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@Mast looks good, I read it on my phone while I was waiting for the coffee to brew enough for me to take a cup
Q: T-SQL to update datetime fields from utc to local time zone?

NinjaDeveloperI have create sql quary to update datetime fields from utc to local time zone can review it and give me some advice BWT BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION --update rrnForm UPDATE [dbo].[registrationForms] SET VisitPhoneDate = (CONVERT(datetime2, SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,RrnVisitPhoneD...

@Malachi I like his answer overall. I think it is what should be done
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about refactoring working code are better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comBrad Werth 50 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel you mean that we should have more restrictions on when the tag is used?
Q: Mock/Stub out filesystem in f# for unit testing

koenmetsuI'm looking to do some basic verification testing on my functions that write to the filesystem. I took a hint from https://britebit.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/my-first-experience-of-f-object-expressions/ on how to mock out the filesystem using an interface, but I'm kinda bummed on how the FileSyst...

Q: Search and Replace Text in CSV file using Python

Chand_007I just started with Python 3.4.2 and trying to find and replace text in csv file. In Details, Input.csv file contain below line: 0,0,0,13,.\New_Path-1.1.12\Impl\Appli\Library\Module_RM\Code\src\Exception.cpp 0,0,0,98,.\Old_Path-1.1.12\Impl\Appli\Library\Prof_bus\Code\src\Wrapper.cpp 0,0,0,26...

I didn't know you couldn't put a bounty on a question that someone else already put one on, I thought that you could double up?
Q: Create folder and export resolution ratios for artboard

BlairSilleAfter searching the internet, I was able to find a base JavaScript file in order to build upon for my project. Which is to create a Adobe Illustrator Script that will create the desired Folders and then export different resolution ratios for each artboard. This method is used in order to create W...

@Malachi Yes, I meant that. In my useless opinion, we should restrict the usage of the tag. If both posts are tagged with the tag and both links are in each post, that should do it and avoids a close-vote for duplicate.
@EthanBierlein Greetings
Well, I guess it's time for the Win10 upgrade. See you all in a bit.
@EthanBierlein Tell me your experience after
I will
Don't break it!
Nvm, I forgot that I had a phone
Well, the configuration process is already at 15%
This might not take as long as I thought
@EthanBierlein I always forget I have a phone. But then I'm remembered of it every morning then the alarm rings
I've got into the "Engeneer Menu" and edited the pre-amplifier parameters to give +7db
Otherwise, I can't wake up
I can't imagine how much work/effort must have been put into windows 10. The .iso file is a 3GB download.
@IsmaelMiguel I take it you have a not-iphone phone?
@EthanBierlein I have a ZTE SF220(?)
Let me go look that up
It's just giving me a bunch of routers/modems.
I have a Samsung GT-E1180
My cellphone is old
Give me 1 minute and I tell the right model
Mine is a TMN 5000
No problem you are welcome! Just now from other posts i came to know, this forum is only for code review. Thanks for your time! Sorry for inconvenience. — Chand_007 19 mins ago
this forum
Yeah, I hate when people say it too...
But I try to play it cool and just walk it off
Q: C++ Project structure and versatile makefile for file structure

jpmorrI have a makefile that I've been using to compile my shared libraries which reads in the files from different folders and then builds the objects and binaries in their own folders. The folder structure I'm using is roughly displayed below. -Folder | +--API Header Files Dir | +--Library (.so)...

A: Frequently Posted Comments

MastStack Exhange and Code Review are not fora Stack Exchange is not a forum Replace Stack Exchange for Code Review if preferred.

@Mast meh. not really a useful auto-comment. It's more of a knee-jerkish reaction.
though correctly so it can definitely come off as very rude
The wording can be improved
"Please, notice that this is not a forum. All StackExchange-based websites are Question and Answer websites."
@IsmaelMiguel It's a community wiki. Have fun with it ^^
Alright, I'm editing
Q: Code Analysis: object can be disposed more than once

Doug DawsonI received a code analysis warning in Visual Studio 2013, but I'm not sure why and I wondering if anyone can give me some insight. Original Code: using (var stream = client.OpenRead(httpAddress)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); return conte...

