width = bitmap.getWidth(); int height = bitmap.getHeight(); int[] ...

Somewhere around that
auto operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Element& elem)
    -> std::ostream&
I don't know what that is
It looks like a function in a function, but I'm not sure.
Me neither
Have you tried C++?
No, I ran away the first time I saw it
Hah, @Morwenn seems to use Hungarian as well.
        Point<3> p1(2.0, 2.5, 5.2);
        Point<3> p2 = { 0.1, 2.9, 9.000001 };

        Vector<3> v1(2.0, 2.1, 2.2);
        Vector<3> v2 = { 2.5, 8.3, 6. };
        Vector<3> v3 = { p1, p2 };

        Line<3> li = { p1, p2 };

        Direction<3> d1 = v1.direction();
        Direction<3> d2 = li.direction();

        Hypersphere<3> hs1(p1, 5.0);
        Hypersphere<3> hs2 = hs1;
I've never tried python
And that is somewhat what seems like hungarian
I think Python is more up your alley than C++, you may even like it.
It's hard to read
I tried watching my boss try python
@IsmaelMiguel It's actually quite clear, he's defining variables and adding data to them at init.
For a web environment, it isn't good
No, it's not webby enough.
@Mast I was talking about the code you showed
I know
That's why I use PHP
You could server-side something with Python.
Too hard to make it work
I tried that
With Twisted it's as easy as setting up a server with Node.JS
Which is also too hard
I have a server with all confugired
I don't need to change anything
Ah well, I'm all for doing something new.
I will try to implement something on my language
This weekend
Q: Get Current shipping with no endDate otherwise get previous shipping

LearnerI am doing this, var sp = Array.Find(shippings, p => (p.EndDate == null) && (p.Status == "1")); if(sp == null) sp = Array.Find(shippings, p => (p.Status == "1")); If there is no current shipping (enddate will be null) then get previous one with enddate.

@CaptainObvious Example code?
@IsmaelMiguel UWYA
Wanna see the (almost finished) specification of my language?
It will be a really massive language
Q: C# - design to parse and write csv and manipulating data

SabVenkatI've designed the below code for one of the requirement. I have to write different tests for the code and I would need feedback on where I can improve the design. Requirement: 1. Read the customer details from csv, calculate his average expenses on different items on yearly and write to csv agai...

@IsmaelMiguel Sure, didn't know you were in that stage already.
Well, I started by the documentation
I still need to define a few things
Like, how to build a :list, a :dict and and :obj
You're building vi? :P
What's that?
Really, I have no idea what that is
vi /ˈviːˈaɪ/ is a screen-oriented text editor originally created for the Unix operating system. The portable subset of the behavior of vi and programs based on it, and the ex editor language supported within these programs, is described by (and thus standardized by) the Single Unix Specification and POSIX. The original code for vi was written by Bill Joy in 1976, as the visual mode for a line editor called ex that Joy had written with Chuck Haley. Bill Joy's ex 1.1 was released as part of the first BSD Unix release in March, 1978. It was not until version 2.0 of ex, released as part of Seco...
As far as I know, no, I'm not building that
But why you asked if I'm building vi?
So, it's a high-level multi-purpose language?
@IsmaelMiguel Syntax reminded me
That's the idea!
The high-level multi-purpose
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is more suited for the guys over at codereview.stackexchange.comBasti M 39 secs ago
It's also meant to be hard to read
Q: Stripping Inner p tags

Naveenkumar ChinnakalappaI need to parse a xml content and need to strip inner p tags. <p><span>test</span></p> <p><span>test12</span></p> <p>Some text<p><span>test</span></p></p> In my above test the last p tag has inner p tag inside. I need to find inner p tags of p tag. i tried as below public static void main(St...

Q: Is there a more compact way to write this go code?

Filip HaglundI'm imagining go generate would be a good tool for this. I want to convert strings to ints to save space. type Source int func NewSource(s string) Source { switch s { case "Twitter": return Twitter case "Facebook": return Facebook case "Gplus": return Gpl...

