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One minute left until the new stackland week!
There are 1356 unanswered questions (94.5898% answered)
@Duga No. No. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no n on on opn o n on
Greetings @Quill
Please excuse this message, @EthanBierlein has been shipped off to an insane asylum.
@EthanBierlein It's not Stackland Week until new SEDE data is shipped ;P
SELECT TOP 1 Id, CreationDate FROM Posts ORDER BY CreationDate DESC
Id    CreationDate
----- -------------
94957 2015-06-28 03:10:43
^^ :(
Select max(CreationDate) from Posts
@EthanBierlein I'm not sure if I should vote on somebody posting from an insane asylum.
Thnanx snantar!
@rolfl If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing :p
July 4th.
@EthanBierlein Parameterized queries are actually quite easy to write, it's baffling that so many don't use them
Hmm yeah.
disinterest. :p
Heh... flags & elections..... do the math:
@rolfl Thanks for handling them.
Past 30 days -> 864 flags, average handling time 0 days 0 hours 17 minutes 0 seconds
Good job.
Past 7 days -> 488 flags, average handling time 0 days 0 hours 15 minutes 0 seconds
That's amazing.
Am I doing that wrong?
no space allowed.
No spaces.
Anyway, you get the point. :p
Let Me Flag That For You?
Addicted to CR, is really just addicted to awesome community, and the best SE mods supporting it.
But, then I won't get the credit :(
I felt like that when I misspelled raspberry. lol
Jamal is also deflagging at the moment....
I have a feeling Jamal would do really good as a editor for a publishing company :P
I wonder if any CRers ever see ninja edits on other SE/discussion/forum-esque sites and think/say that it got jamalized.
A: I would like to learn how to gain reputation, and learn how not to lose it on Stack Exchange

UmaimaI also Have the same Question. Please Accept my Question as a true Answer. This will improve my Reputations & yours also.

I was busy downvoting this.
Why did he tick it?
Either it's a sock, or he's just gullible.
Flagged all three.
@Quill I wouldn't mind. I hope it doesn't require an English or some arts degree.
Now, a comment in response to a removed comment is obsolete, right?
Editor for a Programming instructionals publishing company, best of both worlds
If those exist
@Quill Textbook companies.
Editing code comments? Hell yeah!
No, I have a rolfl SE comment that responds to a removed comment by another user.
The first and only programming book I have, I won an online auction for the Dogecoin equivalent of about 40 cents, with free shipping.
It was Objective-C, so I never bothered to read all of it
@rolfl Thanks.
Think it is fine as-is, or no?
@Hosch250 I think any time the system thinks it's low quality, it should be improved regardless ;-)
I think it is because it is so short.
I looked through the Q again, and I don't know of anything else to say.
I suppose I could delete the answer.
No, don't delete. I "Looks Good" the review, but, it's short... that's all.
you may even get a +1 from me, not sure yet.
@Mat'sMug Thanks.
OK, just one day left!
That'll teach me to post good answer to bad question ;D
@Phrancis where's that?
A: I would like to learn how to gain reputation, and learn how not to lose it on Stack Exchange

PhrancisBy doing exactly not that, you will have a reasonable chance at gaining reputation. Instead... Ask good, interesting questions; Answer questions with useful advice; Check out the Tour and Help Center for more details.