@IsmaelMiguel I noticed, I get updates as OP.
From there, you can make something even better
I'm currently trying to kick my python as hard as I can.
It's refusing to install matplotlib on my main machine (Linux-side)
@Mast Good thing I'm not your python.
Well, it's case to say that Python is bitting your a$$
I don't like pythons in my ass.
Who does?
I don't know, never tried it. Don't intend to
Python is not about snakes though.
This became very awkward
Next topic, please
Q: Signum function

MCMasteryI found a neat way to find the signum of a number (Java): public static int signum(int x) { return x != 0 ? x / abs(x) : 0; } This is the Java method: public static double signum(double d) { return (d == 0.0 || Double.isNaN(d))?d:copySign(1.0, d); } I was thinking my method was not ...

For those still interested in kicking python:
Q: Installing matplotlib

MastI got the following error while trying to install matplotlib using pip under Ubuntu 15.04 (Python 2.7.9). Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/basecommand.py", line 122, in main status = self.run(options, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packag...

@CaptainObvious That's off-topic by the way.
@CaptainObvious I'd stick on it, but in light of recent meta...
That tag should go away.
So although it's fitting, I refuse!
Well, I wouldn't touch that question
Nice, 4 more hours of work
Then it is weekend!
@Mast I've changed a bit more your answer to match others' format
Yea, I'll have to rollback SirPython's edit with a bit of trickery now.
Ah, you already did.
I did what?
I f*cked up again?
@CaptainObvious one of them isn't OP's code. Not sure which.
I've copied the code of the first function
And this pastebin: pastebin.com/cfbDZzca
If you are trying to increase readability see here: python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008 If you want others to review and comment on your working code post here: codereview.stackexchange.comabaldwin99 18 secs ago
@Mat'sMug The code he wants reviewed is what he wrote to imitate the other code that he didn't write. that sounds on-topic, right?
@Malachi you know what to do ;-)
@Malachi it's not off-topic per se, but the "original" code should be in a blockquote
Q: answer for the questions in c coding

charu dharaniRon Wesley has been bit by a three headed snake and Harry Potter is searching for a potion. The Witch promises to tell the ingredients of the medicine if Harry can find equi pair of an array. Listen to the conversation between Harry The witch to know more about equi pairs. Conversation:- The ...

Emphasis on working code - if this is broken (like it is as currently posted, indentation matters in Python), it's off-topic on CodeReview — jonrsharpe 50 secs ago
@BrianWhite - which is why you want a code review process in place, so that you can educate them before it hits production. — candu 55 secs ago
@Mat'sMug and done
@Jamal must be on break?
LOL, if they think it's so great to work there maybe you should suggest they start charging people to come in to work every day. That will weed out the employees interested in money. — user1450877 yesterday
maybe not?
@IsmaelMiguel No, it's good.
@Mast You sure?
"I love the work. Unfortunately, my mortgage lender (or landlord) insists on cash". — Laconic Droid yesterday
That one is the gem (136 upvotes)
It's $120 from the U's bookstore.
To the restaurant with wife
@Mast Lucky. Have fun dude
@Hosch250 Why so expencive?
@IsmaelMiguel Because Textbooks.
@IsmaelMiguel Because the United States College Textbook industry is one of the most overpriced industries in existence.
I never thought I'd come to this. I'm looking up how to use goto in C#.
@EBrown Isn't that Apple and that brand of crappy headphones?
@Hosch250 But why?
Do you need it? Do you REALLY need it?
Because, I'm writing unit tests for an analyzer that complains about it.
Sounds fun
Once upon a time, I used to write in C#
That was 5 years ago
It's pie.
The thing I'm most proud of is a tiny program that saves text inside a PNG file
Instead of writting colors, it writes the bytes as a color
It has support for 2 languages and writes a few settings on a .ini file, in a very crude way
And if I write a string, it will allow to save the source code
I think I'm most proud of my translation helper.
Q: Validate Profile Completeness

MECUThis just feels like it could be done better, but I can't figure how. This function checks these 6 fields for a user profile to determine if they have "completed" their profile. /** * Is the user's entire profile filled in? * * @return boolean */ public function isProfileComplete() { $...