@BastiM For further reading, specifically this: Please do not vote to close with a custom reason that "it belongs on Code Review"DavidG 54 secs ago
@Mast Well yeah, I was awake. Simply not in this room.
What was the question again?
@Morwenn He wanted to know what naming convention you use on cppsort
C++ standard library naming convention. snake_case everything except for the template parameters which are PascalCase.
But he wanted to know if you were using Hungarian notation or not
It's true that I still have a bit of PascalCase names for classes in other libraries but that's mostly legacy.
I don't know what Hungarian notation is.
Instead of color, isEmpty, canDestroy
@Morwenn Joel wrote a long case about it if you want the full story
Hungarian notation has the type as the prefix and then the name
Like this: intColor, bIsEmpty, bCanDestroy
Hungarian notation would be pretty dumb for in generic libraries. You simply don't know what your types are.
Recent Hungarian notation is the form which is considered evil, like uCount if it's an unsigned, vPeople if it's a vector of People, etc.
And I don't like it either way. If you ever change the type of a variable, you have to change its name altogether.
Not only on one place but everywhere
I've never had to change the type of a variable after release. In such cases more is rewritten than just the type.
But they told me it's bad, so I'm looking for alternatives.
Of course, after a realease, changing a type often means breaking at best the ABI and at worst the API.
My naming sucks, so if anyone has a great naming scheme for C++ that would be great.
I name stuff in English. Types are never plural and variables are plural if they model a collection.
@Morwenn ABI?
Application Binary Interface?
Yeah, that.
I don't know what it means, but it sounded lke a valid abbrevation :P
Let's say that if you change a type in a struct, it might change the size and/or padding of the struct. From a programmer point a view (API), it doesn't matter. However, if your library was distributed as a .dll, it might change the place where programs using it have to look at.
Same if you reorder members in a struct. The programmer doesn't care, but you broke the ABI.
So you have to compile again everything using the library against this new ABI.
AH, that makes sense
Say if you translated your example to Java, the API part still makes sense
not sure how the ABI translates, there is a different binary file generated, and if you use reflection or black magic on the source, then reordering also has the chance to break things
Back to Hungarian notation: what matters to a programmer is not which type you are actually using, but which concept it models. In other words, what you can do with it. That's also how duck typing works.
@skiwi I don't know for Java.
@Morwenn That's kind of how the original Hungarian worked.
Use prefixes which indicate usage.
A function name should already convey context.
Ah well, it's explained in the article I linked.
is_empty() makes it clear, not that a boolean is returned, but that something that can be used as a boolean is returned. Which is enough from the programmer point of view.
Oh, I didn't take the time to read it. But at least you have my point of view :)
For booleans it's pointless indeed, but I used it in the past to keep track of the difference between vector, list and array
I might've sometimes used things like peopleArray and peopleList if the type had to be clear
float, int and unsigned are also candidates
@Mast Use iterator concepts everywhere and you're fine :p
With auto there is less need for such trickery (although I still prefer unsgined in some for loops over int). itertools for the rest.
The most importance question remains « which concept do I need my type to model? ».
Then you can name the variable after the concept.
Isn't that also what typedeffing all is about?
@skiwi typedef is more like an alias which saves a lot of characters.
When in doubt, snake_case?
At first, I was using PascalCase but what I write tends to be close to the features offered by the standard library. So I use the same case so that it looks similar.
1st Im not asking for a Code Review, it was just an example, the easiest i could think, as my current project is "a bit longer" so copying/pasting the whole code (that i still need to debug) is unnecesary and would take so long for everyone to read. — Dante's Dream 29 secs ago
@Morwenn So you aren't following some book of guidelines.
@Mast I think I've only read one programming-related book and never followed any existing guidelines for my personal code. I only write what I think makes sense and try to be consistent.
Unless when consistency leads to unreadable things.
When I'm at work, or when I work on someone else's project, I follow their style of course.
@Morwenn Of-course, but there doesn't seem to be consistency between them.
I'm doing something wrong and making it MCVE for SO is going to be a PITA.
@Mast Well, POLDER isn't an example of consistency. I still have to snake_case the whole geometry module. But if I do that without changing some method's names I get name clashes.
The joy of refactoring!
@Morwenn Isn't that a naming problem?
Uh, namespace problem.
@Mast That's because I hate to write methods whose name begins with get.
For example, I currently have a direction method which returns a Direction object.

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