Can anyone help me out a little?
Well, I can try.
I've been trying to mess with the StackExchange API
And I need to retrieve all the tags in a question
So far, you can try it here: api.stackexchange.com/docs/…
Let's see.
I can write a SEDE query to demonstrate.
I need this for the bot, so, I don't think it will help
I don't know
But there, i can get a load of info about a single question
Info that I don't need
  "tags": [
the tags are included as part of the response, no?
@Phrancis - any reason why you chose to go with a dozen tables, rather than 1 table with a tag-type column?
But look at all the other stuff that I don't want
It also didn't need to receive an answer on the main site.
@IsmaelMiguel /questions/id will give you information about questions...
Now I'm lost...
@Mat'sMug But it has too much garbage
And I'm trying to filter it out and only obtain as minimum as possible
what you consider garbage is valuable information for others. this isn't Ismael's API!
I know
But since it had a filter, maybe there's a way to remove what's garbage for me
And only obtain the "juice"
URGH, the API is so confusing
But I'll give it a go
I deleted that answer based on a comment someone gave.
you didn't have to delete it. I mean, if you just moved the 2nd conditional after the first function call, you do reduce branching on the found case by 50% per iteration
@Hosch250 oh wow. this is why I ♥ how C# would have said ref found
@Mat'sMug That's site's useless for what I want, can't find anything there.
But anyways, thanks for the help
but it would be the perfect place to ask, and get answers IMO
> Stack Apps is a question and answer site for apps, scripts, and development with the Stack Exchange API.
@Snowhawk04 I'm not quite sure what you mean here.
Don't both have to check?
And the value can change in the first function call, so we have to check twice?
the smell is the ref parameter
just thought it through and it would have no effect on branching since once its found, it would bail through and unwind
@IsmaelMiguel So, let's say you have an ID and load the page.
Could you read the HTML?
Because you could always extract the tags from there.
@Hosch250 that's waaay overkill
the API gives you the tags as part of a JSON object
11 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
  "tags": [
Yeah, better to dig them out from the API.
problem is that this JSON object contains much, much, much more information than what Ismael needs, and perhaps the API would have a way to only request a question's tags
So, is the API different from the SEDE?
Because we need fresh information regularly.
I found it myself
Just messed around with this non-sense pile of non-sense
@Hosch250 it's what powers the SE app... nothing to do with SEDE
Use the filter !Frv9SENgPho8ZP2n*gFopr8oO-
@IsmaelMiguel wut
Looks like something that would be posted as part of a detective puzzle on Puzzling.SE.
> "easy as pie! just use the filter !Frv9SENgPho8ZP2n*gFopr8oO- and you're set"
Well, that filter is used on the API
@rolfl I thought it'd be simpler to copy just the table you want into your query
It retrieves the tag list, the question ID and the last time there was any activity
Not a bad idea though, I'll admit
Go to that link, it has the JSON I wanted
Webpage can't be found here.
Use the 2nd 'link'
Wow. So many of our really old unanswered questions are questions...
Obligatory XKCD of Lisp parenthesis being weapons (cyber-warfare, anyone?).
Dishes time. BBL.
Q: New to C#, wrote this calculator, is there a better way I can write this?

AntI'm pretty new to C# and was just wondering if there is a better way I can write this calculator that I made. Open to all feedback: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace AnthonyCalcul...

@CaptainObvious New to titles, wrote this title, is there a better way I can write this title?
@DVK - I stand corrected. I should have said his zombie. Unfortunately, writing letters to zombies is an exercise in futility. They never write back. — Wad Cheber yesterday
but our zombies sometimes leave a green checkmark :)
^^ someone with an account on scifi.se should flag that comment thread. way too chatty. and mentions nazis early on.
@CaptainObvious That's some weird indentation at the beginning. I think we're also running out of calculator titles.
@Jamal Calculator in C#?? really?
I could've just made it "Calculator", but that's not enough characters.
^^ actual LoL
@Mat'sMug Think I should learn LOLCODE just so I can write "CALCULOLTOR in LOLCODE)"?
lol... don't ... tempt... me
Anyone want to try a new feature I've added on SirPython's chat?
@EthanBierlein Some?
Are you sure it is just "some" spacing?
Maybe it's "a lot"
The indentation is actually a "little" bad :/
It doesn't follow a structure
Could be worst
At least it is indented
@EthanBierlein Can you spare 5 minutes?
@IsmaelMiguel Sure. What do you need?
scrollbarH.css({display:"none",position:"absolute",height:"5px",width:scrollbarH_length+"px",top:scroller.innerHeight()-7+"px",left:0,background:"black",border:"1px white solid","-webkit-border-radius":"5px",opacity:"0.9"});
Can you check the bot?