@Hosch250 Can you explain it?
It lets you create and edit resx/resw files and display lots of them side-by-side.
That's amazing!
Once, I wrote a paint program in TI-BASIC
It would allow to draw lines (vertical, horizontal, any line you wanted), squares, free design and delete regions
Nothing that hard
Nice, I was uploading a file at a lightning fast speed of 3.4Kbps!
who is downvoting the Meta post and not saying anything?
What Meta post?
Q: Comparing [tag:comparative-review] to a regular review

Malachi I think that a comparative review should be 2 questions, and then the user can take the answers from both and do the comparing on their own. then they can decide what is going to work best for their situation. This came from chat. There is a lot of discussion in Chat about comparative-revie...

Ah, I upvoted all those things.
I really don't see the reason for fussing over .
I've got to go to a meeting right now, though.
I'm not downvotting
Sorry, forgot to star it, but it was fixed
Q: Is it possible to upgrade a Chromebook Linux version?

Peter David CarterI am running an Intel Chromebook with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and would like to upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Is it possible to create code that does this?

@CaptainObvious Why u come here?!
@CaptainObvious Wow, I've never seen that before. Usually a post needs to be moved to programmers or SO.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on AskUbuntu.com — Malachi 1 min ago
Guess what? We are always complaining about that close reason.
@Hosch250 what do you mean?
I also flagged it
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on Code Review.
That's what I mean.
@Jamal Holy ____. In 2015?
oh yeah, I know. I wouldn't have done it except for it does belong on AskUbuntu
Told Jimmy Johns to draw a dragon on my sandwich. We'll see what I get.
Delivery Instructions: Draw a dragon on it, please.
@Jamal At least it isn't Portugol
@Jamal I cannot believe it. I literally cannot believe it.
@EBrown I thought they were a satellite company?
@IsmaelMiguel The upgrade experience was smooth, but 1 1/2 hours of network troubleshooting wasn't.
the boss just came over while I had chat open....lol
but he told me good work on fixing the reports this morning
@Hosch250 No? Just a sandwich shop.
> Company: Savvy Technology Solutions
It turns out, all I had to do to get my wireless connection working was restart my laptop twice.
a lot of people are out of the office so I jumped on the issue right away
I'm pretty sure they are a portable john company here.
@EthanBierlein That sucks, and it's nuts!
It must have been a hardware conflict of some kind.
@EthanBierlein I had the same problem. However, if you just open up the Device Manager and uninstall all the corrupted drivers, and then restart, you should be good.
I did too, on the Surface.
let's stop downvoting that question people, I flagged for migration and I am sure that it doesn't help that we are messing with it so much
@SirPython That's the thing though, none of my drivers were broken/corrupted.
So it was odd.
@rolfl Hi, monkey. Interested? ;-)
Installed to my account, went to my sister's account and removed my admin account and made her admin so I wouldn't need to allow the UAC so often.
Wifi stopped working. Restart fixed it.
@Malachi My boss is on Vacation until Monday, so I'm safe. :)
@Jamal I guess I don't qualify: Education Level: Some College Coursework Completed
never went to college ;-)
It's never too late!
Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a college class that teaches COBOL.
@Jamal You would be surprised.
The college I went to offered a COBOL course in 2012.
Hmmm... not even working for them.... but for their client. Interesting: Our Internship program is designed to prepare high talent and self-motivated individuals for future careers with our San Antonio, TX client.
Not even my community college offers one, and definitely not my university.
I would give you some suggestions but this isn't the place to ask people to optimize your code for you. Check Code Review and see if it is more appropriate for your request. — Captain Obvlious 32 secs ago
My university offered a single COBOL class, it was a 100-level, and 2-credit-hours.
@EBrown Here in Portugat it isn't uncommum to have classes of Portugol (COBOL written in Portuguese)
@Duga facepalm
@Hosch250 Captain Obvious is already taken
So Jimmy Johns drew Trogdor on my bag.
Not disappointed.
So, the code works as expected? Probably better to post this to Code Review. Please read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first. — Artjom B. 46 secs ago
@EBrown Photo? If you want, obviously
Not bad! Needs a bit of working, but not bad at all!
he's the burninator, not the destroyer of worlds :o
@DanLyons What can you expect from a sandwich shop? :P I'll take it.
@EBrown Mayo and Ketchup art?
If there's any mayo art on it I wouldn't know, devouring this sandwich.
I knew it had been too long since the last time I had to deal with text encoding issues. Looks like I'm finally due for another.
UTF-8 string with a bad character (x96) read into a C# string which is UTF-16 and stored in a database column as varchar (ASCII)
@DanLyons Just require specific encodings. I only allow UTF-8 or UCS-2 (UTF-16) encodings.
I store into SQL Server as nvarchar (UTF-16) for that reason. :P
well, I'm stuck with the UTF-8 for the file, since I don't control it, and I can't change how C# strings work, so that's UTF-16
The only reason I support UTF-16 is because that is the C# internals.
As a result I store all my files as UTF-16.
but at least I can try and migrate the SQL column to nvarchar, which is technically UCS-2 (but mostly close enough to UTF-16)
@EBrown I had a COBOL class 2 years ago.
I suppose once I do that, I can determine how necessary it is to deal with the x96 character
Q: i need to optimize my c++ code please

D4IVT3I have to create a box 5x5 using the images that they gave me, and my first solution was to create 25 variables and print them, which is very inefficient but it was the first thought that occurred to me, now I would like to optimize this code is there some way? here I leave the declaration of...

Q: Finding LCA for binary tree in c++

Suraj PalweThis is what I have written to get the LCA of binary tree in c++. I want to know at which conditions these will fail. I am sure about it but can't figure it out. node * lca(node * root, int v1,int v2) { if(root == NULL) return root; if(v1 <= root->data && v2 >= root->data) ...

@DanLyons What is wrong with the 0x96 character?
Please migrate to the stack page CodeReview — JJFord3 51 secs ago
it's a continuation character and shouldn't be on its own
Ah, I was thinking the Code Point itself.
Not the actual 0x96 byte.,
@JJFord3 No, Code Review is for optimizing working code, not for rewriting code to a different language/script/etc. — EBrown 48 secs ago
@EBrown Is 0x96 the à character?
@IsmaelMiguel No.
Maybe it is the 3rd char on ┖
Q: Mifare AES-128 symmetric key diversification

AchachiI have implemented a symmetric (AES 128-bit) key diversification algorithm for Java following the NXP Notes. It works as expected but am not the best Java programmer around, I guess I have done quite a mess so I need help on how can improve the code and make it better? import java.io.ByteArrayOu...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Are we coding or what?
@IsmaelMiguel there can be more than one user with the same username.
@Malachi How come it doesn't generate confusion?
everything backend is based on userID and not on username, and your login is usually based on email or googleID or StackExchangeID which are all unique
@CaptainObvious Optimizing a declaration of variables?
@OllieKlein Then you might be asking the wrong question. You might be better served by posting all the code involved in Code Review or in another question on Stack Overflow. You would get better answers if we had the full picture. — isanae 43 secs ago
ugh, I just checked my email.
567 unread emails.
time to unsubscribe from pinterest and facebook?
@rolfl I was going to make a joke about the p--- sites there, but I'll keep it SFW.
@EBrown You can base64 encode it, or hexadecimal encoded
@Malachi But now Imagine that I want to ping Malachi. How do I do that?
never seen another @Malachi in Chat.
What about on a comment section?
but I would imagine that you select them in the little popup thing when you start typing my name
comments, if I am not in the comment thread, my name won't show up
But if 2 Malachi comment on the same post, it will be awful
@IsmaelMiguel What would happen then?
I am aware of the chat, but the comment section doesn't show images
@SirPython You wouldn't know which Malachi is which
@Malachi Gather up all the other Malachi's on SO, find a single post with something wrong with it, and get everyone to post a similar comment on that post explaining.
just go to all their posts (the ones that are active) and post the link to chat here, and have fun....lol
Q: Picking a Server randomly out of a server list C Code