 SirPython's Mansion

A place for SirPython to test out his servant, SirAlfred
Freaking internet.
It could be worst
Have you ever downloaded 7-zip at a speed of 29Bps?
(29 bytes per second)
Yeah, and I was remotelly connected to that computer
5 minutes to update the screen when I opened a folder
I tried downloading a 4GB something or other, and the timer said 17 days left.
I don't have problems with that anymore
My internet is being bottlenecked
I have a 120MBps connection
But the internal network is limited to 100MBps
The worst is the ping when playing
It shows 140-300 and lags like 4000-15000
I feel like the pro zombie slayer right now
If you like PHP, you can kill mine
I'm a zombie factory
lol PHP
You can ask @Quill though
He's off
By the way
What does the meta say about posting a question to review code that is primarly owned by someone else, but that was a group effort to make it work?
And By off I meant offline
@IsmaelMiguel Hmm. Not sure.
do you own or maintain it?
It's SirPython's bot
I'd ask him directly then
That would be a really good idea
I'll ask him tomorrow
Darn, you beat me to it @Mat'sMug! :D
I hope I didn't make delegates too complicated, it's really code.
I'll keep this quote nearby for future reviews where user validation is deficient:
> QA engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.
@Mat'sMug You have spelling issue in your answer:
public enum CalculatorOperation
    Subtrat, <<<
thanks. ninja-edited :)
Congrats on 10k, @Vogel612!
woot woot! we have a new post-grad mod-tools user! welcome to 10K @Vogel612!
@Jamal is it true that the rep thresholds get adjusted after the elections?
I read that somewhere in a chatroom
Yes, at some point. Since Pops didn't give us a date, he may do so first so that there are no surprises.
I meant after the elections as in, when the new mods are appointed
not in a 6-8 weeks way ;-)
Hey @Quill
I wouldn't mind that, either. The sooner the new tag privilege is increased, the better.
@EthanBierlein, what's this about a PHP question?
@IsmaelMiguel Has some PHP zombies, if you want to take a crack at them.
@Mat'sMug Your answer is greatly superior.
A lot?
Well, almost every 2 questions I make a zombie
> 104 questions tagged
no wonder we're running out of titles
anyone has a badge? 'cause the tag is badgeable now :)
14 C# ones.
4/20 and 16/100 score.
"Calculator in C#"
"Calculator in C##"
"Calculator in C###"
"Sharp Calculator"?
"Calculator in see sharp"
"Calculator in sea's harp"
"Another Calculator in C#"
"How can my C# Calculator be improved?" (JK)
"How can my improved be calculator?"
"Can you plz review my Calculator in C#??"
@Mat'sMug I have a feeling that unless you are feeling really silly, you didn't "lol"
need moar coffee
Have you seen the progress on the pimp bot?
@Mat'sMug Still coding?
I should write something for RD.
@Phrancis yeah. I have a resolver bug to fix
then I can take it to CR
You mean the one that even the VBE doesn't get right?
smashes real bug as @Mat'sMug smashes code bug
the one where I turn the Sub into a Function and everything falls apart
Oh, OK.
> primary voting begins in 2 days
Yeah, that's a blooming pain.
TL;DR This is not a code review site. If you have a specific question, please show what you have done. However, a hint: undefined behaviour is well known to behave different on different systems. I'd check for this. — Olaf 23 secs ago
@Hosch250 It'll be fun, I'm excited
@Phrancis I wasn't talking about elections there.
But I'm stressed about the questions - I have rough drafts ready for most, but I'm feeling most incompetent.
@Hosch250 the worst that could happen, is that you're so bad you don't make it through the primaries ;-)
@Mat'sMug I'm not worried about that.
I know I can beat a lot of the people here.
this will be fun :)
I'm most worried about actually getting in and my grades falling.
If it wasn't for that...
But, how bad can it be?
I took a 4.0 last year and I was here half the time, and had a tab open 90% of the time...
Haven't even seen the questions, where are they?
I only wasn't here when I was taking a test or studying off the computer.
Q: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic of moderation. Participation is completely voluntary. Here's how it'll work: During the nominati...

That top one is going to be more difficult than on SO.
I think it's actually an easy answer
SO, you can just replace the code with somewhat more hypothetical code.
My answer is first, try to work out a deal removing as little as possible.
If we can't, we legally have to remove it.
Because, it was licensed to us illegally.
we've actually had that situation happen.
Therefore, the license is not binding.
I learned that in Accounting, of all classes (partnership law).
That question is going to be really tough for me. I don't know law very well.
The thing is, for a post to be really really removed I believe requires CM intervention. Also, same goes for edits, all history is saved permanently
@Phrancis that
When it comes down to the bottom of it, terms of use are there for a reason. Whether the user reads them or not, well, ... that.
@Phrancis downvoted, and I'm not voting to reopen that. if OP wants their documentation reviewed, we need to see the code that goes against it.
It's just so weird of a question...
It's not technically off-topic, but kind of implicitly goes against the "all aspects of your code" thing
Problem is, if you need the documentation reviewed, we need to see the code that goes against it. And while you're on this site, you might as well get the whole thing peer reviewed, no? Why not just include the code, and mention your specific concern about the docs comment? — Mat's Mug 6 secs ago
Well said
Night, Ethan.
Q: A python script to test HD write/read performance