Mikecan someone help in writing a better code to pick a random server out of a list of servers from an Array, for some reason, when i run this it always picks the 1st or second server only, it is really not happening randomly for some reason, i was told that the Random function works better when the ...

@CaptainObvious That is not C code...
looks like C#
Or Java
Or similars
actually yeah, it's more likely java, due to the method casing
@EBrown I don't get it
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for code review. Try the Code Review Site instead (but read their rules first!) — Colonel Thirty Two 32 secs ago
@EBrown LOL, I like that popup.
@Hosch250 I'm keeping this in mind for one of my projects.
@EBrown Keeping what in mind?
@ColonelThirtyTwo This was already posted on Code Review. Here's a link: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/99246/…Ismael Miguel 59 secs ago
@Hosch250 That image.
@anonymous Code Review, help section: "Reviewers may comment on any part of the code". He decided not to review your algorithm. — Ismael Miguel 33 secs ago
i am looking for code review.. which approach is right? — Elankeeran 46 secs ago
Q: Java Help Needed for a project

Sanjay Chandhere is my program.. import java.util.*; public class inputthreenumbers { //construct an input pipeline static Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] args) { double num1, num2, num3; double temp; System.out.print("Enter the thr...

@EthanBierlein Greetings
@CaptainObvious @EthanBierlein putting lipstick on a pig (and that badly) is not helping anybody ...
What, do you wan't me to roll it back or something?
no.. but it's gonna die
no edit will help that
it makes the corpse a little prettier though :)
@Vogel612 I burned it.
@EBrown TS
Q: Asynchronously accepting multiple client connections without impacting main thread

Ashley DaviesI am implementing a multi-player game in C# and having seen all sorts of projects, from indie developers all the way to large studios struggle to patch networking into existing products in the past, have made the decision to get the networking aspect done first, and build the game on top of that....

@CaptainObvious Seems like a good question.
Q: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting end-of-input in Line 8

user734204I am very new to Ruby,And I am facing error on below code as "syntax error, unexpected keyword_end, expecting end-of-input in line 8". Can any one help me what is the mistake in my code. Class Paste def pasteinfo(companyname,brand,price) @companyname=companyname @brand=brand ...

@CaptainObvious It has broken code, mangled between the text
Q: Optimizing Script to Make it More Pythonic

Scoutdrago3First, I'll start off with my script: #!/usr/bin/env python """Scraping information from https://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/death_row/dr_executed_offenders.html""" import requests, time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from collections import defaultdict url = "https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death_row/dr_e...

@Quill all edits put on hold questions into the reopen queue. If you can't edit a question into being on topic, don't edit it.
I already did
Just one more vote to close that.... thing...
I win again.
I was the first one to vote to kill it
Q: User mention not showing up in comment

AttilioI'm trying to reply to this comment by mentioning the name of the user who gave the answer (using @user syntax). The problem is, that the user name is not appearing at all, at the beginning of my follow up comment. I tried with the first part of the name, and with both names, still no success. Wh...