KiddThis is a simple example of script to run the CDM to test the performance consistency of the drive in Windows environment. Please let me know if you find any place can be better improved(it may be a bit confused as some lib are called, but the logic still there), thanks. Code: ! /usr/bin/env p...

Q: python script for taking taking MAC as input and IP as output

Aquibenter code herei have dhcpd.leases file in that there is list of MAC And IP so whichever mac matches it should take that IP... the file path is Vi /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.lease # The format of this file is documented in the dhcpd.leases(5) manual page. # This lease file was written by isc-dhcp-4...

@CaptainObvious Nonsensical question.
@CaptainObvious Vote to delete.
Q: Object pooling for a top down shooting game Revision #1

FunlambAfter the advise from this code review I have come up with the following changes. I'll go in the same order as my previous post. This post is mainly for an updated version so that others can see the previous posts suggestions. If I have made any mistakes please let me know. ObjectPoolManager.cs...

@Jamal What's up?
Q: Optimize Verify Sudoku program

Avapublic class ValidSudoku { public boolean verifySudoku(int arr[][], int num, int i, int j, int row, int col) { return (verifyRow(arr, num, i, j, col) && verifyCol(arr, num, i, j, row) && verifyGrid(arr, num, i, j)); } public boolean verifyRow(in...

I'll be heading to bed soon (and chat really sucks on mobile), so I'll get back to you in several hours.
Q: Why isn't my console calculator working?

TLDuysIm trying to make a console calculator to get some Experience but it is only returning 0 when i do a calculation here it is import java.util.Scanner; public class TimeAlgorithm { public static int FirstNumber, SecondNumber, Answer; public static Scanner Scan; public static Scanner Scan2...

Q: linked list query

ShyamSundar RI used the following code to create a linked list of pointers which are each having a length of the english alphabets plus one for the apostrophe. Im trying to load words from a file, dictionary into a trie data struct. But I think its not getting loaded properly. Could anybody tell me the mista...

Q: MVVM Paradigm - viewModel errors and Delegates

TanderI've recently adopted the MVVM paradigm in my current iOS project. So, we know that anything UKKit related should not be in the viewModel and not tied to how the UI is. viewModel should not know anything about the UI it's serving. So I get this. However in my current viewModel I am handling a l...

Q: Making ArrayList.containsAll run faster

coderoddeWhenever using ArrayList, the method containsAll(collection) runs in time \$\mathcal{O}(mn)\$, where \$n\$ is the size of ArrayList and \$m\$ is the length of collection. However, it relies only on equals(Object)-method. I have this subclass of ArrayList that does the same in time \$\mathcal{O}(...

Q: Structure of my 2D Game, good or bad?

Matias Perssoncurrently I am making a small 2D game with the use of Allegro 5 library. So I am making use of inheritance eg. sprite chass as the base class and player class as the child class, but I want to know if it's a good idea to approach it in this way and other ways that are better to do this, if there ...

If you want feedback on your working code, post to Code Review instead. — Juhana 45 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the question is too broad this should be posted on the CodeReview site under the Scala tag: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/scalaAkos Krivachy 46 secs ago
Q: Php lotto/lucky draw feedback

cindea sorinPastebin code view Hei, i make a php script, who draw 6 numbers random. I input another 6 number and compare with random number, if random is equal to input number, you win. I am newbie in php, starting to learn about 1 week ago, work to learn. What i do wrong and what i do good? Is difficult t...

@Jamal Thanks...
@Phrancis real and permanent removal requires dev intervention
then again it's usually just not done.
@CaptainObvious Ewww the if statements are so large
A manual array with numbers up to 49, ;-;
'I'm a beginner', yeah, we could tell
Synonym suggested; go ahead and vote for it. — 200_success ♦ 9 hours ago
Surprisingly, I don't have the score to vote on that one. Needs to happen though.
@Quill that "you didn't review the code"... are you sure you posted that to the right answer?
Welcome to Code Review! You have presented an alternative solution, but haven't reviewed the code. Please explain your reasoning (how your solution works and how it improves upon the original) so that the author can learn from your thought process. — Quill 36 mins ago
contains method of set is not required as set does not store duplicate values
yeah, why
@CaptainObvious Boy, oh Boy that was an easy q to answer
@Quill because the other answer by the same person on the same question actually present code....
and I thought you may have mixed them uo :)
If they present code, but no review, or a review, but no code, it deserves the same outlook
@Quill >You should consider using arrays and loops in your code rather than repeating yourself over and over
I'm not sure, whether OP can actually use that when you just say "use XY instead"
tailor the answer to the asker's level,..
@Vogel612 I literally gave him Copy & Paste answers
they may not even know what loops are..
Documentation, and literal copy + paste code solutions and reviews
He uses three arrays, but no loops
"iterator" and "iterable" are distinct things
"ienumerable" is synonymous with "iterable"
I'm not sure it's right to lump "iterator" and "iterable" into the same thing
On the other hand, "iteration" might be fine: both "iterator" and "iterable" are closely related to iteration
it's a tough call
and so far nobody upvoted
I am missing the score....
Q: Java Fast Event Manager

MatthewI've recently coded an event manager with performance as the main factor. I'd like to know what you think of it and what could be made better. EventManager public class EventManager { public static EventManager mouseRightClick = new EventManager(EventType.mouseRightClick), mouseLeftClick =...

still nobody for 2 of my bounties...
Q: Lua OOP and classically-styled prototypal inheritance

DaggI want to do some object-oriented programming in Lua, and I decided on something like this: local B = {} -- in real life there is other stuff in B B.Object = { constructor = function() end, extend = function(this, that, meta) if not that then that = {} end if not meta then meta = ...

Q: Use of the ST Monad and Vectors

rampionInspired by a Stack Overflow question, I decided to take a crack at the Google Code Jam's Minimum Scalar Product problem as an opportunity to practice my Haskell. I'm not claiming any algorithmic awesomeness (this is just a reference implementation for checking correctness later). This is my fi...

@janos for that one you could try to prod bazola..
@bazola you around ?
@janos I'd do it as while Iterator and Iterable differ, the latter is usually just public Iterator iterator() {return new MyIterator();}.
maybe you're right
@janos Where?
"You do not have the required score on this tag to vote for this tag synonym". WTF?
It's funny, I have 0 on both iterator and ienumerable.
Greetings awesome people.
Greetings @Legato
Hi Legato. Nobody's here.
hey @Legato
Plenty of people seem to be here. :) @maaartinus.
Though the awesome bit would still apply if it were just you.
Oh, thank you!
Q: Does the tag synonym suggestion system work?

Jon EricsonI've never seen a tag synonym created via the voting mechanism and I see evidence that the system isn't working to create synonyms without moderator intervention. Does anyone have any figures about the number of synonyms that are create by votes as opposed to the number created by moderator fiat...

I guess the synonym mechanism really is broken.
By design. It just can't work.
What needs to be synonymized most are rare aliases. And hardly anyone has scored for them.
ienumerable has 18 questions. All time. iterator has 83.
on this page, the smaller number is the "total answer score" right?
so we have a total 4 users who are eligible to vote on this?
2 of them being mods and one already having opened the request
Q: OAuth2 Client for Reddit, written using Tornado

aviI have a written some code which helps me to get OAuth Access Code from Reddit. Reddit uses standard OAuth2, so like any other OAuther server, here's are the steps to perform: The client/app sends app key, app secret and redirect URL to browser. User authorizes it and gives permission. Reddit s...

Q: Using goroutines to bruteforce a secret code. Am I using concurrency correctly/efficiently?

AR7For a puzzle I had to brute force a password. I've never used goroutines before, and I don't have much experience in concurrency, but I managed to come up with this The password was of length 12, the left and right halves had to output a certain value when run through cksum, and when put togethe...

Q: Is the a shorter way of sorting an Integer array?

crmThe program sorts the array from lowest to highest and outputs the index of the searched value: public static void main(String[] args) { Integer[] random = {6, -4, 12, 0, -10}; List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(random)); Collections.sort(list); Integer[] ...

^^^ I'm glad!

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