@StackExchange @mods status-bydesign please
You may want to ask this on code review. — Cyral 40 secs ago
stupid Unity3d
@IsmaelMiguel It would be @janos because he came in fifth.
Re: meta comment.
@rolfl Most of them are actually from the python-ideas mailing list, Stackexchange. I haven't checked my email in ~1 month, so that may be the reason too.
A: Script for adding a set of form fields on clicking an Add More button

andrewPut the php code outside the form, run it once and create a variable with the options, something like: $dropDownList = '<select name="vat" id="find" data-required="true"><option value="">Select Vat</option>'; $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM `tax_vat` "); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_a...

Q: Game of life in F#

PsytronicFirst attempt at doing anything F#-y from a very heavy C# background, think I've grasped the fundamentals of FP, but always good to get other eyes on it: namespace FSharp.GameOfLife open System open System.Drawing module Array2D = let toArray (arr: 'T [,]) = arr |> Seq.cast<'T> |> Seq.toAr...

Does anyone know which user "owns" @RoboSanta?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better suited on Code Review, yet it's not in the list of possible migrations. — Jashaszun 39 secs ago
greetings, humans
@Vogel612 thanks for the feature request, it's done
If your code works, but you are looking for improvements you should ask this question on codereview.stackexchange.com instead of SO. — Pshemo 1 min ago
ugh, unity answers is really annoying
just got back to work on my motorcycle, look out the window, and it's raining
Today I worked 11h 40m
And still have work to do
@nhgrif I don't know which question you're talking about in particular, especially seeing as I was fast asleep when you made that comment. Also, it's not the first time you've made that comment. If you're talking about stack implementation using arrays then fair enough, otherwise, you may have misplaced a ping.
Q: Summarizing income and expense information by month

bdeshamI made myself a simple budgeting application. Each transaction is stored in the “transactions” table: CREATE TABLE transactions ( -- Foreign key into the "categories" table, not shown here. (In reality this -- has a NOT NULL constraint instead of a default, but this makes the -- exam...

@Vogel612 That actually is a profession though, lol
just not here
@Quill I know..
Apparently all that my Perlin noise terrain generation algorithm does is generate an ass.
Q: HTML5 Learning - Am I respecting HTML good practices?

Nairolf21I'm trying to learn HTML5 and I'm interested to respect good practices of this language. I've learned it was better to use tags as <section> or <header>, to make your code more readable, than use always <div> tag. I don't care about SEO (because my project doesn't target web), so I suppose that...

@Quill That's the one.
Ah, well, I must apologise, usually I make a point of not editing questions destined for closure.
@EthanBierlein It looks like a open book to me
lol not to me
I think the book would be in bad condition if it's spine bent like that
Q: Mocking dependencies when unit testing AngularJS services with QUnit

JeroenI'm trying to unit test an AngularJS service that is dependent on another service, using QUnit as my testing framework. The first test I'm writing is one to verify that my service calls another service under specific circumstances. Below is a runnable example. The actual app code has been simpli...

"Any call to make_autoscope with a lambda as the deleter, and your code blows up." UB, but if the lambda is stateless, it probably won't be noticeable. -- IMO, the form of your answer suggest that the OP should have been posted on CodeReview rather than StackOverflow. — dyp 11 secs ago
Why everybody say that code is about intent?
In that case, if you have working code that you'd like to tune for speed I'd recommend taking a hop over to Code Review as this is more their kind of question. — CoryKramer 18 secs ago
Sure. Most places have a code review policy in place. And simultaneously, security issues abound on the web. SQL injection is one of the most common despite all the education — Brian White 12 secs ago
Q: Selection Sort algorithm in Java

ManishI'm relatively young in Java, and am familiar with only the basics of the language, yet. I've started studying data structures, and I've made an attempt to create a solution for the selection sort algorithm. After many attempts with errors and exceptions, I've managed to come up with what looks l...

Q: Generating 3D voxel terrain with Perlin Noise

Ethan BierleinI've created this simple 3D voxel terrain generator using Perlin Noise. I have a few concerns about it though. Is there any way to make it more performant? It currently takes ~1.5 seconds to generate a 200x200 map. Am I splitting up the different "jobs" of the generator correctly? Is my general...

Have fun dude

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